[The poor then of the flock shall find a rest]
The poor then of the flock shall find a rest,
And I their God, a portion, will them bless:
And they shall come to me for a refuge fly,
And I will be their helpe continually.
Then shall their souls alone in mee rejoyce,
That I have made of them my onely choyce;
I will fill them in that day with my power,
So they shall wait on me then every hour.
Their soul shall be as wattered plants with dew.
And I my mercy will to them renew;
Their hea[r]ts shall be ingaged with my love,
For I will move in them from power above.
This is the portion that I now will give,
Unto all those that strifes humbly to live;
Therefore rejoyce in God your onely guide
Which in this day of trouble will you hide.
Text: A Christian Woman’s Experiences of the Glorious Working of God’s Free Grace (Rotterdam: Henry Goddeus, 1663), p. 43.