Hymn II.
Come ye who bow to sov’reign grace,
Record Immanuel’s love;
Join in a song of noble praise,
To him who reigns above.
Once in the gloomy grave he lay;
But by his rising pow’r,
He bore the gates of Death away:
Hail! mighty Conqueror!
Buried with him beneath this flood,
We glory in his death:
We own our great incarnate God!
And rise with him by Faith!
As saints of old confess’d his name,
In Jordan’s flowing tide,
So we adore the bleeding Lamb,
Renouncing all beside.
No trust in water do we place,
’Tis but an outward sign;
The great reality is Grace;
The fountain, blood divine!
To thee thou everlasting King,
We bow and bless thy name:
Our hearts shall triumph while we sing
Salvation to the Lamb!
Text: Maria de Fleury, Hymns for Believers' Baptism (London: printed by W. Justins, Albion’s Buildings, Bartholomew-Close; and sold at the Rev. Mr. Kirkham’s Meeting-house, Red-Cross-Street, near Cripplegate, London, 1786), pp. 6-7.