10 April 1800 

Eliza Gurney, Keenes Row, Walworth, to John Rippon, 11 Grange Road, Bermondsey, 10 April 1800. 


            I am directed by the Subscribers to the Walworth Female Charity and Sunday Schools, respectfully to request you to preach the annual Sermon to young people, on May Day, at the Meeting House of Dr Jenkins.

            The Subscribers finding that the Knitting School (a Charity instituted in the year 1796, for ^the benefit of the Sunday Scholars, and^ supported by a separate subscription) is much in want of pecuniary assistance, have agreed to divide the May Day Collection for the present year, equally between the two Schools.

         I have therefore enclosed the plans of both Schools for your perusal, and if we have the happiness to find you disengaged for May Day, and you will favour us with a Sermon, I will furnish you with a more particular account of the rise and progress of both Institutions.

                                                                  I am


                                                                                    Yours respectfully

                                                                                                Eliza Gurney Sec.


Keenes Row Walworth

April 10. 1800.


P.S. I shall be particularly obliged by an answer as soon as convenient


Address: The Rev. Dr Rippon | No 11 Grange Road | Bermondsey

Text: Rippon Collection, Vol. 3, British Library, Add. MS. 25387, fols 145-146.