1 July through 11 July 1793
Monday [1 July] very warm walked out in the morning dined with a number of Gentlemen French [1] English & Americans after Tea took a walk into Broad Street to find some Air.
Tuesday [2 July] showery at 1 oclock embarked on board the Packet for Newport [2] a number of Passengers passed thro’ Hell-gate [3] before Night then came to anchor some of the Gentlemen went on shore to get Milk it was very pleasant Sailing down the River Handsom Country Seats on each side. –
Wednesday and Thursday [3-4 July] got along very slow very Calm weather but I was quite Sick only two that were.
Friday [5 July] a good Wind arrived at Newport to dine put up at an Inn for the Night a shower prevented my going out. –
Saturday [6 July] morning rather warm sat out for Providence [4] by Land had a delightful ride over the Island which is highly Cultivate[d] they shine most in Agriculture went as far as Warren [5] then put [up] for the Night.
Sunday July 8th [actually 7 July] at 6 o’clock set out for Providence arrived at ten tarried their till two then went on as far [as] Attleborough [6] and spent the Night.
Monday [8 July] a fine morning sat out at seven dined at Dedham [7] at 8 o’clock arrived in Boston was so happy as to find our Daughters well and delighted with seeing us again the pleasure of meeting my friends was much abated by hearg of Sibyll[s] Sickness. [8]
Tuesday [9 July] spent with Mrs Hay [9] some friends calld to see me. –
Wednesday [10 July] a fine morning Mr Smith sat out for Newbury Port [10] with the Children. [11] PM drank Tea with Mrs G Parsons, we call upon Mrs Russell. – [12]
Thursday [11 July] morning showery.
[1] These may have been passengers on the French frigate L’ambuscade (see above, entry for 23 May), which anchored in New York Harbor in June 1793.
[2] At this time most travelers from New York would go by sea to Newport, then take an overland stage coach to Boston.
[3] Hell Gate is a narrow tidal channel in the East River, now a part of New York City, which separates Ward’s Island and Astoria, Queens. It was so named by mariners for its treacherous tidal flows and dangerous underwater rocks, which resulted in the loss of hundreds of ships. The rocks were removed in 1876, and today the channel is still heavily used for commercial shipping, spanned by the famous Hell Gate suspension bridge.
[4] Providence (pop. 6380 in 1790), the capital of Rhode Island.
[5] Warren, Rhode Island (pop. 1122 in 1790) was about 18 miles from Newport and 12 miles from Providence.
[6] A town in Bristol County, Massachusetts (pop. 2166 in 1790), about nine miles from Providence and 40 miles from Boston.
[7] A town in Norfolk County, Massachusetts (pop. 1659 in 1790), about 12 miles from Boston.
[8] Dorothy Smith’s niece, Sibyll Sawyer, sister to the aforementioned Joseph Sawyer. Her sickness would shortly prove fatal; she died on August 10, 1793, aged 19. See Farnham, New England Descendants, 1:406.
[9] Katherine Farnham Hay (1751–1826), Dorothy Smith’s older sister, after a prolonged stay in England and Europe, settled in Boston in the mid-1780s. According to the 1796 Boston Directory, she lived in Summer Street, though Capt. Hay was rarely home throughout their marriage. Her portrait, painted by Copley, can be found in Currier’s History of Newburyport, 2:258.
[10] Newburyport is about 38 miles north of Boston.
[11] Clementina (1784–1816) and Caroline (1787–1817), both daughters of the Dorothy Smith, had apparently been staying with Katherine Hay in Boston.
[12] Mrs. Parsons was the wife of Gorham Parsons, a merchant operating out of Parson’s wharf. The Parsons, like the Hays, lived in Summer Street. Mrs. Russell’s husband may have been a principal in the firm of Russell and Soley, merchants operating out of Russell’s wharf, not far from Parson’s wharf. See Boston Directory for 1796 (n.p.).