Margaret Angus
Imprint History (229 total) for
Margaret Angus (c. 1750-1821) and
Margaret Angus & Son, Newcastle, 1785-1825
Margaret Angus (c. 1750-1821) and Thomas Angus (1745-88) were one of the more successful provincial Baptist bookselling and publishing firms, a business joined with and continued by their sons Thomas Jr. (d. 1808) and George (1783-1829). The Anguses were from Newcastle and were relations of a more famous Angus among the British Baptists in the 19th century, Joseph Angus (1816-1902), Secretary of the BMS and President of Regent’s Park College, London. The Angus family attended the Baptist congregation at Tuthill Stairs, Newcastle, and were relations of another family, the Angases, who also worshiped in the same congregation. Located at Trinity Corner, on the east side of St Nicholas’s Churchyard, Thomas Angus’s firm became the leading publisher of chapbooks, slip songs, and schoolbooks in Newcastle, also printing the first Newcastle directory (1778), several anti-Catholic tracts (such as the Protestant Packet), and the Oeconomist (1798–99). Upon her husband’s death in 1788, Margaret Angus, assisted by her sons, assumed control of the business, thus serving as a provincial counterpart to Martha Gurney in London, both Baptist women booksellers and printers appearing on imprints primarily by their initials (‘M. Gurney’, ‘M. Angus & Son’) until their retirements c. 1811-12. Thomas Angus established his business at Trinity Corner, on the east side of St. Nicholas’ Churchyard, 1774-1788. According to C. J. Hunt, Angus was “founder of the firm which became one of the most important, if not the most important, producer of chapbooks in Newcastle. Like his wife and sons after him, Thomas Angus concentrated on producing street literature – chapbooks and slip songs – together with many schoolbooks. He also produced the first Newcastle directory (1778) and a number of Anti-Catholic tracts” (3).
Margaret Angus took over the business upon her husband’s death (indications are she had been working with him since 1770) and continued on her own until 1800, when she began trading as “M. Angus & Son.” Upon the death of Thomas Angus, Jr., in 1808, she continued under the same name, but the son was now George Angus, who had been working with his mother for some time already (Newcastle Courant, 3 Dec 1808). The firm specialized in the production of chapbooks, slip songs, battledores and school books. On December 31, 1812, the partnership was dissolved, and the business was carried on by George alone (Newcastle Courant, Jan 9, 1813). He was admitted Freeman of the Newcastle Stationers’ Company, July 13, 1813, and went bankrupt in 1825. According to Peter Wood, the Anguses were part of a significant group of printers involved in the sale of chapbooks, most of which were popular songs. Thomas Angus, Sr., and Mary Angus, under the firm of “Angus,” between 1774 and 1800 printed and sold 31 chapbooks containing 75 songs, as well as 99 broadside songs. Under “M. Angus & Son,” between 1801 and 1812, another 85 chapbooks were printed and sold, containing 147 songs, along with an additional 2 broadsides. George Angus continued the work, printing and selling 26 more chapbooks between 1813 and 1825, containing 47 songs as well as 25 broadsides. The Anguses were the first Newcastle firm to specialize in this material. Their totals would be superseded by J. Marshall (1801-30), who published 138 chapbooks containing 595 songs, along with 174 broadsides; and W. and T. Fordyce (1837-41), who published 23 chapbooks containing 286 songs, along with 497 broadsides. As Wood notes, Margaret Angus and John Marshalls “were responsible for around two thirds of extant Newcastle chapbooks with known printers” (71) between 1801 and 1830. The largest groups of these chapbooks were part of a collection titled A Garland of New Songs (some 155 appeared before 1813) and, from the Angus family, A Collection of New Songs.
See Richard Welford, “Early Newcastle Typography,” in Archaeolgia Aeliana, 3rd series, 3 (1907), 1-134; and F. M. Thomson, Newcastle Chapboks in Newcastle upon Tyne University Library, Newcastle University Library Publication, no. 5, 1969; C. J. Hunt, The Booktrade in Northumberland and Durham to 1860 [Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1975], p. 3; for an overview of the Angus’s chapbook production, see Peter Wood, “The Newcastle Song Books,” in Street Ballads in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Ireland, and North America: The Interface between Print and Oral Traditions, ed. David Atkinson and Steve Roud (London and New York: Routledge, 2014), 59-71; and Hannah Barker, “Women, work and the industrial revolution: female involvement in the English printing trades, c. 1700-1840,” in Gender in Eighteenth-Century England: Roles, Representation and Responsibilities, ed. Hannah Barker and Elaine Chalus (London and New York: Longman, 1997), 98. Other materials on the Anguses can be found in the John and Thomas Bell Collections of Newcastle booktrade ephemera, Newcastle Public Library and Newcastle University Library; Richard Welford Collection of materials concerning the Newcastle book trade, Newcastle Public Library.
[The List of Imprints below does not yet include the titles for the Anguses that would appear on Worldcat for the years 1801-25. ]
1. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. The blue bell of Scotland 2. She lives in the valley below. 3. Hal the woodman. ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1785?])
2. A Garland of new songs, containing 1. Tho’ fortune shuns my lowly cot. 2. Neptune’s prophecy. 3. A new song on the Battle of Preston Pans. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1785?])
3. The Bristol tragedy; or the cruel father. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1785?])
4. A Garland, of new songs,:containing, 1. Yo heave ho. 2. The young man’s dream. 3. The maid’s answer. 4. The parson ([Newcastle upon Tyne] Angus printer, [Between ca. 1774 and 1788?])
5. A Garland, of new songs,:containing. 1. The blaeberries. 2. The sheering’s no for you ([Newcastle upon Tyne] Angus printer. [Between ca. 1774 and 1788?])
6. A Garland of new songs,:containing, 1. Jamie Reily’s courtship to Coolin Bawn. 2. The young ‘squire’s frolic. 3. Sequel to the Unfortunate fair ([Newcastle upon Tyne] (Angus, printer.), [Between ca. 1774 and 1788?])
7. The Ruin’d virgin’s garland,:in two parts, ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne] Angus, printer., [Between ca. 1774 and 1788?])
8. Association among Protestant Schoolmasters in the North of England, for the Support of Their Aged Brethren, Widows, and Orphans. An address to the public, in behalf of the Association among Protestant Schoolmasters in the North of England, for the support of their aged brethren, widows, and orphans: In which the Necessity and Utility of that charitable Institution are briefly illustrated. To which is subjoined, an abstract of the rules: Submitted to the Consideration of Gentlemen and Ladies who are inclined to promote this laudable Scheme by their Subscriptions or Benefactions. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, Drury-Lane, and sold by all the Booksellers in Town and Country, 1788.)
9. Thompson, Jona. (Jonathan). The commutation act candidly considered, in its principles and operations. To which is annexed, an address to the freeholders of Northumberland, assembled at the town-hall, in Morpeth, January 21, 1789, On a Motion of Thanks to Mr. Pitt, and an Amendment proposed to leave out the Name of Mr. Pitt, and insert the Names of Sir Wm. Middleton, Bart. and Charles Grey, Esq. Addressed to Gawen Aynsley, Esq. By Jonathan Thompson. (Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by M. Angus, and sold in London by G. G. J. and J. Robinson, Pater-Noster-Row; J. Debrett, Piccadilly; R. Faulder, New-Bond-Street; and W. Richardson, Royal Exchange, M,DCC,LXXXIX. [1789])
10. Hervey, James, 1714-1758. The works of the late Reverend James Hervey, In six volumes. ... (Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by M. Angus, 1789.)
11. Clergyman and others. The biographical and martyrological dictionary. (Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by M. Angus, In Drury-Lane, Flesh-Market, M.DCC.XC. [1790])
12. History of Jack and the giants. Part 1. The history of Jack and the giants. Part I. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son, [1790?])
13. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. The history of Moll Flanders, who was born in Newgate, ... Written from her own memorandums, and adorned with cuts. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus & Son, [1790?])
14. The whimsical love of Thomas Whittle, with the comical reception he found from that imperious beauty Ann Dobson. Digested in prose and verse. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, Newcastle, [1790?])
15. Silvester. The plumper! or Burden for ever! To an excellent old tune. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, [1790])
16. The famous and memorable history of the battle on Chevy-Chace, between Earl Piercy, ... and Earl Douglas, ... (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1790?])
17. Graham, William, 1737-1801. A candid vindication of the secession church, respecting her principles concerning the essential properties of Christ’s Kingdom; - Her Avowal of these Principles, compared with that of some other professing Denominations;-Her Separation from the National Church, occasioned, and rendered necessary by the said Avowal;-Her Practice of solemn, public Covenanting;-Her Approbation of the second Period of Reformation in Britain; Her Opinion concerning Toleration;-And her Communion with other Churches. In a letter to a clergyman, by the Rev. W. Graham, Newcastle. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, for the author, M.DCC.XC. [1790])
18. The faithless sea captain; or, the betrayed virgin’s garland, in three parts. ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, Newcastle, [1790?])
19. A wonderful prophecy. The wonder of wonders. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1790?])
20. Chevy Chase. The famous and memorable history of the battle on Chevy-Chace, Between Earl Piercy, with fifteen hundred English, and Earl Douglas, with two thousand Scots; in which both these Earls, and most of their men were slain. To which is added, An old Ballad on the same Subject. Embellished with beautiful Engravings of the most remarkable Incidents in this important History. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, Newcastle. There is always kept on Sale, a choice and extensive Assortment of Histories, Songs, Children’s Story Books, School Books, &c. &c, [1790?])
21. A father’s precepts to his son, for his good conduct in life. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, for the author, 1790.)
22. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. Robinson Crusoe. Abridgments The surprising life, and most strange adventures of Robison crusoe, of the city of York, Mariner! Giving an account how he was cast on shore by shipwreck, (none escaped but himself) on an uninhabited Island, on the cost of America, near the mouth of the great river Oroonoque, where he lived twenty-eight year, till at leegth he was strangley delivered by pirates and brought home to his-nature country. (Newcastle: Printed by M. Angus and son, in the side, [1790?])
23. The Duke of Gordon’s garland composed of two excellent new songs, 1. The Duke of Gordon’s daughter, 2. A new song called The blue cockade. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, Newcastle, [1790?])
24. A Garland, of new songs, containing 1. The King’s picture. 2. Somebody, anybody, nobody, and everybody. 3. Honest John Bull and his mother. ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1790?])
25. A Garland of new songs, containing 1 The old ram of Derby. 2. The soldier’s adieu. 3 Sir James the Rose. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1790?])
26. A Garland of new songs, containing. 1. The pretty maid milking her cow. 2. The soldier’s last letter to his sweetheart. 3. Johnny’s grey breeks. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1790?])
27. A Garland of new songs, containing 1 The Four Saints. 2 Hearts of Oak. 3 The Cuckoo. 4 Mr. Mullins and Miss Whack. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son, [1790?])
28. A Garland of new songs, containing 1. Miss Bailey’s ghost. 2. The Blanch frigate. 3. A new song. 4. Sic a wife as Willie had. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1790?])
29. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1 The Maid of Lodi. 2 A Peep at the Forty Thieves. 3 Nobody comes to marry me. 4 Seven Ages. ([Newcastle upon Tyne?, M. Angus & Son, Printers, 1790?])
30. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. Abraham Newland. 2. Crazy Jane. 3. The Ghost of Crazy Jane. 4. The Adventurous Sailor. 5. The Soldier’s Cloak. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1790?])
31. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1 My nannie, o. 2. Shannon’s flowr’y banks. 3. O’er the moor among the heather. 4 Can you to the battle go. 5 Lillies of the valley. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1790?])
32. A Garland of new songs, containing. 1. Sally in our alley. 2. Pretty Sally’s kind answer. 3. Green grow the rashes. 4. The highland laddie. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son printers, [1790?])
33. A Garland of new songs, containing 1. The Spendthrift clapt into Limbo. 2. The Plymouth tragedy. 3. Peggy Bond. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1790?])
34. History of Jack and the giants. Part 2. The second part of Jack and the giants, giving, a full account of his victorious conquests over the north country giants; ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, printers, Newcastle, [1790?])
35. Fisher’s Circulating Library (Newcastle upon Tyne, England). A catalogue of R. Fisher’s circulating library, in the High-Bridge, Newcastle. Comprising a Selection of the best Authors on History, Biography, Divinity, Philosophy, Husbandry, Aerostation, Chemistry; and a choice Collection of Voyages and Travels, Novels and Romances, Poems and Plays, in the English and French Languages: With a great Variety of Pamphlets on the most interesting Subjects. Which Are Lent To be Read, At Twelve Shillings a Year, or Three Shillings a Quarter. All new Books and Pamphlets on interesting or entertaining Subjects, will be added to the Library as soon as published. (Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by M. Angus, Drury-Lane, Flesh-Market, 1791.)
36. A treatise exposing the sandy foundations on which unbelievers build; also shewing the good one on which believers build; Likewise the Way whereby Persons may know if they are built upon this good Foundation; and whereby others may know those who are so built. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, [1791])
37. Useful hints, on a variety of subjects. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, for the author, M,DCC,XCI. [1791])
38. Whitfield, C. (Charles). The obligations to mental improvement stated, and the Use of Books recommended, especially to Youth. A sermon, preached to the congregation of Protestant Dissenters, in Hamsterly, Durham, January 22, 1792. By Charles Whitefield. (Newcastle: printed for the Book Society at Hamsterly, by M. Angus, and sold by Mr Charnley, Newcastle, and by the librarian at the Vestry-Room, in Hamsterly, [1792?])
39. A treatise on true ambition, considered as a rational principle of the human mind; contrasted with the lawless passion of false ambition, ... (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1792.)
40. Nicholson, James (Mathematician). The rudiments or first principles of English grammar. By J. Nicholson, mathematician. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, [1793])
41. Bible. English. Authorised. An exposition of the Old and New Testament, in four volumes. ... By Matthew Henry, ... (Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by M. Angus, 1792-94.)
42. Hill, Richard, Sir, 1733-1808. An important case argued: in three dialogues, between Dr. Opium, Gallio, and Discipulus. Designed to expose erroneous teachers; alarm secure sinners; and to assist the disciples of Christ. [The eighth edition.] (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, Side, 1794.)
43. Society of Keelmen (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). Act for establishing a permanent fund for the relief and support of skippers and keelmen employed on the River Tyne, who by sickness, or other accidental misfortunes, or by old age, shall not be able to maintain themselves and their families; and also for the relief of the widows and children of such skippers and keelmen. With the by-laws of the Society established by the said act. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, Side, M.DCC.XCV. [1795])
44. Hilton, William. The Newcastle and Gateshead directory, for 1795, containing The Names and Residence of the Magistrates, Clergy, Public Officers, Merchants, Traders, and Artists;-Also Lists of the Daily and Weekly Land-Carriers, Mail Coaches, Stage Coaches and Waggons; with the regular Wherries, both above and below Bridge: collected and alphabetically arranged By William Hilton, and assistants. (Newcastle: printed and sold by M. Angus, Side, [1795])
45. An essay on the apparent causes of the present enormous prices of the two principal necessaries of life, corn and meat; with a plan for remedy, or immediate alleviation thereof: together with Observations and occasional Strictures on the practice of the Times; Humbly submitted to the serious Perusal and Consideration of a Candid Public, and especially the Inhabitants of Newcastle and its Vicinity. Being a Work calculated to correct, ‘tis presum’d, (if adopted) effectually, the Abuses and Mal-Practices, which have but too long obtained in the Corn-Trade, with the Butchers, and in letting of Farms, &c. &c. (Newcastle: printed for the author, by M. Angus, and sold by the different Book-Sellers in town and country, 1795.)
46. The history of the emperor Manalay, and his virtuous wife. A story taken from ancient history. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus & Son, ... here is always kept on Sale, a choice and extensive Assortment of Histories, Songs, Children’s Story Books, School Books, &c. &c. [1795?])
47. Sheraton, Thomas, 1751-1806. Scriptural subjection to civil government; in an address to real Christians. By Thomas Sheraton. [A second impression, with some additions and corrections.] (London: sold by J. Mathews, No 18, Strand; G. Terry, No 54, Paternoster-Row; J. S. Jordan, No. 166, Fleet-Street; T. Hardie, No 4, Bolsover-Street; and by the author, No. 106, Wardour-Street, Soho. Sold also by Mr. Stevenson, Norwich; Jones, Liverpool; Angus, Newcastle; Heltus, Stockton; Duncan, Edinburgh; and Duncan, Glasgow, 1795.)
48. Meek, Thomas. Sophistry detected, or, a refutation of T. Paine’s Age of reason. By the Rev. Tho. Meek. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, Side, M.DCC.XCV. [1795])
49. Meek, Thomas. Sophistry detected, or a refutation of T. Paine’s Age of reason. By the Rev. Tho. Meek. [The second edition.] (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1795.)
50. A Garland of new songs, Containing, 1. To Anacreon in Heaven. 2. The Origin of British Liberty. 3. The Chapter of Kings. 4. Tom Timber. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1795?])
51. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1 The sailor’s journal. 2 Barbara Bell. 3 The mid-watch. ... (Newcastle: M. Angus and Sons, printers, [1795?])
52. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. May those who are married live happy. 2. The British spy. 3. The Egyptian wedding. 4. The lover’s complaint. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1795?])
53. Blind man’s petition. ([Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by Margaret Angus, 1795?])
54. The distressed lady, or, Yorkshire beauty made happy ... To which is added, Ovid’s art of beauty. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus & Son, [1795?])
55. Graham, William, 1737-1801. An essay, tending to remove certain scruples, respecting the constitution and direction of Missionary Societies; especially that of London. In a Letter to a Minister. By the Rev. W. Graham. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1796.)
56. Flavel, John, 1630?-1691. The whole works of the Rev. Mr. John Flavel, late Minister of the Gospel at Dartmouth, Devon. To which is added, An alphabetical table of the principal matters contained in the whole. In six volumes. (Newcastle: printed by and for M. Angus, 1796.)
57. Graham, William, 1737-1801. The whole earth filled with the redeemer’s glory. A sermon preached before The Corresponding Missionary Society at Newcastle upon Tyne, April 24, 1796. By the Rev. W. Graham. Published at the Desire of the Society. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1796.)
58. An historical view of the French Revolution, from the assembling of the States General in May, 1789, to the acceptance of the republican constitution in September, 1795. Together with a comprehensive detail of the causes which produced, and the consequences which have teemed from that Great Political Phaenomenon. (Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by and for M. Angus, 1796.)
59. Brotherhood of Maltsters (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England). Rules and orders of the Brotherhood of Malsters [sic], in the town and county of Newcastle upon Tyne, ... 24th day of June, 1796. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1796.)
60. Love and Unity Society (Newcastle upon Tyne, England). Articles of the Love and Unity Society, begun under that title January 2, 1796. Now altered, amended, and ordered to be observed by the members of the Society, April 3, 1797. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1797.)
61. Johnson, Mrs. (Susannah Willard), 1730-1810. Narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson. The captive American; or a narrative of the sufferings of Mrs. Johnson, during four years captivity, with the Indians and French. Written by herself. (Newcastle: printed and sold by M. Angus, [1797?])
62. A few short & plain directions for the proper behaviour of children on different occasions. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, for W. Charnley, 1797.)
63. Angus, Margaret, -1821. January 1st, 1798, will be published, number 1. of The oeconomist, or Englishman’s magazine. To be continued monthly. Price only three-halfpence. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Printed by M. Angus, Newcastle upon Tyne, [1797])
64. Friendly Union (Newcastle upon Tyne, England). The articles of the friendly union, held in the Orphan House, Newcastle upon Tyne. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1798.)
65. Bewick, Thomas, 1753-1828. Specimens of wood engraving by Thomas and John Bewick. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus . Side, MDCCXCVIII. [1798])
66. The Oeconomist, or, Englishman’s magazine, ... (Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by M. Angus, [1798-99])
67. The Oeconomist, or, Englishman’s magazine. ([Newcastle upon Tyne, England]: Printed by M[argaret]. Angus, Newcastle upon Tyne, and sold by Johnson, London; Cottle, Bristol; Jollie, Carlisle; and by the booksellers at York, Dunbar, Stockton, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Manchester, &c., [1798-1799])
68. A Garland of new songs, containing. 1. The drunken cobler; or, the prating magpye. 2 The complying shepherdess. 3. What can the matter be? 4 Dicky Gossip. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1798?])
69. Friendly Society of Joiners. Articles, rules &c; regulations for forming a new friendly society of joiners, &c. Newcastle upon Tyne, January 1, 1799. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1799.)
70. A Catalogue of the library of the late Charles Wren, Esquire, which will begin to be sold at his house, on Monday, Sept. 16th, 1799, at the prices printed in the catalogue, and continue selling till the 21st, after which, what remains will be sold by auction. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1799.)
71. Palmer, R. (Auctioneer) A Catalogue of the neat and valuable household furniture, late belonging to Charles Wren, Esquire, deceased, Pilgrim-street, Newcastle, consisting of mahogany four-post and camp bedsteads with cotton and other furniture, goose feather beds, hair mattresses, upwards of 800 ounces of modern plate, table and tea china, an eight-day clock, mahogany chairs and tables, a handsome commode sideboard of the best workmansip, Wilton and Scotch carpets, oil cloths, a collection of prints framed and glazed, wines, rum, and other liquors, with all the kitchen furniture. Which will be soldby auction, by R. Palmer, auctioneer. The sale to begin on Monday the 23d day of September, 1799, and the following days, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, and continue till all be sold. Catalogues to be had a R. Palmer’s, cabinet-maker and auctioneer, Flesh-Market, Newcastle. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1799.)
72. Hassell, Thomas, -1836?. The Christian religion a reality. A funeral sermon, delivered to the Baptist congregation, meeting at Tuthill-Stairs, Newcastle, occasioned by the death of Ann Malcolm, Aged 10 Years. Lord’s Day, June 9th, 1799. By Thomas Hassell. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1799.)
73. A few short & plain directions for the proper behaviour of children on different occasions. (Newcastle: printed and sold by M. Angus, 1799.)
74. Pots’s Box (Newcastle upon Tyne, England). Articles of Pots’s Box, begun June 18, 1731. Now corrected and ordered to be printed by the society. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1799.)
75. Glass-Makers’ Friendly Society (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England). Articles, laws, & rules, of the Glass-Makers’ Friendly Society, held at the house of Mr William Wilson, sign of the Sun, in the Broad-Chare, Newcastle upon Tyne. Begun November 15, 1755. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, in the side, 1800.)
76. Durham races, 1800. To be run for on the Smiddy Haughs, near the city of Durham, on Wednesday the 23d day of April, the Lambton Hunt stakes, ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus, printer, Newcastle, [1800])
77. Wall’s End Friendly Society. Articles and orders of the Wall’s End Friendly Society, held at the house of Nicholas Thornton, Wall’s End, in the county of Northumberland, commenced January 1, 1800. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, 1800.)
78. Brown, John, 1722-1787. Brown’s dictionary of the Holy Bible ... The whole comprising a complete and most entertaining library of scripture knowledge. Under the careful inspection of a minister of the gospel. (Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by M. Angus and Son, 1800.)
79. Tinwell, William. The key to Tinwell’s arithmetic; containing the solutions of all the questions at full length; together with such answers as are not inserted in the arithmetic. By William Tinwell, ... (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, for the author, 1800.)
80. Davison, James, of Newcastle. Despair in love; an imprecatory prayer, Poetical: and an ode to virtue. By James Davison, Newcastle. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, in the side, 1800.)
81. Flavel, John, 1630?-1691. Husbandry spiritualized; or, the heavenly use of earthly things. And Navigation spiritualized; or a new compass for seamen. Together with A saint indeed, or the great work of a Christian opened and pressed. The touchstone of sincerity. And A token for mourners. By the Rev. Mr. John Flavel. Late Minister of the Gospel, at Dartmouth, in Devon. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son, in the Side, 1800.)
82. Williams, Griffith, 1775 or 1776-1800. The last speech, confession, and dying words of Griffith Williams, who was executed at the west end of the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 12th of March, 1800, and his body given to be publicly dissected, for the horrid murder of Anne Wilson, alias Bruce. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Printed by M. Angus, in the Side, [1800])
83. A Garland of new songs, containing. 1 William at Eve. 2 The Weymouth Frigate. 3 Say Bonny Lass. 4 Rat tat too. 5 Still from care and thinking free. 6 Loose every Sail to the breeze. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1800])
84. Ali Baba; or, the Forty Thieves, Destroyed by Morgiana, a slave. On which is founded The New Grand Operatical Romance. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, There is always kept on Sale, a choice and extensive Assortment of Histories, Songs, Children’s Story Books, School Books, &c. &c, [1800?])
85. Chicken, Edward. The Collier’s wedding. A poem. (Newcastle: printed by and for M. Angus & Son, [1800?])
86. Anderson, Edward, active 18th century. The sailor; a poem. Description of his going to sea, and through various scenes of life, ... with observations on the town of Liverpool. By Edward Anderson, ... (Newcastle: printed for and sold by the author. M. Angus and Son, Printers, Side, Newcastle, [1800?])
87. A wonderful song. ([Newcastle]: Angus, Printer, [1800?])
88. An historical view of the French Revolution, from the assembling of the States General in May, 1789, to the acceptance of the republican constitution in September, 1795. Together with a comprehensive detail of the causes which produced, and the consequences which have teemed from that Great Political Phaenomenon. (Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by and for M. Angus, 1796.)
89. The cruel step-mother: or, the unhappy son. ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
90. Witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan. The Second book, of the witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan, who was commonly called the king’s fool. To which is added, witty and entertaining jests, &c. (Newcastle: Printed by M. Angus & Son, [1800?])
91. The apprehending and taking of the female robber, Mary Hughes, alias King, alias Atkinson, alias Evans, in the city of Bath, for robbing Mrs Whitcomb, at the Boar’s Head, Bristol, of two hundred guineas, and a bank note value twenty pounds. ([Newcastle]: M. Angus & Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
92. The factor’s garland in four parts Part I. The factor’s voyage to Turkey ... Part II. How it was his fortune to go factor ... Part III. As he was carrying her over in the ship ... Part IV. By what means he was convey’d ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
93. Hero and Leander. The famous history of the two unfortunate lovers Leander and Hero: giving An Account of all that happened from the Begining of their Loves, till both of them ended their Lives in the Sea, for Love of each other. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son, in the Side: Where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive Assortment of Histories, Songs, Chlldren’s Story Books, School Books, &c. &c. [1800?])
94. M. P. (Martin Parker), -1656?. A True tale of Robin Hood; setting forth the life and death of that renowned out-law Robert, Earl of Huntington, Vulgarly called Robin Hood. Who lived and died A D. 1198; being the ninth Year of the Reign of King Richard I. Commonly called Coeur de Lion. Carefully collected out of the truest Writers of our English Chronicles; and published for the satisfaction of all who desire to have truth from falsehood. By Martin Parker. Gent. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son, in the Side: There is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive Assortment of Histories, Songs, Children’s Story Books, School Books, &c. &c. [1800?])
95. Shipton, Mother (Ursula). The strange and wonderful history and prophecies of Mother Shipton. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Sons, printers, Newcastle. [1800?])
96. A new love song. ([Newcastle]: Angus, Printer, [1800?])
97. A collection of new songs. 1 Tom Starboard. 2 Ah! no, my Love, no. 3 A new Touch on the Times. 4 Jack at Greenwich. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printer, [1800?])
98. History of the King and Cobler. Part 1. The first part of the history of the king and the cobler, shewing how Henry Viii. used to visit the watches in the city; ... (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
99. Guy of Warwick. The famous history of Guy, Earl of Warwick. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus & Son, [1800?])
100. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731. Robinson Crusoe. Abridgments The sureprsing [sic] life, and most strange adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of the city of York, mariner, giving an account how he was cast on shore by shipwreck, ... on an uninhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river Oroonoque, where he live twenty eight years ... (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus &; Son, [1800?])
101. History of Thomas Hickathrift. Part 2. The second part of Thomas Hickathrift. (Newcastle: printed by and for M. Angus & Son, Side, Where is always kept on Sale, a choice and extensive Assortment of Histories, Songs, Children’s Story Booke, School Books, &c. &c, [1800?])
102. A choice pennyworth of wit; or, A clear distinction between a virtuous wife and a wanton harlot. In three parts. Part I. How a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlot, to whom he carried gold, jewels, and other things of value for many years, which he receiv’d with unspeakable flattery, till his wife gave him a penny to lay out for a pennyworth of wit. Part II. How he sailed to a far country, where he exchanged his goods for merchandize, being in a tavern, he scornfully derided his wife, and extolled his harlot, for which he was reproved by an ancient man, who put him in a way to try his harlot’s love in time of trouble, for which the merchant gave his wife’s penny. Part III. How the returned, richly laden, to the British shore, and putting himself in ragged array, he came to his harlot, declaring, that he had not only lost all he had in a storm, but likewise he had slain one of his servants, for which his life was in great danger, and desired her shelter, but instead of so doing, she abused him with scurrilous and vile language, threatening to have him apprehended; at which he left her and returned to his wife with the same pretence, who receiv’d him with unspeakable joy, offering to sacrifice all that ever she had to save his life. Thus did he prove her a faithful wife, and the other a flattering harlot with other things worthy of note. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
103. Dreadful occurrence! Murder and suicide at Wigton. A most dreadful and distressing occurrence took place ... on Sunday the 20th of April. - Ann Graham, ... murdered two of her children by strangulation, ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1800?])
104. The gallant sailor. ([Newcastle]: Angus, Printer, [1800?])
105. The History of the Emperor Manalay, and his virtuous wife. A story taken from antient history. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, Printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
106. Killer and the barber, or the Sandgate intrigue. A new song. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1800?])
107. Valentin et Orson (French romance). Abridgments. The history of Valentine and Orson. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus & Son, in the Side, Where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive Assortment of Histories, Songs, Children’s Story Books, School Books, &c. &c, [1800?])
108. Bickerstaff, Isaac, 1735-1812. Life and adventures of Ambrose Gwinett The life, strange voyages, and uncommon adventures of Ambrose Gwinett, formerly known to the public by the lame beggar ... (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus, and son, [1800?])
109. The Lincolnshire wonder; or, a comical dialogue which lately happened in this neighbourhood [be]tween an old woman ... and a youth about twenty, wi[th] whom she lately married. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1800?])
110. Lover’s quarrel; or, Cupid’s triumph. Part 1. The lover’s quarrel. or, Cupid’s Triumph. Being the pleasant and Delightful History of Fair Rosamond, Who was born in Scotland. She was the only Daughter of the Lord Arundel, whose Love was obtained by the Valour of Tommy Potts, who wounded and conquered the Lord Ph nix in a duel, Likewise his Marriage to the fair Lady. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son. Where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive Assortment of Histories. Songs, Children’s Story Books, School Books, &c. &c, [1800?])
111. Witty and entertaining exploits of George Buchanan. The Merry and entertaining jokes of George Buchanan; Who was servant and teacher to King James VIth as his private counsellor, but publicly acted his fool. The whole compiled in three numbers, for the entertainment of youth. Number I. (Newcastle: Printed by M. Angus and Sons, [1800?])
112. Nine pennyworth of wit for a penny, or the most exact and approved fortune teller, ... To which is added meteorology; ... (Newcastle: printed by G. Angus, [1800?])
113. The merry life and mad exploits of Capt. James Hind, the great robber of England. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Soa [sic]. [1800?])
114. The history of the life and death of fair Rosamond, Concubine to King Henry II. Shewing low Queen Eleanor plotted to destroy Fair Rosamond to prevent which, she was removed to a stately Bower, at Woodstock near Oxford; and while the King was in France, Fair Rosamond was poisoned by Queen Eleanor. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son, in the Side, There is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive Assortment of Histories, Songs, Children’s Story Books, School Books, &c. &c. [1800?])
115. The history of the two children in the wood (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son, [1800?])
116. Moseley, Benjamin, 1742-1819. Obi; or The history of three-finger’d Jack: by Dr Moseley. To which is added, the voyages, travels, and long capacity of James Massey, who was shipwrecked on a desolate coast; with the surprising adventures he and his companions met with in exploring those countries eighteen years; their desperate battles with the savages; how he on is return home, was taken by an Algierine pirate and remained in slavery 23 years; with the means by which he obtained his liberty; and his safe arrival, last, in England, after an absence, from his friends of fifty-five years. (Newcastle: (Printed by M. Angus & son, Newcastle), [1800?])
117. Friar and boy. Part 2. The Merry piper; or, The second part of the fryar and boy. Containing a further progress of Jack’s frolicsome intrigues, full of mirth and reception. (Newcastle: Printed by M. Angus & Son, Side, where is always kept on sale, a choice and extensive asso...meat of histories, songs, children’s story books, school books, &c. &c., [1800?])
118. The mountain hermit; or, the history of Solitary Simon. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
119. The voyages and adventures of Edward Teach, commonly called Black Beard, the notorious pirate. To which is added, the two princes. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
120. History of Johnny Armstrong, of Westmoreland. The pleasant and delightful history of Johnny Armstrong, ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
121. The wandering young gentlewoman’s garland. In five parts. ... (Newcastle: G. Angus printer, [1800?])
122. The wandering young gentlewoman’s garland. In five parts. ... ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, Newcastle, [1800?])
123. Wilson, Alexander, 1766-1830. Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed, a tale. (Newcastle: Printed by M. Angus and Son, in the side, [1800?])
124. History of Thomas Hickathrift. A pleasant and delightful history of Thomas Hickathrift. (Newcastle: printed by and for M. Angus & Son, [1800?])
125. The prodigal daughter; or the disobedient child reclaimed, being an authentic account of Mary Brown. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1800?])
126. The bloody gardner’s garland consisting of a variety of new songs, 1 The Bloody Gardner. 2 The Sailor’s Return. 3 The Quaker’s Courtship. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
127. A Garland of new songs, containing Gramachree Molly, and the answer. The answer to The banks of the Dee. The clown turned seaman. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus & Son, [1800?])
128. A Garland of new songs, containing. 1 The New Ploughboy. 2 The Belfast Maid’s Lamentation. 3 Black, Brown, and Fair. 4 The Spotted Cow. 5 The gaily Circling Glass. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
129. A Garland of new songs containing, 1 Yo Heave Ho. 2 Paddy’s Description of Pizarro. 3 My Grandmother’s Eye-Water. 4 The Thorn. 5 The Parson. ([Newcastle upon Tyne: Angus printer, 1800?])
130. A Garland of new songs, containing. 1 Kitty o’ the Clyde. 2 Donald of Dundee. 3 The glad trumpet. ... (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1800?])
131. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1 Kitty o’ the Clyde 2 Donald of Dundee 3 The glad trumpet ... (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son, [1800?])
132. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1 Tom Bowling 2 The thorn 3 The beggar girl ... (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
133. A Garland of new songs, containing. 1. May those who are married, live happy 2. The British spy. 3. The Egyptian wedding. 4. The lover’s complaint. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
134. A Garland of new songs containing, 1 Moll of the Wood. 2 The Soldier’s lass. 3 Come under my Plaidie. 4 The Answer. ([Newcastle upon Tyne: Angus, printer, 1800?])
135. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1 Bob Cranky’s size Sunday. 2 True courage. 3. All hands unmoor. 4. O sly Renard the fox. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
136. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1 Miss Bailey’s ghost. 2 The Blanch frigate. 3 Watty’s ramble to Carlisle. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
137. A Garland of new songs. Containing, 1. Moll of the wood. 2. The soldier’s lass. 3. Come under my plaidie. 4. The answer. ([Newcastle upon Tyne: Angus, printer, 1800?])
138. A Garland, of new songs, containing 1. Nobody, no. 2. Maggie Lauder. 3. The spotted cow. 4. Auld Robin Gray. (Newcastle: M. Angus & son, [1800?])
139. A Garland of new songs, containing 1. The soldier’s adieu. 2. Sir James the Rose. 3. The dog-tax. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus printer, [1800?])
140. A Garland of new songs. Containing 1. The tempest. 2. The down-hill of life. 3. Bundle of proverbs. 4. Poor Jack. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
141. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. Poor Jack. 2. Bold Jack. 3. Mary’s dream, or, Sandy’s ghost. ... (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
142. A Garland of new songs, containing 1 Pretty Betty. 2 Sally Gray. 3 Saturday night at sea. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1800?])
143. A Garland of new songs, containing. 1 The Duke of Gordon’s daughter. 2 The blue cockade. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1800?])
144. A Garland of new songs, containing 1 The bonny lass of Bannachie. 2. ‘Twas within a mile of Edinbro’. 3 A new song called Loughaber. 4 the answer to Loughaber. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1800?])
145. A Garland of new songs, containing. 1. The country club. 2. Exhibitions: or, John Lump’s ramble to Somerset House. 3. Tax upon income. 4. General Wolf’s song. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1800?])
146. A collection of new songs. 1. Robinson Crusoe. 2. Jack at the windlass. 3. The sons of Britannia. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printer, Newcastle, [1800?])
147. A collection of new songs. The quizzical, comical family. For a’ that and a’ that. The yellow hair’d laddie. Mary of the Castle Cary. God save the King. (Newcastle: printed by G. Angus, [1800?])
148. A Garland, of new songs, containing 1. The Blue Bell of Scotland. 2. She lives in the valley below. 3. Hal the Woodman. 4. Sandy and Jenny. 5. Poor Dick Meadows. 6. The Sailor’s adieu. 7. Gally Slave. ([Newcastle upon Tyne: Angus, printer, 1800?])
149. The Garland of love. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1800?])
150. A Garland of new songs, Containing, 1. The Greenwich Pensioner. 2. The Tobacco Box. 3. The Neglected Tar. 4. Poll and my Partner Joe. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1800?])
151. A Garland of new songs, containing 1 The Frog in the cock’d Hat. 2 A Sailor’s Delight. 3 A Bull in a China Shop. 4 Widow Walmsley’s Shiners. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1800?])
152. A Garland of new songs, Containing, 1 The Banks of the Dee. 2 Davy Jones’ Locker. 3 Down the Burn Davy, Love. 4 The Surprising Man. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1800?])
153. A Garland of new songs, Containing, 1 Swalwell Hopping. 2 The Banks of the River. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printers, [1800?])
154. A Garland of new songs, Containing, 1 Bob Cranky’s adieu. 2 O no, my love, no. 3 Delia’s answer. 4 The Newcastle signs. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, Printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
155. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1 Guid forgi’e me for lien’. 2 Ane an’ twenty, Tam. 3 Duncan Gray. 4 Weel may we a’ be. 5 Roy’s wife. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
156. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. The golden days of good Queen Bess. 2. Patrick O’Neal. 3. The young sailor from Dover. 4. The done over taylor. 5. The valiant soldier. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
157. A Garland of new songs, Containing, 1 Old towler. 2 Larre O’Brian. 3 The sailor’s adventure for a wife. 4 Tommy Lambs. Cure for a drunken wife. 5 Ma Chere Amie. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, Printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
158. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. The King’s picture. 2. Somebody, anybody, nobody and everybody. 3. Honest John Bull and his mother. 4. The four engagements. 5. The sailor’s return. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
159. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. Paddy’s wedding 2. Dutch fish-monger 3. Joe and the show folk 4. Description of the play of Pizarro. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
160. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. The wounded hussar. 2. The banks of bonny Doune. 3 The Rochester lass. 4 The quayside shaver. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
161. A Garland of new songs, Containing, 1. Bay of Biscay, O. 2. Constant to poll. 3. The sailor’s allegory. 4. Blow high. Blow low. 5. The jolly lads. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, Printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
162. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1 The tight little island. 2 The land of the ocean. 3 Ready money. 4 The tankard of ale. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
163. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. Bonaparte and Talleyrand. 2. Fall or conquer. 3. Love’s volunteer. 4. Britannia’s defenders. 5. The spotless maid. (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus and Son, [1800?])
164. A Garland of new songs, Containing, 1 Lash’d to the helm. 2 Nothing like grog. 3 Gude forgi’e me for liein. 4 The pretty brunette. 5 Auld lang syne. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus and Son, Printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
165. A Garland of new songs, containing, 1. Duke William’s Ramble. 2. The Pitman’s revenge against Buonaparte. 3. The Affectionate Soldier. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: M. Angus & Son, printers, Newcastle, [1800?])
166. A Garland of new songs, containing 1 A dialogue between a drunken husband and a scolding wife. 2 The Black’s Lamentation. 3. The Chamber-Maid’s unkind answer to the Black’s Lamentation, who now lies mad in Bedlam for the Loss of his love. (Newcastle: M. Angus and Son, printers, [1800?])
167. A Garland of new songs, containing 1 Robinson Crusoe. 2 Jack at the Windlass. 3 The Sons of Brittannia. ([Newcastle upon Tyne: Angus printer, 1800?])
168. The convicts farewell. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [1800?])
169. A collection of new songs. 1. Robinson Crusoe. 2. Jack at the windlass. 3. The sons of Britannia. (Newcastle: M. Angus & Son, printer, Newcastle, [1800?])
170. The wonderful works of our John; or, the history of Jockey and Maggy. In two books. ... (Newcastle: printed by M. Angus & Son, [1800?])
171. Barbara Bell. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
172. The blackbird. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
173. The blind beggar. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
174. The blind man’s lamentation. Tune - Mortals all. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
175. The bonnet so blue. ([Newcastle upon Tyne]: Angus, printer, [between 1788 and 1808?])
176. The bonny hawthorn. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
177. Tea drinking wives. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
178. The Death of Parker. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1797 - 1825])
179. Bung-your-eye; or, the exciseman outwitted. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
180. A new song, called Poor Tom Hallyards. ([Newcastle upon Tyne?]: Angus, printer, [between 1778 and 1808?])
181. Choice carols for Christmas holidays, Carol I. On Christmas day. Carol II. On St. Stephen’s day. Carol III. On St. John’s day. Carol IV. On innocents day. Being very necessary and proper to be had in all Christian families. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
182. The constant shepherd. ([Newcastle: Angus, printer, 1774 - 1825])
183. Death of Parker. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1797 - 1825])
184. Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. A divine hymn. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
185. Dolly Duggins. A new song. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1799? - 1825])
186. Farewell lovely Nancy. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
187. The farmer’s lamentation. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1799? - 1825])
188. Farewell. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
189. The farmer’s lamentation. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1799? - 1825])
190. The flower of Caledonia. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
191. Gentle shepherd. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
192. The happy strangers. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
193. Harry the tailor. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
194. Henry’s farewell. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
195. Jack Munro. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
196. The jolly beggar. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
197. Nancy’s love for her sailor. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
198. A new broom sweeps clean. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
199. A new free mason’s song. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
200. A new hymn. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
201. A new song, called The distressed sailor. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1800 - 1825])
202. A new song, called The maid’s lamentation. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
203. A new song, called the Rakish young fellow. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774-1825])
204. Sailor’s adventure for a wife. A New song, called The sailor’s adventure for a wife[.] ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
205. A new song, called The true lovers’ downfall. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
206. The Newfoundland sailor. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, 1774-1825])
207. North country lass. ([Newcastle]: Angus printer, [1774 - 1825])
208. The outlandish knight. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
209. D. B. A picture drawn from life, Cubbyhill and his daft wife. A poem. - By D.B. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
210. Polly privateer: or, unfortunate Jack’s last shift. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
211. Remember the poor. ... ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
212. The Rochester lass. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
213. Roger and Nelly. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
214. The sailor and shepherdess. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
215. Sandy’s reflections on the times. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
216. The Seige of Belisle. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
217. Burns, Robert, 1759-1796. The soldier’s return. ... ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
218. The twelve good joys of Mary. A carol, for the twelve days of Christmas. ([Newcastle]: Angus printer, [1774 - 1825])
219. The twelve days of Christmas. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
220. The wedding of Ballyporeen. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
221. William and Nancy’s parting. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
222. The willow tree. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
223. The winter’s night. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
224. Yougal harbour. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
225. I once had a heart. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
226. Lord Marlborough. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
227. The lover’s complaint. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
228. The Manchester girl. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])
229. A mason’s song. ([Newcastle]: Angus, printer, [1774 - 1825])