Sophia Parsons
Sophia Rawlings Parsons was the widow of George Parsons, BMS missionary to India, 1839-40. He was the nephew of John Dyer, former BMS secretary. Sophia contributed £16 for the work at Patna in September 1842 (see Missionary Herald (November 1842), p. 614). The letter mentioned below appeared in the Missionary Herald (August 1842). pp. 446-49, praising the activities of BMS missionary Henry Beddy in Patna. In 1842, over 1100 printed scriptures in Bengali were distributed in Patna by Beddy. The Annual Report noted that Beddy “labours not without success. The present number of members is twenty. Hindustani service is conducted in the chapel every morning; and, in addition to general prayer-meetings, one female prayer meeting is held. The boy’s school has been relinquished for want of a teacher; but a Female Orphan Refuge has been commenced, as well as a Sunday School.” See Annual Report of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society (London: J. Haddon, 1842) 19, 22.