Ann Hasseltine Judson, 1812-23
For more on the life of Ann Judson, click here for her entry in the Biographical Summaries. The letters below are from 1812, 1822, and 1823. The first two were written just after Ann Judson's arrival in India in 1812 and the change in the sentiments of the Judsons concerning baptism; the following four composed during her long furlough in 1822-23 for reasons of her health in England and America. Accompanying the letters is a published account by the Baptist Board of Boston concerning some charges of inappropriate dress levelled at Ann Judson during her stay in America in 1823, charges of which she was fully exonerated. All but one of these letters and materials belong to the Ann Judson Papers, RG 1108, American Baptist Historical Society Archives, Atlanta, GA.