Ye Burd’ned Saints with Flowing Tears
Ye burd’ned Saints with flowing tears,
Go spread your sins before the Lord;
Yet then suppress your groundless fears,
Hope in his Grace and trust his Word.
When we complain he feels the smart,
And views concern’d our growing cares
In every grief he bears a part,
And every mournfull sorrow shares.
Oft have we with o’erspreading shame,
And deep remorse, our guilt confess’d:
As oft has God his gracious Name
Proclaim’d, and with his Mercy bless’d.
Our secret moans he pittying heard,
And comforts lately lost restor’d;
O may his rev’rend Name be fear’d,
His sov’reign Grace by all ador’d.
Text: Steele Collection, 3/1/5, [no. 7], Angus Library, Regent's Park College, Oxford (missing from Angus Library catalogue; appears on the same sheet as no. 6, which was endorsed to Mr. Beddome jnr [the Revd Benjamin Beddome]); this hymn first published in Nonconformist Women Writers, 1720-1840, vol. 2 (ed. Julia B. Griffin), p. 116-17