Sarah Walker, 1843
Sarah Walker, 7 West Parade, Halifax, to Joseph Angus, Baptist Mission House, 6 Fen Court, Fenchurch Street, London, 2 January 1843.
West Parade Halifax
January 2d 1843
In compliance with the request of Mr Saffery I forward the few garments my children have made for Africa and shall be glad if you can acquaint us with the probable time of Mr Clarke’s departure for Africa as I hope with the aid of a few friends to furnish a Box of clothes or other articles for Fernando Po.
Esteeming it a great privilege to be engaged in this work & earnestly desiring that the blessings of the Lord may rest on our beloved Missionary friends I remain yours in Xtian regard
Sarah Walker
Text: Methodist Archives, MAW, Box 39 (BMS 2206), John Rylands University Library of Manchester; Timothy Whelan, ed., Baptist Autographs in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1741-1845 (Macon: Baptist History Series, Mercer University Press, 2009, pp. 287-88.