26 May 1753
40. Mercy "Cleora" Doddridge, Northampton, to Mary "Polly" Doddridge, at the Tozers, Billiter Square, London, 26 May 1753. [f. 76]
North.n May ye 26 1753
My Ever Dear Sister
I can’t express how much I am mortified that I have not been able to write to you of so very long a time, & the more as you seem’d so very Desirous of hearing from me soon in your last very kind & obliging Favour, for which I beg my Dear Belinda to accept my most greatful thanks.
You are so very Good that youll that you [sic] will be pleasd to hear that we are all well & tolrably settled tho still extreamly busy, & indeed my good mamma finds me constant imploy. Thumb Hall1 is all most finish’d fitting up & I assure [you] a very most comfortable Dwelling Considering the Rent is not quite 8 pounds pr year & I can tell you I am quite fond of it You know the situation which was all think [things] dry & pleasant & I say we live in the way of evry thing that is good, except that is Certainly oft great to be wish’d & that is a Genteel agreeable near Risborough but the frequent visits of our good Friend makes us not so Senseable of that loss as we should otherwise be,
My Mamma Desires her most affectionate Love to my Dear Sister & bids me tell her that tho much concern’d at the amount you give of your self in your last as allso am I we are much afraid you will Fatigue your self so much that you will make your self Ill & we both Joyn in the request that you will take all possible Care of your Health. We hope if you have not allready after the receit of this that we may know how you do as we cant help being very solicitous about it.
I am sure you will be glad to hear that we have got Miss Nancy Clark with us & her Company you may be sure Contributes greatly to our Felicity.
Pray are you Come from Mr Hopkings [Hopkins] for good & all as the people say or are you to spend another fortnight I long to have you come to St Albans as you may be a little nearer me,
pray how does your amiable Charlotta do I here a report which I will give no Credit to that she is not so Happy as could be wish’d in the Companion of her life, & shall wait with impatiance to hear you Contradict it
We have not yet seen any Company but good Mrs Sturges favourd us with a most [agreeable] visit yesterday, & made us quite happy for the time she staid. The Charming Isted family are all at the Bath are expicted to return in about a fortnight when they bring home Little Philly who has been their all the winter. Lady Ann [Jekyll] returnd from Bath this week we went over this afternoon & had the pleasure to hear by a very obliging note that her Ladiship is well & the Dear Little Lady perfictly so. Mrs Churchill & Miss Ekins returnd yesterday. I made them a visit for a few minutes last night thay seem to be all well as is my Couson [Mary Doddridge] to whom I belive the Bath has done the most good. Mrs Istid of Ecton is finely recover’d after her Lying in & has added to her delightfull Family a Charming Little Girl all Friends here are well & make grave inquiries after you & when they may expect to see you – I wish I could answer this Questn in a maner agreeable to me & them. Adieu my Dearest, a bell from a nebouring stepel has jest informed m that it is past 12 oClock and I have no Saturday night affairs yet ajusted. I need not add that my best wishes ever attend my
Dearest Belinda
your own Cleora
May 26. 1753. –
Mama thinks 10s or half a Ginua will be as much as it will be proper you could give to Mrs Hopkings Servants & imagins it will not be necessary for the House Keeper or Butler as you could not give them 5s each. Miss Nancy sends her most affectionate Compts to you
adeu once more
Address: To | Miss Doddridge | at Mr Tozer’s Mercht | in Billiter Square | London
Postmark: 28 May
Note on address page: none
1 Thumb Hall appears to be the name given to the new home for the Doddridge family in Mary Street, now that they have left the larger premises that once housed the academy.