Combined Chronological Calendar of the Letters involving the Saffery and Whitaker Families, Angus and Bodleian Libraries, Oxford, 1788-1846
Compiled by Timothy Whelan
Below is the combined Chronological Calendar of the Letters of the Saffery and Whitaker Families belonging to the Reeves Collection, Bodleian Library, and the Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, for the years 1788-1846. Complete transcriptions with extensive notes for each of the letters below have been published in Timothy Whelan, Nonconformist Women Writers, 1720-1840, vol. 6, in which the entire volume is devoted to the correspondence of Maria Grace Saffery and her sister, Anne Andrews Whitaker, and many of their friends and children, including Mary Egerton Scott, Thomas Scott, John Saffery, John Ryland, Jr., Richard and Harriet Ryland, Jane Saffery Whitaker, and one letter from Anne Taylor of Ongar.[1]
Part One: 1788-1799
1. Mary Egerton, London, to Mrs. Andrews, Isleworth, [Thursday], 28 August 1788.[2]
2. Mary Egerton, London, to Mrs. Andrews, Isleworth, [Wednesday], 17 September 1788.[3]
3. Mary Egerton, London, to Mrs. Andrews, Isleworth, [Friday], 2 January 1789.[4]
4. Mary Egerton, London, to Mrs. Andrews, Isleworth, [Monday], 12 October 1789.[5]
5. Mary Egerton, London, to Mrs. Andrews, Isleworth, [Monday], 25 January 1790.[6]
6. Mary Egerton, London, to Mrs. Andrews, Isleworth, [Wednesday], 3 March 1790.[7]
7. Mary Egerton, London, to Mrs. Andrews, Isleworth, [Monday], 19 July 1790.[8]
8. Mary Egerton, Denmark Hill, London, to Mrs. Andrews, Isleworth, [Saturday], 31 July 1790.[9]
9. Mary Egerton, Denmark Hill, to Mrs. Andrews, Isleworth, [Tuesday], 2 November [1790].[10]
10. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Sunday], 5 February [1792].[11]
11. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, [c. February 1792].[12]
12. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, undated [c. February 1792].[13]
13. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Sunday], 18 March [1792].[14]
14. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, [Monday], 7 May 1792.[15]
15. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [14 May 1792?].[16]
16. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 16 May 1792.[17]
17. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, [Tuesday], 22 May 1792.[18]
18. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Friday], 25 May 1792.[19]
19. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, Tuesday, 29 May, and Saturday, 3 June [1792].[20]
20. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, [Thursday], 28 June [1792].[21]
21. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Friday], 29 June [1792].[22]
22. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, Saturday, 14 July [1792].[23]
23. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Saturday], 21 July 1792.[24]
24. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Friday], 21 September [1792].[25]
25. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, Thursday, 11 October 1792.[26]
26. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Monday], 5 November 1792.[27]
27. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 27 November [1792].[28]
28. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, [Monday], 7 January 1793.[29]
29. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Mrs. Elizabeth Saffery, London, [Tuesday], 22 January 1793.[30]
30. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Monday], 11 February, [1793].[31]
31. Mary Egerton Scott and Rev. Thomas Scott, London, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Monday], 25 March 1793.[32]
32. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, [Monday], 15 April 1793.[33]
33. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Friday], 19 April 1793.[34]
34. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Saturday], 8 June 1793.[35]
35. Mary Egerton Scott, London, to Maria Grace Andrews and Anne Andrews, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 30 July 1793.[36]
36. Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth, to Mrs. Elizabeth Saffery, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 3 September 1793.[37]
37. Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 4 October 1793.[38]
38. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Andrews, Salisbury, Sunday, 13 October [1793].[39]
39. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, Monday, 23 December [1793].[40]
40. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, Saturday, [4 January 1794].[41]
41. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, Monday, 13 January 1794.[42]
42. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, [Thursday], 20 February 1794.[43]
43. Anne Andrews, Chapel Street, London, to Maria Andrews, Salisbury, [Thursday], 27 March [1794].[44]
44. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, Wednesday, [14] May 1794.[45]
45. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, [Monday], 26 May 1794.[46]
46. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Elizabeth Saffery, Portsmouth, Friday, 30 May 1794.[47]
47. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth [Wednesday], 13 August 1794.[48]
48. Mary Egerton Scott, Chapel Street, London, to Anne Andrews, Isleworth, [Saturday], 13 September 1794.[49]
49. Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth, to Mrs. Elizabeth Saffery, Salisbury [c. 15 September 1794].[50]
50. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth, Tuesday [16 September 1794].[51]
51. Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth, to Anne Andrews, Salisbury, [Friday], 19 September [1794].[52]
52. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth, Monday, [6 October 1794].[53]
53. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Elizabeth Saffery, Bristol, [Tuesday], 14 October 1794.[54]
54. Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth, to Anne Andrews, Salisbury, [Friday], 17 October 1794.[55]
55. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth and London, [Tuesday], 25 November 1794.[56]
56. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to John Saffery, London, [Thursday], 5 February 1795.[57]
57. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, [c. early May 1795].[58]
58. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Andrews, Portsmouth [c. early May 1795].[59]
59. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, Monday, [18 May 1795].[60]
60. Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, to Anne Andrews, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 19 May 1795.[61]
61. Mary Egerton Scott, Chapel Street, London, to Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, [Friday], 22 May 1795.[62]
62. Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, to Anne Andrews, Salisbury, [Thursday], 28 May 1795.[63]
63. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, Saturday, [30 May 1795].[64]
64. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, [c. June 1795].[65]
65. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Andrews, Portsmouth, Monday, [c. June 1795].[66]
66. Anne Andrews, Salisbury, to Maria Andrews, Portsmouth, Thursday, [c. June 1795].[67]
67. John Saffery, Northampton, to John Shoveller, London, [Sunday], 23 August 1795.[68]
68. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Saturday], 14 November [1795].[69]
69. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Mrs. Elizabeth Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday, 14 November 1795].[70]
70. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [c. early December 1795].[71]
71. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Saturday], 19 December 1795.[72]
72. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 5 January 1796.[73]
73. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to the Rev. John Saffery, Salisbury, [Sunday], 31 January and Monday, 1 February [1796].[74]
74. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 2 February 1796.[75]
75. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Mrs. Elizabeth Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 5 February 1796.[76]
76. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, Saturday, [20 February 1796].[77]
77. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Friday], 29 April 1796.[78]
78. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [c. spring 1796].[79]
79. Anne Andrews, Isleworth, to Maria Andrews, Salisbury, Wednesday, [c spring 1796].[80]
80. Maria Grace Andrews, Isleworth, to Elizabeth Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 30 July 1796.[81]
81. Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Friday], 21 April 1797.[82]
82. Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Thursday], 8 June [1797].[83]
83. Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [c. June 1797].[84]
84. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, [c. June 1797].[85]
85. Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [c. June 1797].[86]
86. Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, Sunday, [c. June 1797].[87]
87. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Mrs. Elizabeth Saffery, Portsmouth [c. June 1797].[88]
88. Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, to Maria Andrews, Salisbury, Sunday [c. June 1797].[89]
89. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, [c. June 1797].[90]
90. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, [c. June 1797].[91]
91. Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [c. June 1797].[92]
92. Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, [Friday], [23 June 1797].[93]
93. Anne Andrews, Portsmouth, to Maria Grace Andrews, Salisbury, [Friday], 21 July 1797.[94]
94. John Saffery, Salisbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Monday], 2 January [1798].[95]
95. Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 6 January 1798.[96]
96. Maria Grace Andrews, London, to the Safferys, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 18 April 1798.[97]
97. John Saffery, Portsmouth and Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 28 June 1798.[98]
98. Anne Andrews Whitaker, Bratton, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 4 July 1798.[99]
99. Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to John Saffery, Truro, Cornwall, [Saturday], 4 August 1798.[100]
John Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], 6 October 1798.[101]
100. Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, 29 October [1798].[102]
101. Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, Saturday, 3 November 1798.[103]
102. Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Tuesday, 20 November 1798.[104]
103. Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], 24 November 1798.[105]
104. Philip and Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 28 November 1798.[106]
105. Maria Grace Andrews, Portsmouth, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Monday], 3 December 1798.[107]
106. John Shoveller, Portsmouth, to John Saffery, Bratton, [Sunday], 18 August 1799.[108]
107. James Sykes, Arundel Street, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Exeter Street, Salisbury, [Monday], 16 September 1799.[109]
108. Philip and Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to John and Maria Saffery, Salisbury, [Monday], 23 September 1799.[110]
109. Maria Grace Saffery [and John Saffery], Salisbury, to Anne Andrews Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 19 November 1799.[111]
110. Maria Grace Saffery [and John Saffery], Salisbury, to Anne Andrews Whitaker, [Thursday], 19 December 1799.[112]
Part Two: 1800-1809
111. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], January 1800.[113]
112. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 22 May 1800.[114]
113. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. first week of June 1800].[115]
114. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Andrews Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 6 June [1800].[116]
115. Maria Grace Saffery, Nunton, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 25 June 1800.[117]
116. Maria Grace Saffery [and John Saffery], Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], 20 December 1800.[118]
117. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. February-March 1801].[119]
118. Rev. Joseph Horsey, Portsmouth, to the Saffery’s, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 28 October 1801.[120]
119. John Webster Morris, Dunstable, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 17 February 1802.[121]
120. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 7 April 1802.[122]
121. John Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Shaw, near Newbury, Saturday, 10 September 1803.[123]
122. Maria Grace Saffery, Sarum, to Anne Andrews Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 27 January 1804.[124]
123. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne and Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Sunday], 27 May 1804.[125]
124. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Alfred Whitaker, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 3 October 1804.[126]
125. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 22 February 1805.[127]
126. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 15 March [1805].[128]
127. Maria Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Saturday, 30 March 1805.[129]
128. J. E. Smith, Bristol, to Anna Jane Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 12 June 1805.[130]
129. Richard Ryland, No. 5, Great Tower Hill, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Monday], 22 July 1805.[131]
130. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Monday], 29 July 1805.[132]
131. Maria Grace Saffery, Portsmouth, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, August 1805.[133]
132. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Alfred Whitaker, Salisbury, [Friday], August 1805.[134]
133. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 30 August [1805].[135]
134. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Alfred Whitaker, Salisbury, [Friday], 20 September 1805.[136]
135. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 11 October 1805.[137]
136. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Sunday], 27 October 1805.[138]
137. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday, 15 November 1805].[139]
138. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 22 November 1805.[140]
139. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 6 December 1805.[141]
140. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 21 February 1806.[142]
141. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Alfred Whitaker, Salisbury, [Sunday], 9 March 1806.[143]
142. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. March 1806].[144]
143. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 14 March 1806.[145]
144. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 4 April 1806.[146]
145. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Alfred Whitaker, Salisbury, [Thursday], 17 April [1806].[147]
146. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. May 1806].[148]
147. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 2 May 1806.[149]
148. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 15 August 1806.[150]
149. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 22 August 1806.[151]
150. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 30 August 1806.[152]
151. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 4 September 1806.[153]
152. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, September 1806.[154]
153. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 26 [September] 1806.[155]
154. John and Maria Saffery, Salisbury, to Philip and Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 3 October 1806.[156]
155. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 7 November 1806.[157]
156. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 17 January 1807.[158]
157. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 21 March 1807.[159]
158. Harriet Frances Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 25 March 1807.[160]
159. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Monday], 20 April [1807].[161]
160. Harriet Frances Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 7 May 1807.[162]
161. Harriet Frances Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 27 May 1807.[163]
162. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. 29 May 1807].[164]
163. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. early June 1807].[165]
164. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 12 June 1807.[166]
165. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. early June 1807].[167]
166. John and Maria Saffery, Salisbury, to Philip and Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 12 June 1807.[168]
167. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. mid-June 1807].[169]
168. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. mid-June 1807].[170]
169. Richard Ryland, Savage Gardens, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Sunday], 28 June 1807.[171]
170. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 30 June 1807.[172]
171. Harriet Frances Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 30 June 1807.[173]
172. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Saturday], 4 July 1807.[174]
173. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, Tuesday, 7 July 1807.[175]
174. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 17 July 1807.[176]
175. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 15 September 1807.[177]
176. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Thursday, [8 October 1807].[178]
177. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 9 October [1807].[179]
178. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 15 October [1807].[180]
179. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 20 October 1807.[181]
180. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, [23 October 1807].[182]
181. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 30 October 1807.[183]
182. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 6 November 1807.[184]
183. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Friday], 13 November 1807.[185]
184. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Friday], 20 November 1807.[186]
185. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, [c. late November-early December 1807].[187]
186. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Tuesday, 1 December 1807.[188]
187. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Monday], 21 December 1807.[189]
188. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 29 January 1808.[190]
189. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bath, Saturday, 30 January 1808.[191]
190. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Friday], 4 March 1808.[192]
191. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 24 March 1808.[193]
192. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 1 April 1808.[194]
193. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. April 1808].[195]
194. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 28 April 1808.[196]
195. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 13 May 1808.[197]
196. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 6 May 1808.[198]
197. Harriet Frances Ryland, Winkfield Row, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 27 May 1808.[199]
198. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 28 May 1808.[200]
199. Harriet Frances Ryland, Winkfield Row, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 3 June 1808.[201]
200. Harriet Frances Ryland, Winkfield Row, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Monday], 20 June 1808.[202]
201. Harriet Frances Ryland, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Saffery, Bratton, [Friday], 15 July 1808.[203]
202. Harriet Frances Ryland, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Saffery, Bratton, [Wednesday], 20 July 1808.[204]
203. John Ryland, Bristol, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 27 July 1808.[205]
204. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 28 July 1808.[206]
205. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], 13 August 1808.[207]
206. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 4 October 1808.[208]
207. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 6 October 1808.[209]
208. John Croft Ryland, London, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 30 November and [Friday], 2 December 1808.[210]
209. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Friday], 9 December 1808.[211]
210. Mrs Harriet Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 9 December 1808.[212]
211. John Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne and Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [c. December 1808].[213]
212. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. December 1808-January 1809].[214]
213. Philip and Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Monday], 13 March 1809.[215]
214. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Wednesday], 24 May 1809.[216]
215. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, 12 June 1809.[217]
216. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 4 August 1809.[218]
217. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Thursday], 31 August 1809.[219]
218. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Thursday, 26 October 1809.[220]
219. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], 11 November 1809.[221]
220. Anne and Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria and John Saffery, Salisbury, [c. November 1809].[222]
221. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 24 November 1809.[223]
222. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Saturday], 30 December 1809.[224]
Part Three: 1810-1819
223. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], 17 February 1810.[225]
224. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 6 June 1810.[226]
225. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 13 July [1810].[227]
226. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Monday], 10 September 1810.[228]
227. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 28 September 1810.[229]
228. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 20 October 1810.[230]
229. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 5 November 1810.[231]
230. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. late November 1812].[232]
231. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 14 December 1810.[233]
232. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 3 January 1811.[234]
233. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], 12 January 1811.[235]
234. Harriet Frances Ryland, Salisbury, to Maria Grace Saffery, Bratton, [Friday], 18 January 1811.[236]
235. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 25 January 1811.[237]
236. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Tuesday, 5 February 1811.[238]
237. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, [c. late February 1811].[239]
238. M. Claypole, Hook-Norton, to Anna Jane Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 20 March 1811.[240]
239. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, [c. mid-March 1811].[241]
240. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 22 March 1811.[242]
241. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 16 April 1811.[243]
242. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, [c. early August 1811].[244]
243. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 22 August 1811.[245]
244. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 3 September 1811.[246]
245. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 20 September 1811.[247]
246. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, Tuesday, 8 October 1811.[248]
247. Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, Friday, 11 October 1811.[249]
248. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Tuesday, 22 October 1811.[250]
249. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 6 December 1811.[251]
250. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Monday], 23 December 1811.[252]
251. T[homas]. Smith, Tiverton, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 28 December 1811.[253]
252. Richard Ryland, London, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 9 January 1812.[254]
253. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. late March 1812] .[255]
254. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. early April 1812].[256]
255. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 17 April 1812.[257]
256. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Tuesday, 21 April 1812.[258]
257. John Ryland, Bristol, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday, 24 April 1812].[259]
258. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, [c. April 1812].[260]
259. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Wednesday, 6 May 1812.[261]
260. Maria Grace and John Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 19 May 1812.[262]
261. Richard Ryland, London, to MGS, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 19 May 1812.[263]
262. Ann Taylor, Ongar, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 17 June 1812.[264]
263. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 29 July 1812.[265]
264. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, [7 August 1812].[266]
265. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Sunday], October 1812.[267]
266. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 30 October 1812.[268]
267. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Thursday, 17 December 1812.[269]
268. Richard Ryland, London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 21 January 1813.[270]
269. Josiah Conder,[271] London, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 16 April 1814.[272]
270. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Jane Saffery, [Bratton], Wednesday, [c. 1814].[273]
271. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [c. late summer 1814].[274]
272. Maria Grace Saffey, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 4 November 1814.[275]
273. Maria Grace Saffery, Weymouth, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 8 July 1815.[276]
274. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 16 August 1815.[277]
275. Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to John Saffery, Salisbury, Thursday, 1 February 1816.[278]
276. John and Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Philip and Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 9 February and Monday, 12 February 1816.[279]
277. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 23 February 1816.[280]
278. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 17 May 1816.[281]
279. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 29 August 1816.[282]
280. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday, 31 August 1816].[283]
281. Anne Whitaker, Bratton Farm, to Anna Jane Whitaker, Bristol, [c. early September 1816].[284]
282. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 3 September and Friday, 6 September 1816.[285]
283. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Good Friday, [4 April] 1817.[286]
284. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 16 May [1817].[287]
285. William Andrews, Shaw, near Newbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 5 June 1817.[288]
286. Maria Grace Saffery, Bodenham, to Jane Saffery, [Portsmouth], [Thursday], 12 June and [Friday], 13 June 1817.[289]
287. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 23 July 1817.[290]
288. Anne Whitaker, Newbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Monday], 15 September 1817.[291]
289. Anne Whitaker, Shaw, near Newbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 19 September 1817.[292]
290. Anne Whitaker, Shaw, near Newbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, [22 September 1817].[293]
291. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 3 October 1817.[294]
292. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 30 October 1817.[295]
293. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 9 December 1817.[296]
294. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Saturday, 3 January 1818.[297]
295. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, Wednesday [c. January 1818].[298]
296. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 14 January 1818.[299]
297. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, 26 January [1818].[300]
298. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 20 February [1818].[301]
299. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 4 December 1818.[302]
300. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 4 February 1819.[303]
301. Anne Whitaker at Bratton to Maria Saffery, Salisbury, [c. mid-February 1819].[304]
302. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 26 February 1819.[305]
303. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, [15 March 1819].[306]
304. Harriet Andrews, Shaw, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 3 September 1819.[307]
Part Four: 1820-1829
305. George Whitaker and Anne Whitaker, Salisbury, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, Wednesday, 12 January 1820.[308]
306. Maria Grace Saffery, Exeter, to Jane Saffery, Weymouth, Sunday [16 July 1820].[309]
307. Maria Grace Saffery, Dawlish,[310] to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 28 July 1820.[311]
308. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [mid-August 1820].[312]
309. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, 21 August 1820.[313]
310. Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, Wednesday, 30 August 1820.[314]
311. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Wednesday], 22 November 1820.[315]
312. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 2 March 1821.[316]
313. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Samuel Saffery, London, [Saturday], 27 July 1822.[317]
314. Mrs. M. M. Sherwood, Worcester, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 9 August 1822.[318]
315. John Saffery, Salisbury, to Samuel Saffery, London, [Friday], 16 August 1822, with a P. S. from MGS.[319]
316. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Sunday, [5 January 1823].[320]
317. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Samuel Saffery, London, [c. February 1823].[321]
318. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Saturday, [20 September 1823].[322]
319. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 23 September [1823].[323]
320. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Wednesday, [24 September 1823].[324]
321. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Thursday, [25 September 1823].[325]
322. Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to Thomas Whitaker, Salisbury, Friday, [26 September 1823].[326]
323. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, [30 January 1824].[327]
324. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [c. April 1824].[328]
325. Joseph Dear, Chelwood, to John Saffery, [Wednesday], 11 August 1824.[329]
326. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to John Saffery, Salisbury, [c. end of December 1824].[330]
327. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 4 January 1825.[331]
328. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [c. early January 1825].[332]
329. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [c. January 1825].[333]
330. Maria Grace Saffery, Bath, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, Wednesday, 12 January 1825.[334]
331. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Bath, [Saturday], 15 January 1825.[335]
332. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 17 February [1825].[336]
333. Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 7 May 1825.[337]
334. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Philip J. Saffery, April 1826.[338]
335. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 12 April 1827.[339]
336. A letter addressed to Jane Saffery, Tuesday, 2 October 1827, about a governess position.[340]
337. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 16 August 1828.[341]
338. Eliza Gregory,[342] Romsey, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 6 December 1828.[343]
339. Eliza Gregory, Woolwich, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 5 February 1829.[344]
340. Eliza Gregory [and her mother, Anna], Woolwich, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 29 May 1829.[345]
341. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Thursday], 11 June 1829.[346]
342. Maria Grace Saffery, Bratton, to Jane Saffery, Salisbury, Monday, [c. summer 1829].[347]
343. Anne Whitaker, Weymouth, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, Friday, [c. summer 1829].[348]
344. Thomas Scott, Gawcott, Buckinghamshire, to Philip Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 21 July 1829.[349]
345. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Anne Whitaker, Bratton, [Tuesday], 1 June 1830.[350]
346. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [c. mid-June 1830].[351]
347. Anne Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, Saturday, [c. July 1830?].[352]
348. Anne Whitaker, Holcombe, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 24 July 1830.[353]
349. Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 24 July 1830.[354]
350. Philip Whitaker, Bratton, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Saturday], 24 July 1830.[355]
351. Eliza Gregory, Gosport, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 20 August 1830.[356]
352. Maria Grace Saffery, Holcombe, to Jane Saffery, Salisbury, Tuesday, [9 April 1833].[357]
353. Maria Grace Saffery, Holcombe, to Jane Saffery, Salisbury, [Monday], 13 May [1833].[358]
354. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to Louisa Boys, [Saturday], 24 August 1833.[359]
355. Anne Whitaker, Holcombe, to Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, [Friday], 7 March 1834.[360]
356. Maria Grace Saffery, Bratton, to Jane Saffery, Salisbury, Friday, [12 July 1834].[361]
357. Maria Grace Saffery, Bratton, to Jane Saffery, Salisbury, Monday, 29 September [1834].[362]
358. Maria Grace Saffery, Holcombe, to Jane Saffery, Salisbury, Friday, [10 October 1834].[363]
359. Maria Grace Saffery, Holcombe, to Jane Saffery, Salisbury, Saturday, [25 October 1834].[364]
360. Maria Grace Saffery, Holcombe, to Jane Saffery, Salisbury, [Tuesday], 28 October [1834].[365]
361. Maria Grace Saffery, [Frome], to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, 21 November [1836].[366]
362. Maria Grace Saffery, Bratton, to William Carey Saffery, Peckham, [Monday], 12 March 1838.[367]
363. Maria Grace Saffery, Frome, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Friday, 18 November [c. 1840].[368]
364. Maria Grace Saffery, Hastings, to Eliza Saffery, London, 20 October [1841].[369]
365. Maria Grace Saffery, Frome, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Thursday morning, [c. May 1842].[370]
366. Maria Grace Saffery, Beckington, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 5 May [1842].[371]
367. Maria Grace Saffery, Beckington, to Jane Whitaker, Tuesday [May 1842].[372]
368. Maria Grace Saffery, Holcombe, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Friday 27 May [1842].[373]
369. Maria Grace Saffery, Holcombe, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, [Monday], 27 February [1843].[374]
370. Maria Grace Saffery, Kingsland, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, 17 June [1844].[375]
371. Maria Grace Saffery, [Brixton], to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Saturday, 20 July [1844].[376]
372. Maria Grace Saffery, Brixton, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Tuesday, 3 September [1844].[377]
373. Maria Grace Saffery, Brixton, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], 7 September [1844].[378]
374. Maria Grace Saffery, Brixton, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Monday, 16 September [1844].[379]
375. Maria Grace Saffery, Brixton, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Thursday, 19 September [1844].[380]
376. Maria Grace Saffery, Kingsland, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], Saturday, 26 September [1844].[381]
377. Maria Grace Saffery, Kingston, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, [Saturday], 5 October [1844].[382]
378. Maria Grace Saffery, Kingston, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, [Friday], 1 November [1844].[383]
379. Maria Grace Saffery, Kingsland, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Saturday, 9 November [1844].[384]
380. Maria Grace Saffery, Salisbury, to John Saffery, [Dalston], [c. 1840s].[385]
381. Maria Grace Saffery, Waltham Abbey, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, [Thursday], Bratton, 30 July [1846].[386]
382. Maria Grace Saffery, Oakington, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, Thursday, 13 August [1846].[387]
383. Maria Grace Saffery, Kingsland, to Jane Saffery Whitaker, Bratton, [Thursday], 24 November [1846].[388]
Timothy Whelan
[1] Complete transcriptions of these letters can be found in Whelan, Nonconformist Women Writers, 1720-1840 [hereafter NWW], vol. 6.
[2] Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(a.), Bodleian. Address: Mrs Andrews | at Mr Ed: Shores | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: 28 August 1788. The letter is in very poor condition with several passages unreadable. Mary Egerton (c. 1765-1840) was the sister of Thomas Egerton, bookseller, Charing Cross, 1784-1830, and John Egerton, with whom Thomas traded from 1784-95. For more on Mary Egerton Scott and her life and writings, including the texts of three of her pamphlets, see NWW, vol. 7; on the Egertons, see Ian Maxted, The London Book Trades 1775-1800 (Folkstone, Kent: Dawson, 1977), p. 73; The Universal British Directory, 5 vols (London: Printed for the Patentees [Peter Barfoot and John Wilkes], and sold by Champanye and Whitrow, Jewry Street, Aldgate, 1791–1798), vol. 1, part 2, p. 136.
[3] Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(b.), Bodleian. Address: Mrs Andrews | at Mr Ed: Shores | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: illegible.
[4] Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(c.), Bodleian. No address page.
[5] Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(d.), Bodleian. Address: Mrs Andrews | Opposite the Mill | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: 12 October 1789.
[6] Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(e.), Bodleian. Address: Mrs Andrews | Opposite the Mill | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: 26 January 1790. Egerton is now living and working in the household of Thomas Scott in Chapel Street, London, at that time adjacent to Grovesnor Square.
[7] Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.A.2, Angus Library. Address: Mrs Andrews | Isleworth | Middlesex. No postmark.
[8] Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(f.), Bodleian. Address: Mrs Andrews | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: 21 July 1790. Egerton was staying at this time in the home of the Rev. Thomas Scott, her future husband, in Chapel Street.
[9] Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(g.), Bodleian Library. Address: Miss Andrews | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: 31 July 1790. Egerton was staying in Denmark Hill at the time of this letter.
[10] Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(h.), Bodleian. Address: Mrs Andrews | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: 2 November. As with the previous letter, Egerton was living at this time in Denmark Hill, but she would soon be returning to the home of Thomas Scott, this time as his second wife.
[11] Reeves Collection, Box 14.1.(a.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Sarum.
[12] Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.B.4.a.(6.), Angus Library. This letter suggests the death of Mrs Andrews, sometimes in 1791.
[13] Reeves Collection, Box 14.1.(i.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Exeter Street | Sarum. No postmark.
[14] Reeves Collection, Box 14.2.(h.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews.
[15] Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.B.1.(1.), Angus Library. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Andrews’s | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: Salisbury.
[16] Reeves Collection, Box 14.1.(m.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Sarum. Postmark: location illegible, 1792.
[17] Reeves Collection, Box 14.3.(o.), Bodleian. No address page.
[18] Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.B.1.(2.), Angus Library. No address page.
[19] Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.A.(4.), Angus Library. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Sarum. Postmark illegible.
[20] Reeves Collection, Box 14.3.(d.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | at Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Sarum. Postmark: illegible. The letter is misdated on the opening page; references to The Noble Enthusiast date the letter as 1792.
[21] Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.B.4.a.(8.), Angus Library. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Andrews’s | Isleworth | Midd.x Postmark: Salisbury.
[22] Reeves Collection, Box 14.1.(n.), Bodleian. No address page, no postmark.
[23] Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.B.4.a.(5.), Angus Library. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Andrews’s | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: Salisbury, 16 July.
[24] Reeves Collection, Box 14.3.(a.), Bodleian. No address page.
[25]Reeves Collection, Box 14.1.(o.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Sarum. No postmark.
[26]Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, 1.B.1.(3.), Angus Library. Address: Miss Andrews | Isleworth | Middlesex. Postmark: Salisbury.
[27]Reeves Collection, Box 14.3.(k.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Sarum. No postmark.
[28]Reeves Collection, Box 14.1.(b.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Sarum. Postmark: Isleworth, 27 [November].
[29]Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, 1.B.1.(4.), Angus Library. Address: Miss Andrews | Isleworth | Middlesex. No postmark.
[30]Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.A.11.(a.), Angus Library. Address: Mrs Saffery, | Mr Shoveller’s, | No 19 Upper Newman Street | Oxford Street | London | Janry 22d. Postmark: Salisbury, 23 January 1793.
[31]Reeves Collection, Box 14.3.(b.), Bodleian. No address page [early1790s].
[32]Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(j.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Hardings | Exeter Street | Sarum. Postmark: 26 March 1793. Attached is a letter from Thomas Scott to MGA, undated but most likely written on the same day, for the postmark is 26 March. This letter has suffered severe water damage.
[33]Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.B.1.(5.), Angus Library. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Andrews’s | Isleworth | Midd:x. Postmark: Salisbury.
[34]Reeves Collection, Box 14.1.(h.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Salisbury.
[35]Reeves Collection, Box 14.3.(e.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Sarum. Postmark: illegible.
[36]Reeves Collection, Box 14.8.(i.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Hardings | Exeter Street | Sarum. Postmark: illegible.
[37]Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.A.11.(b.), Angus Library. Address: Mrs Saffery | Exeter Street | Sarum. Postmark: 4 September 1793. This may be MGA’s first visit to Isleworth since she left in January 1792.
[38]Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, box I.A.(13.), Angus Library. Address: Mr & Mrs Saffery. No postmark.
[39]Reeves Collection, Box 14.3.(m.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews. No postmark.
[40]Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.B.4.a.(7.), Angus Library. Address: Miss Andrews. No postmark.
[41]Saffery/Whitaker Papers, acc. 142, I.B.4.a.(9.), Angus Library. Address: Miss Andrews | Isleworth | Middx | Janry 2d. Postmark: Salisbury [1794].
[42]Reeves Collection, Box 14.1.(g.), Bodleian. Address: Miss Andrews | Mr Harding’s | Exeter Street | Sarum. Postmark illegible.