25-26 September 1754

44. Mary “Polly” Doddridge, Cambridge, to her mother, Mercy Doddridge, 25-26 September 1754. [f. 59]

Cambridge Sept 25 1754

pirmit me my ever Dear Mamma to beg of you to accept my best & most graetful thanks for all you[r] Favours & in particular those which I have latly reciv’d for which I think my self exespressibly oblig’d,

Mr Wood is extreamly obliging to me I was yesterday at Sturbridge Fair & ^last^ night at the Consort, but my time will not pirmit here to tell you Madm how I like these Divertions or to give you any particulars of my journey if it is not to much trouble I beg you will read Miss Clarks Letters We are just seting [out] so must only add that I am in perfect Health & at all times with great respect

My Dear Mamas

Most oblig’d & Dutiful

Polly Doddridge

Mr Jones & Mr Wood send their best Comp.ts

Nothing can be more Friendly & Civell than Mr Joneses behavour to me.

Address: To Mrs Doddridge

Postmark: none

Note on Address Page: Polly Sept ye 26 | 1754