18 August 1751

24. Mary “Polly” Doddridge, Northampton, to her father, Phillip Doddridge, Bristol, Saturday, 18 August 1751.  [f. 30]1

Tho it [is] uncertain wheather these lines will ever reach my Dear Pappa yet I could not [be] content (as thir is a possibility that thay may) my self without renuing my assurences to you Dear Sr that it gives all the greates[t] Joy satisfaction and Delight to hear that you arived safe at Worcester & to renew my best and most ardend wishes that it may please God to give sucsess to the means I hope you are now making use of for the recovry of your Health & that we may be so Happy as again to have you returnd to us to sweeten by oertaking every blessing.

             I sent the things as you Dear Sr desired but not by the same way as I had an opportunity of sending them by a Coach that was going to Bristol & I hope thay will arive safe thay was diricted to Mr Abell Grand Merchent in Bristol & I suppose it will be easy for Mother to find him out if you dont know him Sr I knew none of your friends at Ps that I could dirict them to.  

            We long impatiently to hear from you Dear Sr & heartily wish & pray that we may hear that to us most agreeable of all pens you will not be at a loss to gues, I mean your continiued amendment & perfect recovery. 

             I beg the Favour of you Dear Sr to make my Duty aceptable to my Dear [mother] & I beg I may ask particularly how that good Lady does,

             but as it is late I only add that I am with the most ardond prayers that Every Blessing may attend you & my Dear Mamma,

                                     My Dear Pappa’s

Most Dutifull & Obedt

     Polly Doddridge


Dear Celia Desires her Duty with Brothers to both thair Dear Papa & Mama 


Northn Agust ye 18: 1751

Sabarthday night 10 oClock

From my Dear Mamma’s Apartment


All friends are well particularly Good Miss Rappit



Address:  none

Postmark: none

Note on address page: Polly Aug 18 [in Philip Doddridge’s hand]

1 This letter in response to his letter of 12 August.