Selected Poems of
Anne Dutton
Besides her long narrative poem, A Narration of the Wonders of Grace, in Verse (1734), to which Dutton first affixed her collection of Hymns (61 in the first edition, enlarged to 64 hymns in the 1743 edition of A Discourse Concerning the New-Birth: to which are added, Sixty-four Hymns; Compos’d on Several Subjects. With an Epistle Recommendatory, by the Reverend Mr. Jacob Rogers, A.B. Three new poems appeared in the 1740 edition of the Discourse concerning the New-Birth: A Poem on Salvation in Christ by Free Grace, for the Chief of Sinners, An Hymn on the Mercy and Grace of God in Christ, and A Poem on the Safety and Duty of a Believer. A Discourse upon Justification (1743) added one more poem: A Poem on the Special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. No new poems appeared affixed to any of her titles until the 1762 edition of Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions, which contained a short poem embedded within her short essay, “Thoughts on Pens.”