1767 Undated (Mercy Doddridge)

58.  Mercy Doddridge, Sr., at the Rev. Mr. Thomas's, Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire, to a Mrs. Burkitt, London, 29 August 1767 (attached to letter 57), incomplete.


My Dear Madam

             Whilst I feel my self inexpressibly oblig’d to your [sic] self and good Mrs Jennings for giving yr Selves the great trouble I know it must have cost you to gain the intelligence wt wh you have Favour[ed] me relative to ys unhappy afair between my Daughter and Mr C— the consequences of wh[ich] either in suffering it [to] go on or breaking it off nor know I ^yet^ of t[w]o evils wh at present to Chuse – I doubt not but before this time you have forth kindly communicated to her any intelligence you sent and what more you may since have ^collected^ obtaind I shall be extremely obliged to your [sic] my dear friend to inform me as soon as possible wt Effect this has had upon her and whether you think [unfinished]