4 August 1756

17. Hugh Farmer, Walthamstow, to Mercy Doddridge, Northampton, 4 August 1756.

Hond Madam

             In your last letter you desired to receive from me about this time a particular account of Mrs Nettleton’s circumstances. I was lately to wait upon her, Mr Neal having sent me three guineas for her from Mr Barker, which she told me was a very seasonable present as she had not paid her Apothecary’s bill, nor provided fewel against winter. I fear she will recover the sight of one eye, & her school is very small, and never likely to be again what it once was. She seems very willing to do what she can to^wards^ getting livelihood, & with that view has taken in a nurse child. There, Madam, are all the particulars of her case that I am acquainted with.

            If you have any occasion to write to me about her, it may be proper to do it this month, because I propose being ^the next^ at Bath, where the family will be then. I thank God Mr & Mrs Snell are as well as could be expected, but ^require^ the assistance of the Bath waters. Your orders will be received & executed with great pleasure by


                                     Your most obedt humble Servt

                                                             Hugh Farmer




August 4. 1756.


Mr & Mrs Snell join with me in compliments to you & the young Ladies.   


Address: None

Postmark: None

Note on address page (in Mercy’s hand): 

Mr Farmer | Augst ye | 4 1756 | about poor | Mrs Nettleton |if she is yet | living

1 Ferdinand J. Dreer Autograph Collection, English Clergymen, Vol. II, Box 264, Folder 7, Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Due to its date, the letter does not appear in Nuttall's Calendar (1979) or his Philip Doddridge: Additional Letters (2001).