[O now my soul go forth with praise]
O now my soul go forth with praise,
For God excepteth thee alwayes;
Thy life is bound up now in mee,
My precious death hath set thee free.
This Testimony I thee give,
As this bread was broaken, so was I,
That thou in mee mightest never dye:
My blood doth justify the same,
That thou mayest praise my holy Name.
My covenant I have made with thee,
So that thou art now whole set free:
Sin nor Satan cannot thee charge,
Because my love hath thee inlarg’d,
So sure as I am plas’t above,
So sure art thou now of my love.
Text: A Christian Woman’s Experiences of the Glorious Working of God’s Free Grace (Rotterdam: Henry Goddeus, 1663), p. 40.