25 July 1751
22. Mary “Polly” Doddridge, Northampton, to her father, Philip Doddridge, [most likely still recuperating from an illness at Job Orton’s in Shrewsbury], 25 July 1751. [f. 23]1
1751 Polly July 25
To Doctor Doddridge
I raly think my Dear Pappa thair never was a Letter waited for with greater impatiency than y your last & I may with still greater certainty add thear never was a letter more joyfully receiv’d for the best thought of our Dear Pappas being in the lest better gives us all the most sinscere pleasure & if the best wishes & the most ardont Prayers are Graceously answerd we shall soon hear the still more pleasing Tidings of my Dear Pappas perfect recovrey.
it is impossible Sr to tell you how many inquires thare is after you but Mrs Isted’s Family has Distingest them selves by the most frequent sendings & in the most obliging maner, Miss Phill was so good as to call her self on Monday which pleasd much we sent your Compliments yesterday as you desired to MrsIsted Mrs & Mr Churchill & Dr Stonhouse with the Letter.
Our endevours to find Mr Jennings Letter have been Altogather in vain tho we have made diligent search after it
This Morning Judy Parker & Birch sent thair Compliments to my Dear Pappa with an invitation to Dine with them to day
We are sorry you Dear Sir are not well enough to write a long letter but we flatter our selves this will not prevent us from hearing often as only a note or too to tell us you are better would give us an unspeakable pleasure, but if my Dear Mamma is well (as believe she is) we do not disapir [despair] of being endulg’d with a long Letter
Sister Mercy & Celia’s Duty Joind with your Polly’s wait on our Dear Pappa & Mamma & Cosins & I think evry body’s Compliments
but as Sister intends to write by Tuesdays Post as we have several Letters more than we can send in the Frank I only add that I am
My Dear Pappas
Most Dutyfull & Obeident Daughter
Polly Doddridge
Northampton July ye 25: 1751
Address: To | Doctor Doddridge
Postmark: none
Note on address page: 1751 | Polly July 25 [in Philip Doddridge’s hand]
1 Mary Doddridge had just received a letter from her father (not in Nuttall's Calendar); Philip Doddridge would write again from Shrewsbury on 24 July (see Calendar, letter 1767), the day before her letter, where he was staying with Mercy as his illness was steadily progressing. By early August Samuel Clark, Jr., would assume duties in Northampton as the Doddridge's made their way to Bristol.