Hymn on the Sacrament
And art thou mine, my dearest Lord?
Then I have all, nor fly
The boldest wishes I can form
Unto a pitch more high.
Yes, thou art mine, the contract’s seal’d
With thine own precious blood;
And ev’n almighty pow’rs engag’d
To see it all made good.
My fears dissolve: for oh! what more
Could studious bounty do?
What farther mighty proofs are left
Unbounded love to shew?
My faith’s confirm’d, nor would I quit
My title to thy love,
For all the valu’d things below,
Or shining things above.
Nor at the prosp’rous sinner’s state
Do I at all repine;
No, let ’em parcel out the earth,
While heav’n and thou art mine.
Text: Poems on Several Occasions (London: E. Dudley [and seven others], 1778), pp. 79-80.