30 January 1760
4. Copy of the Conditional Surrender from Philip Doddridge to Dagge More Esq. with Cost of Satisfaction being Acknowledged. Manor of Twickenham, 30 January 1760.1
The Manor of Twickenham in the County of Middlesex. Be it Remembred that on the thirtieth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty Philip Doddridge one of the Customary Tenants of the said Manor did out of Court Surrender by the Rod into the Hands of the Lords of the said Manor by the Hands and Acceptance of Thomas Lechmere Gentleman Steward of the said Manor according to the Custom of the said Manor All that close of Arable Land called Moswell Close containing by Estimation Eleven Acres more or less And all that other Close of meadow or pasture adjoining to the said Close containing by Estimation Six Acres more or less formerly in the Occupation of Walter Brookes of Hounslow freeholder or his Assigns and late in the Occupation of Flexney Brookes and now or late in the Occupation of the Right Honourable the Duke of Argyll in the parish of Isleworth within the said Manor and heretofore the Land of Elizabeth [Annsham?] Widow And also a moiety of all those three Acres and a half of Customary meadow or pasture ground more or less lying and being near Whitton Dean in the said parish of Isleworth and County of Middlesex within the said Manor and heretofore also the Land of the said Elizabeth Annsham and inclosed in a Close called Lay Ends and now or late also in the occupation of the said Duke of Argyle And all the Estate Right Title Interest property Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said Philip Doddridge of in or to the same premises every or any part thereof To the Use and Behoof of Dagge More of the Inner Temple London Esquire his Heirs and Assigns for ever at the Will of the Lords of the said Manor according to the Custom thereof Subject nevertheless to a Conditional Surrender made of the said premises on the fourteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven by the said Philip Doddridge unto Mary ^Mercy^ Doddridge of Northampton in the County of Northampton Widow her Heirs and Assigns for securing aunto the said Mary ^Mercy^ Doddridge her Executors Administrators or Assigns the Repayment of Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds with Interest for the same in manner as is therein mentioned Provided always nevertheless that if the said Philip Doddridge his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns Do and shall well and truly pay or Cause to be paid to the said Dagge More his Executors Administrators or Assigns the full Sum of Eighty Pounds x x x x x x x x of lawfull money of Great Britain with Interest for the same after the Rate of four pounds for each one hundred Pounds by the year on the Thirtieth day of July next Ensuing the date hereof then this Surrender to be void otherwise to be and Remain in full force and Virtue
Taken and Accepted this Day and Year ^first^ above written by me Phi: Doddridge
Thoms Lechmere
Steward of the sd manor
2s – 3d
Be it Remembered That on the Twenty first Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & sixty one Dagge More Esquire in this Surrender named came out of Court before one Thomas Lechmere Steward of the sd Manor And acknowledged himself to be fully satisfied and Paid by George Ross Esquire and of the Executors of the late most Noble Archibald Duke of Argyll and Earl of Ilay the Purchasor of the Promises set forth and described in the said Surrender the said Sum of eighty Pounds due and payable by the Condition of the said Surrender together with all Interest due for the same in Testimony whereof as well the said Dagge More as I the said Steward have hereunto set our hands.
Dagge More
Thoms Lechmere Steward of the sd Manor
I do hereby Certify that the above Satisfaction Piece is a true Copy from the Rolls of the said Manor and Examined therewith by me
Thomas Lechmere
Steward of the Manor
1 London Metropolitan Archives, acc. MS 1149/111.