6 December 1752

35. Mercy “Cleora” Doddridge, Northampton, to Mary “Belinda” Doddridge, at the Tozers, Billiter Square, London, 6 December 1752. [f. 48]

Northn Dec ye 6 1752

Wednesday Morning 11 o’Clock

My Dearest Belinda

Tho I can write but one line I cannot content myself to let my Pen lye still but must beg of you my Dear to excuse my last scrall & not impact the shourtness of it to any negligency of mine but real nessatity, but my Dear as I suppose you have more time than I at prest have (or else indeed it must be very little), it would be very kind if you would write to me soon, I know your goodness. Don’t think I impose upon it but I must hope you will give me that pleasure.

I imagin from the date of this that you’ll be at a loss to find out the reason for my being in so great a hurry, as it is only 11 o’Clock in the morning, ’tis I wrote Northn &c at that hour but was oblig’d to leave without ading another Word. Mama having found me imployment both for Morning & afternoon the former it would be no entertainment to know the latter was spent with Mrs Rogers, who inquird very obligingly after your Ladyship. She is much as usall tho I think better than when you & I cald thare in the Summer Mr Rogers is but in a poor way I think tho better than he has been I think Biddy R. a good sort of a Girl tho not so pritty as when we went to the Racies but nobody looks always a like,

Mr & Mrs Isted of Ecton & Mrs M. I[sti]d call’d on us on Monday Morning, Mrs Isted is indeed a sweetly Charming Woman, I admire & Love her more & more ever[y] time I see her, they staid with us about an Hour, I enquird after Lady Ann [Jekyll] & Mrs Rye, & had the pleasure to find thay were both better than could be expected Mrs R is come to Dallinton in order to be nigh Mr Steen on the approaching occasion, Miss Hesilridge [Heslerig] (who did me the Favour to make me a visit on Monday) told me that Lady Ann will live at Dallinton which I am glad to hear.

The little Heselridge’s are got quite well, they had the Distemper so favourably as not to keep their beds one Day & I hear thay look Charmingly, my Lady did no[t] let ym know what was the matter with them till it was over when she told Charles ^yt he had had the small pox^ he said well I’m glad for now I may go to Leic^es^ter to see Master Medcoff, which it seems he was not permitted to do in the summer for fear of catching the S.X as it was much in that place.

All Friends here are well except Mrs Churchhill who I believe is going to Bath so I presume she is Ill Miss E. [Ekins] by her own consent (but nobody else that I know of) would goe with her, but its not yet quite determind, Cosin Molly [Mary Doddridge] is well she always inquires after you & Desires her Love or Compliments

Celia intended to have wrote to you to Day was [delayed] by an accident she sends her love & hopes you will be so good as to excuse her. Brother was well on Sunday as we heard by Mr Robins who visited here on Sd night

I told you Mr Belsham was here on Saterday I never saw him so grave in my life he had scarce a word to say for himself & was indeed Quite a Dull Mortall which you know is something very extrodernary for him indeed I like him best in his Merry Moods.

I must now bid you an unwilling Adieu may all Happiness attend

My Dearest Belinda

is the constant wish of her who is with

Equal Sincerity & Affection Yours


Our United Compt attend Mr Mrs & Miss Towzer you never told me how you like the last mentiond Lady

Address: To | Miss Doddridge | at Mr Tozer’s Mercht | in Billiter Square | London

Postmark: none

Note on Address Page: No. 36 | Recd Dec 11. 14