Late March 1753
38. Mary Doddridge, Northampton, to Mrs. Mercy Doddridge, at the Revd Caleb Ashworth’s, Daventry, Thursday 2 oClock, undated [c. late March 1753]. [f. 3]
Thursday 2 o’Clock
I am afraid if you were here you would think as I do that we goe on but slowly, on Tuesday Mr Butlin did but very little indeed yesterday morning he put up the Bedset & after that went to St Arthurs1 for 4 or more hours, but I find he could not possibly help it. In the after noon he began ^the skirting board of^ the Stairs which I hope will be finish’d before it is long then he is to put up the rail I can’t say but he works hard tho he seems to do but little as things are so backwards I would have had a man to have help’d him to day but he could not get one but he is to get an man that he says is a very good work man tomorrow, & I hope they will be able to get the Skirting Boards for the 2 rooms fitted & the Shutters ready for painting in the after noon. I will take care that that is possible if the rest of the things shall be got ready for painting.
I have given Mr Butlin the orders you sent about your Bedstead but I fear it will not be done by Saturday night as he says you had left him a good Fortnites work. Mr Berry goes on as fast as he can – the Ceilings in my room & the parlor are done & we hope the Hall will be finish’d to night but the Celing in your room Madm will he says take 4 of 5 times dr[y]ing out it is so intolerably soaked, that instid of being White it is now a fine red.
Mr Yeomans has been here to day to give orders abot the places for the [Jack?] to be made ready it is now dr[y]ing & Mr Y. will be here tomorrow to put it up. All the things in the Yard are Clean’d the < > is to be scoured.
I thank you Madm for your kind Letter & will do my utmost indevour that all the things be do[ne] as you have order’d tho I greatly fear it cannot be.
You Madm will see by the Date of the enclos’d Letter that you should have had it yesterday morning Mr Hills man carried it to D. [Daventry] & brought it back with him last night. We have had a long Consultation this morning about the Checks whether to send for them or not but upon the whole thought it better to defer writing till we cod know your pleasure as we knew not what we should do about the Binding. I immagin neat White tape such as you had first propos’d will come Dearer than the Bindings they make now which are mix’d according to the Colour of the Check or Stain White Cotten were in the same manner as the Common Sort of Bed bindings.
My Sister & Celia have been at Mrs Stonhouses all Day & intend to have been thair at Diner but found it more conveinent to stay at home as Mr B & Mrs Bury wear continualy wanting to know one thing or another about thair work. I have not hinderd the maids in the lest they have been hard at work all Day making the Mansion clean [and] ready for painting I intend to have the Parlor done < > to night I had the man paint that & the Hall in the morning without interruption I dined & drank Tea in the Pantry the Cold Beef has been of great Service as thair has been nothing [to] eat since Monday.
I beg my Compts to Mr & Mrs A. I am extreamly glad you Madm are so well.
Adieu my Dear Mamma
Excuse [hand?] from your Ever Obedient
Mary D.
I will write again on Saturday, & on Mond[a]y send the Expositor as you Directed2
Address: For | Mrs Doddridge | at the Revd Mr Ashworths | in Daventry
Postmark: none
Note on address page: [page covered] ye 15 1756 [in Mercy D.s hand]
1 Most likely this is a "Sister" Arthurs, a member of the Northampton congregation at Castle Hill.
2 A reference to the 1753 edition by Waugh of volume 4 of her father's Family Expositor, a volume edited by Job Orton that appeared in London in 1753.