Hymn V.
Lo! Jesus from the dead,
Victoriously is risen;
See our triumphant head,
Before he mounts to heav’n,
Amidst his chosen servants stand,
And leaves with them his last command.
Go preach my word around;
Let all the nations hear:
To earth’s remotest bound,
The joyful tidings bear,
Of free salvation in my blood,
Of pardon’d sin, and peace with God.
Exalt my banner high;
My grace shall crown my word;
And when disciples fly,
Like doves to me their Lord,
Baptize them in the sacred name
Of Father, Spirit, and the Lamb.
This is the Saviour’s will,
Then let his saints obey,
And press to Zion’s hill,
In each appointed way.
Born from above, their hearts shall rise,
And dwell with Christ above the skies.
Text: Maria de Fleury, Hymns for Believers' Baptism (London: printed by W. Justins, Albion’s Buildings, Bartholomew-Close; and sold at the Rev. Mr. Kirkham’s Meeting-house, Red-Cross-Street, near Cripplegate, London, 1786), pp. 10-11.