Mary Lewis
Imprint History (338 total) for Mary Lewis from the “Bible and Dove,” 1 Paternoster Row, London, 1755-1776
Mary Lewis (1703-91) and her husband, John Lewis (1697-1755), operated a printing and bookselling establishment in Bartholomew Close from 1731 to 1749 and then at 1 Paternoster Row, from 1749 to 1755, leaving a significant mark during those years as printer and distributor of materials related to the evangelical revival and religious dissent, all from within her own ardent faith as first a follower of George Whitefield and then of John Cennick and the Moravians. Upon her husband’s death in 1755, Mary Lewis assumed control of the business, assisted by her eldest daughter, Catherine (1727-67); her youngest daughter, Martha (1745-1828); and several apprentices, including William Immyns (1736-?) and Henry Trapp (1740-91), eventual husbands to Catherine and Martha. Upon her retirement in 1776, Mary Lewis turned her business over to Henry and Martha Trapp. After Henry Trapp’s death in 1791, Martha Lewis Trapp (later Priestley) continued to appear on imprints from 1 Paternoster Row into 1797. The previous year she had relinquished control of the family business to her son-in-law, Vaughan Griffiths (d. 1832), who remained a printer, seller, and proprietor at those same premises through 1812, bringing to a close more than a half-century of one family’s commanding presence as dissenting printers and booksellers at the entrance to the most iconic street in eighteenth-century London’s book trade. She did not appear on an imprint under her own name, however, until 1755, the year of her husband’s death. The following year, she printed or sold 39 imprints, about 31% of the total number of imprints produced by her husband during his entire career. Of these imprints, 32 were works by Cennick, whose writings would be the exclusive publishing domain of Mary Lewis and her successors for the next four decades, an achievement justifying her distinction, noted by Plomer, as “Printer to the Moravians.” Mary Lewis first began attending the Moravian congregation in Fetter Lane, London, along with her daughter, Catherine, in 1743; she applied for membership in 1745, but was not formally admitted until April 11, 1748, confirmed on January 22, 1749, and allowed communion on February 19, 1749. By 1762, Mary Lewis had transformed a narrowly-focused religious print-shop into a vibrant and cohesive publishing enterprise, employing four apprentices as her two daughters, Catherine and Martha. Together, these women created an imposing female presence at 1 Paternoster Row that would continue unabated for another three and a half decades. Mary Lewis was interred at the Moravian burial ground in Chelsea on September 20, 1791.
Mary Lewis appeared on 338 imprints from 1 Paternoster Row between 1755 and 1776, of which some 225 imprints were printed and sold exclusively on her own, selling many of them in the vestries of some twenty Moravian and dissenting chapels, a total exceeding that of any other dissenting printer/bookseller in London during the last half of the eighteenth century, an indication of both her widespread connections within dissenting culture and her own deeply-held evangelical interests. She was the sole printer and seller for all of Cennick’s works and editions (109 imprints, 46 titles) as well as works by James Relly (seven imprints), Charles Bradbury (six imprints), and John Gambold, one of the Moravian ministers at Fetter Lane (two imprints). She was also the main printer for William Mason (an early editor of the Gospel Magazine) (27 imprints, 15 titles), Thomas Jones (like Mason, an evangelical Anglican) (six imprints), and Joseph Hart (five editions of his popular Hymns, composed on Various Subjects). In total, she printed or sold works by more than fifty dissenting and evangelical Anglican ministers and writers, another total that placed her among the leaders within London’s dissenting book trade, especially among printers and sellers aligned with evangelical Calvinism.
Many of her doctrinal and devotional interests were shared by other evangelical and dissenting printers and booksellers, including the Baptist printing/bookselling duo of Joseph Gurney (1744-1815) and his sister, Martha (1733-1816). Joseph worked with Lewis on several publications in the 1760s and ’70s, most noticeably the popular Gospel Magazine. It is also probable that either he or Lewis instructed Martha Gurney in the printing and bookselling trade (she was never formally apprenticed). Martha Gurney began her career in 1772, just a few years before Lewis’s retirement. Lewis and Gurney rarely appeared in any of the London Directories during their careers, and their use of initials on their imprints (“M. Lewis” and “M. Gurney”) furthered their obscurity as women printers and booksellers. Lewis appeared on 34 imprints with the Particular Baptist bookseller George Keith, son-in-law of John Gill (1797-1771), prominent Baptist minister at Carter Lane, Southwark; 29 imprints with the Dillys (Edward and his younger brother Charles, the former a member of the Independent congregation in New Broad Street); 24 imprints with the Calvinistic Methodist James Mathews; 12 imprints with James Buckland, another Independent printer/bookseller in Paternoster Row; nine imprints with John Robinson, a Southwark Particular Baptist and member at Gill’s congregation in Carter Lane; nine imprints with Joseph Johnson who, like Keith (his master during his time as an apprentice in London) and Robinson, was raised a Particular Baptist before departing from his Calvinistic roots and embracing Unitarianism in the 1770s. Besides Martha Gurney, Mary Lewis regularly worked with other women booksellers and actively supported women authors who needed publishers for their writings, such as Mary Withers, at Seven Stars, Fleet Street; Elizabeth Dodd, at The Bible, West Street, just to the south of Seven Dials; Rachel Potter of Cannon Street; a Mrs. Winbush of Charing Cross; a Mrs. Englefield (location unknown); the Baptist poet Mary Bayly; and Dorcas Master, who wrote an account of a dispute among the members of a dissenting congregation in Redcross Street in 1758. References to Lewis can be found at that Moravian Archives, Moravian Church House, Muswell Hill, London; Plomer, Dictionaries, 155; McKenzie, Stationer's Company Apprentices, 214-15; and a forthcoming article by Timothy Whelan, "Mary Lewis and her Family of Printers and Booksellers, 1 Paternoster Row 1749-1812" in Publishing History. Work on Lewis is also being undertaken by Alison McNaught.
For accounts of two other Lewis families involved in the printing trades in the eighteenth century, also with dissenting connections, see The Lewises of Bristol and The Lewises of Worcester.
Dissenting and Evangelical Anglican Writers Printed or Sold by Lewis:
Addington, Stephen
Allen, John
Auther, John
Bayley, Mary (poet)
Behmen, Jacob
Bradbury, Charles
Brown, John
Burder, George
Cennick, John
Chorlton, Thomas
Coetlogon, Charles Edward
Cruden, Alexander
Cudworth, William
Dove, John
Edwards, John
Elliot, Joseph
Fawcett, John
Flavel, John
Giles, William (writer)
Griffith, John
Harman, Isaac
Hartley, Thomas
Hill, Rowland
How, James
Humphreys, Joseph
James, Samuel
Jones, Thomas
La Trobe, C. I.
Lloyd, John
Luther, Martin
MacGregor, Robert
Madan, Martin
Mason, William (1719-91)
Maxfield, Thomas
Morgan, James
Okely, Francis
Owen, Charles
Palmer, Herbert
Relly, James
Rogers, John
Ryland, John Collett
Sadler, Francis
Spangenberg, Augustus Gottleib
Stevens, John
Stillingfleet, James
Toplady, Augustus
Traill, Robert
Wakelin, J.
Wallin, Benjamin
Wilson, Thomas
Wood, William
Other Dissenting Booksellers used by Lewis:
Buckland, James
Burder, William
Button, William
Dermer, J. [Baptist], Horsleydown, New Stairs
Dilly, Charles
Dilly, Edward
Fisher, Thomas
Gardiner, Thomas
Gurney, John
Gurney, Martha
Henderson, C., Royal Exchange
Johnson, Joseph
Keith, George
Lepard, William
Lloyd, John
Mathews, James
Otridge, William
Phillips, James
Robinson, John, Dockhead
Tomkins, Benjamin, Fenchurch Street
Vallance and Simmons
1. Bradbury, Charles. Mr. Bradbury's case truly stated: containing, I. A genuine and undisguised narrative of the whole affair; the Cause and Origin of the Prosecution minutely traced; and the Plots contrived, and Schemes laid, to destroy his Life and Character manifestly detected. II. A review of the trial, with Remarks and Observations thereon; shewing the many Falsities, Inconsistencies, and Contradictions of the Evidence given in Court. III. The several recantations, letters, and other Papers, produced in Court, written, sign'd, and acknowledged by James Hearne the prosecutor, but never before published. To which are added, the depositions of a great Number of witnesses, who were ready, but not examined being prevented by the Prosecutor's confessing his perjury. Written by himself. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and may be had at all the pamphlet-shops in London and Westminster, [1755].
2. Jones, Thomas, 1729?-1762. A sermon preached at the visitation of the Reverend Dr. Thackeray, archdeacon of Surry; on Tuesday, September 16, 1755. at the parish church of St. Saviour, Southwark. By T. Jones, ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1755.
3. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. An account of the conversion of Edward Lee, a malefactor, who was executed at Haverford-West, in Wales, for a robbery. In a letter from Mr. Cennick, to his friend in London. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1756.
4. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The assurance of faith; or, the experience of a true Christian. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Glenevy in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
5. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The beatific vision; or, beholding Jesus crucified. Being the substance of a discourse preached in Ballymenagh in Ireland, in the year 1755. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
6. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The beatitudes. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Dublin, December the 21st, 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1756.
7. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The benefits of the New-Testament. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in London, in the year 1745. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
8. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The best foundation. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Biddiford in Devonshire, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
9. Bradbury, Charles. The cobler undone, by the loss of his awl and his ends: being a proper answer to a scurrilous Pamphlet, entitled, Remarks on Mr. Bradbury's state of his case; written by one John Taylor, Cordwainer. By Charles Bradbury, Minister of the Gospel. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, M.DCC.LVI [1756].
10. Cruden, Alexander, 1701-1770. The corrector's earnest address to the inhabitants of Great-Britain. Shewing that the late earthquakes, and our being at war with a powerful nation, are loud calls from divine providence for a speedy and a thorow reformation, and for favouring the corrector's honest designs for that purpose. With an account of his earnest application to Parliament for an act to enable him to carry his good designs into execution. As also, an account of his visiting, as corrector of the people, last summer, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Eton-College, Windsor, and Tunbridge, and lately Westminster-School. Interspersed with many religious admonitions and reflexions, shewing the necessity and importance of appointing a corrector of the people, or of taking some effectual measures for a speedy and a thorow reformation. London: Printed for the author: and sold by A. Dodd at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, and by M. Lewis in Pater-noster Row near Cheapside, MDCCLVI [1756].
11. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The daemoniac. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Haverford-West, in May, 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
12. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Deliverance from death. Being the substance of a discourse preached at Kingswood, Sunday, March 25, 1753. By John Cennick, Late of Reading in Berkshire. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, 1756.
13. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Dives and Lazarus. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Dublin, in the year 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
14. The evening's walk. A poem. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1756.
15. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The fall and redemption. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Ballynahone in the county of Tyrone in Ireland, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
16. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The first principles of Christianity. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the north of Ireland, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
17. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The gift and office of the Holy Ghost. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Little Sommerford in Wiltshire, in the year 1740. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
18. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The good shepherd. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at St. Ginnis in Cornwall, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
19. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The great sacrifice. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Bath, in the year 1753. By John Cennick, ... [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
20. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The hidden treasure. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Philbatch on the Milford-Haven in South-Wales. In the year 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
21. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. A letter to the little children, especially to those who want to know how to go to Heaven. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster Row, near Cheapside, 1756.
22. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The linsey-woolsey garment. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Drumargen in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
23. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The lost sheep, piece of silver, and prodigal son. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the county of Antrim in Ireland. In the year 1750. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
24. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Naaman cleansed. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Smiths-Hall, Bristol. By John Cennick, late of reading in Berkshire. [The third edition.] London: Printed and sold by M. Lewis in Paternester-Row, near Cheapside, 1756.
25. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Nunc dimittis. Some lines of the Reverend Mr. Cennick's, (who departed this life, July 4, 1755.) Which he wrote some Time ago, and carried with him in his Pocket-Book, where they were found after his Decease. London: Printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1756.
26. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The offices of the Messiah. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Haverford-West in South-Wales, in the year 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
27. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The patterns of mercy. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Ballinderry in the county of Antrim, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
28. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The privilege of believers. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Grogun in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
29. Gambold, John, 1711-1771. The reasonableness and extent of religious reverence: A sermon preached at the Brethren's Chapel in Fetter-Lane, on the afternoon of the fast-day, Feb. 6, 1756. By John Gambold. London: Printed; and sold at the Brethren's Chapels, and by M. Lewis in Paternoster-Row, near Cheap-side, 1756.
30. Jones, Thomas, 1729?-1762. Repentance and reconciliation with God recommended and enforced: In two sermons, preached at the Parish-Church of St. Saviour, Southwark; on Sunday February the 1st. and on Friday the 6th. Being the day appointed, by His Majesty's proclamation, to be observed as a general fast. With a serious and affectionate address to the inhabitants of the said parish. By T. Jones, chaplain. [The second edition.] London: Printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1756.
31. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The reproach of the cross. A discourse delivered at Gloonen in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
32. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The safety of a true Christian. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in London, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
33. Jones, Thomas, 1729?-1762. A sermon preached at the visitation of the Reverend Dr. Thackeray, Archdeacon of Surry; on Tuesday, September 16, 1755. At the Parish Church of St. Saviour, Southwark. By T. Jones, M. A. Chaplain of the said Parish. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1756.
34. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The shadows of Christ. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the north of Ireland, in the year 1751. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
35. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The sower. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1748. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
36. Relly, James, 1722?-1778. The tryal of spirits. Or, a treatise upon the nature, office, and operations of the spirit of truth. By James Relly. London: printed by M. Lewis, 1756.
37. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Twenty discourses on the following important subjects, viz. I. The woman of Samaria. ... XX. The beatific vision; or, beholding Jesus crucified. By John Cennick. vol.II. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
38. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The two covenants. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in London, in the year 1745. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
39. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The vision of dry bones. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Dublin, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
40. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The widow of Nain. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in ****, in the year 1755. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
41. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The woman of Samaria. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Scoles in Yorkshire, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1756.
42. Cudworth, William, 1717?-1763. Aphorisms concerning the assurance of faith. Designed to reconcile differing sentiments on that important point. To which is added, a specimen of their use, in a praxis on the Rev. Mr. Pike's touchstone of saving faith. ... [Third edition.] London: printed and sold by G. Keith; M. Lewis, T. Trye; and E. Dilly, 1757.
43. Bradbury, Charles. A cabinet of jewels opened to the curious, by a key of real knowledge. Containing a great number of sayings and sentences, collected from heathen authors and Others. Applied and Adapted to the Various States of Mankind. By Charles Bradbury, Minister of the Gospel. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1757.
44. A Collection of hymns. Addressed to the holy, holy, holy, triune God, in the person of Christ Jesus, our mediator and advocate. London: Printed for M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLVII [1757].
45. Bradbury, Charles. A collection of Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. By Charles Bradbury, minister of the Gospel. London: Printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold at Glovers-Hall, Beech-lane, MDCCLVII [1757]).
46. The confession of faith of the King of Prussia, which he caused to be delivered to all the Protestant ministers, in the edict of the empire at Ratisbon. To which is added, several hymns sung for his Prussian Majesty, at Glovers-Hall, after reading the above Confession. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1757.
47. A familiar dialogue between Eve and Mary, concerning the free pardon of sins, ... Written first in German, in the year 1743. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1757.
48. Convert from Infidelity. Miscellaneous devotions in prose and verse. By a convert from infidelity. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, 1757.
49. Friend of Moses, and Servant of Jesus Christ. Moses brought to the test; or, the crown fairly won, and set upon the right head. Being a contest between the law and the gospel: in a friendly dialogue between a Christian, a minister, and Moses. By a friend of Moses, and servant of Jesus Christ. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1757.
50. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Nunc dimittis. Some lines of the Revd. Mr. Cennick's, (who departed this life, July 4, 1755.) Which he wrote some Time ago, and carried with him in his Pocket-Book, where they were found after his Decease. [London]: Printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLVII [1757].
51. Jones, Thomas, 1729?-1762. A sermon preached at the visitation of the Reverend Dr. Thackeray, Archdeacon of Surry; on Tuesday, September 16, 1755. At the Parish Church of St. Saviour, Southwark. By T. Jones, M. A. Chaplain of the said Parish. [The fourth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1757.
52. Piers, Henry, 1695?-1769. A sermon preached (in part) before the Right Worshipful the Dean of the Arches, and the Reverend the clergy of the Deanery of Shoreham; assembled in visitation at Sevenoaks, in Kent. On Friday the 21st day of May, 1742. Addressed to them by the Rev. Henry Piers, A. M. Vicar of the Parish of Bexley; sometime Student of Trinity-College, Dublin. Author of two Letters in Defence of our present Liturgy. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, [1757?].
53. Boësnier de la Touche, Henry. Some observations of the power and efficacy of a medicine against loosenesses, bloody fluxes, &c. By the late Dr. William Cockburn, Of the College of Physicians, and Fellow of the Royal Society; late of St. James's-Street. Also cases where the medicine was administred by Mr. John Dove. With an introduction treating of the various powerful properties, and uncommon efficacy of it in many other disorders. Also rules for taking it. By Henry Boësnier de la Touche. Of. Little Chelsea. [The second edition.] London: printed for the author, and sold by M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1757.
54. Boësnier de la Touche, Henry. Some observations of the power and efficacy of a medicine against loosenesses, bloody fluxes, &c. By the late Dr. William Cockburn, Of the College of Physicians, and Fellow of the Royal Society; late of St. James's-Street. Also cases where the said medicine was administred by Mr. John Dove. With an introduction treating of the various powerful properties, an uncommon efficacy of it in many other disorders. Also rules for taking it. By Henry Boësnier de la Touche. Of Little Chelsea. London: printed for the author, and sold by M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1757.
55. Church of England. Thirty-nine Articles The thirty nine articles of religion, established in the Church of England: with expository observations on some of the most Important, relating to Divine Faith and Eternal Salvation. Extracted from the learned and famous exposition of the late Pious and Judicious Bishop Beveridge. Bishop Beveridge. By the editor of the Homilies. London: printed by M. Lewis in Paternoster-Row, M.DCC.LVII [1757].
56. Blessed is he that is not offended in Christ. London: printed for the author, and sold by Mr. Cook, at the Royal-Exchange; Mr. Lloyd, near Great Moorgate; Mrs. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; at Spencer's Breakfasting-Hut, near Sadler's Wells, Islington; Mr. Farley, at Bristol; Mr. Chase, at Norwich; Mr. Silver, at Sandwich; and Mr. Aris, at Birmingham, 1758.
57. Relly, James, 1722?-1778. Christian hymns, poems, and spiritual songs, sacred to the praise of God our Saviour. By James and John Relly. London: printed by M. Lewis, 1758.
58. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The danger of infidelity; or, the necessity of a living faith in Christ. The substance of a discourse deliver'd in Bristol, in the year 1742. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1758.
59. Fox, Edmond. Enthusiasm: a poem. With notes variorum. For the Correction of some, and Consolation of Others. Diu Multumque desideratum. By Edmond Fox. A. S. &c. &c. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1758.
60. Master, Dorcas. A full and true account of the proceedings relating to the New Meeting-House, in Redcross-Street: partly in answer to the false account lately published by Mr. John Dolman. By the proprietor thereof, Dorcas Master. In two parts. Part I. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, M.DCC.LVIII [1758].
61. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The good Samaritan. Being the substance of a sermon preach'd at the Tabernacle in London, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1758.
62. Church of England. Homilies Certain sermons or homilies, appointed to be read in churches, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, of famous memory. And now thought fit to be reprinted by authority ... With pious reflections ... By a divine of the Church of England. To which are added, The thirty-nine articles of religion, ... [The third edition.] London: printed for the editor; and sold by M. Lewis, 1758.
63. Piers, Henry, 1695?-1769. John Baptist's office continued in all ministers of the Gospel: or, a sense of our want of him, the only disposition for Christ. A sermon preached in the parish-church of Bexley, in Kent, ... June the 24th, 1758. In compliance with the appointment of John Styleman, ... who, b his last will ... left ... onehundred pounds ... for ... twelve ... alms-houses ... By Henry Piers, ... London: printed for the author: and sold by M. Lewis; and W. Heard, 1758.
64. Cudworth, William, 1717?-1763. A preservative in perilous times. In three letters. I. To Mr. James Relly, Relative to his misleading Principles in Religion. II. To Mr. John Wesley, Occasion'd by the Revival of his Dialogues, in a late Treatise, called, A Preservative against Unsettled Notions. III. To Mr. John Wesley, Occasion'd by his Letter of Remarks on Theron and Aspasio, publish'd in the above-mention'd Preservative. London: sold by G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street; M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; T. Smith, in Ship-Alley, Wellclose-Square; and at the New Chapel in Margaret-Street, near Oxford-Market, [1758?].
65. Mason, William, 1719-1791. Remarks and observations on the morality and divinity contained in Dr. Free's certain articles, proposed to the Court of Assistants, of the Worshipful Company of Salters. In a letter to the Reverend Dr. Free. London: printed by M. Lewis, Paternoster-Row; and sold by E. Dilly, in the Poultry; J. Fuller, in Blow-Bladder-Street, near Cheapside; J. Robinson, at Dock-Head; and W. Lepard, opposite Battle-Bridge, in Tooley-Street, [1758?].
66. Dove, John, -1772. Remarks on the Reverend Mr. John Wesley's Sufficient answer to the author of the Letters on Theron and Aspasio. With a letter address'd to him, Relating to his very extraordinary Treatment of that Author, &c. By J. D. London: printed for M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, [1758].
67. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The sufferings and satisfaction of Christ. Being the substance of a discourse deliver'd in the north of Ireland, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1758.
68. Church of England. Thirty-nine Articles The thirty nine articles of religion, established in the Church of England: with expository observations ... Extracted from the learned and famous exposition of ... Bishop Beveridge. By the editor of the Homilies. London: printed by M. Lewis, 1758.
69. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. An account of the conversion of Edward Lee, a malefactor, who was executed at Haverford-West, in Wales, for a robbery. In a letter from Mr. Cennick, to his friend in London. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1759.
70. Griffith, John, 1714-1798. A brand plucked out of the fire: exemplified in the experience of John Griffith, Late Pastor to a Church of Christ, Meeting in Red Cross Street, London. Containing, an account of his conversion, Call to the Ministry, Confession of his Faith, and some Hints relating to the unjust Proceedings of the above said Church towards him. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.LIX. [1759].
71. Edwards, John, 1714-1785. The Christian indeed; described in a letter from Gaifer on his conversion to Christianity in England, to Aly-Ben-Hayton, his friend in Turkey. [The fourth edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold at Mr. Skelton's meeting-house, in Maid-Lane, Southwark; and at the White Chapel in Leeds, [1759].
72. Bradbury, Charles. Christ's glory displayed; or, the mystery of his Excellent titles explained. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold at the chapel in King John's-Court, near St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey; and at Glovers-Hall, Beech-Lane, 1759.
73. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The divinity of Christ. Being the substance of a discourse deliver'd in Dublin, in the year 1746. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, 1759.
74. Sadler, Francis. The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered. Shewing, that the common fees demanded for performing any office of the church, ... are contrary to law. . . By Francis Sadler. [The fourth edition corrected.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis: also sold by the author, 1759.
75. Harman, Isaac. A familiar epistle to a free doctor, ... By a lover of truth. [The second edition.] London: printed for James Pace and M. Lewis, 1759.
76. Mason, William, 1719-1791. Methodism displayed, and enthusiasm detected; intended as an antidote against, and a preservative from the delusive principles and unscriptural doctrines of a modern set of seducing preachers: And As a Defence of our Regular and Orthodox Clergy, from their Unjust Reflections. Addressed to the Rev. Mr. Romaine, the Rev. Mr. Jones, &c. [The fourth edition enlarged.] London: printed for M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and E. Dilly, in the Poultry, 1759.
77. Young gentleman. A proposal effectually to supply the Royal Navy with seamen, at all times without pressing. ... By a young gentleman. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1759.
78. Mason, William, 1719-1791. Remarks and observations on the morality and divinity contained in Dr. Free's certain articles, proposed to the Court of Assistants, of the Worshipful Company of Salters. In a letter to the Reverend Dr. Free. [The second edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold by E. Dilly, in the Poultry; J. Fuller, in Blow-Bladder-Street, near Cheapside; J. Robinson, at Dock-Head; and W. Lepard, opposite Battle-Bridge, in Tooley-Street, [1759].
79. Jones, Thomas, 1729?-1762. Repentance and reconciliation with God recommended and enforced: in two sermons, preached at the parish-church of St. Saviour, Southwark; on Sunday February the 1st and on Friday the 6th 1756. Being the Day appointed, by his Majesty's Proclamation, to be observed as a General Fast. With a serious and affectionate address to the inhabitants of the said parish. By T. Jones, Chaplain. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, [1759].
80. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Simon and Mary. Being the substance of a sermon preached in Exeter, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1759.
81. [Keark, Mr.] The spiritual gamut, or, rudiments of true music. Being a faithful relation how William East, . ... who was a man well-skilled in the music of this world: learned also to sing the Song of Moses, ... Taken from his own mouth. . . To which are added, two poems, one on hi conversion, the other on his death; . ... by Mr. Keark, ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis; also sold by M. East and Mr. Streeton, at Grantham; Mr. Heath, at Nottingham; and Mr. Gregory, at Leicester, 1759.
82. W. T. The sweet and soul-comforting dream of the Shulamite. Together with a letter written to a gentlewoman for the encouragement of her faith under present troubles, and in the Day of approaching Evils. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1759.
83. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The Syrophenician: or, a pattern of invincible faith. Delivered in a discourse at London, in the year 1750. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, 1759.
84. A treatise on happiness. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis in Paternoster-Row; also sold by M. Withers in Fleet-Street; and E. Dilly in the Poultry, [1759].
85. Piers, Henry, 1695?-1769. Victory and plenty great subjects of thanksgiving. A sermon preached in the parish-church of Bexley in Kent. On Thursday the 29th of November, 1759. Being Appointed by His Majesty for a public Thanksgiving for Success to His Majesty's Arms over his Enemies,'' and for an uncommonly plentiful Harvest.'' By Henry Piers, M. A. Vicar of the Parish; some Time Student of Trinity-College, Dublin; and Author of two Letters in Defence of our present Liturgy, against the (so) free and candid Disquisitors, and Authors of the Expediency, yea Necessity of altering it,'' &c. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; also sold by M. Withers, at the Seven Stars in Fleet-Street; and W. Heard in Piccadilly, 1759. [Lewis as printer and seller along with Mary Withers.]
86. Mason, William, 1719-1791. Antinomian heresy exploded: in an appeal to the Christian world; Against the Unscriptural Doctrines, and Licentious Tenets of Mr. James Relly: Advanced in His Treatise of union, &c. By W. Mason. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; also sold by G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street; E. Dilly, in the Poultry; and M. Withers, in Fleet-Street, [1760?].
87. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English A commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, Wherein is Most Excellently set forth, The Glorious Riches of God's Grace, and Power of the Gospel. With The Difference between the Law and the Gospel, And Strength of Faith declared; to the joyful Comfort and Confirmation of all true Christian Believers; Especially Such as, being inwardly afflicted and grieved in Conscience, do Hunger and Thirst For Justification in Christ Jesus: For whose Cause this Book is most chiefly translated and printed, and dedicated to the same. Written by the Famous Champion for the Faith of Christ, Dr. Martin Luther. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, M.DCC.LX [1760].
88. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The cries of the son of God. Being the substance of some discourses delivered at Kingswood in Gloucestershire, in the year 1739. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1760.
89. Madan, Martin, 1726-1790. An exhortatory address to the brethren in the faith of Christ, occasioned by a remarkable letter from Mr. Foote to the Rev. author of Christian and critical remarks on the minor. With a Serious Word or two on the present Melancholy Occasion. By a minister of the church of Christ. London: printed for G. Keith, in Grace-Church-Street; M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Burd, near the Temple-Gate, Fleetstreet, MDCCLX [1760].
90. Madan, Martin, 1726-1790. Christian and critical remarks on a droll, or interlude, called The minor. Now acting by a company of stage players in the Hay-market; and said to be acted by authority. In which the blasphemy, falshood, and scurrility of that piece are properly considered, ... By a minister of the Church of Christ. [The second edition corrected.] London: printed for, and sold by Mr. Keith; Mrs. Lewis; Mr. Andrews; Mr. Rolls; Mr. Burd; and Mr. Taylor, 1760.
91. Madan, Martin, 1726-1790. Christian and critical remarks on a droll, or interlude, called The minor. Now acting by a company of stage players in the Hay-Market; and said to be acted by authority. In which the blasphemy, falshood, and scurrility of that piece is properly considered, answered, and exposed. By a minister of the Church of Christ. London: printed for, and sold by Mr. Keith, in Grace-Church-Street; Mrs. Lewis, Pater-Noster-Row; Mr. Andrews, in Twister's-Court, Bunhill-Row; Mr. Rolls , in Little St. Bartholomew's-Close; Mr. Burd , near St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street; and Mr. Taylor, in the Hay-Market, [1760].
92. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Lot's flight. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Pembroke, on Sunday, October 14, 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1760.
93. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Naaman cleansed. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Smiths-Hall, Bristol. By John Cennick, ... [The fourth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1760.
94. Owen, Charles, -1746. Plain reasons, I. For dissenting from the communion of the Church of England. II. Why dissenters are not, nor can be guilty of schism, in peaceably separating from the Places of Public Worship in the Church of England. And III. Several common objections, brought by churchmen against dissenters, answered. By a true Protestant. [The thirteenth edition.] (London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, 1760.)
95. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. St. Paul's conversion. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Plymouth in Devonshire, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1760.
96. Piers, Henry, 1695?-1769. Thanksgiving for a plentiful harvest. A sermon preached in the parish-church of Bexley in Kent, on Sunday, September 28, 1760. By Henry Piers, M. A. Vicar of the Parish; sometime Student of Trinity-College, Dublin; Author of two Letters in Defence of our present Liturgy, against the so free, the so candid Disquisitors, and Authors of the expediency, yea Necessity of altering the present Liturgy.'' London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Pater-Noster-Row: sold also by M. Withers, at the Seven Stars, in Fleet-Street; and W. Heard, in Piccadilly, [1760].
97. Isaac. The true use of music; or, Merry hearts companion: being a collection of love-songs and love-letters, written in praise of the best of lovers. With certain directions how the sick may be healed, and the poor become rich. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; also sold by T. Smith, in Ship-Alley, near Wellclose-Square; J. Taylor, in King-Street, Deptford; J. Dawson, in South-Gate-Street, Leicester; W. Powel, in Loughborough; T. Woodcock, at Market-Harborough; J. Heath, at Nottingham; R. Whitaker, in Rosendale, Lancashire; J. Lumbard, at Wem, in Shropshire; and J. Webb, at West-Bromwich, in Staffordshire. [and 1 at Market-Harborough, 1 at Nottingham, 1 in Rosendale, 1 at Wem, and 1 at West-Bromwich], [1760?].
98. Philalethes. Truth from the original university; opening the deep ground of the scriptures; the Process to Paradise; what God is; what Nature is; and the Reason of so many Opinions. Being a call to the world, to prepare for Christ's second coming; humbly offered to the Consideration of all People. By Philalethes. Part I. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; also sold by J. Lloyd, near Moorgate; and the booksellers in town and country, [1760].
99. [T. E.] Christ only exalted: from Exekiel xxi. 26, 27. It is the spirit of Christ, that taketh of things of his, and sheweth them unto us. London: printed for the author, and sold by G. Keith, in Grace-church-Street; Mr. Lloyd, near Great-Moorgate; Mrs. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; Mr. Merry, in Bishopsgate-Street, near Cornhill; Mr. Dod, near Temple-Bar; Mrs. Winbush, Charing-Cross; at Spencer's Breakfasting-Hut, near Sadler's Wells, Islington; and by the booksellers of London and Westminster, M.DCC.LX. [1760].
100. An address to the clergy of the Church of England: shewing The cause why so many People absent themselves from the pure established communion of that Church, to the tabernacle, meeting-houses, &c. Recommended to all true members of the reformed church. London: printed for the author, by T. Jones, in Fetter-Lane, near Holbourn, and sold by R. Withy, at the Dunciad in Cornhill, M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove in Pater-Noster-Row, and J. Pridden, at the Feathers in Fleet-Street, near Fleet-Bridge, MDCCLXI [1761].
101. A conference on the terras-bench. London: printed by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row, [1761].
102. Mason, William, 1719-1791. Methodism displayed, and enthusiasm detected; intended as an antidote against, and a preservative from the delusive principles and unscriptural doctrines of a modern set of seducing preachers: and As a Defence of our Regular and Orthodox Clergy, from their Unjust Reflections. Addressed to the Rev. Mr. Romaine, the Rev. Mr. Jones, &c. [The fifth edition enlarged.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; also sold by E. Dilly, in the Poultry; and J. Jolliffe, in St. James's-Street, [1761].
103. Mason, William, 1719-1791. Methodism displayed, and enthusiasm detected: intended as an antidote against, and a preservative from the delusive principles and unscriptural doctrines of a modern set of new-light, seducing preachers, who have started up amongst us, who know not what they say, nor whereof they affirm: and As a Defence of the Regular and Orthodox Clergy of our Church, from their unjust Reflections. [The sixth edition, enlarged.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; also sold by E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; and J. Mathews, in the Strand, [1761?].
104. Spencer, Edward, active 1761. The nature and office of the Holy-Ghost. Being a sermon on St. John xv. 26. Preach'd on Whit-Sunday, the 10th of May, 1761. By Edward Spencer. London: Printed and sold by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row, 1761.
105. J. H. Religion: a Poem. By J. H. A. B. Formerly of Pembroke College, Oxon. London: printed by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXI [1761].
106. Palmer, Herbert, 1601-1647. Upright Protestant Characteristicks of a believing Christian, in paradoxes and seeming contradictions. By Francis Bacon ... With a preface by a clergyman. [The third edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, 1762.
107. A short and plain account of the two covenants; viz. the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace. London: printed by J. and W. Oliver, and sold by Mrs Lewis, and Mrs Englefield, 1762.
108. J. A. (John Allen), active 1741-1772. A compendious descant of the autogeneal, and theanthropos glories of Christ: or, the crown of Crowns Set upon the Head of King Jesus. Wherein is display'd His Glory as Jehovah by Nature, and his Mediatorial Glories as the Messiah and Saviour of his People. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, 1762.
109. The first epistle, of peace and war in Christ, written to such teachers of the gospel of Christ, as presume to teach others, before Christ, the only master, has taught them sufficiently; ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1762.
110. An epistle, written to such teachers of the gospel of Christ, as presume to teach others, before Christ, the only master, has taught them sufficiently; ... London: printed by M. Lewis, 1762.
111. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The great sacrifice. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Bath, in the year 1753. By John Cennick. London: printed by M. Lewis, 1762.
112. Eliot, Joseph, 1638-1694. Life of faith exemplified and recommended The life of faith: recommended in a letter found in the study of a late reverend divine: being an answer to this question, how to live in this world, so as to live in heaven? London: printed by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row, [1762].
113. H. R. The misery of the wicked, and the happiness of the righteous. London: Printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, 1762.
114. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Nunc dimittis. Some lines of the Rev. Mr. Cennick's, (who departed this life, July 4, 1755.) ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1762.
115. The second edition of The old woman's loyalty: or, a few lines made on the birth of the illustrious Prince of Wales; born August the 1st, O.S. 1762 ... His names: George-Frederic-Augustus. To which is added, a poem on the taking of the Havannah, and re-taking of Newfoundland. London: printed by M. Lewis, 1762.
116. The seraphical young shepherd. Being a very remarkable account of a shepherd in France, about eighteen years of age; who, without any other means than the scriptures, ... attained to a very uncommon and evangelical knowledge of the true God, ... Now translated from the French, ... By Cornelius Cayley, jun. ... To which is added, by him, A small bunch of violets. ... In two parts. London: printed for the author; and sold by M. Lewis; and W. Heard, 1762.
117. Jones, Thomas, 1729?-1762. A sermon preached at the visitation of the Reverend Dr. Thackeray, Archdeacon of Surry; On Tuesday, September 16, 1755. at the Parish Church of St. Saviour, Southwark. By T. Jones, M. A. Chaplain of the said Parish. [The fourth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row, 1762.
118. Piers, Henry, 1695?-1769. The sins of Jews, and of Christians, under law, under Gospel, considered and compared: in a sermon preached in the parish-church of Bexley in Kent, on Friday the 12th day of March, 1762. Appointed by His Majesty for a general fast. By Henry Piers, M. A. Vicar of the Parish, Sometimes Student of Trinity-College, Dublin: Author of two Letters in Defence of our present Liturgy. Dedicated to Samson Gideon, Esq. Of Leesing-Heath, in Kent. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; also sold by M. Withers, in Fleet-Street; E. Dilly, in the Poultry; and W. Heard, in Piccadilly, 1762.
119. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The sower. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1748. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed; and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1762.
120. Relly, James, 1722?-1778. The trial of spirits. Or, a treatise upon the nature, office, and operations of the spirit of truth. By James Relly. [The second edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, 1762.
121. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Twenty discourses on the following important subjects, viz. I. The cries of the Son of God. II. The Gift and Office of the Holy Ghost. III. The New-Birth. IV. The Danger of Infidelity; or, the Necessity of a living Faith in Christ. V. Naaman cleansed. VI. The bloody Issue healed. Vii. St. Paul's Conversion. Viii. The good Shepherd. IX. The best Foundation. X. The good Samaritan. XI. Simon and Mary. XII. The Marriage of Isaac. XIII. The two Covenants. XIV. The Benefits of the New-Testament. XV. The Divinity of Christ. XVI. The Sower. XVII. The lost Sheep, Piece of Silver, and prodigal Son. XVIII. The Syrophenician. XIX. The Shadows of Christ. XX. The fall and redemption. By John Cennick. Vol. I. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, MDCCLXII [1762] [1765?].
122. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Twenty discourses on the following important subjects, viz. I. The woman of Samaria. II. The first Principles of Christianity. III. The Sufferings and Satisfaction of Christ. IV. The Beetitudes. V. The Dasmoniac. VI. Dives and Lazarus. Vii. The hidden Treasure. Viii. The Offices of the Messiah. IX. The great Sacrifice. X. Lot's Flight. XI. Deliverance from Death. XII. The Privilege of Believers. XIII. The Patterns of Mercy. XIV. The Vision of dry Bones. XV. The Safety of a true Christian. XVI. The Assurance of Faith; or, the Experience of a true Christian. XVII. The linsey-woolsey Garment. XVIII. The Reproach of the Cross. XIX. The Widow of Nain. XX. The beatific vision; or, beholding Jesus crucified. By John Cennick. vol. II. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, MDCCLXII [1762] [1765?].
123. Green, John, -1774. Vindications of the Christian verity: as the same is professed, preached and experienced, by the people upon whom the present age hath imposed the name of Methodists. By John Green, Clergyman. Part I. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold by A. Webley at the Bible and Crown, in Holborn, near Chancery-Lane, [1762]).
124. Cruden, Alexander, 1701-1770. The history of Richard Potter, a sailor, and prisoner in Newgate, who was tried ... and received sentence of death for attempting, at the instigation of another sailor, to receive thirty-five shillings of prize-money due to a third sailor. Containing an account of his being convinced of sin and converted in the cells of Newgate, ... London: printed by J. and W. Oliver: for G. Keith; E. Dilly; M. Lewis; G. Freer; and J. Ridley, 1763.
125. Ritso, George, active 1763. Kew Gardens. A poem. Humbly inscribed to her royal highness the Princess dowager of Wales. By George Ritso. [London]: printed by M. Lewis, and sold by R. and J. Dodsley, 1763.
126. Ordinary of Newgate. The ordinary of Newgate's account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words, of five malefactors, viz. George Anderson, for a burglary and robbery, Patrick OHara for a high-way robbery, Hugh Maloney for personating, &c. Charles Brown for shop-lifting, and John Broughton for forgery, who were executed at Tyburn on Wednesday Nov. 23, 1763. Being the first execution in the mayoralty of ... William Bridgen, ... Number I. for the said year. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, for the author, [1763].
127. Glasse, John, 1730 or 1731. Poems on several occasions. By John Glasse, late of Trinity-College, Cambridge. London: Printed and sold by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1763.
128. Stevens, John, Rev. The present peace considered, and thankfully acknowledged to be a seasonable and special blessing: in a sermon preached to a congregation of Protestant dissenters, at the meeting-house opposite Paul's-Alley in Red-cross-street, on May the 5th, ... By John Stevens. London: printed for the author; and sold by G. Keith; and M. Lewis, 1763.
129. Mason, William, 1719-1791. A seasonable antidote against religious delusion: being an affectionate address to the members of the Church of England, on their being carried about with every wind of doctrine; ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis; and J. Johnson, 1763.
130. A word in season: being a caution against the awful delusions of the perfectionists. Humbly addressed to the followers of the Lamb. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis; and J. Johnson, 1763.
131. How, James, 1690 or 1691-1765. Busy-bodies anatomized: or a succinct description of one of the most mischievous characters of the present age. ... By James How, ... London: printed by M. Lewis; and sold by E. Dilly; J. Rivington; J. Richardson; J. Whiston and B. White; and C. Henderson, 1764.
132. Eliot, Joseph, 1638-1694. Life of faith exemplified and recommended The life of faith: recommended in a letter found in the study of a late reverend divine: ... London: printed by M. Lewis, 1764.
133. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Sacred hymns for the use of religious societies. Part 3 Sacred hymns for the use of religious societies. By John Cennick, Late of Reading in Berkshire. Part III. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXIV. [1764].
134. Relly, James, 1722?-1778. The sadducee detected and refuted, in remarks on the works of Richard Coppin. By James Relly. London: printed by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row, [1764].
135. West, John, Methodist. A scriptural answer to Mr. James Walder author of The ax laid to the root; or, a Preservative against the erroneous Doctrine of the Methodists, &c. Candidly offered to the consideration of all Christians. In three discourses. By John West. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, [1764].
136. Brown, John, -1800. A sermon preached at a public administration of baptism; interspersed and enlarged with testimonies from learned and judicious writers, who espoused infant-sprinkling. ... By John Brown. London: printed by M. Lewis; and sold by G. Keith; J. Robinson; and J. Luckman, in Coventry, 1764.
137. Brown, John, -1800. A sermon preached at a public administration of Baptism; interspersed and enlarged with testimonies from learned and judicious writers, who espoused infant-sprinkling. To which is added, Hymns sung on that Solemn Occasion. By John Brown. [The second edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold by G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street; J. Robinson, at Shad-Thames; and J. Luckman, in Coventry, 1764.
138. Brown, John, -1800. A sermon preached at a public administration of Baptism; interspersed and enlarged with testimonies from learned and judicious writers, who espoused infant-sprinkling. ... By John Brown. [The third edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis; and sold by G. Keith; J. Robinson; and J. Luckman, in Coventry, 1764.
139. Brown, John, -1800. A sermon preached at a public administration of Baptism; interspersed and enlarged with testimonies from learned and judicious writers, who espoused infant-sprinkling. To which is added, Hymns sung on that Solemn Occasion. By John Brown. [The fourth edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis , in Paternoster-Row; and sold by G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street; J. Robinson , at Shad-Thames; and J. Luckman, in Coventry, [1764].
140. Boësnier de la Touche, Henry. Some observations of the power and efficacy of a medicine against loosenesses, bloody fluxes, &c. by the late Dr. William Cockburn, Fellow of the Royal Society; of the College of Physicians, London: And Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians at Edinburgh. also cases where the said medicine was administered by Mr. John Dove. With an introduction treating of the various powerful properties, and uncommon efficacy of it in many other disorders. And an account of fluxes by Dr. W. Cockburn. By Henry Boësnier de la Touche, of Little Chelsea. [The third edition.] London: printed for the author, and sold by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove in Paternoster-Row, [1764].
141. The utility of the religious societies, to promote and preserve the unity and honour of the Church of England, ... Collected from the works of Archbishop Wake, Bp. Burnet, Bp. Gibson, ... Robert Nelson, Esq. &c. By a member of one of these societies, at Seal, in Sussex. London: printed by M. Lewis. Sold by E. Verral, at Lewes; and G. Moore, in Beeding-Street, [1764].
142. An affectionate address to all who frequent religious assemblies. London: printed by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row, [1765?].
143. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The assurance of faith; or, the experience of a true Christian. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Glenevy in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
144. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The beatific vision; or, beholding Jesus crucified. Being the substance of a discourse preached in Ballymenagh in Ireland, in the year 1755. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
145. [Cruden, Alexander.] A compendium of the Holy Bible: wherein the contents of each chapter are given: Designed for Making the Reading and Study of the Holy Scriptures more easy, particularly to those that are in their younger Years. To which is prefixed, a brief account of the history and excellency of the Scriptures: by Alexander Cruden, M. A. Author of the Concordance to the Bible. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis at the Bible and Dove in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXV [1765]
146. Complete summary of the New-Testament. A compleat summary of the New-Testament. Or, the contents of all the chapters; Taken from the first edition of the last translation of the Holy Bible: Carefully compared with, and corrected by the Sacred Text. Whereby any particular Passage in those Holy Books may soon be found. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXV [1765].
147. Bible. Psalms. English. Miscellaneous Metrical Versions. Selections. A course of singing Psalms, for half a year; beginning on the first Sunday in January, and again on the first Sunday in July: And also Proper Psalms for Particular Days and Occasions. Agreeable to the directions given by the late Lord Bishop of London to the Clergy of his Diocese, in the year 1724. Together with the tunes adapted to each Psalm. London: printed by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Pater-Noster-Row, [1765?].
148. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The danger of infidelity; or the necessity of a living faith in Christ. The substance of a discourse deliver'd in Bristol, in the year 1742. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
149. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The divinity of Christ. Being the substance of a discourse deliver'd in Dublin, in the year 1746. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
150. Bayly, Mary. An elegy on the much lamented death of the great Duke of Cumberland. London: printed by M. Lewis for the author Mary Bayly, [1765]).
151. One of the parishioners of a clergyman. An epistle to a clergyman. By one of his Parishioners. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXV. [1765].
152. Fellow-Christian. A humble address to protestant dissenters. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by E. Dilly, in the Poultry; and J. Johnson, near London-Bridge, [1765].
153. Matlock, John, Rev. Hymns and spiritual songs. Composed, collected, and published by the Rev. John Mattlock, Minister of the Gospel. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold at the Meeting in Little Ayliffe-Street, Goodman's-Fields, 1765.
154. Hart, J. (Joseph), 1712-1768. Hymns, &c. composed on various subjects. By J. Hart. [The fourth edition. With the author's experience, the supplement, and an appendix.] London: printed by M. Lewis; and sold by F. Newbery; and at the author's house; and at the meeting in Jewin-Street, 1765.
155. Hart, J. (Joseph), 1712-1768. Hymns, &c. composed on various subjects. By J. Hart. [The fifth edition. With the author's experience, the supplement, and appendix.] London: printed by M. Lewis. And sold by F. Newbery; and at the [author's house]; and at the meeting in Jewin-Street, 1765?].
156. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The linsey-woolsey garment. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Drumargen in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
157. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The reproach of the cross. A discourse delivered at Gloonen in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
158. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The safety of a true Christian. Being the substance of a discourse deliver'd in London, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
159. Gambold, John, 1711-1771. A short summary of Christian doctrine, in the way of question and answer: the answers being all made in the sound and venerable words of the common-prayer-book of the Church of England. To which are added, some extracts out of the homilies. ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
160. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Simon and Mary. Being the substances of a sermon preached in Exeter, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1765.
161. Mason, William, 1719-1791. A spiritual treasury, for the children of God: consisting of a meditation for each day in the year, upon select texts of Scripture. Humbly Intended To establish the Faith, promote the Comfort, and influence the Practice of the Followers of the Lamb. By William Mason. With a recommendatory preface by the Rev. William Romaine, A. M. Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West. London: printed: and sold by M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row; and E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry, MDCCLXV [1765].
162. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The sufferings and satisfaction of Christ. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the north of Ireland, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
163. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The Syrophenician: or a pattern of invincible faith. Delivered in a discourse at London, in the year 1750. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
164. Bradbury, Charles. A true and genuine account of the behaviour, confessions, and dying words of the four malefactors who were tried and convicted at the Assizes held at Kingston upon Thames, March 27, and executed at Kennington-Common, April 12, 1765: with a particular account of the various robberies they had committed in several counties: together with copies of several original letters and papers delivered to them, to the Rev. Charles Bradbury, who attended them while under sentence, and at the place of execution: to which is added, some account of John Stringer, for the murder of his wife, but afterwards respited. London: printed for the Author, and sold by M. Lewis, at the Bible and Dove, in Paternoster-Row; and by all Booksellers and News-Carriers, [1765?].
165. Cennick, John, 1718-6. The widow of Nain. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in ****, in the year 1755. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1765.
166. James, Samuel, 1716-1773. An abstract of the gracious dealings of God, with several eminent Christians, in their conversion and sufferings. Taken from authentic manuscripts, and published for the comfort and establishment of serious minds. By Samuel James. [The third edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis and Son; and sold by J. Buckland, G. Keith, and J. Johnson, 1766.
167. Bible. Gospel Harmonies. English. Lieberkühn. The Acts of the days of the son of man, from the passion-week to his ascension. London: Printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
168. Church of England. Homilies Certain sermons or Homilies, appointed to be read in churches, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, of famous memory. And now thought fit to be reprinted by authority from the King's Most Excellent Majesty. For the use of private families. With pious reflections and spiritual observations. By a divine of the Church of England. To which are added, the thirty-nine articles of religion, with the pious and learned Bishop Beveridge's exposition of such of them as relate to divine faith and free salvation. [The fourth edition.] London: Printed for the editior; and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, MDCCLXVI. [1766].
169. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Deliverance from death. Being the substance of a discourse preached at Kingswood, Sunday, March 25, 1753. By John Cennick, ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1766.
170. Sadler, Francis. The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered. Shewing, that the common fees demanded for performing any office of the church, ... are contrary to law. ... The fifth edition corrected. By Francis Sadler. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis: also sold by the author, 1766.
171. A few friendly lines to our neighbouring inhabitants. London: printed by M. Lewis, 1766.
172. Humphreys, Joseph. An answer to every man that asketh a reason of the hope that is in us. By way of question and answer. By Joseph Humphreys. With a recommendatory preface by the Rev. Mr. Whitefield. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis and Son, in Paternoster-Row, 1767.
173. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1622-1687. A choice drop of honey from the rock Christ: or, a short word of advice to all saints and sinners. By Tho. Wilcocks. [The forty-fifth edition.] London: printed for M. Lewis, (no. 1.) in Pater-Noster-Row, [1767].
174. Edwards, John, 1714-1785. The Christian indeed; described in a letter from Gaifer on his conversion to Christianity in England, to Aly-ben-Hayton, his friend in Turkey. [The seventh edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1767.
175. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Lot's flight. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Pembroke, on Sunday, October 14, 1753. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis and Son, 1767.
176. Moore, Joseph, -1769. The ordinary of Newgate's account of the behaviour, confession and dying words, of Elizabeth Brownrigg, who was executed at Tyburn, on Monday, Sept. the 14th, 1767. In the mayoralty of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Kite, Knt. Lord-Mayor of the City of London. Entered at Stationer's-Hall. London: printed for M. Lewis and Son, (no. 1.) in Pater-Noster-Row, [1767].
177. Lover of his king and country. An address to the electors of Great-Britain, on the Choice of Members to serve them in Parliament, so as to render the Nation that essential Service which its Distresses so greatly demand at this Important Crisis. To which is added, The Test of Patriotism. By a Lover of his King and Country. London: printed for M. Lewis and Son, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1768.
178. Gibson, James (Attorney). The case of Mr. James Gibson, attorney at law, faithfully and impartially stated. London: printed for M. Lewis and Son, [No.1.] Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXVIII. [1768].
179. One of the Town A letter to the apologist for L-d B--. By one of the town. London: sold by M. Lewis and Son; and S. Goadby, 1768.
180. Hollway, James. Merit. A poem. Inscribed to His Grace the Duke of Grafton. By James Hollway. London: Printed and sold by M. Lewis and Son, (No. 1.) in Pater-noster-Row, MDCCLXVIII. [1768].
181. Philetus to Eusebes. A letter from a son to a father, in answer to Eusebes's 14th letter on baptism. Publishedby [sic] the Rev. Stephen Addington. Which is here inserted for the satisfaction of the reader. [The second edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis and Son; and sold by G. Keith, and T. Luckman, in Coventry, 1768.
182. A seasonable admonition on an important occasion. Addressed (by way of caution and advice) to the independent electors of Great-Britain in general, and to those of the borough of Southwark in particular. With a constitutional song suitable to the occasion. London: printed for M. Lewis and Son, [no. 1.] in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXVIII. [1768].
183. Lloyd, John, 1738-1801. The well-spring of life opened in Christ: or, an invitation to thirsty souls, to come and to take the water of life freely. A sermon preached on February 24, 1768, to a Society of the children of God at Hampstead, near London, ... By John Lloyd. ... London: printed by M. Lewis: and sold by William Otridge: and by the author, at Mr Kirk's, Norton-Falgate, 1768.
184. Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772. Summaria expositio doctrinae Novae Ecclesiae. English A brief exposition of the doctrine of the New Church, understood in the Apocalypse by the New Jerusalem; Wherein is also demonstrated, that throughout all the Christian World the worshipping of Three Gods is received, from the Creed of St. Athanasius. By Emanuel Swedenborg, A Native of Sweden. London: printed by M. Lewis, (no. 1.) Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXIX [1769].
185. Maxfield, Thomas, -1784. Christ the great gift of God: and the nature of faith in Him. By the Rev. Mr. Maxfield. London: printed: and sold by G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street; M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; E. Danson, the Corner of Gutter Lane, Cheapside; and at Mr. Maxfield's chapel, in Ropemaker's-Alley, Little-Moorfields, MDCCLXIX [1769].
186. One who is not a Master of Arts. The contrast: or the Rev. Dr. Thomas Nowell, public orator of the University; against Dr. Nowell, principal of St. Mary Hall, concerning the doctrine of justification; in his letter to the author of Pietas oxoniensis. By one who is not a Master of Arts. London: printed by M. Lewis in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry, MDCCLXIX [1769].
187. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The fall and redemption. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Ballynahone in the county of Tyrone in Ireland, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1769.
188. Mason, William, 1719-1791. Free-Grace truths: or gospel comfort for doubting minds; in three letters to a Christian friend. I. On Christ being made sin for us: II. Righteousness to us: and, III. Sanctification in us. By the author of The spiritual treasury for the children of God. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, (no. 1.) in Pater-Noster-Row; and E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry, 1769.
189. Gospel-duty to gospel-ministers. London: printed by M. Lewis, (No. 1.) Pater-noster-Row, MDCCLXIX [1769].
190. Hart, J. (Joseph), 1712-1768. Hyms, &c. composed on various subjects. By J. Hart. [The sixth edition. With the author's experience, the supplement, and appendix.] London: Printed by M. Lewis, in Pater-noster-Row; and sold by F. Newbery, at the Crown the corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard, Ludgate-Street; and at the Author's House, (the Lamb) near Durham-Yard, in the Strand; and at the meeting in Jewin-Street, 1769.
191. W. M. The signs of the times. Iniquity abounds and love waxes cold. Addressed to christians in general. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. in Pater-Noster-Row [1769].
192. Saint Paul (Deptford, England: Parish) A table of fees or duties to be from time to time paid to the vicar, churchwardens, parish-clerk and sexton of the parish of Deptford ... for performing the several duties ... here after specified ... London: printed by M. Lewis, 1769.
193. Flavel, John, 1630?-1691. Fountain of life opened. Selections The ax laid to the root of Antinomian licentiousness; or, evangelical excitements to holiness of life: addressed to the redeemed of the Lord of all denominations. Extracted from the work of ... Mr. Flavel; entitled, "The fountain of life opened; or a display of Christ in his essential and mediatorial glory." By William Mason, [sic] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis; E. and C. Dilly; and J. Gurney, 1770.
194. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The best foundation. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Biddiford in Devonshire, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London re-printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1770.
195. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The best improvement of the much lamented death of that eminent and faithful minister of the Gospel, the Revd. Mr. George Whitefield, chaplain to the Countess of Huntingdon: ... Addressed to the people of the Tabernacle and the Chapel, in Tottenham-Court-Road. By W. M. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by A. Bell, M. Lewis, and I. Matthews, 1770.
196. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The Christian communicant: or a suitable companion to the Lord's Supper. Containing meditations upon every part of the liturgy, ... By W. Mason. With a recommendatory preface, by the Reverend W. Romaine, ... [The second edition, corrected and enlarged.] London: printed for the author: and sold by M. Lewis; E. and C. Dilly; and T. Fisher, at Rochester, 1770.
197. Thwaites, James, -1801. A collection of psalms and hymns, Extracted from Various Authors, For the Use of the children of God. By the Rev. Mr. Thwaite. London: printed by M Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold at Mr. Thwaite's chapel, in White-Street, Borough, Southwark, MDCCLXX [1770].
198. Gentleman retired from business. A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy. With considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter, and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, ... Published by a gentleman retired from business. London: printed by M. Lewis; and sold by Messrs. Bathurst, Baker, Whiston, White, Richardson and Roberts, C. Dilly, Davis, and Heard, in London; Woodyer and Merril at Cambridge; Kendal, at Colchester; Mills, at Bath; Binns, at Hallifax; Binns, Ogle and Copperthwaite at Leeds; Megget and Stringer, at Wakefield; Brook at Huthersfield [sic]; Mercer, at Maidstone; and Burden, at Winchester, 1770.
199. A dialogue between one who calls himself a churchman and one who is called a Methodist. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, (no. 1.) in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXX. [1770].
200. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The good shepherd. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at St. Ginnis in Cornwall, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. London: Dublin printed: London re-printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1770.
201. Hart, J. (Joseph), 1712-1768. Hymns, &c. Composed on various subjects. By J Hart[.] [The seventh edition, with the author's experience, the supplement, and appendix.] London: Printed by M. Lewis, in Pater-noster-Row; and sold for by F. Newbery, at the Crown, the corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard, Ludgate-Hill; and by the author's widow, (the Lamb) near Durham-Yard, in the Strand; and at the Meetings in Jewin-Street, and Bartholomew-Close, [1770?].
202. Malefactor in Prison. A letter from a malefactor in prison, under sentence of death, to his friend. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1770.
203. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The lost sheep, piece of silver, and prodigal son. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the county of Antrim in Ireland. In the year 1750. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London re-printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1770.
204. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The new birth. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Malmsbury in Wiltshire, in the year 1741. By John Cennick. London: Dublin printed: London re-printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1770.
205. W. W. A noble pattern for the imitation of all Christian believers. Being the substance of a letter sent to a converted young lady from a dying person gradually approaching the world of spirits. ... London: printed for the Author, and sold by M. Lewis and J. Buckland, and G. Keith, [1770?].
206. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Sacred hymns for the use of religious societies. Part 1 Sacred hymns for the use of religious societies. Generally composed in dialogues. By John Cennick, Late of Reading in Berkshire, Part I. [London]: Bristol printed; London re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXX. [1770].
207. Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772. De commercio animae et corporis. English A theosophic lucubration on the nature of influx, as it respects the communication and operations of soul and body. By The Honourable and Learned Emanuel Swedenborg. Now first translated from the original Latin. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, (no. 1.) Pater-Noster-Row; and W. Heard, in Piccadilly, MDCCLXX. [1770].
208. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Twenty discourses on the following important subjects, viz. I. The cries of the son of God. ... xx. The fall and redemption. By John Cennick. vol.I. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1770 [1773?].
209. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The vision of dry bones. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Dublin, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, reprinted; and sold by M. Lewis, 1770.
210. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The woman of Samaria. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Scoles in Yorkshire, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London re-printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1770.
211. Relly, James, 1722?-1778. Written on hearing of the much-lamented death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield. By James Relly. London: printed [sic] by M. Lewis, 1770.
212. Bible. Gospel Harmonies. English. Lieberkühn. The acts of the days of the Son of man, or, the history of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Comprehending all that the four Evangelists have recorded concerning him. All their Relations being brought together in one Narration, so that no Circumstance is omitted, but that inestimable History is continued in one Series in the very Words of our English Version. London: printed by M. Lewis, (no. 1.) in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXXI [1771].
213. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The beatitudes. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Dublin, December the 21st, 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
214. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The benefits of the New-Testament. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in London. In the year 1745. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
215. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Dives and Lazarus. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Dublin, in the year 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
216. Bayly, Mary. An elegy on the much lamented death of that eminent and faithful servant of Christ, and laborious minister of the Gospel, John Gill D.D. [London]: Printed by M. Lewis for the author M. Bayly, [1771].
217. Sadler, Francis. The exactions and impositions of parish fees discovered. Shewing that the common fees demanded for performing any office of the church, (as Christening, Marrying, Burying the Dead, &c. are contrary to law. Shewing what Things are tythable and what not; when tried, and where, and between whom. With a Touch upon diverse Clerical, and Parochial Errors that are crept into the Church. And the Opinion of Sir John Strange. (then Sollicito: General to his Majesty) on a Case here stated. The sixth edition corrected. By Francis Sadler. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. Paternoster-Row, [1771].
218. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The first principles of Christianity. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the north of Ireland, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
219. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The gift and office of the Holy Ghost. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Little Sommerford in Wiltshire, in the year 1740. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
220. Wakelin, J. A golden key to open heaven's gate: being a sequel to the evening conference of Christ and Nicodemus. Containing the confession, prayer, and supplication, of a convinced sinner: with an an[s]wer of peace to the soul, &c. Also a funeral hymn. By the author of the evening conference. Published chiefly for the use of such as are in a measure convinced and feel the burden of sin; and such as are seeking for salvation in the blood of Christ. London: Printed for the author, by M. Lewis, No. 1. Paternoster Row; and sold by J. Dod, at the Bible in West-street, near the Seven Dials, MDCCLXXIV. [1771].
221. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The hidden treasure. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Philbatch on the Milford-Haven in South-Wales, in the year 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
222. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The offices of the Messiah. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Haverford-West in South-Wales, in the year 1753. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
223. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The patterns of mercy. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Ballinderry in the county of Antrim, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
224. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The privilege of believers. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Grogun in the county of Antrim in Ireland. In the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. in Paternoster-Row, 1771.
225. Neale, James, 1722-1792. A sermon (in substance) preached abroad, near May-Fair Chapel, on Friday evening, August 2, 1771. By the Rev. J. Neale, M.A. of Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge; late head master of the Royal Grammar-School of Henley upon Thames, and curate of bix in Oxfordshire. London: Printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold at the preaching places, and at the Chapel, Aldersgate-Bars, Long-Lane, Smithfield, MDCCLXXI. [1771].
226. Neale, James, 1722-1792. A sermon (in substance) preached abroad, near May-Fair Chapel, on Friday evening, August 2, 1771. By the Rev. J. Neale, M. A. Of Pembroke-Hall, Cambridge; late Head Master of the Royal Grammar-School of Henley upon Thames, and Curate of Bix in Oxford-Shire. [Second edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold at the preaching places, and at the chapel, Aldersgate-Bars, Long-Lane, Smithfield, MDCCLXXI. [1771].
227. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The shadows of Christ. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the north of Ireland, in the year 1751. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
228. Mason, William, 1719-1791. A spiritual treasury for the children of God: consisting of a meditation for each day in the year, upon select texts of scripture. ... By W. Mason. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. W. Romaine, ... The second edition, greatly enlarged and improved: to which is now added, an index. London: printed for the author; and sold by E. and C. Dilly; J. Gurney, Holborn; and M. Lewis, 1771.
229. La Trobe, Benjamin, 1725-1786. A succinct view of the missions established among the heathen by the Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum. In a letter to a friend. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by Mess. Dilly, in the Poultry; Mr. Beckett, opposite the New Church in the Strand; and at all the Brethren's Chapels, MDCCLXXI. [1771].
230. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The sufferings and satisfaction of Christ. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the north of Ireland, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
231. Giles, W. (William). A treatise on marriage. Being serious thoughts on the original design of that sacred institution, and the absolute Importance of its Solemnization between real Christians, for promoting mutual Happiness. To which are added scriptures on the education of children; containing Instructive Rules, deduced from Scripture and Experience, calculated to form their tender Minds, and train them up in the Paths of Duty. By W. Giles. London: printed by M. Lewis, and sold by J. Buckland, in Paternoster-Row; J. Gurney, opposite Halton-Garden, Holborn; and G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street, 1771.
232. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The two covenants. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in London, in the year 1745. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] [London]: Dublin printed: London, re-printed; and sold by M. Lewis, 1771.
233. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The assurance of faith; or the experience of a true Christian. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Glenevy in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
234. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The beatific vision; or, beholding Jesus crucified. Being the substance of a discourse preached in Ballymenagh in Ireland, in the year 1755. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
235. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The bloody issue healed: being the substance of a sermon preached at the Tabernacle, London, on Thursday evening, October 10, 1743. By John Cennick. ... [The second edition.] London: printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
236. [McGregor, Robert]. The Christian minister's reasons for baptizing believers only: stated by way of contrast between infant sprinkling and Christian baptism. In answer to the Rev. Mr. Stephen Addington's reasons for baptizing infants by sprinkling or pouring of water, ... to which is added, the author's reasons for joining the baptized churches. By. R. M. London: printed by M. Lewis, for the author; and sold by mess. Robinson; G. Keith; J. Gurney; S. Chirm; J. Johnson; and by the author, at Woolwich, in Kent, 1772.
237. Fawcett, John, 1740-1817. The Christian's humble plea for his God and Saviour. Occasioned by a pamphlet entitled, The triumph of truth. And some other late publications against The divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. London: Printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXXII [1772].
238. Morgan, James, -1772. The crucified Jesus; to the Jews a stumbling-block; and to the Greeks foolishness: considered in three discourses. By James Morgan. [The second edition.] London: printed by J. and W. Oliver; and sold by G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street; M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row; E. Cabe, in Ave-Mary Lane; and at the Foundery, near upper Moorfields, MDCCLXXII [1772].
239. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The dæmoniac. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Haverford-West, in May, 1753. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: Dublin printed: London, re-printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
240. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The danger of infidelity; or, the necessity of a living faith in Christ. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Bristol, in the year 1742. By John Cennick. [The fourth edition.] London: printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
241. Ryland, John, 1723-1792. Deists proved to be defective in integrity and common sense: or infidels convicted of the utmost folly, and the most detestable dishonesty. By John Ryland, A.M. ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-noster-Row, 1772.
242. Ryland, John, 1723-1792. Easy and beautiful demonstrations of the existence of a God. Extracted from Dr. Doddridge. With some additions by John Ryland, A.M. of Northampton. [London]: Sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-noster-Row, and J. Gurney, No. 54, Holborn, 1772.
243. Elliot, Richard, -1788. Encouragement for sinners; or Righteousness attainable without works. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Christ-Church, Spital-Fields, on Sunday, January 21, 1759. By the Rev. R. Elliot, A.B. and formerly of Bennet-College, Cambridge. [The third edition, corrected.] London: Printed by M. Lewis for the author; and sold by E. and C. Dilly in the Poultry; J. Matthews, near Hunger-Ford-Market in the Strand; and W. Watts, Windmill-Hill, near Upper-Moorfields, MDCCLXXII. [1772].
244. Hymns of thanksgiving to the Redeemer. London: printed for the author by M. Lewis, No. 1. Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXXII. [1772].
245. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The linsey-woolsey garment. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Drumargen in the county of Antrim in Ireland. In the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
246. Moravian Church. Liturgien-Bachlein. English Liturgic hymns of the Brethren's congregations. Revised and corrected. Translated from the German. London: printed by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster Row. MDCCLXXII, [1772].
247. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The marriage of Isaac. A discourse delivered at Exeter, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. ... [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
248. Petersen, Johanna Eleonora. The nature and necessity of the new creature in Christ, stated and described, according to heart's [sic] experience and true practice. By Joanna Eleonora de Merlau. Translated from the German, by Francis Okely. ... London: printed for the editor; and sold by M. Lewis; also by J. Lacy and R. Smith, a Northampton, 1772.
249. Petersen, Johanna Eleonora. The nature and necessity of the new creature in Christ, stated and described according to heart's experience and true practice. By Joanna Eleonora de Merlau. Translated from the German by Francis Okely, A. B. Formerly of St. John's College in Cambridge. [The second edition.] London: printed for the editor; and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1, in Pater-Noster-Row; also by J. Lacy and T. Burnham, at Northampton, 1772.
250. Ordinary of Newgate. The ordinary of Newgate's account of the behaviour, confession, and dying words of the four malefactors, viz. Samuel Roberts and Thomas Bacchus for high treason, in coining guineas, ... Peter MeCloud for a burglary, and Richard Morgan for robbing his master, who were executed at Tyburn on Wednesday, May 27th, 1772. Being the fourth execution in the mayoralty of ... William Nash, ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, [1772].
251. A pleasing prospect to all true believers. Or, Heaven the Christian's home, and death the ever's gain. [London: Printed for the author; and sold by M. Lewis, 1772].
252. Giles, W. (William). Refuge for the prisoner of hope: or, Christ the sanctuary for troubled souls. In a letter to a friend. With a recommendatory preface, by Rowland Hill, M.A. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXXII. [1772].
253. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The reproach of the cross. A discourse delivered at Gloonen in the county of Antrim in Ireland, in the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
254. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The safety of a true Christian. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in London in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed, and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
255. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Simon and Mary. Being the substance of a sermon preached in Exeter, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
256. Rogers, John, 1716-1790. Some serious and plain thoughts on the dress and taste of the present times. Wherein several scriptures relative to the subject are considered. ... The lampoon in print and picture-shop is hinted, and the ridicule of news papers is quoted. ... By Antifop. London: printed for the author, and sold by J. Gurney, and M. Lewis, 1772.
257. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The widow of Nain. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in ****, in the year 1755. By John Cennick. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1772.
258. Ryland, John, 1723-1792. The wonderful extremes united in the person of Christ. Proposed as brief hints of thought, and materials of meditation, for true Christians. To which are added, Easy and beautiful demonstrations of the immortality of the soul. Extracted from Dr. Doddridge. Also, the foreknowledge of the Holy Spirit, a glorious evidence of his divinity. By John Ryland, A. M. of Northampton. [London]: Sold by M. Lewis, no. 1. Pater-Noster Row, and J. Gurney, no. 54, Holborn, 1772.
259. MacGregor, Robert, 1747-1798. The contrast between infant sprinkling and Christian baptism, in answer to the Rev. Mr. Stephen Addington's Reasons for baptizing infants by sprinkling or pouring of water, and others on that subject. Containing Many Arguments, Several of them never brought into this Controversy before, chiefly taken from God's Word, and also from the Paedo-Baptists own Writings. To Which is Added, The Author's Reasons for joining the Baptized Churches. Now Added to it An Address to the Baptized Churches, Giving special Reasons for having a Baptistery in every Meeting-House. By R. M. [The second edition. With additions.] London: printed by M. Lewis, for the author; and sold by Mess. Robinson, at Shad-Thames; G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street; S. Chirm, at Aldersgate-Bars; J. Johnson, in St. Paul's-Church-Yard; and by the author, at Woolwich, in Kent, MDCCLXXIII [1773].
260. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Deliverance from death. Being the substance of a discourse preached at Kingswood, Sunday, March 25, 1753. By John Cennick. ... [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1773.
261. Harman, Isaac. Dissertations on select passages of sacred scripture. By Isaac Harman. London: printed for James Mathews, in the Strand, near Hungerford Market; and M. Lewis, at No. 1. Pater-Noster Row, M.DCC.LXXIII [1773].
262. Elliot, Richard, -1788. Divine revelation the only test of sound doctrine: or, a further reformation wanted in the reformed churches. Being an Attempt to Prove, That the Doctrine of the Trinity, as commonly held and taught, is not revealed in the Holy Scriptures; and consequently is no Article of the Christian Faith. By R. Elliot, A. B. Formerly of Bennet-College, Cambridge. London: printed for the author, by M. Lewis, Paternoster-Row. And sold by E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry: J. Mathews, near Hungerford-Market, in the Strand; and T. Roson, No. 54. St. Martin's le Grand, MDCCLXXIII [1773].
263. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The divinity of Christ. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Dublin, in the year 1746. By John Cennick. [The fourth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1773.
264. Chorlton, Thomas. God's harvest gathered in before the storm: or, the righteous taken away from the evil to come. A funeral sermon, occasioned by the death of the Rev. Mr. John Hughes, who departed this life, May 29, 1773. Delivered on Lord's Day, June 6, to the church of united protestant dissenters in Jewin-Street, of Which he was Pastor, by Thomas Chorlton. Published at the request of the Church. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the Death of His Saints, Psalm Cxvi. 15. London: printed for, and sold by Mr. Hughes's widow, No. 27, Barbican; and may be had of M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster-Row; at the meeting in Jewin-Street; and at Mr. Chorlton's academy, Snow's-Fields, South-Wark, MDCCLXXIII [1773].
265. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The great sacrifice. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Bath, in the year 1753. By John Cennick. ... [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1773.
266. Chandler, Charles. An invitation to sinners to come to Jesus, that they may find Rest unto their Souls. Being a sermon Preached in Margaret-Street Chapel, in the Parish of St. Mary le Bone, On Sunday Dec. 5th, 1773. By Charles Chandler. (London: printed for the author, and sold at Margaret-Street chapel, near Oxford-Market; and at Elizabeth Dodd's, West-Street, Seven-Dials. M. Lewis, No. 1. Paternoster-Row, [1773?].
267. MacGregor, Robert, 1747-1798. A letter to a friend. Proving, that it is the indispensable duty and most glorious privilege of every true believer in Christ to join one of the churches of Christ, ... by Robert M'Gregor, ... London: printed by M. Lewis for the author; and sold by Mess. Robinson; G. Keith; S. Chirm; J. Johnson; and by the author, at Woolwich, in Kent, 1773.
268. Much-Ado about nothing: or, Arminian Methodism turned out rank popery at last. An address from candid Protestants, to the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, on his fourth check against antinomianism, to Establish the Popish Doctrine of Justification by Works. Certain Men are crept in Unawares. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. I. Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Matthews, in the Strand, near Hungerford-Market, MDCCLXXIII [1773].
269. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The one thing needful, to make poor sinners rich; and miserable sinners happy. By W. Mason. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; also sold by E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; and J. Mathews, in the Strand, MDCCLXXIII [1773].
270. Giles, W. (William). Refuge for the prisoner of hope: or, Christ the sanctuary for troubled souls. With a recommendatory preface by Rowland Hill, ... [The second edition, greatly enlarged.] London: sold by M. Lewis and J. Buckland, and G. Keith, 1773.
271. MacGregor, Robert, 1747-1798. A reply to the layman's Address to the Baptists. II. Dr. Gill's Answer to the Rev. Mr. Addington, respecting the disturbance in Munster. III. The doctrine of baptism, as it is in immediate Connection with, and is a Part of the Grand Foundation Truths of the Gospel, and with experimental and practical Godliness. IV. The material Difference between Regeneration, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, and Water Baptism. By R. M. author of The contrast. London: printed by M. Lewis, for the author; and sold by J. Dermer, at Shad-Thames; G. Keith, Gracechurch-Street; S. Chirm, at Aldersgate-Bars; J. Mathews, No. 18. in the Strand; and by the author, at Woolwich, in Kent, [1773].
272. MacGregor, Robert, 1747-1798. A reply to the layman's Address to the Baptists. II. Dr. Gill's Answer to the Rev. Mr. Addington, respecting the disturbance in Munster. III. The doctrine of baptism, ... By R. M. author of The contrast. London: printed by M. Lewis, for the author; and sold by J. Dermer; G. Keith; S. Chirm; J. Mathews; and by the author, at Woolwich, in Kent, 1773.
273. Mason, William, 1719-1791. Scriptural prayers for every morning and evening, for the use of families; with a preface, enforcing the much neglected duty of family prayer. By W. Mason. (London: printed for the author; and sold by E. and C. Dilly in the Poultry; J. Mathews, near Hungerford-Market in the Strand; and M. Lewis, in Pater-noster-Row, MDCCLXXIII [1773].
274. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The Syrophenician: or, a pattern of invincible faith. Delivered in a discourse at London, in the year 1750. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, 1773.
275. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Twenty discourses on the following important subjects, viz. I. The woman of Samaria. ... XX. The beatific vision, or, beholding Jesus crucified. By John Cennick. Vol. II. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1770 [1773?].
276. James, Samuel, 1716-1773. An abstract of the gracious dealings of God, with several eminent Christians, in their conversion and sufferings. Taken from authentic manuscripts, and published for the comfort and establishment of serious minds. By Samuel James. [The fourth edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis Paternoster-Row; and sold by J. Buckland, G. Keith, J. Johnson, and B. Tomkins, M.DCC.LXXIV [1774].
277. Mason, William, 1719-1791. An affectionate address to passionate professors: shewing the blessedness of a meek and quiet spirit: the evil of giving way to bad tempers and sinful passions: and pointing out some remedies for subduing them. By W. Mason. London: printed for the author; and sold by M. Lewis, Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Mathews, Strand, [1774].
278. Madan, Martin, 1726-1790. An account of the death of F. S. who died April 1763, aged twenty-six years. In a letter to a friend. [London], Printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1774.
279. Mason, William, 1719-1791. One thing needful, to make poor sinners rich; and miserable sinners happy The believer's pocket companion: the one thing needful, to make poor sinners rich; and miserable sinners happy. By William Mason. [The second edition, enlarged.] London: printed for the author: and sold by M. Lewis; E. and C. Dilly; and J. Mathews, 1774.
280. Moravian Church. A brief account of the mission established among the Esquimaux Indians, on the coast of Labrador, by the Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum. London: printed by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster-Row, for the Brethren's Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel: and sold by M. Lewis, and at all the Brethren's chapels MDCCLXXIV. [1774].
281. Hill, Rowland, 1744-1833. By command of the King of Kings, (a) and at the desire of all who love his appearing, (b) at the Theatre of the universe, (c) on the eve of time, (d) will be performed, The great assize, or day of judgment. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1774.
282. Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English A commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, Wherein is most excellently set forth, the Glorious Riches of God's Grace, and Power of the Gospel, With The Difference between the Law and the Gospel, And Strength of Faith declared, to the joyful Comfort and Confirmation of all true Christian Believers; Specially Such as being inwardly afflicted and grieved in Conscience, do hunger and thirst For Justification in Christ Jesus: For whose Cause this Book is most chiefly translated and printed, and dedicated to the same. Written by The Famous Champion for the Faith of Christ, Dr. Martin Luther. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No 1. Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.LXXIV [1774].
283. Bible. English. 1774. The Holy Bible: that is, the sacred Scriptures contained in ... London: printed by M. Lewis, Paternoster Row, for Mess. Buckland, Keith, Vallance and Simmons, 1774-1776.
284. Hart, J. (Joseph), 1712-1768. Hymns, &c. composed on various subjects. By J. Hart. [The eighth edition. With the author's experience, the supplement, and appendix.] London: printed by M. Lewis; and sold by F. Newbery; and by the author's widow; and at the meetings in Jewin-Street, and Bartholomew-Close, 1774.
285. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Lot's flight. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Pembroke, on Sunday, October 14, 1753. By John Cennick. [The fourth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster-Row, 1774.
286. The mystery of God and man: the union of the human with the divine nature. Wherein is fully discovered the cause of all strife and controversy. And the Ground of Universal Harmony clearly pointed out. In Form of a Letter to a Clergyman. With the true state of the Christian church. consequent on its Present Doctrines. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, Paternoster-Row: also sold by Kingman, Royal-Exchange, MDCCLXXIV [1774].
287. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Naaman cleansed. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Smith's-Hall, Bristol. By John Cennick. ... [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1774.
288. The physicians. With other poems. To which is added, a specimen of an enquiry concerning the mind. A satire. [The second edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis, for Bew, No. 28. Pater-Noster-Row; and Kingsman, Royal Exchange, [1774].
289. Elliot, Richard, -1788. Sacred controversy, or, A Defence of the Christian Faith, As it was once delivered unto the Saints: in which The Objections of Mr. Shrubsole to the Apostle's Doctrine of Christ, and the Sufficiency of his Redemption, are fully answered. In this Answer John i. 1. and Heb. i. 6. relating to the Person and Worship of Christ, are particularly considered, and faithfully expounded: and, lastly, the Doctrine of Christ's Atonement is scripturally explained, and insisted on; wherein also we have attempted to shew that this fundemental Article of our Faith cannot be consistently held, and maintained by the common Trinitarian Hypothesis. -"through evil Report and good Report-as Deceivers, and yet true," 2 Cor. vi. 8. By R. Elliot, A. B. Formerly of Bennet College, Cambridge. London: printed for the author, by M. Lewis, Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by J. French, No. 28. in the Poultry, MDCCLXXIV [1774].
290. Elliot, Richard, -1788. Scripture-Sufficiency; or the Bible-Christian's plea: wherein the principal objections of Mr. J. Weir, to the scripture-testimony of Jehovah and His Christ, As set forth in a Book, intituled, Divine Revelation the Only test of Sound Doctrine, are duly considered, and refuted. By R. Elliot, A.B. London: printed for the author, by M. Lewis, Pater-Noster-Row; and sold by J. French, No. 28. in the Poultry, MDCCLXXIV [1774].
291. A seasonable and salutary word, humbly offered to the wise in heart, through the re-publication of a late tract, entituled, The love-conquest, or the little strength of Philadelphia: together with a few other choice extracts from different pieces of the same and two other authors. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXXIV [1774].
292. Law, William, 1686-1761. Seasonably alarming and humiliating, animating and exhilarating truths respecting the nature and design of Christ's Passion; Of Original and Genuine Christianity, as a Ministration of the Spirit; Of Human Learning in Religion; And concerning the incontestably Fallen and Apostate Condition of Universal Christendom in these last Days. In a metrical version of Certain Select Passages taken from the works of the late Eminent and truly Reverend William Law, A.M. By an ardent expectant of the un-parading kingdom of God, and o the inward redemption and consolation thereof, Mark xv. 43. Luke ii. 25, 38. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, M.DCC.LXXIV [1774].
293. Turner, Dorothy, Mrs. Some account of the life and death of Miss Susanna Turner, (who departed this world July 14, 1672, aged 14.) Written by her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Turner. ... To which are annexed some extracts from the letters of Mr. Newton to Mrs. Turner, and from two poems written by Mrs. Turner. London: printed for G. Keith; E. and C. Dilly; M. Lewis; S. Chirm; and J. Mathews. Sold also by T. Mills, in Bristol; and J. Hayard [sic], in Bath, 1774.
294. La Trobe, Benjamin, 1725-1786. A succinct view of the missions established among the heathen by the Church of the Brethren. To which is added, A brief account of the mission established among the Esquimaux Indians, on the coast of Labrador. London: printed by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster-Row, for the Brethren's Society for the Furtheranee of the Gospel: and sold by M. Lewis, and at all the Brethren's Chapels, MDCCLXXIV [1774].
295. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The absolute and indispensible duty of Christians, in this critical juncture, considered and enforced, in an affectionate address. By W. Mason. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1, Paternoster-Row; J. Mathews, in the Strand; and T. Fisher, at Rochester, 1775.
296. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The absolute and indispensible duty of Christians, in this critical juncture, considered and enforced, in an affectionate address. By W. Mason. [Second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1, Paternoster-Row; J. Mathews, in the Strand; and T. Fisher at Rochester, 1775.
297. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The believer's pocket companion: or, The one thing needful, to make poor sinners rich, and miserable sinners happy. By W. Mason. [The third edition, enlarged.] London: Printed for and sold by the author; M. Lewis, in Pater-noster Row; E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; and J. Mathews, in the Strand, MDCCLXXV [1775].
298. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The best foundation. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Biddiford in Devonshire, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1775.
299. Wallin, Benjamin, 1711-1782. The case of a fallen professor, stated and considered. A sermon on Proverbs XXV. 26. By Benjamin Wallin. A.M. London: printed, and sold for the author, by M. Lewis, Pater-Noster-Row; also sold by Messrs. Buckland, Tomkins, Keith, Gardiner, Bishop, and Dermer, M.DCC.LXXV [1775].
300. Relly, James, 1722?-1778. Christian liberty; or the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free. Preached in the chapel in Crosby-Square, Bishop's-Gate-Street. Published at the desire of the congregation. By James Relly. (London: printed by M. Lewis, for the author, M.DCC.LXXV. [1775])
301. Giles, William. A collection of poems on divine and moral subjects, selected from various authors. By William Giles. London: printed by M. Lewis: sold by Buckland, Paternoster Row; Keith, Gracechurch Street; Vallance and Simmons, Cheapside; and Mathews in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXV [1775].
302. Spangenberg, August Gottlieb, 1704-1792. Kurzgefasste historische Nachricht von der genwartigen Verfassung der evangelischen Brüder-Unität. English A concise historical account of the present constitution of the Unitas Fratrum; or, Unity of the Evangelical Brethren, who adhere to the Augustan confession. Translated from the German, with a preface by the Rev. B. La Trobe. London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and sold at all the Brethren's Chapels, MDCCLXXV [1775].
303. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The contrast between the life of faith and the life of sense: or, the inexpediency, &c. of games, sports, and plays, for those who profess to be followers of Christ. By W. Mason. London: printed for the author: and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row; and J. Mathews, in the Strand, M.DCC.LXXV [1775].
304. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Cries of the son of God. Being the substance of some discourses delivered at Kingswood in Gloucestershire. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1775.
305. Okely, Francis, approximately 1719-1794. Dawnings of the everlasting Gospel-light, glimmering out of a private heart's epistolary correspondence. Now made public by Francis Okely, ... Northampton: printed by Cluer and Thomas Dicey for the publisher; and sold there by them, and by T. Burnham: and in London by M. Lewis, 1775.
306. Towers, John, 1746 or 1747-1804. Death gain to the Christian. A sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. Thomas Chorlton, pastor of a church of Christ, in Snow's-Fields; who departed this life, December 19, 1774, ... Taken in short-hand ... by Joseph Gurney. ... With the oration at the interment. By John Towers, ... London: printed and sold by M. Lewis; and also at the Meeting, Snow's-Fields, 1775.
307. Towers, John, 1746 or 1747-1804. Elihu's reply: occasioned by the affectionate address of Mr. W. Mason, on Bible politics. By J. T. London: printed for the author: and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster Row, M.DCC.LXXV [1775].
308. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The fall and redemption. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Ballynahone, in the county of Tyrone, in Ireland. In the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] (London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1775.
309. God's care for His children: or, Elijah miraculously fed by the ravens. For the benefit of a distressed family: consisting of a man, his wife, and eight small children. London: printed by M. Lewis, No. 1, Pater-noster Row, MDCCLXXV [1775].
310. Hartley, Thomas, 1708-1784. God's controversy with the nations: addressed to the rulers and people of Christendom. By Thomas Hartley, M.A. rector of Winwick, in Northamptonshire. London: Printed by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-noster-Row; and sold by N. Conant, successor to Mr. Whiston, Fleet-street; J. Walter, Charing-cross; and J. Phillips, George-yard, Lombard-street, MDCCLXXV [1775].
311. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The good shepherd. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at St. Ginnis in Cornwall. In the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1775.
312. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The history of Jesus; Drawn up For the Instruction of children. By W. Mason. [The second edition.] London: printed for the author; and sold by M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster Row; E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; and J. Mathews, in the Strand, MDCCLXXV [1775].
313. Bible. English. Geneva. The holy Bible: that is, the sacred Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament. Translated According to the Hebrew and Greek; and Conferred with the best Translations in Divers Languages. With Most Profitable Annotations upon all the Hard Places, and Other Things of Great Importance. By the Archbishops, Bishops, Etc. Etc. London: printed by M. Lewis, Paternoster-Row, for Mess. Buckland, Keith, Vallance and Simmons, MDCCLXXV [1775].
314. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The new birth. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Malmsbury in Wiltshire, in the year 1741. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1775.
315. Toplady, Augustus, 1740-1778. An old fox tarr'd and feather'd. Occasioned by what is called Mr. John Wesley's Calm address to our American colonys. By an Hanoverian. [The second edition, corrected.] London: printed for M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row; M. Gurney, Bell-Yard, Temple-Bar; and the booksellers at the Royal Exchange, 1775.
316. A pleasing prospect to all true believers. Or, Heaven the Christian's home, and death the believer's gain. [The second edition.] London: [printed for M. Lewis?, 1775?]) [she printed and sold the 1st ed. in 1772].
317. De Coetlogon, C. E. (Charles Edward), 1746-1820. The portraiture of the Christian penitent: attempted in a course of sermons upon Psalm LI. in which it is designed to show, what those views are of divine truth with which real Christians are usually favoured; and the Influence they will have upon their Tempers and Practices. By the Rev. Cha. De Coetlogon, A. M. ... London: printed by M. Lewis: sold by Mess. Buckland, Keith, Mathews, Vallance and Simmons, French, Waters, M.DCC.LXXV [1775].
318. Mason, William, 1719-1791. Scriptural prayers for every morning and evening, for the use of families: with a preface enforcing the much neglected duty of family prayer. By W. Mason. [The second edition.] London: printed for the author; and sold by E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; J. Mathews, near Hungerford-Market, in the Strand; and M. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXXV [1775].
319. Quincey, Thomas, active 1772-1774. A short tour in the midland counties of England; performed in the summer of 1772. Together with an account of a similar excursion, undertaken September 1774. London: printed by M. Lewis, for the Author: and sold by J. Bew, at No. 28. Paternoster Row, M.DCC.LXXV [1775].
320. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. St. Paul's conversion. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Plymouth in Devonshire, in the year 1744. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1775.
321. Christianus (friend to our happy establishment). The voice of God. Being serious thoughts on the present alarming crisis: with an appeal to the nation in general; particularly addressed to the Christian World, respecting the unhappy Situation of Affairs between England and the American colonies. Also, Some few Hints, humbly offered, for an immediate Remedy. By a friend to our happy establishment in church and state. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1. Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.LXXV [1775].
322. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The absolute and indispensable duty of Christians, in this critical juncture, considered and enforced in an affectionate address. By W. Mason. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. Thomas Coke, ... London: printed by J. W. Pasham: and sold by M. Lewis; and J. Mathews, 1776.
323. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The absolute and indispensable duty of Christians, in this critical juncture, considered and enforced in an affectionate address. By W. Mason. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. Thomas Coke, LLD. ... [The third edition.] London: printed by J. W. Pasham: and sold by M. Lewis, and J. Mathews, 1776.
324. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The absolute and indispensable duty of Christians, in this critical juncture, considered and enforced in an affectionate address. By W. Mason. The fourth edition. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. Thomas Coke, L L D. South-Petherton, Somersetshire. London: printed by J. W. Pasham, Black-Friars: and sold by M. Lewis, Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Mathews, in the Strand, [1776].
325. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The absolute and indispensable duty of Christians, in this critical juncture, considered and enforced in an affectionate address. By W. Mason. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. Thomas Coke [The thirtieth edition.] London: printed by J. W. Pasham: and sold by M. Lewis; and J. Mathews, 1776.
326. Mason, William, 1719-1791. The absolute and indispensable duty of Christians, in this critical juncture, considered and enforced in an affectionate address. By W. Mason. The third edition. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. Thomas Coke, LLD. South-Petherton, Somersetshire. London: printed by J.W. Pasham, Black-Friars: and sold by M. Lewis, Pater-noster-Row; and J. Mathews, in the Strand, 1776.
327. Okely, Francis, approximately 1719-1794. The distinguished pre-eminence of the Son of Man. Exhibited in a series of very striking particulars, taken out of the sacred records, and reduced into the form of a hymn. Wherein is also included, a summary detail of all our Saviour's miracles. Attempted by Francis Okely, Formerly of St. John's College in Cambridge. Northampton: printed by Thomas Dicey for the author; and sold there by him, and by T. Burnham: and in London by M. Lewis, No. 1, Pater-Noster Row, [1776].
328. Relly, James, 1722?-1778. Epistles: or, the great salvation contemplated; in a series of letters to a Christian society. By J. R. London: printed by M. Lewis, for the author, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776].
329. Towers, John, 1746 or 1747-1804. A friendly dialogue between Theophilus and Philadelphus: principally founded on the political publications of Mr. William Mason, &c. &c. Interspersed with General Remarks on our American Affairs. By John Towers, Author of Elihu's Reply. London: printed for the author; and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1, Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXXVI. [1776].
330. Bible. New Testament. English. Authorised. A liberal and minute inspection of the Holy Gospel; affording an occasional paraphrase, with notes and emendations, upon the four Gospels - and the Acts of the Apostles; and a regular exposition of all the Epistles - except the Revelation. London: printed for the author, and sold by M. Lewis, No. 1, Paternoster-Row, M,DCC,LXXVI. [1776].
331. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The lost sheep, piece of silver, and prodigal son. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the county of Antrim, in Ireland, in the year 1750. By John Cennick. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1776.
332. Bible. New Testament. English. Geneva. The new Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ, translated out of Greek, by Theod. Beza. Whereunto are adjoined brief summaries of doctrine Upon the Evangelists and Acts of the Apostles. Together with the Method of the Epistles of the Apostles. by the said Theod. Beza. And also short expositions on the phrases and hard places taken out of the large annotations of the aforesaid author, and Joach. Camerarius, by P. Los Villerius. Englished by L. Tomson. Together with the annotations of Fr. Junius upon the Revelation of Saint John. London: printed by M. Lewis, Paternoster-Row, for Mess. Buckland, Keith, Vallance and Simmons, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776].
333. H. R. A Journey from Time to Eternity. Recommended to all that call themselves Christians. London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, [between 1756 and 1776?].
334. De Coetlogon, C. E. (Charles Edward), 1746-1820. The portraiture of the Christian penitent: attempted in a course of sermons upon Psalm LI. In which it is designed to shew, what those views are of divine truth with which real Christians are usually favored; ... By the Rev. Cha. De Coetlogon, ... [The second edition.] London: printed by M. Lewis: sold by Mess. Buckland, Keith, Mathews, Vallance and Simmons, French, Waters, 1776.
335. Elliot, Richard, -1788. Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs: being, for the most part, a collection from various authors. Indeed divers of them, in many Places, have undergone a very considerable Alteration; and this the Editor judged necessary, in order to make them both scriptural and intelligible. To this, as in the former edition, is prefixed a preface on the nature, use and benefit of divine psalmody, with enlargements. By R. Elliot, A. B. Formerly of Bennet-College, Cambridge. London: printed for the author, and sold by M. Lewis, at No. 1. in Pater-Noster-Row, [1776].
336. A short scriptural explication of the faith and doctrine of the Church of England: as established in her thirty-nine articles and creeds. Illustrated and Confirmed, By many Texts of Scripture, with the Testimonies of all the Primitive Fathers, &c. Abstracted from a very scriptural commentary, on the 39 articles, written by the Rev. Tho. Rogers, B. A. Chaplain to his Grace Richard, Abp. of Canterbury, in the Reign of K. James I. Also many other valuable notes selected from Archdeacon Welchman, Bishop Beverdige, &c. in which All the Scripture References are carefully examined and revised, several Errors discovered and corrected. By the author of the Christian's memorandum-book, &c.[London clergyman] London: printed by M. Lewis, in Paternoster-Row, for the editor; and sold by C. Hood, and J. Wakelin, No. 8, Stationers-Alley, Ludgate-Street; J. Pridden, No. 100, nearly opposite Fleet-Market, Fleet-Street; by J. Dodd, in West Street, Seven-Dials, M.DCC.LXXVI [1776].
337. Elliot, Richard, -1788. A wedding sermon: being the substance of a discourse delivered at Glass-House Yard, on May 14, 1775, Preached by Particular Desire: and Now Published at the Request of the Bridegroom, and of Others who Heard it. By R. Elliot, A. B. And formerly of Bennet College, Cambridge. London: printed for the author: and sold by J. Johnson, No. 71, St. Paul's Church yard; and M. Lewis, Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXXVI [1776].
338. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The woman of Samaria. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Scoles in Yorkshire, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The third edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1776.