23 October 1753
43. Mary “Polly” Doddridge [with her sisters Mercy and Celia], Daventry, to her mother, Mercy Doddridge, Mary Street, Northampton, 23 October 1753. [f. 36]
Daventry Oct 23 Wednsday
Dearest Madam
We are all much concernd to hear of your Indispossion which we flatter ourselvs is but Slight & will be soon removed.
I have the pleasure to informe you Madm that my sister is much better than she was she took Physick yesterday, & is to take another Dose to morrow, wh Mr Hill sais he hopes will make the Bark unnessary. he recomends it to her to keep herself very warm & seems to think it highly improper she should think of going this week but I think if she continues to mend as she has done these 2 or 3 Day’s she may very safely venture on Monday or Tuesday, which ever shall be most Conveinant,
I am realy very sorry I have not the pleasure of attending you my Dear Mamma which I should do most willingly, my sisters both send their Duty & Mrs S [Sturges] her best Compts she seems very obligingly pleased our longer stay
excuse my ading more I have at present a Cold in one of my Eyes which makes writing exessively troublsome to me
Adieu my Dear Mamma
Your Most Obeidant Daughter
Polly Doddridge
I think my self much oblig’d to Mrs Rappitt for her kind Letter & beg my Compts & thanks. Love to my Cousin [Mary Doddridge]
Address: To | Mrs Doddridge | in Mary Street | Northampton
Postmark: none
Note on Address Page: My dear Polly | Oct ye 23 |1753