Early August 1751
23. Mary Doddridge, Northampton, to Mrs. Mercy Doddridge, [still with her husband at Shrewsbury], Tuesday, [early August 1751]. [f. 25]1
Nor[thampton]. Tuesday 10 oClock
I hope my dear Pappa & Mama
are both fast a sleep
My Dearest Mamma
’Tis the concer[n] your wellcome unwellcome Epistle gave us all as thair was no news I so much wish’d for as to have heard of my Dear Pappa’s continued amendment so I could not but flatter myself that Heaven would have been propitious to our ernest & unfaind supplications & that these gratefull tidings would have reached my happy Eares. But alas, Madm, Judge my Griefe & Surprise when in an instant all my Towering Expectations van[i]sh’d to give way to the sad certainty of – but I will not repeat it. You Dear Madm know too well what.
I am too well perswaded my Dr Mamma must be under the greatest concern & happy would your Polly think her self could she in the lest degree remove it what can I say to aleviate your Grief I would fain say something but I fear my poor endevours would be altoget[h]er vain but yet Dear Madm permit me to add, God has not neather will he ever forget to be greacious, & he has said all things shall work to gather for good unto such as fear & love him, surely then Madm you have no reason to fear he will ever leave or forsake you brighter days may, & I trust will come. Praying breath never has or will be spent in vain, tho we wait long & the answer seems to delay yet I doubt not but a blessing will atend them.
but the late Hour obliges me only to add that I beg you Madm will make my Duty < > to my Dearest Pappa, & permit me to recomend you both to the Divine Care & blessing, and to Subscribe my self
my ever Dear Mamma
your most Dutifull
& most oblig’d & obedient
Polly Doddridge
Wednsday Morning
I have the pleasure to tell you Madm that good Miss Rappit is better & sends her best Compnts Sister Celia is well & desires her Duty & Cosin Mary Doddridge] hers Mrs Scawen desires her best too & sent to know very particularly how my Dear Pappa did. Mrs Isted is gone to London so I have not had an opportunity of calling on her. Sister Mercy went to Leicester yesterday was sevnight & Celia goes to Yarley on Friday so that I shall be alone but if I should be so happy as to hear my Dear Pappa is better I shant be lonely tho I am without Company I only add Mr Roses best Compts that he desires Mr Henderson may come home as soon as [paper torn] thinks it will be a grate loss [paper torn] was to visit Miss Ekins yesterday [paper torn] Mrs Sally she dont intend to stay long tho when she designs to leave Northn I know not – she came I think on Thursday last from Daventry.
As you dont goe to Bristol [I] hope we shall see you before it very long if Pappa is better, the Gentlemen are coming evry Day but as Mrs Clark has been extreemly bad with the Gout in her [?] Mr C. was not willing to leave her sooner then is necessary we are very orderly & thing[s] goe on prity [paper torn] but as to the House it is at present [paper torn] disabled as the white washers has only [paper torn] but I hope soon to see that on [paper torn] order, the Beds are most of them minded, Chimblies swept &c agreeable to order
but my Dear Mamma I now bid you an unwilling adieu as Mathew is in great hast, I hope you will Favour me with a line next post as I should be very solicitous to know how Pappa does,
once more Adieu my Dearest Mamma ever your most obeident &c
Polly D
I beg Madm you will excuse Faults as I am in great hast
Address: To | Mrs Doddridge
Postmark: none
Notes: none
1 Philip Doddridge wrote to Mary from Shrewsbury on 12 August, the day before they set out for Bristol; she writes again on 18 August and 1 September, and he responds from Bristol on 31 August and 4 September (see Nuttall, Calendar, letters 1772, 1776, and 1782). The letters in this collection thus completing the correspondence between father and daughter at that time.