Hymn 25. God my Creator and Benefactor

                           My Maker, and my King,

                     To thee my all I owe;

         Thy sovereign bounty is the spring

                     From whence my blessings flow.

                     Thou ever good and kind,                                                                  

                     A thousand reasons move,

         A thousand obligations bind

                     My heart to grateful love.

                     The creature of thy hand,

                     On thee alone I live:                                                                    

         My God, thy benefits demand

                     More praise than life can give.

                     Oh!  what can I impart,

                     When all is thine before?

         Thy love demands a thankful heart:                                                                

                     The gift, alas, how poor!

                     Shall I withold thy due?

                     And shall my passions rove?

         Lord, form this wretched heart anew,

                     And fill it with thy love.                                                              


                     O let thy grace inspire

                     My soul with strength divine;

         Let all my powers to thee aspire,

                     And all my days be thine.

Text: Timothy Whelan, gen. ed., Nonconformist Women Writers, 8 vols. (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2011), vol. 1, pp. 65-66; Collection of Hymns Adapted to Public Worship, no. 25 (all stanzas); Poems, 1780, vol. 1, pp. 48-49; MS, Steele Collection, STE 3/1/1 no. 21, Angus Library, Regents Park College,  Oxford.