22 June 1823

Ann Judson, on the ship Edward Newton, to Mrs. Baldwin, Boston, 22 June 1823.

22d June, 1823.

My Dear Doctor and Mrs Baldwin,

I embrace the last moments, in view of my native shores, to drop you a few hasty lines, which my brother will communicate to you. I should do injustice to my own feelings, did I not reverently acknowledge the many thousand obligations to which your uniform kindness has subjected me – Never shall I forget all your goodness to me – never shall I cease to thank our heavenly Father for the sweet Christian intercourse I have enjoy’d with the venerable father of our denomination, in my native country – and when far away, it will afford me a great source of gratification to know that the prayers of himself & his dear companion will daily ascend in behalf of ourselves & the mission.

I regret that we had not more opportunities for Christian intercourse before our separation. Oh! may we be prepared to meet in that world, where adieus, & farewell, are sounds unknown –

Pray for you affectionate sister

Ann H. Judson

Address: Rev. Dr and Mrs Baldwin | Boston

Text: Ann Judson Papers, RG 1108, American Baptist Historical Society Archives, Atlanta, GA.