Letters 54-55
54. Mary Doddridge (cousin), Northampton, to Mrs. Mercy Doddridge, 17 September 1766. [f. 71]
She is glad for her last letter and the news that Mrs. Humphreys and children are now better. Has not heard in some time from her cousin Mercy (the daughter of Mrs. Doddridge). Hopes for a letter soon if Mrs. Doddridge's eyes will permit her to write. All her old friends, Mary tells her, desire to be remembered to her and her children.
55. Mary Doddridge (cousin), Northampton, to Mrs. Mercy Doddridge, at the Rev. Thomas’s, Henley, Arden, Warwickshire, 2 October 1766. [f. 5]
Glad her letter and parcel arrived safe. Some discussion of the materials she had put into the parcel, cleaning, and of bills paid to several people who are named in the letter, apparently all in Northampton. When Mercy is away, Mary appears to watch over the house, so it seems she lives with the Doddridges. It may be that Mercy and her two unmarried daughters have not yet moved to Tewkesbury.