21 October 1812 (2)
Ann Judson, Calcutta, to Mrs Lucius Bolles, Salem, MA, 21 October 1812.
Calcutta Oct 21. 1812.
My Dear Mrs Bolles
Before the reception of this, Mr Bolles will probably receive a letter from Mr Judson in which is mentioned our change of sentiment relative to baptism. When he wrote that we expected to be alone in a mission, not daring to hope that any of our American brethren would join us. But Br. Rice, has been for some time, in a candid prayerful manner, examining the subject & is finally convinced that Believers baptism alone is consistent with the word of God. This event will be an additional inducement for the Baptist churches in America to make exertions in forming a society to support an infant mission so recently in existence. It is expected this mission will be established in Java where there is an European establishment consisting of English & Dutch. We consider it a very great favor in providence in having Br. Rice to go with us, yet we very much regret his being single as it is almost absolutely necessary there should be two females in a mission. He is engaged to a Miss Eaton in Amer ^of Framingham, Mass.^ whom he hoped would accompany him to India. We still hope she will come as we have written her urgent letters since our arrival. Had Mr Judson & Rice continued under the direction of the Commissioners, they would doubtless have procured her passage & paid the expenses of her voyage. But as this mission must in future look to a baptist missionary society for support & as no such society is now existing should Miss Eaton conclude to come, who would defray the expences of her passage? I think my dear Mrs Bolles you already anticipate my wishes. Would not a few of the ladies in your society rejoice to have an opportunity to contribute ^to this^ object? Animated with the consideration of doing something to establish the kingdom of the Redeemer in a land of pagan darkness & superstition, they will I doubt not make a speedy collection sufficient for this purpose. Should Miss Eaton finally conclude not to come & this collection be made, it can easily be given to the society which we do sincerely hope will be immediately formed. I have written to a friend of mine in Boston, Mrs Carleton, on this subject, requesting she will use her influence among her friends to unite with you in making a small collection. Think my dear friend how lonely my situation without one female associate. Separated from a tender Mother, affectionate sisters & many female friends, think what a greateful [sic] cordial, the sight of one I loved in my native land, in my solitary situation. Miss Eaton is eminently qualified for such an undertaking & just the person I should choose for an associate in the mission. The sooner she comes the better, therefore let me ask that you will soon make a little exertion & I doubt not the object will be affected. Could Christians behold the melancholly state of the heathen in this part of the world, they would consider no sacrifice too great to make to send them the gospel. Thousands & thousands worship the most odious figures made by their own hands. But they have none to tell them of Jesus, none to instruct them in the way to heaven. They put confidence in idol gods because they know no other. When will Christians in our native country be alive to the miseries of the heathen? When will they send out armies of missionaries to erect the standard of the cross in every part of the heathen world? When will Jesus have the heathen for his inheritance & the whole earth for his possession?
We trust we have your united prayers for our spiritual prosperity & success. Mr Judson unites with me in sending our affectionate regards to Mr Rolt. Please to give my most sincere love to Capt Russel’s family Mr E. Kimballs family & my dear schollars. I should have written to Mrs Russel & Mrs Kimball had time permitted
I am, my dear Mrs Bolles, your sincere & affectionate sister in Christ
Nancy Judson.
P. S. Should you immediately succeed in collecting sufficient to defray Rebecca’s expences in coming to this country, please to write her soon, as I fear she will delay coming on account of there being no society to send her –
Address: Mrs Lucius Bolles | Salem
Text: Ann Judson Papers, RG 1108, American Baptist Historical Society Archives, Atlanta, GA.