4 July 1749
2. Extract from the Codicil to the Will of Dr Philip Doddridge. Dated the 4th of July 1749.1
On farther Consideration I have thought it proper to annex this Codicil to my last Will and Testament above written abrogating such parts of it as shall be inconsistent with this and those parts only. I give the Estate in Hounslow to my Son Philip Doddridge on his attaining the age of twenty one years Subject nevertheless to the Payment of a clear Annuity or Rent charge of Ten pounds a year to my dear Wife during the Term of her natural life by equal half yearly payments with Power and Distress in case of Nonpayment nevertheless the first half yearly payment of the said annuity not to commence till the first day of the usual Payment of the Rent of the said Estate that shall happen next after the Expiration of one year from the time of my Decease And in case my Death should happen before my said Son Philip Doddridge shall have the attained his Age of twenty one years Then my Will is that my said Son shall receive the Rents and Profits thereof during his Minority that she may lay out the same or such part of them as she shall see fit in his Maintenance and Education without being accountable for the same or for any Surplus and Savings thereof to him when of Age or any claiming under him.
1 London Metropolitan Archives, acc. MS 1149/109.