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Nonconformist and Dissenting Women's Studies, 1650-1850
Adams, Hannah (1755-1831)
Adams, Sarah Flower (1805-48)
Angus, Margaret (c. 1750-1821)
Ashbridge, Elizabeth (1713-55)
Attwater [Blatch], Jane (1753-1843)
Attwater [Head], Marianna (1742?-1832)
Avery, Elizabeth (fl. 1614-53)
Barbauld, Anna Letitia Aikin (1743-1825)
Bayly, Mary (c. 1698-c.1787)
Beaumont, Agnes (1652-1720)
Bradstreet, Anne (1612-72)
Bryan, Ann (fl. 1783-1801)
Bryan, Mary (fl. 1810-25)
Cappe, Catherine (1744-1821)
Chandler, Mary (1687-1745)
Clarkson, Gertrude (d. 1701)
Coltman, Elizabeth (1761-1838)
Combe, Rebecca (1665?-1744)
Copley, Esther (1786-1851)
Cox, Elizabeth (fl. 1807-43)
Cristall, Ann Batten (1769-1848)
Daye, Eliza (b. 1734)
De Fleury, Maria (1752/3-92)
Delahoy, Elizabeth Omer (1784-1867)
Dutton, Anne (1692-1765)
Anne Dutton's Entries in the Great Grandson Church Book
Fenwick, Eliza (1764-1840)
Flower, Eliza Gould (1770--1810)
Flowerdew, Alice (1769-1830)
Gardner, Sarah Pullen (c. 1710-78)
Gilbert, Ann Taylor (1782-1866)
Gurney, Elizabeth (1770-1840)
Gurney, Martha (1733-1816)
Harrison, Susanna (1752-84)
Hays, Mary (1759-1843)
Heyrick, Elizabeth Coltman (1769-1831)
Hopkins, Elizabeth Ash (1753-?)
Houseman, Jane Adams (1768-1837)
Howe[s], Mrs.
Hughes, Mary (1756-1824)
Hughes - Scholarly Sources
Hutchinson, Anne (1591-1643)
Anne Hutchinson and the Antinomian Crisis, 1636-38
Judson, Ann (1789-1826)
Lanfear, Elizabeth Hays (1765/6-1825)
Lanfear Fatal Errors (1819)
Lanfear Sketches (1824)
Lanfear-Crabb Robinson
Lawrance, Hannah (1795–1875)
Lead, Jane (1624-1704)
Lewis, Mary (1703-91)
Little, Janet (1759-1813)
Major, Elizabeth (fl. 1656)
Morgan, Susanna (1772-1856)
Neale, Henrietta (1752-1802)
Poole, Elizabeth (fl. 1622-1668)
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer (1674-1737)
Ryland, Frances Barrett (1761-1842)
Saffery, Elizabeth Horsey (1762-98)
Saffery, Maria Grace Andrews (1772-1858)
Schimmelpenninck, Mary Anne (1778-1856)
Scott, Elizabeth (1707/8-76)
Scott, Mary (1751-93)
Scott, Biography
Scott, Bibliography
Scott, Criticism
Scott, Reviews
Scott, Mary Egerton (c. 1765-1840)
Sowle, Take (1666-1749)
Steele, Anne Cator (1689-1760)
Steele, Anne (1717-78)
Steele, Mary (1753-1813)
Steele, Mary-Biography
Sutton, Katherine (fl. 1630-63)
Taylor, Jane (1783-1824)
Tomkins, Mary Steele (1793-1861)
Trapnel, Anna (fl. 1642-60)
Trapp [Priestley], Martha Lewis (1745-1828)
Wakeford, Hannah Towgood (1725-46)
Wakeford, Mary Steele (1724-72)
Walrond, Mrs. John (fl. 1699-1730)
Waugh, Mary Fenner (fl. 1735-73)
Wentworth, Anne (1629/30-1693?)
Whitaker, Anne Andrews (1774-1865)
Whitaker, Caroline Attwater (1746-1824)
Williams, Helen Maria (1759-1827)
Williams [Whitaker], Sophia (1790-1891)
Attwater, Jane
T’was Jesus dye’d to save
Will love & Mercy both combine
January 1st, 1818
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia
Hymn I.
Hymn II.
Hymn III. For Easter Sunday.
Hymn IV.
Hymn V.
Hymn VI. Pious Friendship
Hymn VII.
Hymn VIII.
Coltman, Elizabeth
Affliction Sanctified
The Contrite Heart
de Fleury, Maria
Hymn II.
Hymn V.
Hymn VIII.
Hymn XII.
On the Admission of Members
For the Presenting of Children
Ye Angels, who stand round the Throne
Thou soft flowing Kedron, by thy silver stream
Dutton, Anne
Hymn I.
Hymn III.
Hymn IX.
Hymn XII.
Hymn XXX.
Hymn XXXI.
Hymn XXXV.
Hymn XL.
Hymn XLVI.
Hymn LXI.
Hymn on Mercy and Grace of God
Flowerdew, Alice
Future Happiness
On Redeeming Love
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer
Hymn I.
Hymn II.
Hymn III.
Hymn IV.
Hymn V.
Hymn on the Sacrament
Hymn on Heaven
Hymn. Whom have I in heaven but thee?
Hymn (2)
Psalm 23
Saffery, Maria Grace
Hymns on Baptism
Sung at a Baptizing, August 3, 1800
Sung at a Baptizing, December 28, 1800
Baptizing Hymn
Hymn on Baptism
A Baptizing Hymn [’Tis the great Father we adore]
Baptizing Hymn (2)
Occasional Hymns
Sung after a Sermon preached to the Sunday School Society in Brown Street
Ordination Hymn
Sunday School Hymn
Association Hymn
Jubilee Hymn, Sung at Several Baptist Meeting Houses
A Morning Hymn
Missionary Hymns and Related Poems
Hymn [He came from the mansions, the mansions on high]
Missionary Hymn
To Africa Delivered from Captivity
Scott. Elizabeth
Hymn of Praise to God
Hymn of Praise to God (II)
Steele, Anne Cator
[Retire my Soul, exert thy pow’rs]
Hymn on Colossians 3:2
Steele, Anne
Hymn 2. The Voice of the Creatures
Hymn 10. Psalm 93
Hymn 18. The Condescension of God
Hymn 22. Meditating on Creation and Providence
Hymn 25. God my Creator and Benefactor
Hymn 29. Psalm 23
Hymns 33 and 34. Psalm 147
Hymn 44. Psalm 150
Hymn 46. Desiring to Praise God
Hymn 55. Psalm 146
Hymn 59. Psalm 145
Hymn 61. Psalm
Hymn 79. The Excellency of the Holy Scriptures
Hymn 88. The Incarnate Saviour
Hymn 99. A Dying Saviour
Hymn 100. Faith in a Redeemer’s Sufferings
Hymn 102. Christ Dying and Rising
Hymn 113. The Pearl of Great Price
Hymn 115. The Great Physician
Hymn 116. Christ the Physician of Souls
Hymn 121. The Exalted Saviour
Hymn 123. The Glorious Presence of Christ in Heaven
Hymn 126. The King of Saints
Hymn 127. Hymn to Jesus
Hymn 129. Redeeming Love
Hymn 136. Hymn to Jesus
Hymn 144. Longing Souls Invited to the Gospel-Feast
Hymn 145. The Saviour’s Invitation
Hymn 146. Weary Souls Invited to Rest
Hymn 147. Divine Bounty
Hymn 151. The Heavenly Guest
Hymn 157. The Necessity of Renewing Grace
Hymn 167. Life and Safety in Christ alone.
Hymn 193. Desiring a taste of Real Joy
Hymn 196. The Presence of God the Life and Light of the Soul
Hymn 197. God my Only Happiness
Hymn 198. The Chief Good.
Hymn 203. God the Only Refuge of the Troubled Mind
Hymn 204. Desiring Assurance of the Favour of God
Hymn 208. Aspiring towards Heaven
Hymn 213. Psalm 130
Hymn 233. Faith in the Joys of Heaven
Hymn 242. The Mysteries of Providence
Hymn 261. Cold Affections
Hymn 263. Desiring to Know and Love him More
Hymn 268. Happy Poverty, or the Poor in Spirit Blessed
Hymn 272. The Christian’s Prospect
Hymn 286. The Christian’s Noblest Resolution
Hymn 290. The Heavenly Conqueror
Hymn 308. Hymn for the Lord’s Day Morning
Hymn 319. Humble Worship
Hymn 326. Intreating the Presence of Christ in his Churches
Hymn 327. The Presence of Christ the Joy of his People
Hymn 383. The Wonders of Redemption
Hymn 387. Communion with Christ at his Table
Hymn 388. Praise to the Redeemer
Hymn 391. A Funeral Hymn
Hymn 392. At the Funeral of a Young Person
Hymn 398. Longing for Immortality
Hymn 401. The Promised Land
Hymn 402. The Joys of Heaven
Steele, Mary
Occasioned by hearing a Discourse
Sutton, Katherine
[Afflictions are not from the dust]
[Awake, awake, put on my strength]
[Come home, come home, thy work is done]
[O now my soul go forth with praise]
[Oh! where shall I find now]
[The poor then of the flock shall find a rest]
[The Spring is come the dead is gone]
[ZION is God’s precious plant]
Wakeford, Hannah Towgood
A General Hymn of Praise for Creation
Wakeford, Mary Steele
[Almighty Lord to thee I lift]
[“If love’s constraining pow’r can warm”]
Isaiah 55.6 & 7
[Jesus, and didst thou condescend]
[My infant Days, my Childhood past]
[My sovereign Lord, my gracious God]
[My trembling drooping spirit faints]
[Were I to measure Earth and sea]
Attwater [Blatch], Jane
Lines Addressed to Mary Steele. 1773
Lines addressed to her Nephew, Philip Whitaker, 1786
From the Diary, 26 May 1791, written just after her Miscarriage
In Memory of her Daughter, Anna, c. 1811
Attwater [Head], Marianna
On Reading Fordyce's Sermons to Young Women
Character of Fribble
At the End of a Pockett Book for Year 1768
Wrote in the Beginning of a Pockett Book for 1769
To Serena on her Birth Day in the year 1769
On Reading
[Writer unequall’d in the art to please]
The Willing Captive
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia
Verses on Mrs. Rowe
Summer Evening’s Meditation.
Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq.
Bayly, Mary
Elegy on the Duke of Cumberland
Elegy on the Death of John Gill (1771)
Bradstreet, Anne
Queen Elizabeth
To my Dear and Loving Husband
Letter to her Husband
Prologue to the Tenth Muse (1650)
Author to her Book
Flesh and the Spirit
Memory of Grandchild, Elizabeth
Verses upon Burning of our House
Coltman, Elizabeth
Impromptu to the Basket sent to Miss Steele
In Memory of Mary Steele
[There is a language in all Nature’s forms]
To --------------
The Refuge
Afflicted Saints
Death of the Righteous
De Fleury, Maria
Poems from the Protestant Magazine, 1781-82
Address to the Protestant Association
British Liberty Established (1790)
Selected Poems from Divine Poems and Essays
Elegy on Andrew Gifford
To Miranda
Walk at Enfield
Dutton, Anne
Thoughts on Pens (Poem) (1762)
Salvation in Christ by Free Grace
Major, Elizabeth
More, Hannah
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer
Love and Friendship: A Pastoral
To Mr. Watts, on his Poems sacred to Devotion.
Saffery, Maria Grace
Three Early Poems, December 1795
Cheyt Sing (1790)
Occasional Poems
Family Poems
Poems on Biblical Women Characters
Meditative Poems
Poems on Prominent Evangelicals
Poems on Political and Literary Figures
Scott, Mary
On Friendship Addressed to Sylvia, 1770
To Sylvia, 1770
Written in Mary Steele’s Friendship Book, 1773
To Miss Aikin, on Reading her Poems
Female Advocate: Dedicatory Epistle
Memorial to Jonas Hanway, Philanthropist
Steele Circle in the Female Advocate
Steele, Anne Cator
[The absence of Lovers is tedious they say]
[May I, dear lady, briefly speak to you]
Steele, Anne
Occasional Poems of Anne Steele
When’er, my God, thy Wondrous Love
A Hymn of Praise to God
Desiring an Entire Devotion to Jesus
Ye Burd’ned Saints with Flowing Tears
Rouse thee my Soul
Why is my Heart so Oft Distrest
On Dr. Young's Night Thoughts
On the Walks at Bath 1751
On Reviewing my Verses for Publication
On Being Desired to Send some Verses to the Gentleman’s Magazine
On Amira’s Reading Grandison in the Absence of Portius
Happy the Maid who Scorns the Ensnaring Wiles
Philo, the Good, the Generous and the Just
[Sir, once more to your Indulgent ear]
A Dialogue (1)
A Dialogue (2)
Friendship Poems of Anne Steele
[Are Love and Friendship Both an Empty Name?]
To Amira (1)
To Amira (2)
To Amira (3)
Invitation to Amira
To Amira on her Mother’s Illness
To Amira on the Sudden Death of her Mother
Amira to Silviana
On Amira’s calling the Muses Old Maids
To Philander
To Silvia (1)
To Silvia (2)
To Silvia (3)
To Silvia (4)
To Silvia Pensive
Amid Life’s Real, or its Fancied Cares
When Blooming Youth
To Myra
Calendar of Previously Unpublished poems and Prose by Anne Steele
Steele, Mary
Danebury (1779)
Introduction to Danebury
Text of Danebury (1779)
Friendship Poems of Mary Steele
To Miss Scott on reading "The Female Advocate" (1774)
To Myra, 1770, on receiving her Poem on Friendship
To Theodosia, 1771
To Myrtilla, 1771
To Myra, 1772
To Myrtilla, 1773
Inserted in Miss Scott’s Book “Sacred to Friendship”
To Myra, 1776
Song to Sarissa, 1778
To Miss M. Frowd (1778)
Inscribed in Miss Frowd's Book Sacred to Friendship, 1778
Lines written at Motcombe near the Dwelling of the same Friend (1778)
To Miss Scott, 1778
To Miss Scott, 1788
Written during a Visit to the New Works near Leicester
Sonnet to Miss Coltman. occasioned by her Sonnet to Sensibility (1788)
Sonnet to Miss Coltman, 1792
To the Same, laid on her Dressing Table, 1794
Occasioned by reading Miss Coltman's "Journal of a Hasty Ramble"
On being presented by Miss Coltman with an Eolian Harp
To Miss Reid with Theodosia's Poems, 1807
To Miss Coltman, on her leaving Broughton, 1810
Occasional Poems of Mary Steele
On Solitude, 1770
The Rustic Maid, 1771
Occasioned by the Conversation of Certain Gentlemen of Yeovil, 1773
Occasioned by reading a Poem entitled, "The Female Right to LIterature"
Elegy written at Broughton, 1779
On a Gentleman saying "All Women were Vermin," 1783
On Reading Miss Williams's Poem on Peace (1783)
On Reading some very illiberal Strictures on Miss Seward's Louisa (1784)
Poem addressed to Mary Steele by Hannah More, 1786
Sonnet, 1795
Sonnet to Mr. Dunscombe, January 1797
Occasioned by reading Thomson's Seasons on a Walk near Yeovil, 1798
Tomkins, Mary Steele
Wakeford, Hannah Towgood
A New Year's Midnight Reflection
To her Friend, Camilla
On Friendship
Wakeford, Mary Steele
Calendar of Mary Steele Wakeford's Poetry
Reflection on the Past Year, 1748
On Dr. Young's Night Thoughts
[Aminta, though my Eyes ne'er saw thy beauties]
To Theodosia (1769)
Poems to Mary Steele (1769)
To Silvia (1769)
Silvia's Rattle (1769)
Wheatley, Phillis
On Being Brought to America
Death of George Whitefield
Thoughts on Providence
To the University of Cambridge
To the Earl of Dartmouth
Andrews, Maria Grace [Saffery] and Anne Andrews [Whitaker], 1792-96
Calendar of Andrews' Sisters Letters
1792 February 5 (Anne)
1792 February (Maria)
1792 February (Anne)
1792 March 18 (Anne)
1792 May 7 (Maria)
1792? May 14 (Anne)
1792 May 16 (Anne)
1792 May 22 (Maria)
1792 May 25 (Anne)
1792 May 29-June 3 (Anne)
1792 June 28 (Maria)
1792 June 29 (Anne)
1792 July 14 (Maria)
1792 July 21 (Anne)
1792 September 21 (Anne)
1792 October 11 (Maria)
1792 November 5 (Anne)
1792 November 27 (Anne)
1793 January 7 (Maria)
1793 January 22 (Maria)
1793 February 11 (Anne)
1793 April 15 (Maria)
1793 April 19 (Anne)
1793 June 8 (Anne)
1793 October 13 (Anne)
1793 December 23 (Maria)
1794 January 4 (Maria)
1794 January 13 (Anne)
1794 February 20 (Maria)
1794 March 27 (Anne)
1794 May 14 (Anne)
1794 May 26 (Maria)
1794 May 30 (Maria)
1794 August 13 (Anne)
1794 September 16 (Anne)
1794 September 19 (Maria)
1794 October 6 (Anne)
1794 October 17 (Maria)
1794 November 25 (Anne)
1795 February 5 (Maria)
1795 May (early) (Anne)
1795 May (early) (2)
1795 May 18 (Anne)
1795 May 19 (Maria)
1795 May 28 (Maria)
1795 May 30 (Anne)
1795 June (Anne)
1795 June (2) (Anne)
1795 June (3) (Anne)
1795 November 14 (Anne)
1795 December (early) (Anne)
1795 December 19 (Anne)
1796 January 5 (Anne)
1796 February 2 (Anne)
1796 February 20 (Anne)
1796 April 29 (Anne)
1796 (Spring) (Anne)
1796 (Spring) (2) (Anne)
Attwater, Jane
1771 May 27
1773 May 5
1773 May 31
1774 July 18
1774 October 27
1775 February 20
1775 (Summer)
1775 November 13
1776 October 15
1779 March
1780 March 29
1785 May 27
1789 November 12
1801 July 16
1805 July 13
1806 October
1807 (undated)
1840 June 4
Coltman, Elizabeth
1813 December 13
1814 October 1
1815 April 15
1815 August 15
Dutton, Anne
c. 1718-Dutton-Skepp
c. 1724-Dutton-Unidentified
c. 1725/26-Dutton-Grant
c. 1725/26 (2)-Dutton-Grant
c. 1725/26 (3)-Dutton-Grant
1740-February 4-Dutton-Harris
1741-August 12-Dutton-Lewis
1741-September 8-Dutton-Lewis
1742-April 26-Dutton-Lewis
1742-September 29-Dutton-Whitefield
1742-October 15-Dutton-Harris
1742-October 15-Dutton-Unknown
1742-December 30-Dutton-Whitefield
1743-January 6-Dutton-Lewis
1743-January 22-Dutton-Whitefield
1743-April 9-Dutton-Tabernacle
1743-July 13-Dutton-Harris
1744 January 30-Dutton-Doddridge
1745-May 30-Dutton-Harris
1747-April 3-Dutton-Harris
1749 August 7-Dutton-Doddridge
1749 September 25-Dutton-Doddridge
1752 June 20-Dutton-Whitefield
Fenwick, Eliza
1798 October 22
c. 1798-99
1799 January 28
1799 February
1799 March
1799 March 28
1799 May 31
1799 August 30
1799 October 9
1800 July 4-5
1800 August
1801 September 19
1802 December 17
1806 March 31
1806 April 7
1806 May 3
1806 October 25
1806 (late)
1806 December 23
1807 November 5
1808 January 12
1808 January
1808 January 27
1808 February 23
1810 July 23
1810 Summer
1811 Early
1811 May 23
1811 June
1811 August
1811 August (2)
1811 September 16
1811 September 28
1811 October
1811 October 29
1811 November 2
1811 November 13 [14]
1811 November 27 [28]
1811 December 3
1811 December (late)
1813 February 8
1812 January 18
1812 January 6
1812 March 10
1812 April
1812 April 24
1812 May 5
1812 July 21
1812 September 24-25
1812 October 27
1812 November 24
1812 December 17
1813 April 28
1813 June 3
1813 August 26
1813 October 8 and 14
1813 November 11
1813 December 21
1813 December 28
1814 April 13
1814 May 24
1814 December 11
1815 March 21 and April 12
1816 September 26
1816 November 14
1817 May 20
1818 April 24
1819 January 20
1819 August 19
1819 October 15
1820 February 1
1820 May 12
1821 April 15
1821 July 31
1821 December 10
1822 September 2
1823 August 1
1824 March 24
1825 March 1
1825 August 7
1826 July 15
1826 October 15
1828 April 15
Flower, Eliza Gould
1794 April 19
1794 June
1795 April 5
1795 May 19
1795 August 23
1796 February 2
1798 November 19
1799 March
Fragment: 1798 Fall
1805 September 15
1805 October 14
1806 January 12
1806 (early months)
1806 May 8
1806 July 14
1807 January 30
1807 June 18
1808 March 3
1808 August 28
1808 December 8
Gurney, Elizabeth
1800 April 10
1801 May 30
Letters from the Flower-Gould Correspondence
Hays, Mary
1794 October 14
1794 December 7
1795 January 1
1795 May 6
1795 May 10
1795 July 28
1795 October 1
1795 October 13
1795 November 1
1795 November 20
1795 December 16
1795 December 27-29
1796 January 11
1796 February 2-6
1796 February 9
1796 February 14-20
1796 March 1
1796 March 8
1796 March 10
1796 March 23
1796 April 4
1796 April 29-May 3
1796 May 11
1796 c. mid-May
1796 June 6-7
1796 June 7
Hopkins, Elizabeth Ash
1791 February 7
1791 July 21
Saunders, Sarah
Scott, Elizabeth
1738 August 4
Scott, Mary
1777 May 7
1777 May 24
1777 May 26
1788 April 23
1788 April 30
1788 May 18
Scott, Mary Egerton
1790 January 25
1790 March 3
1790 July 19
1793 March 25
1793 July 30
Steele, Anne Cator
1718/19 February 16
1718/19 February 18
Steele, Anne
1750 May 7
1751 October 24
1752 (Spring)
1754 July 26
1755 May 16
1756 (undated)
1756 (undated) (2)
1756 (undated) (3)
1757 (undated)
1757 (undated) (2)
1757 (undated) (3)
1757 (undated) (4)
1757 (undated) (5)
1757 (undated) (6)
1757 (undated) (7)
1757 (undated) (8)
1757 (undated) (9)
1759 (undated)
1759 December
1760 February 6
1761 May 18
1762 March 16
1763 September 9
1767 (undated)
Steele, Mary
1769 May 19
1773 Late September
1773 November 3
1786 January 14
1786 (undated)
1786 June 16
1786 October 11
late 1787-early 1788
1791 August 24
1795 March 13
1795 June 13
1795 November 20
1799 May 14
1803 November 16
1804 February 2
1804 March 9
1808 September 12-13
1808 December 24
1810 (Fall)
1812 February 12
Taylor [Gilbert], Ann
Taylor, Mary Ann
1811 October 28
1811 December 8
1811 December 13
Vowell, Eliza
Wakeford, Mary Steele
1749 September 23
1757 July 4 and 13
1757 July 23
1757 November 10
Whebell, Elizabeth
1797 October 12
1804 July 3
Women Missionaries
Aveline, Miss
Carey, Mary
Hope, H.
Ivimey, Elizabeth
Judson, Ann
1812 October 21 (1)
1812 October 21 (2)
1822 July 23
1822 December 30
1823 February 27
1823 June 22
Ann Judson Dress Scandal
Kirtland, C.
Sophia Parsons
1842 May 22
1842 September 28
Ryley, Clara Vowell
Spurgin, Selena
Voight, Rachel
Walker, Sarah
Wilson, Martha
Attwater [Blatch], Jane
Quinn-Valentine: Jane Attwater's Diaries
1809: Death of Annajane
Ryland, Frances Barrett
Saffery, Elizabeth Horsey
1797 September-November
1798 January
1798 April
Steele, Anne Cator
Walrond, Mrs. John (c. 1699-1730)
Williams [Whitaker], Sophia
1812 June-August
1813 January-April
1817 June-September
Dorothy Farnham Smith Diary, 1793
3-28 February 1793
1-15 March 1793
16-31 March 1793
1-15 April 1793
16-30 April 1793
1-15 May 1793
16-31 May 1793
1-15 June 1793
16-30 June 1793
1-11 July 1793
Biographical Index
Elizabeth Coltman "Journal" to the Lakes
Allen, Hannah
Anonymous Conversion Narrative (c. 1740s)
Beaumont, Agnes
Bradstreet, Anne
Churchman, Mary
Clarkson, Gertrude
Combe, Rebecca Clarkson
Dutton, Anne
Anne Dutton's Letter to Wellingborough Church (1732)
Anne and Benjamin Dutton's Letters of Dismission
Steele, Mary
Sutton, Katherine
Whebell, Elizabeth (1781)
Attwater, Jane
Coltman, Elizabeth
De Fleury, Maria
Christ All in All
Summer's Day Excursion
Meditation for the Lord's Supper
Meditation on Revelation 12.6
Dutton, Anne
Anne Dutton's "Thoughts on Pens" (prose) (1762)
Anne Dutton's Declaration of Evangelical Calvinism, 1743
Rowe, Elizabeth Singer
Prefatory Epistle (Isaac Watts)
Preface (Isaac Watts)
Elizabeth Rowe's Letter to Isaac Watts
IX. Evidence of sincere Love to God.
X. Assurances of Salvation in Christ Jesus.
XV. The Glory of God in his Works of Creation, Providence and Redemption.
XIX. A devout Rapture, or Love to God Inexpressible
XXII. A devout Resignation of Self to the divine Power and Goodness.
XXVII. Breathing after God, and weary of the World.
Steele, Anne Cator
Steele, Anne
God's Omnipresence
Motives to Divine Meditation
Steele, Mary
Wakeford, Hannah Towgood
Attwater, Jane: Funeral Oration
Attwater, Jane: Letter to Young People
De Fleury, Maria: Letter to Mr. and Mrs. M-----n.
Anne Dutton: Published Letters
Anne Dutton: Letter to Mr. T. (1748)
Anne Dutton: Letter to Whitefield [1743]
Anne Dutton: Letter to Mrs. -- from Thoughts on Lord's Supper (1748)
Gould, Eliza: Letter on Wollstonecraft 1795
Hays, Mary: Published Letters to Monthly Magazine
Hays, Mary: Helvetius (1796)
Hays, Mary: Helvetius II (1797)
Wakeford, Hannah Towgood: Six Printed Letters
Coltman, Elizabeth
Coltman, Elizabeth: Plain Tales (1799)
Coltman, Elizabeth: Familiar Letters (1811)
Title Page
Letter I
Letter II
Letter III
Letter IV
Letter V
Letter VI
Letter VII
Letter VIII
Letter IX
Letter X
Letter XII
Letter XIII
Letter XIV
Letter XV
Letter XVII
Letter XVIII
Letter XIX
Letter XXII
Coltman, Elizabeth: Jenny Hickling (c. 1825)
Hays, Mary: The Brothers (1815)
Title Page (1815)
The Brothers
Houseman, Jane Adams: Susan Ward
Lanfear, Elizabeth Hays
Lanfear, Elizabeth: Louisa, the Indulged
Lanfear, Elizabeth: Letter II (1824)
Lanfear, Elizabeth: Letter III (1824)
Scott, Mary Egerton: Path to Happiness
Scott, Mary Egerton: Mrs. Wilkins (1797)
Scott, Mary Egerton: Plain Truth for Plain People, Dialogue II
Coltman, Elizabeth: The Warning (c. 1805)
The Warning (1807)
De Fleury, Maria: Published Tracts
De Fleury, Maria: Letter to Huntington (1787)
De Fleury, Maria: Falsehood Examined (1791)
Dutton, Anne: Two Defences for Women's Writing
Dutton, "Letter to those with Scruples against Women in Print" (1743)
Dutton, "Thoughts on Pens" (1762)
Dutton, Anne: Letters to the Tabernacle and other Congregations (1742-45)
Dutton, Anne: Letter to the Tabernacle (1743)
Anne Dutton: Letter to Those in Philadelphia (1743)
Anne Dutton: Letter on Faith to the Tabernacle (1745)
Hays, Mary: Published Tracts
Hays, Mary: Cursory Remarks (1791)
Hays, Mary: Appeal to the Men of Great Britain (1798)
Advertisement to the Reader
Chapter 1: Arguments Adduced from Scripture against the Subjection of Women
Chapter 2: Arguments Adduced from Reason against the Subjection of Women.
Chapter 3: Of the Erroneous Ideas which Men have formed, of the Characters
Chapter 4: What Men would have Women to be.
Chapter 5: What Women Are.
Chapter 6: Further thoughts on the previous chapter.
Chapter 7: What Women Ought to be.
Scott. Mary Egerton: Remarks on Revelation (1797)
Wentworth, Anne: True Account (1676)
Coltman, Elizabeth: Memoir of Mrs. Coltman (1803)
Hays, Mary: Two Life Writings
Hays, Mary: Memoirs of Wollstonecraft (1800)
Hays, Mary: Charlotte Smith (1801)
Steele, Mary: Mrs. Martha Steele
Mapping the London Locations
Angus, Margaret
Bryan, Ann
Bryan, Mary
Cox, Elizabeth
De Fleury, Maria
Delahoy, Elizabeth Omer
Dodd, Elizabeth ;J. Dodd; and Anne Dodd, Jr.
Gardner, Sarah
Gurney, Martha
Howe[s], Mrs.
Lewis, Mary
Other Lewises: Bristol
Other Lewises: Worcester
Peacock, Lucy, and R. Peacock
Potter, Rachel
Sowle [Raylton], Tace
Trapp [Priestley], Martha Lewis
Waugh, Mary Fenner
Withers, Mary
Selected Imprints and Commentary
Anne Dutton's Printers and Bookseller
Anne Dutton: Secondary Sources
I. Correspondence
Chronological Calendar
1747/8 Letters 1-3
1. 1747/8 March 3
2. 1747/8 March
3. 1747/8 March 24
1750 Letters 4-19
4. 1749 [50] January 12
5. 1750 [early]
6. 1750 February 4
7. [1750] February 6
8. 1750 February 20
9. 1750 July [1]
10. 1750 July [2]
11. [1750] July 18
12. 17[50] July 27
13. 1750 July [2]
14. 1750 July [3]
15. August 1750
16. 1750 August [23]
17. 1750 mid-September
18. 1750 October 10
19. 1750 November 2
1751 Letters 20-31
20. 1751 January 2
21. 1751 late February
22. 1751 July 25
23. 1751 early August
24. 1751 August 18
25. 1751 September [1]
26. 1751 November 2 (daughter)
27. 1751 November 2 (cousin)
28. 1751 December 25
29. 26 December 1751
30. 1751 December 30
31. 1751 December 30 [2]
1752 Letters 32-35
32. 1752 October 2
33. 1752 October 5
34. 1752 November 4
35. 1752 December 6
1753 Letters 36-43
36. 1753 January
37. 1753 March
38. 1753 March Undated
39. 1753 March 28
40. 1753 May 26
41. 1753 July 13
42. 1753 October 10
43. 1753 October 23
1754 Letters 44-47
44. 1754 September 25-26
45. 1754 October 21
46. 1755 November 19
47. 1754 December 20
1755 Letters 48-53
48. 1755 February 6
49. 1755 February 24 - Mary , cousin
50. 1755 February 24
51. [1755 April 24]
52. 1755 August 28
53. 1755 October 28-November 3
1766 Letters 54-55
1767 Letters 56-62
57. 1767 August 29
58. 1767 Undated (Mercy Doddridge)
59. 1767 September 29
60. 1767 October 15
61. 1767 October 25
62. 1767 November 19
1768 Letter 63
1771 Letters 64-65
1773 Letters 66-72
1774 Letters 73-76
1775 Letters 77-80
1776 Letter 81
1777 Letter 82
1778 Letter 83
1781 MS. 84
84. 1781 May 20
MS. 85 (undated)
II. Miscellaneous Letters 1729-65
1. 1729 November 22
2. 1736 May 6
3. 1736 May 6 (Doddridge)
4. 1739 May 12
5. 1739 September 13
6. c. 1739-40 (Thomas Scott)
7. 1743 January 26
8. 1744 January 30
9. 1745 June 28
10. 1747 July 28
11. 1749 April 24
12. 1749 August 7
13. 1749 September 25
14. 1749 September 26
15. 1752 November 7
16. 1755 April 28
17. 1756 August 4
18. 1759 March 8
19. 1763 August 4
20. 1765 June
III. Miscellaneous Manuscript Material
1. 1803 October 25 Elizabeth Hamilton
2. 1752 25 September
3. Family Expositor Leaf
4. Family Expositor Subscription Advertisements
5. Mercy Doddridge LIbrary
IV. Codicils and Property Papers
1. Undated
2. 1749 July 4
3. 1753 June 12
4. 1760 January 30
5. 1761 January 31
6. 1762 April 17 and 21
7. 1761 July 22
8. 1762 April
9. 1761 July 22 and 1762 April 21
V. Mary Doddridge Letters
VI. Biographical Index
VII. Morris, Kate, Biographical Notes
Nonconformist and Dissenting Women's Studies, 1650-1850
Travel Diaries
Dorothy Farnham Smith, Savannah, Georgia, 1793
Elizabeth Coltman, "Hasty Ramble to the Lakes," 1800
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