From Attwater's Diary, 26 May 1791, written just after her Miscarriage
God of my life! accept my humble praise
For all thy goodness thro’ my varied days
Goodness & mercy has each want supplied
Thou art my Father Thou my gracious guide
Should future time on earth be longer given
Be it devoted to ye God of Heaven
Supreemly Thee my heart wd still adore
Grateful confess past love & trust for more
Next to my God the Tribute wd I pay
To Friends whose kindness prompts the grateful lay
Accept my thanks still may I thankful prove
Merit your kindness & be blest with Love
When Life is past & Death must be our doom
Sweet be our passage to the silent Tomb
Rising triumphant join the blest above
In perfect praises of Redeeming Love
May 26th [1791] wrote in Bed.
Text: Attwater Papers, acc. 76, I. A.21; Whelan, Nonconformist Women Writers, vol. 4, p. 207.