Hymn XII.
My Saviour and my God,
Thy love has ransom’d me;
And plunging in the crystal flood,
I follow thee.
I see thee in the grave
A breathless captive lay:
I see thee burst the bars of Death,
And soar away.
Hail! mighty victor, hail!
Thy rising fame I sing;
Thy conqu’ring arm shall still prevail,
My god and King.
With thee to sin I die:
With thee to life I rise;
And soon with thee shall mount on high,
To endless joys.
Come, saints, adore your god,
See where on high he reigns:
You are the purchase of his blood.
In joyful strains,
O sing his worthy name:
Let heaven and earth resound,
Salvation to the bleeding Lamb,
With glory crown’d.
Text: Maria de Fleury, Hymns for Believers' Baptism (London: printed by W. Justins, Albion’s Buildings, Bartholomew-Close; and sold at the Rev. Mr. Kirkham’s Meeting-house, Red-Cross-Street, near Cripplegate, London, 1786), pp. 18-19.