Complete Bibliography of the Works of Anne Dutton


60 Titles (containing 25 embedded titles)

67 Imprints 


Anne Dutton was not only the most prolific Dissenting woman writer of the eighteenth century, she was also the most published woman writer of the century in England and America across all genres and sects. Here literary output totals 68 imprints over three decades, with another 25 separate compositions embedded within her volumes. The titles below by Dutton have been taken from several published bibliographies and corrected and correlated with entries from the ESTC (including some new entries and some titles still no). The list below comprises the most complete and accurate bibliography of Anne Dutton assembled to date.  My thanks to Emily Burgoyne and Rebecca Shuttleworth, librarians at the Angus Library, Regent's Park College, Oxford; Michael Brealey, librarian at Bristol Baptist College; and John Lancaster, an independent researcher/bibliographer, whose expertise with 18th century imprints and entries for the ESTC was indispensable for this project.

For more background on John Hart, John Lewis, Ebenezer Gardner, and George Keith, click here

For a list of the primary sources used for the bibliography, click here

[To see the image of the actual title page of each work, click on the title

Embedded works appear separately but still under the title in which they were printed.



1. Dutton, Anne. A Narration of the Wonders of Grace, in Verse. Divided into six parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God’s Election and Covenant-Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ’s Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ’s Ascension to his second Coming. V. Of Christ’s glorious Appearing and Kingdom. VI. Of Gog and Magog; together with the last Judgment. To which is added, A Poem on the special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. As also, Sixty One Hymns composed on several Subjects. With An Alphabetical Table. By Anne Dutton. London: printed for, and sold by the author, in the year 1734. [Price stitch’d 1 s. Bound 1 s. 6d.] 

·  A Poem on the special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. 

· Sixty One Hymns composed on several Subjects. With An Alphabetical Table.

      References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 1); Whitebrook, no. 1; Whitley 5-734, at Bristol Baptist College, British Library, and Bodleian; Starr has the 1734 edition (D2949), and says it was reprinted (actually a 2nd ed.) in 1734, citing Whitley 5-734 (D2950), then cites Whitley for a 1735 edition (D2951), and a revised edition in 1818 (citing Whitley) (D2952) and one in 1831 by Savory of Brighton (citing Whitley 1831, copy at British Library) (D2953), and one by J. A. Jones in 1833 (again citing Whitley 1833, with copies at the Angus Library and British Library (D2954). ESTC System No. 006393045; Citation No. T124971.

2.  [Dutton, Anne]. A Narration of the Wonders of Grace. In Verse. Divided into six parts. I. Of Christ the Mediator, as set up from Everlasting in all the Glory of Headship. II. Of God’s Election and Covenant Transactions concerning a Remnant in his Son. III. Of Christ’s Incarnation and Redemption. IV. Of the Work of the Spirit, respecting the Church in general, throughout the New Testament Dispensation, from Christ’s Ascension, to his second Coming. V. Of Christ’s glorious Appearing and Kingdom. VI. Of Gog and Magog; together with the last Judgment. To which is added, a Poem on the Special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. As also, Sixty One Hymns composed on Several Subjects. With An Alphabetical Table. The second edition, corrected by the author, with additions. London: Printed for the author, and sold by John Oswald, at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry, near Stock’s-Market, 1734. (Price bound 1s. 6d.) [Preface is signed A. D.] 

  References to the work appear in Whitley 5-734, with a reprinted edition in 1735 located in the British Library; Starr cites Whitley, D2951; later Starr cites McIntyre for a title Poems, Containing a Narration of the Wonders of Grace, in Six Parts, without a date (D2964), which is probably a reference to the above entry and not a new title; the work appears as no. 1 in Keith's 1769 list. ESTC System No. 006325507; Citation No. T53691. A copy of either the 1st or 2nd edition can be found in the Congregational Library (the copy has no title page). 



3.  A. D. [Anne Dutton]. A Discourse upon Walking with God: in a Letter to a Friend. Together with Some Hints upon Joseph’s Blessing, Deut. 33. 13, &c. As also a Brief Account how the Author was brought into Gospel-Liberty. By A.D. London: Printed for the Author: and sold by E. Gardner, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield, 1735. [Price bound 1s. 6d. bound.] 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 2);  Whitebrook, no. 2; Whitley, 10-735, Angus Library and British Library; also McIntyre; Starr notes it was reprinted by J. A. Jones in 1857; no. 2 in Keith's 1769 list.] Advertisement at back of the pamphlet for Dutton’s A Discourse concerning God’s Act of Adoption (1737) lists Gardner’s location as “Coleman-Street,” but that is where he was in 1737, not in 1735. Copies below from the Angus Library, shelfmark 21.g.37; and British Library (4402.k.18).  ESTC System No. 006325505; Citation No. T53689. 



4.  [Dutton, Anne].  A Discourse Concerning God’s Act of Adoption. To which is added, a Discourse upon the Inheritance of the Adopted Sons of God. London: printed for the author: and sold by E. Gardner in Coleman-Street near the Old Jewry, 1737. 

      References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 3); Whitebrook, no. 3, incorrectly lists the work as 1735, as does Whitley, 24-735, citing the copy at the British Library; entry repeated by McIntyre.; and no. 3 in Keith's 1769 list. ESTC System No. 006326275; Citation No. T54555.



5.     A. D. [Anne Dutton].  A Sight of Christ, Absolutely Necessary for all True Christians, and Gospel Ministers. London: Printed for the Author, and sold by E. Gardner at Milton’s Head in Gracechurch-Street, 1740.  (Price Six-pence).

   References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 4); Whitebrook, no. 8; Whitley 38-743, no location; McIntyre; Starr, citing the previous two (D2968); no. 8 in Keith's 1769 list.] Copy at Bristol Baptist, 48C D Dut, acc. no. 14028, which appears to be the sole extant copy of the work. ESTC System No. 006488048; Citation No. N510476.  Whitebrook, no. 8; Whitley 38-743, no location; McIntyre; Starr, citing the previous two (D2968); no. 8 in Keith's 1769 list.] Copy at Bristol Baptist, 48C D Dut, acc. no. 14028, which appears to be the sole extant copy of the work. ESTC System No. 006488048; Citation No. N510476. 

6.  [Dutton, Anne]. A Discourse upon Justification: Shewing the Matter, Manner, Time and Effects of it. By the author of The Discourse Concerning the New-Birth. London: Printed; and sold by John Oswald at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry, near Stocks-Market; and Ebenezer Gardner, at Milton’s Head in Grace-Church-Street, 1740. (Price Bound one Shilling and three Pence.) 

   References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 5); Whitebrook, no. 4, where he incorrectly dates it 1741; Whitley 20-1741, also not 1740; repeated by McIntyre; and no. 4 in Keith's 1769 list. ESTC System No. 006066251; Citation No. N8710.  British Library copy on ECCO and Google Books. 

7.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Discourse Concerning the New-Birth: to which are added Two Poems; the one on Salvation in Christ, by Free-Grace, for the Chief of Sinners: the Other on a Believer’s Safety and Duty. With an Epistle Recommendatory, by the Reverend Mr. Jacob Rogers, B.A. London: Printed; and sold by John Oswald at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry, near Stocks-Market; and Ebenezer Gardner, at Milton’s Head in Grace-Church-Street, 1740. (Price Bound one Shilling and three Pence.). To be more correct, Dutton added three poems to this work, not two.

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 6); Whitebrook, no. 5; Whitley, 7-740, British Library; also in McIntyre. ESTC System No. 00636276; Citation No. T54556.


8.   [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions; sent to Relations and Friends. By One who has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. Vol. 1. London: Printed; and sold by John Oswald, at the Rose and Crown in the Poultry, near the Mansion House; and Ebenezer Gardner, at Milton’s Head in Grace-church-street, 1740. [Price Bound One Shilling and Sixpence.] Vol. I of this series of volumes, although the number does not appear on the title page. 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 7); Whitebrook, no. 6, where he cites 6 vols, which is well short of the 13 vols in the series; Whitley, 20-740 (refers to the work “Occasional” Letters, which was enlarged and reprinted in 1803 (see below, no. 64), but attributed to Thomas Dutton of London. Whitley does not locate the 1740 copy. Starr cites Whitley for this work (D2955). A copy exists at Dr. Williams’s Library and at Princeton Theological Seminary (images below from InternetArchive, Princeton copy).  ESTC System No. 006262916; Citation No. T168072. 



9.      [Dutton, Anne]. A Letter to all the Saints, on the General Duty of Love: Humbly Presented, by One that is less than the Least of them All, and Unworthy to be of their Happy Number. London: Printed by J. Hart: and sold by Samuel Mason, Bookseller, over-against Love-Lane, Woodstreet, 1742. Price Six-Pence.   

    References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 8); Whitebrook, no. 18, where he gives the date as 1741; Whitley, 28-742, Memorial Hall, London, and British Library; Starr repeats McIntyre and Whitley, D2933; and no. 18 in Keith's 1769 list. 1. Copies at the British Library and the Huntington Library, one of which appears in ECCO. ESTC System No 006340025; Citation No. T68961.

10.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Letter to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley. In Vindication of the Doctrines of Absolute, Unconditional Election, Particular Redemption, Special Vocation, and Final Perseverance. Occasioned chiefly by some Things in his Dialogue between a Predestinarian and his Friend; and In his Hymns on God’s Everlasting Love. London: Printed by John Hart: and sold by Samuel Mason, Bookseller, over-against Love-Lane, in Wood-Street, 1742. [Price Eight-Pence.] 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 9); Whitebrook, no. 27; and no. 27 in Keith's 1769 list.  Image taken from copy at British Library, shelfmark 4139.c.2.(3.); American copy at Emory. ESTC System No. 006238217; Citation No. T38360.

11.      [Dutton, Anne.] Some Thoughts about Faith in Christ: Whether it be Required of all Men under the Gospel? To prove that it is. Being an Answer to the chief Objections advanc’d against it: With Brief Hints of the Great Ends of God in this Requirement. Wrote for the Perusal of a Friend. And now Humbly offer’d to the Consideration of All. London: Printed for E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, in Gracechurch-Street, 1742. (Price Eight-Pence.) 

     References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 92 (no. 10); Whitebrook, no. 9, where he dates it 1743; McIntyre; Whitley, 39-743, no location; Starr, citing McIntyre and Whitley (D2969); and no. 9 in Keith's 1769 list. An Appendix to this pamphlet was published in 1748 (see below, no. 40]. Image below from the copy in the British Library, shelfmark ESTC System No. 006353904; Citation No. T83432.  Not listed under Dutton in the ESTC. 



12.      [Dutton, Anne.] A Letter to the Negroes lately Converted to Christ in America. And Particularly to those, lately called out of Darkness, into God’s Marvellous Light, at Mr. Jonathan Bryan’s in South Carolina. Or a Welcome to the Believing Negroes, into the Houshold of God. By a Friend and Servant of theirs in England. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-Street: And sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s Head, in Gracechurch-Street, MDCCXLIII [1743].  (Price Three-Pence.)  

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 11); Whitebrook, no. 21, where he dates it as 1742; no copies exist from that year, so Whitebrook most likely erred in his date; Whitley, 27-742, also dates it 1742, no location; McIntyre the same; Starr repeats the latter two, D2944; and no. 21 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies of the 1743 imprint can be found at Boston Public Library, Yale, Princeton, Trinity College, Cambridge, and at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, among other places. ESTC System No. 006010533; Citation No. N19606.  

  Andrew M. Pisano, in his article “Reforming the Literary Black Atlantic: Worshipful Resistance in the Transatlantic World,” Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, 44 (2015), 81-100, repeats the claim by Horace Edwin Hayden in Virginia Genealogies: A Genealogy of the Glassell family of Scotland and Virginia (Wilkes-Barre, 1891) that Dutton’s Letter was “republished by Jonathan Bryan in South Carolina,” due to the “great attention” that “was awakened in behalf of the religious instruction among the negroes” (208). To Pisano, that republication “established the text as evidence of black agency in transatlantic print culture” (93).  However, the Dutton Letter that Hayden saw in 1891 was the same 1743 imprint that exists in several other New England libraries and can be viewed by clicking on the title above. It belonged at that time in the Thomas Prince Collection at the Old South Church; the Prince Collection now resides in the Boston Public Library. Thus, a second printing by Jonathan Bryan did not occur; Hayden simply misread the title page.  

13.     [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions, sent to Relations and Friends. By One who has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner at Milton’s Head in Grace-Church-street, MDCCXLIII [1743].  [Price Bound One Shilling and Sixpence.]  Vol. II. of the series, though the volume number does not appear on the title page. 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 12); Whitley, 37-743, no location; Starr cites Whitley for this edition (D2956), and labels it as Vol. 2. 1. Copies at Boston Public Library, University of Victoria, and on ECCO. ESTC System No. 006026511; Citation No. N34234. [ESTC does not denote this title as Vol. 2 in Dutton’s series of Letters.]

14.     [Dutton, Anne]. Letters sent to an Honourable Gentleman, for the Encouragement of Faith. By One who has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. London: printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, in Gracechurch-Street, 1743. [Price One-Shilling.] In the image provided from Princeton, it appears the "S" at the end of "Letters" has been torn off the title page. 

  Later editions appear to have been printed in 1749 and 1761. References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 13); Starr, D2937, where he cites a vol. 3, undated], and McIntyre; Whitley 36-743, who does not locate the volume, says another volume appeared in 1749 (without location) and a third in 1761 (29-761, located at Memorial Hall, London), the last two items repeated by Starr, D2939; and no. 7 in Keith's 1769 list, where he says it was published by him in 3 vols. Copies of vol. 1 (1743) can be found at the Boston Athenaeum, Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, and Princeton University (shelfmark Edwards 105192).  ESTC System No. 006009876; Citation No. N19004.

15.     A. D. [Anne Dutton]. A Letter to such of the Servants of Christ, who may have any Scruple about the Lawfulness of Printing any thing written by a Woman: to shew, that Book-teaching is Private, with respect to the Church, and permitted to private Christians; yea, commanded to those, of either sex, who are gifted for, and inclin’d to engage in this Service. By A.D. London: Printed by J. Hart in Poppings-court, Fleetstreet; and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, in Gracechurch-Street, 1743. [Price One Penny.] 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 14); Whitebrook, no. 22; Whitley, 34-743; Starr repeats Whitley, D2943; and no. 22 in Keith's 1769 list. This title was reissued in her 1750 edition of her Brief Account.]  Copy at Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library; British Library, shelfmark ESTC System No. 006069801; Citation No. N70735. 

16.     [Dutton, Anne.] Letters to the Reverend Mr. John Westley [sic]: Against Perfection: As not Attainable in this Life. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, in Gracechurch-Street, 1743. [Price Six Pence.] 

    References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 15);  Whitebrook, no. 20, with an incomplete title; Whitley, 35-743, Conference Library; McIntyre; Starr, citing McIntyre and Whitley, D2941; and no. 20 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at the John Rylands Library, Manchester; Boston Athenaeum, Harvard, and the Huntington Library; also on ECCO. This title was reprinted in 1764 by Henry Hart, son of John Hart. That imprint does not appear in the ESTC (see below, no. 55). ESTC System No. 006016984; Citation No. N25486. 

17.     [Dutton, Anne.] Meditations and Observations upon the Eleventh and Twelfth Verses of the Sixth Chapter of Solomon’s Song. ... To which are added, Motives offer’d to the Consideration of a Believer, to deter him from Sin. ... And Some Thoughts about Sin and Holiness: ... By a Sinner sav’d to be an Heir of Heaven, that deserves to be a Firebrand of Hell. London: printed by J. Hart: and sold by J. Lewis; and E. Gardner, 1743.  [Price Six Pence]. 

     References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 16); Whitebrook, no. 10; Whitley, 13-741, Angus Library; McIntyre; Starr, citing McIntyre and Whitley, 13-743A, D2947; and no. 10 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at the Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford (shelfmark 21.g.38 (a.), Boston Athenaeum, Emory University (Candler School of Theology), and Wesleyan University. ESTC System No. 006027523; Citation No. N35160.

18.     [Dutton, Anne.] Brief Hints concerning God’s Fatherly Chastisements, Showing Their Nature, Necessity and Usefulness, and the Saints’ Duty to Wait upon God for Deliverance when under His Fatherly Corrections. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-street; and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, in Gracechurch-street, 1743.  (Price four-pence.)   

     References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 17); Whitebrook, no. 11; Whitley, 32-743, Yale; McIntyre, citing a copy at Yale; Starr, D2902; also no. 11 in Keith's 1769 list. Copy at Yale, shelfmark Mhc9 D954 D6, seems incomplete; Trinity College also has a copy, shelfmark I.15.113[2]. ESTC System No. 006487439; Citation No. N509648.

19.     [Dutton, Anne.] The Hurt that Sin doth to Believers. To which is added, A Word of Intreaty, to all those that name the Name of Christ, to Depart from Iniquity. London: printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, in Gracechurch-Street, 1743. [Price Six-Pence.] 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 18); Whitebrook, no. 12, where he incorrectly cites the date as 1733, and mentions a 2nd ed. in 1749, which remains untraced; Whitley, 14-733, Memorial Hall, also citing 1733, not 1743 (in Appendix); McIntyre; Starr, D2914; and no. 12 in Keith's 1769 list. ESTC System No. 006062572; Citation No. N6738. Copies at the Boston Athenaeum, Andover-Harvard Theological Library, and Princeton University. In her Brief Account, Part III (1750), Dutton writes at the end of 1749 that she had prepared a second edition of this work for the press, adding to it a new work, Notes on the Love of Christ. If she did, no copies survive. She does not list the work in her calendar of publications at the end of Part III, but that could be due to the fact that the work, if it did appear, would have been printed after A Brief Account

20.     A. D. [Anne Dutton]. A Brief Account of the Gracious Dealings of God, with a Poor, Sinful, Unworthy Creature, relating to the Work of Divine Grace on the Heart, in a Saving Conversion to Christ, and in some Establishment in Him. Part I. By A. D. [Anne Dutton].  London: printed by J. Hart: and sold by J. Lewis; and E. Gardner, 1743. (Price six-pence.) 

  Parts 1 and 2 appeared in 1743; Part 3 appeared in 1750. References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 19). Copies of Part I at Bristol Baptist College (46D Dut 13705) and Trinity College, Cambridge, Harvard University, Harvard Theological Library, and British Library. Part 1 appears in ESTC System No. 006039787; Citation No. N46404. 

21. A. D. [Anne Dutton]. A Brief Account of the Gracious Dealings of God, with a Poor, Sinful, Unworthy Creature, relating to the Work of Divine Grace on the Heart, ... Part II. By A. D. London: printed by J. Hart: and sold by J. Lewis; and E. Gardner, 1743. [Price One Shilling.] 

  Part II appears to have been a separate issue, though now usually found bound with Part I. Part 2 has a variation on the title page after ". . . Unworthy Creature, relating to a Train of special Providences attending Life, by which the Work of Faith was carried on with Power." References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 93 (no. 20).  Copies at Bristol Baptist College (46D Dut 13705) and Trinity College, Cambridge, and British Library. Not in ECCO or Google Books. ESTC System No. 006487436; Citation No. N509642.

22.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Letter to All Those that Love the Lord Jesus Christ, in Philadelphia: to Excite them to Adhere to, and Appear for, the Truths of the Gospel; by a Friend in England. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleetstreet; And sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholmew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, within Aldgate, 1743. (Price Three-Pence.) 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 94 (no. 21).Whitebrook, no. 23; Whitley, 31-743 (no location); Starr repeats Whitley, D2938; and no. 23 in Keith's 1769 list. A copy can be found in the Sprague Collection of Early American Religious Pamphlets, Princeton Theological Seminary, shelfmark SCP #36,517, Ser. 1; v. 467:13. Not currently listed in the ESTC. 

23.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Letter to all the Saints, on the General Duty of Love: Humbly Presented, by One that is less than the Least of them All, and Unworthy to be of their Happy Number. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-Street: And sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s Head, in Gracechurch-Street, 1743. [Price Six Pence.]   

  This edition is not cited by Whitebrook nor does it appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III; Starr cites the 1743 edition (D2922) but not the 1742 one. Copies at the British Library, Boston Public Main Library, and Harvard Theological Library. ESTC System No. 006025770; Citation No. N33557. Available also in ECCO. 

24.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Discourse Concerning the New-Birth: to which are added, Sixty-four Hymns; Compos’d on Several Subjects. With an Epistle Recommendatory, by the Reverend Mr. Jacob Rogers, A.B. London: printed by J. Hart: and sold by J. Lewis; and E. Gardner, 1743. (Price Bound One Shilling and Six Pence.) 


  This edition does not appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III; or in Starr, Whitley, or Whitebrook; it is no. 5 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at Yale ((Beinecke Library and the Divinity School Library) Princeton Theological Seminary (call no. SCB #16,913), and University of Victoria. No extant copies in the UK. ESTC System N0. 006059938; Citation No. N64925. The 2nd ed. is not paginated the same nor printed the same (main text of the Discourse begins on p. 5 in this edition, and ends on p. 115; the Two Poems added to the 1740 edition have been replaced by her 64 Hymns).

25.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Discourse upon Justification: Shewing the Matter, Manner, Time and Effects of it. To which are added Three Poems: I. On the Special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. II. On Salvation in Christ, by Free-Grace, for the Chief of Sinners. III. On a Believer’s Safety and Duty. London: printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, in Gracechurch-Street, MDCCXLIII [1743].  (Price Bound One Shilling and Six-pence).

  A reprint of the 1740 title. This edition is not mentioned in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III. References to this work appear in Whitebrook, no. 28, where he cites alos cites the 1740 edition; Whitley, 20-741 (i.e., 1741); he later says the title was reprinted in 1825 in the collected works of James Hervey, repeated by Starr; and no. 28 in Keith's 1769 list. It was reprinted in 1778 (see below, no. 65)]. ESTC System No. 006024815; Citation No. N32682. Copies at Emory (Candler School of Theology); Harvard, Yale (Beinecke), and on ECCO (where the copy has “Thomas Dutton” written on the title page, an erroneous attribution). 

26.   [Dutton, Anne]. A Discourse upon Walking with God: Together with Some Thoughts upon Joseph’s Blessing, Deut. xxxiii 13, &c. as also a Short Account how the Author was Brought into Gospel-Liberty. In a Letter to a Friend. To which are added, Brief Hints concerning God’s Fatherly Chastisements; shewing their Nature, Necessity, and Usefulness; and the Saints Duty to Wait upon God for Deliverance, when under his Fatherly Corrections. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, in Gracechurch-Street, 1743. [Price Bound One Shilling and Six-Pence.] 

    This edition does not appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III. References to this work appear in Whitebrook, no. 2; Keith's 1769 list, no. 2. Starr refers to the 1735 edition, taking his cue from McIntyre and Whitley (D2905). Copy at Yale, shelfmark Mhc9 D954 D6. ESTC System No. -006487443; Citation No. N509653.

27.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Letter to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley: In Vindication of the Doctrines of Absolute, Unconditional Election, Particular Redemption, Special Vocation, and Final Perseverance. Occasioned chiefly by some things in his Dialogue between a Predestinarian and his Friend; and in his Hymns on God’s Everlasting Love. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, in Gracechurch-Street, 1743. [Price Eight-Pence.] 

  This edition does not appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III. References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 19, where he cites what appears to be another edition printed in 1747, but that is unaccounted for at present; Whitley, 29-742, referring to the copy in the British Library, but citing the work as 1742; also Whiteley 17-747, which may be where Whitebrook got his reference for a 1747 edition; McIntyre; Starr cites McIntyre and Whitley with the date of 1742, D2945; also a reprint in 1743, citing the same sources, D2946. It would appear the 1743 edition is the only one; the work is no. 19 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at the Boston Athenaeum and New York Historical Society. ESTC System No. 006048865; Citation No. N54744. Image below from ECCO.

28.       Dutton, Anne. A Letter from Mrs. Anne Dutton, to the Reverend Mr. G. Whitefield. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by William Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible in Second-Street, [undated] [attributed in the microfilm copy as 1743].  

   This edition does not appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, nor in Whitebrook, but it does appear in Starr, Baptist Bibliography, D2917, citing Evans and Sabin and dating the pamphlet as 1749; see also Whitley 30-743, where he cites copies at Brown University, Lambeth Palace, and Baptist College, Rawdon; Starr has the date as 1749, and cites Evans as well as Whitley’s entry of 1743. Copy at the Library Company of Philadelphia. See Firestone Library Microforms, call no. 802. no. 5169. ESTC System No. 006441393; Citation No. W23241. Full text can be found in Michael A. G. Haykin, "Writing to George Whitefield: A Letter from Anne Dutton on Sinless Perfection," Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, 18.2 (Summer 2014), 83-86, and online at


29. [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions, sent to the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, and others of his Friends and Acquaintance. To which is added, A Letter on the Being and Working of Sin, in the Soul of a Justify’d Man, as Consistent with his State of Justification in Christ, and Sanctification through Him: with the Nature of his Obedience, and of his Comfort, consider’d: as the one is from God, and the other to Him; notwithstanding his Corruptions may be great, and his Graces small in his own Sight. As also, A Letter on the Duty and Privilege of a Believer, to Live by Faith, and to Improve his Faith unto Holiness. By One who has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. [Vol. 3]. London: printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, near Aldgate, 1745. [Price stitch’d One Shilling and Three-pence.] 

This letter was originally written to William Collins, a member at Whitefield's Tabernacle in Moorfields. Collins wrote an "Epistle to the Reader" which appeared with the Letter. He hoped the Letter would be widely read and was especially moved by the fact that it was written by a woman, whose writings he now cherishes. 

References to this work appear in Whitebrook, no. 24; no. 24 on Keith's 1769 list; Starr cites McIntyre and Whitley 23-744, Memorial Hall, London; D2940, all under a slightly different title and a suggested date of 1744. No. 32 below is a response by Dutton to a reply to this pamphlet. This title does not appear in the ESTC and does not seem to be extant as a separate publication in 1744 or thereafter. It originally appeared as her letter to the London Tabernacle, dated April 9, 1743, in An Account of the Progress, vol. 3, no. 1.

   Vol. III in this series, although the number does not appear on the title page. References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 148 (no. 22); Whitebrook, nos. 39 and 40, and possibly no. 24; Whitley, 22-744, where he gives the year as 1744 for vol. 3 (located at F); he then adds vol. 4 (6-746 Bristol Baptist College, Baptist Historical Society), vol. 5 (1747 Baptist Historical Society), vol. 6 (1748 Baptist Historical Society, British Library), and vol. 7 (1749 Baptist Historical Society). He later adds an entry for the 1745 edition of Letters on Spiritual Subjects (15-745), listed under “Oliver.” Starr cites Whitley for this Volume 3 and follows his date of 1744 (D2957), and then cites Whitley for vol. 4 (1746) (D2958), vol. 5 (1747) (D2959), vol. 6 (1748) (D2960), and vol. 7 (1749) (D2961). Whitley also treats the Letter on the Duty and Privilege of a Believer to Life by Faith as a separate publication, 13-745, without a location; he does the same for Letters on the Being and Working of Sin in the Soul of a Justify’d Man (with a preface by William Collins) as a separate publication, 14-745, at Memorial Hall, London; Starr cites Whitley’s 1746 entry, D2924; then Whitley’s 1745 entry, D2925, followed by entries for Vol. 10 (Whitley 30-782), D2926; 2nd ed., revised (apparently of vol. 10, 1823, D2927; same edition reprinted in 1824 (D2928). Starr also repeats Whitley’s separate entry for Letters on the Being and Working of Sin in the Soul of a Justify’d Man (D2929) and for the Letter on the Duty and Privilege of a Believer to Life by Faith (D2931). Copies at the Congregational Library, London; Dr. Williams’s Library, London; Princeton Theological Seminary Library (shelfmark SCB 1799); and Yale University, Beinecke Library. Also available on InternetArchive (copy from Princeton). ESTC 006480941; Citation No. N492578. 


30.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Postscript to a Letter lately Published, on the Duty and Privilege of a Believer, to live by Faith, and to improve his Faith unto Holiness: directed to the Society at the Tabernacle in London. To make the Author’s Sense of some Words and Phrases in that Letter, more plain to the Persons to whom That was sent, and This is addressed.  To which is added, A Caution against Error, when it springs up together with Truth: in a Letter to a Friend: as also, Some of the Mistakes of the Moravian Brethren: in a Letter to another Friend: with Postscripts to the Letters added. By One who has tasted that the Lord is Gracious. London: printed by J. Hart; and sold by J. Lewis; and E. Gardner, 1746. [Price stitch’d Nine-pence.] 

   This Postscript is in reference to her Letter on the Duty and Privilege of a Believer, to Live by Faith, and to Improve his Faith unto Holiness. To the Society at the Tabernacle, in London (see no. 30 above). References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 23); Whitebrook, nos. 41-43; part of this work cited in Whitley’s 31-745 and 31-746, with A Caution against Error listed as 32-746 and Thoughts on some of the Mistakes of the Moravian Brethren listed as 33-746 (no locations); it does not appear that they were printed separately.Starr follows Whitley here, D2903, D2965, and D2971. Copy at Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary, Rare Books, shelfmark RS73 P858; Dr. Williams’s Library, London; Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, Shelfmark 43.b.15.(c.) (incomplete, missing pages 1-4); John Rylands University Library, Manchester. ESTC System No. 006033163; Citation No. N40331. 

31.     [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions; sent to Relations and Friends. By One who has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. Vol. 4. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew Close, near West Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s Head, near Aldgate, 1746. [Price stitch’d Nine-pence.] 

    Vol. 4 of the serie, with, the volume number now appearing on the title page. References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 24); Whitley 6-746; Starr, D2924. Copy at Bristol Baptist College, 46D Dut, acc. no. 13707; also available on Internet Archive, taken from the copy at Princeton Theological Seminary.  ESTC System No. 00648734; Citation No. N509640.

32. [Dutton, Anne.] Brief Hints concerning Baptism: of the Subject, Mode, and End of this Solemn Ordinance. In a Letter to a Friend. To which is added, A short account, how the author was brought to follow the Lord in his Ordinance of Baptism. In a Letter to another Friend. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s Court, Fleet-Street: And sold by E. Gardner, at Milton’s Head, near Aldgate, 1746.  [Price Three-Pence.] 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 25); Whitebrook, no. 25; Whitley, 5-746, Angus Library and Bristol Baptist College; no. 25 in Keith's 1769 list, where he titles it Letters on the Ordinance of Baptism. Copy at Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, shelfmark 21.g.38(b). ESTC System No. 006057501; Citation No. N62623. 



33.   A. D. [Anne Dutton].  A Letter to Mr. William Cudworth: In Vindication of the Truth, from his Misrepresentations: with Respect to the Work of the Spirit in Faith, Holiness, the New-Birth, &c. being a Reply to his  Answer to the Postscript of a Letter late published, To which is added, A Letter to a Friend, on Inherent and Personal Holiness. By A. D. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s Court, Fleet-street; and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at the Ship, in Lombard-Street, near Gracechurch-Street, 1747. [Price stitch’d One Shilling and Three-Pence.]  

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 26); Whitebrook, no. 26; Whitley, 16-747, Baptist Historical Society; Cudworth’s response to Dutton’s Postscript, no. 19 above; McIntyre; Starr cites McIntyre and Whitley, D2942; and no. 26 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at Congregational Library, London; Massachusetts Historical Society; University of Illinois Library; and Bristol Baptist College Library, shelfmark 46 D Dut., acc. no. 13707. ESTC System No. 006300013; Citation No. T205500.

34.     [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions, sent to Relations and Friends. By One who has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. Vol. 5. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew Close, near West Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at the Ship, in Lombard-Street, near Gracechurch-Street, 1747. [Price stitch’d One Shilling and Three pence.] 

    References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 27). Copy at Bristol Baptist College, 46D Dut, acc. no. 13707; also on ECCO, copy from Bodleian Library, Oxford. ESTC System No. 006208402; Citation No. T300470.  



35.     A. D. [Anne Dutton]. Hints of the Glory of Christ; as the Friend and Bridegroom of the Church: From the Seven last Verses of the Fifth Chapter of Solomon’s Song. In a Letter to a Friend. By A. D. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s-Court, Fleet Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield, 1748. 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 28); Whitebrook, no. 14; Whitley, 3-748; McIntyre; repeated by Starr, D2913; no. 14 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at the Angus Library, shelfmark 21.g.38(d.), the British Library, and the Bodleian Library. ESTC System No. 006305393; Citation No. T210910.  In ECCO and Google Books (British Library copy). 

  Karen O’Dell Bullock, in her article on Dutton that appeared in Marion Ann Taylor, ed., Handbook of Women Biblical Interpreters: A Historical and Biographical Guide (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing, 2012), cites the work as Thoughts on the Lord’s Supper. Published with Hints of the Glory of Christ: As the Friend and Bridegroom of the Church: From the Seven last Verses of the Fifth Chapter of Solomon’s Song. In a Letter to a Friend. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s-Court, Fleet Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield, 1748.  This title is incorrect. Hints was not published with Thoughts on the Lord's Supper. They are two separate publications from 1748.

36.     [Dutton, Anne]. Thoughts on the Lord’s Supper, relating to the Nature, Subjects, and Right Partaking of this Solemn Ordinance. Written at the Request of a Friend, And address’d by Letter to the tender Lambs of Christ. With a Short Letter relating to it prefixed. By One who is less than the least of all Saints. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s Court, Fleet Street: And Sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield, 1748. .[Price stitch’d Seven-Pence.] 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 29); Whitebrook, no. 15; McIntyre; Whitley 4-748, Angus Library; McIntyre; Starr, citing the previous two (D2972); and no. 15 in Keith's 1769 list. Copy at the Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, shelfmark 21.g.38 (c). ESTC System No. 006-39908; Citation No. N46515. 

37.     [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions, sent to Relations and Friends. By One who has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. Vol. 6. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s-Court, Fleet Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield, 1748.   [Price bound Two Shillings.] 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 30). For the British Library copy, the "Vol. VI" has been obliterated.  Copies at Bristol Baptist College Library, shelfmark 46D Dut, acc. no. 13708; British Library, shelfmark 4402.bbb.29 (also on ECCO); and Princeton Theological Seminary (also on Internet Archive). ESTC System No. 006326177; Citation No. T54557.

38.     [Dutton, Anne.] An Appendix to a Pamphlet, entitled, Some Thoughts about Faith in Christ: Whether it be Required of all Men under the Gospel. To prove that it is. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s Cout, Fleet Street: And sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew Close, near West Smithfield, 1748. 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 31); Whitebrook; it does appear in Whitley, 39-743, without a location. Copy at the British Library, shelfmark, catalogued with the 1742 edition.  ESTC System No. 006353900; Citation No. T83428. 



39.     [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions; Sent to Relations and Friends. By One who has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. Vol. 7. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleet-Street: And sold by J. Lewis, in Paternoster Row, near Cheapside, 1749. [Price Stitch’d One Shilling and Three Pence.] 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 32) ;Starr cites this as the beginning date of a 14-volume set, taking his cue from McIntyre, D2936. This volume of Letters is not listed in the ESTC.

40. [Dutton, Anne]. Letters Sent to an Honourable Gentleman, for the Encouragement of Faith. By One Who Has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious, Volume II. London: Printed by J. Hart in Popping's Court, Fleet Street; And sold by J. Lewis in Paternoster Row, near Cheapside, 1749. 

  References to the work appear in Dutton, A Brief Account, Part III, p. 149 (no. 33); Starr, D2937, where he cites a vol. 3, undated], and McIntyre; Whitley 36-743, who does not locate the volume, says another volume appeared in 1749 (without location) and a third in 1761 (29-761, located at Memorial Hall, London), the last two items repeated by Starr, D2939; and no. 7 in Keith's 1769 list, where he says it was published by him in 3 vols. John Sciretti quotes from a photographed copy of this volume in his 2009 Ph.D. dissertation at Baylor, "Feed My Lambs”: The Spiritual Direction Ministry of Calvinistic British Baptist Anne Dutton During the Early Years of the Evangelical Revival."


41.     [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions; Sent to Relations and Friends. By One who has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. Vol. 8. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s-Court, Fleet-Street: And sold by J. Lewis, in Paternoster Row; and G. Keith, at Mercers-Chapel, Cheapside, 1750. 

42.     A. D. [Anne Dutton]. A Brief Account of the Gracious Dealings of God, with a Poor, Sinful, Unworthy Creature, in Three Parts. Relating to Part I. The Work of Divine Grace on the Heart, in a Saving Conversion to Christ, and to some Establishment in Him. Part II. A Train of Special Providences attending Life, by which the Work of Faith was carried on with Power. Part III. Some Particular Experiences of the Lord’s Goodness in bringing out several little Tracts, to the Furtherance and Joy of Faith. With an Appendix. And a letter prefixed, on the Lawfulness of a Woman’s Appearing in Print. By A.D. London: printed by J. Hart in Popping’s-Court, Fleet-Street. and sold by J. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row, near Cheapside, 1750.  

  The 1750 edition added Part 3 and an Appendix, but surprisingly retained the 1743 title pages to Parts 1 and 2. References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 13; Whitley, 14-750, British Library; McIntyre adds that the 1740 appeared in four parts, with a copy at the British Library, but that is not correct; also no. 13 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at Bristol Baptist College, 46D Dut, acc. no. 13708; Princeton Theological Seminary (also on Internet Archive); Angus Library, shelfmark 10.c.28. ESTC System No. 006487435; Citation No. N509641. This is the volume that includes Dutton's compilation of her previous publications through 1749. 



43.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Letter on Justification: or, The Justification of Law-Condemned Sinners. London: J. Hart, 1753. 24 pp. 

  References to this work appear in Starr, D2918, from “McIntyre NRAB"; and no. 28 in Keith's 1769 list.  The work was apparently printed, but no copies appear to be extant. The title does not appear in the ESTC.    




44.     [Dutton, Anne.] Five Letters of Advice: Humbly Offered: The I. To Parents: Concerning the Education of their Children, in the Fear of God. II. To Children: To excite them to Remember their Creator in the Days of their Youth. III. To the Young and Middle-Aged: To warn them of some of the Snares of Life. IV. To the Aged: To [interest] them to improve their present Time, for a blest Eternity. And the V. To All Thirsty Souls: To invite them to come to Christ, and to take the Water of Life; which He hath promised to give them freely. By a Well-Wisher to the Souls of Men. London: printed by J. Hart in Popping’s-Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by J. Lewis, in Pater-Noster-Row; and G. Keith at the Bible and Crown in Grace-Church-Street, MDCCLIV [1754]. 

   References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 30; McIntyre; Starr, D2911; and no. 30 in Keith's 1769 list.

45.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Letter on the Application of the Holy Scriptures: shewing how the People of God may know, when words of Scripture come into their minds, on any account, whether they are from the Lord or not. London: J. Hart, Popping’s Court. Sold by J. Lewis, Paternoster Row, 1754. [Price Six-Pence.] 

  References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 29 also no. 29 in Keith’s 1769 list; Edwin Starr, Baptist Bibliography, vol. 6, p. 201, McIntyre, Whitley 27-754, citing a copy at Memorial Hall (Congregational Library). This title does not appear in the ESTC.


46.     [Dutton, Anne]. A Letter on the Divine Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ: As the Second Person in the Ever-Blessed Three-One God. occasioned by the Perusal of Mr. Romaine’s Sermon on John viii. 24. entitled, A Discourse upon the Self-existence of Jesus Christ. With three letters on assurance of interest in Christ: As that which belongs unto the Reflex, and not to the Direct Act of Faith; and rather unto the Spirit’s Sealing, than to the Soul’s first Act of Believing. Written as the author’s thoughts, on part of Mr. Marshal’s Book, Entitled, The gospel-mystery of sanctification. And two letters on the gift of the Holy Spirit to believers, as a Sealer, and his being to them as such, the Earnest of their Inheritance. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by G. Keith, at the Bible and Crown in Gracechurch-Street, M.DCC.LVII [1757]. [Price Six-pence.] 

  References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 33; McIntyre; Starr, D2935; and no. 33 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at the British Library, Dr. Williams’s Library, and the Bodleian Library, Oxford; also online in ECCO. ESTC System No. 006290483; Citation No. T195882.



47.     [Dutton, Anne.] Five Letters to a New-Married Pair. [1759?]. 

  References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 35; Whitley 25-759, Memorial Hall, London; Starr repeats Whitley and McIntyre here, D2912; and no. 35 in Keith's 1769 list, but without a date of publication.  Since it appears in Keith's list as a separate publication from Five Letters of Advice, then we can assume they are not the same title and this latter title was certainly sold by Keith and probably printed by Hart; unfortunately, no copies are extant at present and the title does not appear in the ESTC. 



48.     [Dutton, Anne]. Three Letters on I. The Marks of a Child of God. II. The Soul-Diseases of God’s Children; and their Soul-Remedies. And III. God’s Prohibition of his Peoples unbelieving Fear; and his great Promise given for the Support of their Faith, unto their Time-Joy, and Eternal Glory. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s-Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by G. Keith, at the Bible and Crown, in Grace-Church-Street; and J. Fuller, in Blow-Bladder-Street, near Cheapside, M.DCC.LXI. [1761].  [Price Three-Pence.] 

   References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 36; and no. 36 in Keith's 1769 list. Copy at the Bodleian Library Oxford; also available on ECCO. ESCT System No. 006275649; Citation No. T180898. 

49.     [Dutton, Anne.] Mr. Sanddeman refuted by an old Woman: or, Thoughts on his Letters to the Author of Theron and Aspasio. In a Letter from a Friend in the Country to a Friend in Town. London: printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s-Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by G. Keith, at the Bible and Crown, in Grace-Church-Street; T. Field, Cheapside; E. Dilly, in the Poultry; and E. Mason, in Fore-Street, M.DCC.LXI [1761]. 

  References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 16, cited by different title and no date; also McIntyre and Whitley 30-761, Memorial Hall, London; Starr, citing the previous two (D2970); and no. 16 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at the British Library, shelfmark 1578/4520.(2.); National Library of Scotland; John Rylands Library, Manchester; Wesley College; College of William and Mary; also on ECCO and through Google Books (British Library copy). ESTC System No. 006265574; Citation No. T170652. 

50.     [Dutton, Anne]. Divine, Moral, and Historical Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse. Containing many valuable originals, communicated by various correspondents, and other pieces extracted from different authors, and antient manuscripts. The Whole being such a Collection of Miscellaneous Thoughts, as will tend not only to please, but enlighten and profit the Reader. … Volume the First. London: printed for J. Fuller, in Newgate-Street, London; and T. Luckman, in Coventry, M,DCC,LXI [1761]. 

  References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 45; Whitley 11-761, British Library. According to Starr, the work appeared in three volumes (1761, 1762, and 1763), with copies of all three at the British Library, apparently citing McIntyre as his source, D2948.  ESTC does not list the title under Dutton but does note that the volumes were edited by Anne Dutton, with volume II appearing in 1762 and volume III in 1763, all with frequent attributions to the Spiritual Magazine, of which Dutton was known to be the editor during 1761-63. Copies at the British Library, shelfmark 4409.h.15, 1-2; Congregational Library, Library Company of Philadelphia, Union Theological Seminary, University of Illinois; and the State Library of South Australia; copy of Vol. 1 at the Angus Library, shelfmark 10.c.22; also available on ECCO. ESTC System No. 006356534; Citation No. T86172.


51.    At some point between 1750 and 1762, a Volume IX of Letters on Spiritual Subjects appeared in London, but no extant copy of this edition has been located at present. No record of the volume appears in the ESTC.

52. Letters Sent to an Honourable Gentleman, for the Encouragement of Faith. By One Who Has Tasted that the Lord is Gracious. Vol. 3 (London, 1761). See above, nos. 17 and 42. No copy of this work has been located to date; it appears in Starr, D2937, where he cites a vol. 3, undated], and McIntyre; Whitley 36-743, who does not locate the volume, says another volume appeared in 1749 (without location) and a third in 1761 (29-761, located at Memorial Hall, London), the last two items repeated by Starr, D2939; and no. 7 in Keith's 1769 list, where he says it was published by him in 3 vols. John Sciretti cites this volume in his 2009 Ph.D. dissertation at Baylor, "Feed My Lambs”: The Spiritual Direction Ministry of Calvinistic British Baptist Anne Dutton During the Early Years of the Evangelical Revival."

  References to this work can be found in Starr, D2937, where he cites a vol. 3, undated], and McIntyre; Whitley 36-743, who does not locate the volume, says another volume appeared in 1749 (without location) and a third in 1761 (29-761, located at Memorial Hall, London), the last two items repeated by Starr, D2939; and no. 7 in Keith's 1769 list, where he says it was published by him in 3 vols. Copies at the Boston Athenaeum, Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, and Princeton University (shelfmark Edwards 105192).  ESTC System No. 006009876; Citation No. N19004.



53.  [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions; sent to Relations and Friends. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. Vol. X. To which is added Thoughts on Pens. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Popping’s-Court, Fleet-Street; And sold by G. Keith, at the Bible and Crown, in Grace-church-street; and J. Fuller, in Blow-bladder-street, near Cheapside. M.DCC.LXII [1762]. [Price One Shilling.] 

Thoughts on Pens.

  Copy at Bristol Baptist College, 48C Dut, acc. no. 14028; Southern Methodist University. ESTC System No. 006487440; Citation No. N509649.

54.     [Dutton, Anne]. Divine, Moral, and Historical Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse. Containing many valuable originals, communicated by various correspondents, and other pieces extracted from different authors, and antient manuscripts. The Whole being such a Collection of Miscellaneous Thoughts, as will tend not only to please, but enlighten and profit the Reader. … Volume the Second London: printed for J. Fuller, in Newgate-Street, London; and T. Luckman, in Coventry, M,DCC,LXII [1762]. 



55. At some point during this year it is likely Vol. XI of Letters on Spiritual Subjects appeared, but no extant copy d of this imprint  has been found nor does it appear in the ESTC.

56.     [Dutton, Anne]. Divine, Moral, and Historical Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse. Containing many valuable originals, communicated by various correspondents, and other pieces extracted from different authors, and antient manuscripts. The Whole being such a Collection of Miscellaneous Thoughts, as will tend not only to please, but enlighten and profit the Reader. … Volume the Third. London: printed for J. Fuller, in Newgate-Street, London; and T. Luckman, in Coventry, M,DCC,LXIII [1763]. 



57.     [Dutton, Anne.] Letters to the Reverend Mr. John Westley: Against Perfection: as not Attainable in this Life: Reprinted at the Request of a Friend.  London: Printed by H. Hart, in Popping’s Court, Fleet-Street,. MDCCLXIV [1764].


  Reference to this work is not found in Whitebrook.  At the Angus Library, in the same bound volume in which this work appears are two more tracts (c. and d.), printed anonymously, but not by Dutton, for both are written for audiences in Norwich and neither title has comments on the title page in the hand that appears on the two works in 23.d.27 by Dutton. These two works (not by Dutton) are A Treatise of the Holy Ghost (only says “Printed in the Year M.DCC.LI”) and Remarks on the Passage of the Israelites thro’ the Wilderness to the Land of Canaan (Norwich: W. Chase; also E. Dilly, London, [1745].  The Angus copy of this reprint of the 1743 edition may be the only copy extant. The title does not appear in the ESTC.

58.     [Dutton, Anne.] A Letter against Sabellianism: Re-printed at the Request of a Friend. To which is added, Another on the Same Subject. By One that Believes, that Jesus Christ, is the Son of God. London: Printed by H. Hart, in Popping’s Court, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXIV [1764]. [Price One Penny.] 

  References to this work appear in Whitebrook, no. 37; and no. 37 in Keith's 1769 list; McIntyre; Starr, citing McIntyre, D2916. A copy of the 1764 reprint can be found at the Bodleian Library, Oxford; also available on ECCO. ESTC System No. 006275633; Citation No. T1800882. 

59.     [Dutton, Anne.] Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions; sent to Relations and Friends. By one who has tasted that the Lord is gracious. Vol. XII. London: Printed by H. Hart, in Popping’s-Court, Fleet-Street; and sold by G. Keith, at the Bible and Crown, in Grace-church-street. M.DCC.LXIV [1764]. [Price stitch’d One-Shilling.] 

    Copy at Bristol Baptist College, 48C Dut, acc. no. 14028. This edition of Letters not listed in the ESTC. 



60.     [Dutton, Anne]. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions; Sent to Relations and Friends. Vol. XIII. London: Printed by H. Hart, in Popping’s Court, Fleet-Street: and sold by G. Keith, at the Bible and Crown, in Grace-church-Street, MDCCLXV [1765].  [Price stitch’d One-Shilling.] 

  Copies at Bristol Baptist College, 48C Dut, acc. no. 14028. This edition of Letters not listed in the ESTC.

61.     [Dutton, Anne.] An Attempt to prove that Saving Faith, is more than a Bare Assent, to Gospel Truth. In a Letter to a Friend. With another Letter on Reconciliation. To which is added, A Letter against Sandimanian Opinions. By one who has tasted, that the Lord is Gracious.  London: Printed by H. Hart, in Popping’s-Court, Fleet-Street; and sold by G. Keith, at the Bible and Crown, in Grace-church Street. M. DCC.LXV [1765]. [Price Two-Pence.] 

  References to this work can be found in Whitebrook, no. 17, where he says it was published sometime prior to 1755, which is not correct since it appears under “H. Hart,” who assumes the business in 1762; McIntyre; Starr cites McIntyre, D2934; and no. 17 in Keith's 1769 list. Copies at the British Library; Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, shelfmark 23.d.27(a).; also available on ECCO. ESTC System No. 006357924; Citation No. T87621. This title does not appear under “Anne Dutton” in the ESTC.


62.    Dutton, Anne. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions: Sent to Relations and Friends. By Mrs. Anne Dutton, Prepared for the Press by the Author, before her death, and now Published at her Desire; to which are Prefixed, Memoirs of the Dealings of God with her, in her last Sickness. Vol. 1. London: Printed for G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street, MDCCLXIX [1769].  [Price Two Shillings.] 

  Something similar to this work is cited in Whitebrook, no. 38; this may be the 14th volume that is mentioned at times by Starr and others [the two volumes printed here appear to have been published as one volume, although the pagination starts over with volume 2]; appears as no. 38 in Keith's 1769 list, where he says it will be 8 volumes when completed, although he  only published vols 1-2 (or possibly compressed all 8 volumes into two volumes, although 90 letters, which is the total for this publication, seems too little to comprise 8 volumes)Included in this publication is Keith's important list of works by Dutton and the Memoir that was later used by J. A. Jones in his 1833 edition of Dutton's Narration of the Wonders of Grace.  A copy of Keith's two volumes can be found at the Beinecke Library, Yale University, call no. Mhc9 D954 L5.  ESTC System No. 006487444; Citation No. N509654.

63.    Dutton, Anne. Letters on Spiritual Subjects, and Divers Occasions: Sent to Relations and Friends. By Mrs. Anne Dutton, Prepared for the Press by the Author, before her death, and now Published at her Desire; to which are Prefixed, Memoirs of the Dealings of God with her, in her last Sickness. Vol. 2. London: Printed for G. Keith, in Gracechurch-Street, MDCCLXIX [1769].  [Price Two Shillings.] 

See previous entry above.

Undated Works by Dutton that appear in Keith's 1769 List

64.     [Dutton, Anne.]  A Letter on Perseverance, against Mr. Wesley.  

  References to this work appear in Keith's 1769 list, no. 27. See also Whitebrook, no. 38; Whitley, 17-747 (without any located text); Starr, D2919; also McIntyre. All date the work as 1747, but Keith does not date the work. The title is no listed in the ESTC, and there are no extant copies.  The work would have been published by Keith around 1753, when he began his connection with Dutton, not in 1747. Since it came after 1750, Dutton does not mention it in A Brief Account, Part III (1750). Most likely it was not an original work but a reprint from one of her earlier letters to Wesley.

65.     A Letter on the Dominion of Sin and Grace.  Whitebrook, no. 32; McIntyre D2921; Starr, D2921, citing McIntyre; no. 32 in Keith's 1769 list. No extant copy of this work is known at the present time. As with no. 63 above, this work would have been published by Keith between 1753 and 1769.

66.    Letters on the Chambers of Security for God’s People and on the Duty of Prayer. Whitebrook, no. 34; McIntyre D2930; Starr repeats this, D2930; no. 34 in Keith's 1769 list. No extant copy of this work is known at the present time. As with no. 63 above, this work would have been published by Keith between 1753 and 1769.

67.    A Letter on the Saviour’s Willingness to Receive and Save all who come to Him. Whitebrook, no. 31; McIntyre D2932; Starr repeats McIntyre (D2932); no. 31 in Keith's 1769 list.  As with no. 63 above, this work would have been published by Keith between 1753 and 1769.

Posthumous Publications of Anne Dutton’s Works in the Century following her Death



68.     Dutton, Thomas [i.e., Anne Dutton]. A Treatise on Justification: Showing the Matter, Manner, Time, and Effects of It. By the Reverend Mr. Thomas Dutton, Late Minister in London, and Author of the Discourse on the New-Birth, and Religious Letters. [The third edition.] Glasgow: printed by William Smith, for Archibald Coubrough, Bookseller; and Sold at his Shop, above the Cross, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778].

    This title was attributed to a Thomas Dutton, but it is obviously a new edition of the earlier work by Anne Dutton. It originally appeared as A Discourse upon Justification in 1740 and 1743 (see nos. 6 and 19 above). This edition has a preface dated 24 October 1777 from Glasgow, and an Appendix, which does not appear in the previous editions. Copies at the British Library, New York Historical Society, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Union Theological Seminary, and the University of Michigan; also available on ECCO and through the Hathi Trust Digital Library. ESTC System No. 006373054; Citation No. T103552. 

       No record of a Revd Thomas Dutton in London has surfaced to date. J. C. Whitebrook theorizes that the Revd Dutton might have been Anne’s father-in-law, or that her manuscript was pilfered and sold under a different name by the minister at Great Gransden at the time of her death, neither of which is correct. The misnaming had a broad impact on Dutton, however, even spreading to America. The copy of the 1743 edition of Dutton’s Discourse upon Justification residing at Yale Divinity School Library (call no. 06647) has the name “Thomas Dutton” written in pencil in an unknown hand across the title page most likely after December 7, 1855, when the book came into the library’s possession. See John Cudworth Whitebrook, “A Bibliography of Mrs. Anne Dutton,” Notes and Queries (December 1916), 473.




69.     Dutton, Thomas [i.e., Anne Dutton]. A Treatise Concerning the New-Birth. To Which are added Two Poems: The One on Salvation in Christ by Free-Grace for the Chief of Sinners: the Other on a Believer’s Safety and Duty. With an Hymn on the Mercy and Grace of God in Christ. By Mr. Thomas Dutton late Minister in London.  Dalry, Scotland: Printed by J. Gemmill, 1803. This work was promised at the end of no. 67 above, and an earlier edition from Edinburgh may have appeared that is no longer extant. Both 67 and 68 were published by a group who had seceded from the Church of Scotland in the 1740s and were clearly attracted to Dutton's positions on Calvinism and her evangelical stance during and after the 1740s. 



70.     Dutton, Anne. A Poem on the Special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. By the late Mrs. Anne Dutton. London: Printed by Hensley and Son, Bolt Court, Fleet-Street, for Richard Baynes, 25, Ivy Lane, 1818. 

  This edition was prepared by “C. G.” [Christopher Goulding] who writes the Preface from London, December 1818; references appear in Whitley 82-818 and 134-831 for the 1831 edition; repeated by Starr (D2962-63). Copy at the Angus Library, Regent's Park College, Oxford, Tract LXVII (4).


71.     Dutton, Anne. A Brief Account of the Gracious dealings of God with the late Mrs. Anne Dutton; Relating to the Work of Divine Grace in her Heart, in a Saving Conversion to Christ; and of her being brought to some establishment in him: together with a concise Narrative of her Experience in her last Illness, which terminated in her triumphant Departure. 2nd ed., rev. London: Printed by Bensley and Son, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, for Richard Baynes, 25, Ivy Lane, 1819.

  This edition by C. G. [Christopher Goulding], with a Preface by him, dated from London, 1 January 1819. references appear in Whitley 82-818 and 134-831 for the 1831 edition; repeated by Starr (D2962-63). Advertisement at the end for the edition above. Copy at the Angus Library, Tract LXVII (1).  




72.     Dutton, Anne. Letters on Spiritual Subjects; sent to Relations and Friends. By the late Mrs. Anne Dutton. Part I. 2nd ed., rev. London: Printed for the Editor, by T. Bensley; and sold by R. Baynes, 25, Ivy-Lane; John Eedes, 58, High-Street, Borough; and other Booksellers, 1823.  

  Preface for this edition signed the editor, Christopher Goulding, from London, Northampton Square, 1 January 1823. Copy at the Angus Library, Tract LXVII (3), bound with editions above and below. 



73.      Dutton, Anne. Letters on Spiritual Subjects sent to Relations and Friends. By the Late Mrs. Anne Dutton. Part II. 2nd ed., rev. London: Printed or the Editor, by T. Bensley, and sold by R. Baynes, 28, Paternoster-Row; J. Eeedes, 2, Newgate-Street, and Other Booksellers, 1824. 

  Copy at the Angus Library, Tract LXVII (2), bound with the three previous works. 



74.      Dutton, Anne. A Poem on the Special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. Fourth edition, ... corrected [by C. G.] Brighton, 1831. 

    This is a reprint of the 1818 edition, with contributions also by William Savory, a Baptist minister. British Library, General References Collection 11644.aa.56. 



75.     Dutton, Anne. A Narration of the Wonders of Grace, in Six Parts. . . .  To which is added, a Poem on the Special Work of the Spirit in the Hearts of the Elect. Also, Sixty One Hymns composed on Several Subjects. By Anne Dutton. A new edition, revised, with a Preface and Collected Memoir of the Author. By J. A. Jones, Minister of the Gospel, Mitchell-Street, London. London: Published by John Bennett, 4, Three Tun Passage, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row, 1833. His Memoir is almost exclusively taken from Keith's Memoir in 1769.

  Copy at the Angus Library, shelfmark 3.g.27. Image of Dutton opposite the title.


76.     Dutton, Anne. A Treatise on Walking with God, by the celebrated Anne Dutton. To which is prefixed, Her Precious Memoir, as Written by Herself. With a Portrait. A New Edition, with a Preface by J. A. Jones. London: J. Paul, 1, Chapter-House Court, St. Paul’s. Sold also by Kelly & Slater, Manchester; R. Hattersley, Windsor Bridge, near Manchester; and by the Editor, 50, Murray Street, City Road, 1857.