Hymn XL.
The Glories of Christ’s Righteousness.
Blest Saints, that in Christ’s Righteousness,
Stand in Jehovah’s Sigh,
Before his glorious Throne compleat,
Faultless, and shining bright.
Not only faultless we appear,
From all Pollution free,
But splendid, glorious in the Eyes,
Of flaming Purity.
Had Adam stood, and we in him,
In perfect Righteousness;
Which was the All the Law requir’d,
Our Glory had been less.
For why? Though he in Eden was
In this so perfect made,
At best ’twas but a Creature-Robe,
That subject was to fade.
But, oh! the Glories of Christ’s Robe,
In which his Children stand,
Wrought by the Man that stood in God,
The Man of his right Hand.
The Man, the Fellow of the Lord,
Jehovah did him call;
The Man that was in God made strong,
Able to go through all.
That mighty Work God gave to him,
Of our Salvation great;
To raise us from the dismal Fall,
And render us compleat.
Not only suff’ring of that Death,
That else we should have dy’d;
But also bringing in this Robe,
In which we’re justify’d.
Christ’s own Obedience wrought this Robe,
So beauteous, so divine!
Here God’s Perfections cast their Rays,
And in this Robe we shine.
Then let us glory in our Lord,
Who is our shining Dress;
And let our Faith still deal with God,
Through Christ our Righteousness.
Text: Anne Dutton, Hymns Composed on Several Subjects. With an Alphabetical Table. Affixed to Dutton’s A Narration of the Wonders of Grace in Verse (London: Printed for, and sold by the Author, in the year 1734), pp. 114-15.
Rom. iv. 6.
Col.. i. 22.
Chap. ii. 10.
Rev. xiv. 5.
Cant. iv. 7.
Psal. xlv. 13.
Jude, ver. 24.
Gal. iii. 12.
I Cor. xv. 48.
Eccles. vii. 29.
Isa. lxiv. 6.
Exod. xxviii. 2.
Rom. iii. 22.
Psal. lxxx. 17.
Zech. xiii. 7.
Psal. lxxx. 17.
Ps. lxxxix. 19.
John xvii. 4.
Heb. ii. 3.
Mat. i. 21.
Col. i. 22.
I Pet. iii. 18.
Dan. ix. 24.
Acts. xiii. 39.
Rom. v. 19.
2 Cor. v. 21.
Rev. xii. 1.
Isa. xlv. 25.
Col. ii. 6.
Isa. xlv. 24.