Hymn III.
The Glory of the Gospel above the Law.
The Ministry of Moses’s Law
Was glorious indeed;
But what was all old Israel saw,
To that which does exceed!
If legal Glory was so bright,
That yet was to decay;
How great must be the Gospel-Light,
That is to last alway?
That Dispensation was but Night,
Moon-Light, indeed, they had;
But Christ, the Sun of Glory bright,
Our Gospel-Day hath made.
No wonder that the Moon and Stars
Are vanish’d out of sight;
Since Christ, the Glory-Sun appears
With his out-shining Light.
The Law had Figures, Types and Shades,
Of glorious Things to come,
Which in the Gospel are display’d,
And follow in their Room.
The Faith of Saints who then did live,
Long’d for the Break of Day,
When Christ, the Gospel-Sun, should drive
Their mystic Shades away.
This is the Day our Lord hath made,
In which our Souls rejoice;
And in his Light we are made glad,
To hear the joyful Voice.
How blest are they that know the same?
They shall walk all the Day,
Exalted in his glorious Name,
Enlighten’d with his Ray.
High Praises to our glorious Lord,
The Sun of Righteousness;
Whose healing Wings to us afford
Such Life and Happiness.
Text: Text: Anne Dutton, Hymns Composed on Several Subjects. With an Alphabetical Table. Affixed to Dutton’s A Narration of the Wonders of Grace in Verse (London: Printed for, and sold by the Author, in the year 1734), pp. 75-76.
I Cor. iii. 7.
Verse 9.
Verse 10.
Verse 11.
Cant. ii. 17.
Psal. cxix. 105.
Ps. lxxxiv.11.
Heb. viii. 13.
Chap. ix. 11.
Verse 9.
Chap. x. i.
Col. ii. 17.
Psal. xiv. 7.
Cant. iv. 6.
Psal. cxviii. 24.
Psal. iv. 6, 7.
Ps. lxxxix. 15.
Verse. 16.
Psal. xviii. 28.
Isa.xxxiii. 21.
Mal. Iv. 2.
Psal. xxx. 5.