C. Kirtland, 1843
This letter is not written by a woman but it does concern the activities of Mrs. Kirtland and the women of what would appear to be an auxiliary society of women in Newark on behalf of the BMS. The list of materials provides details usually not included in letters to the BMS Secretary. Charles Kirtland (1811-1886) was a Baptist minister who worked with the London City Mission in Holborn, the Norwich City Mission, and the Baptist Home Missions in Nottingham and Newark, 1835-46. A letter from Kirtland to Angus, dated 17 November 1841, from Newark, detailing his work in home missions, appeared in the Quarterly Register of the Baptist Home Missionary Society (December 1841): 681-83.
C. Kirtland, Newark, to Joseph Angus, [Baptist Mission House, London,] 24 February 1843.
Newark Feby 24th 1843
My Dear Bror:
The accompanying parcel from Mrs Kirkland and female friends is for Mr Merrick to take to Africa. They would have been sent before but we have been waiting for several of the garments & did not get them until Wednesday. I am sorry we could not send more, but our friends are able to do but little, still though it is we know, it is a willing offering and will help to clothe a few of the naked daughters of Africa. I hope our dear brother will have a safe passage and meet with a cordial reception among the sable tribes. I have thought much, very much on this deeply interesting mission and shall not cease to pray for its success
Sincerely yours
C Kirkland
The following is a list of the articles. 3 gowns—5 Frocks—2 Aprons. 2 Womens under garments—5 childrens do—3 Pinafore’s—6 Handkerchiefs—1 Pair Stockings—1 Pair Shoes—2 Fanny bags. In all 30 articles. Please to acknowledge the receipt of them in the Herald—
Text: Methodist Archives, MAW, Box 39 (BMS 2794), John Rylands University Library of Manchester; Timothy Whelan, ed., Baptist Autographs in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1741-1845 (Macon: Baptist History Series, Mercer University Press, 2009, p. 306.