Calendar of Previously Unpublished Poems and Prose by Anne Steele
The full texts with editorial and textual notes of the poems, prose, and letters of Anne Steele not previously published until 2011 can be found in Nonconformist Women Writers, 1720-1840, vol. 2 (ed. Julia B. Griffin).
Unpublished Hymns
Praise for the Gospel
The Nativity of Christ
On the 17th February a Day Appointed for General Prayer &c.
[The Condescension of God]
Penitence and Hope
The Presence of Christ the Joy of his People
[When’er, my God, thy Wondrous Love]
Luke 22:19 [And can we so ungrateful prove]
On the Nativity of Christ
A Hymn of Praise to God
On November 29th, a Day of Thanksgiving for National Blessings
On the Same
On March 14th 1760 […]
On October 19th 1760 […]
Desiring an Entire Devotion to Jesus
Hebrews 6:9 [Let Hypocrites their fancied joys]: version 1
Hebrews 6:9 [Let Hypocrites their fancied joys]: version 2
Isaiah 43:2: When Thou Passest Through the Fire
[Ye Burdned Saints with Flowing Tears]
[On Wings of Love the Christian Flies]
Unpublished Psalms
Psalm 20
Psalm 34
Psalm 79
Psalm 103
Psalm 148
Reflective Poems
[Rouse thee my Soul]
[My Infant Days]
[A God all Potent]
[Why is my Heart so Oft Distrest]
On Dr. Young’s Night Thoughts
A Prospect of Life
On the Repeated Shocks of an Earthquake in 1749
A Reflection on the Earthquake at Lisbon Nov 1755
On the Sickness of a Friend [manuscript version]
To the Young and Thoughtless
A Thankful Acknowledgement of Divine Goodness […]
The Frailty of the Mind
Zechariah 3 [“Behold I will engrave”]
On the Walks at Bath 1751
On Sympathy
Ode [Say mortals, all you]
[Can Pleasure Subsist]
[See Mortals Hov’ring o’er the Brink]
Silence, thou Gentle Muse
[How Long shall Courts]
Epitaphs and Memorials
Epitaph for Mr. Fuller
Answer to a Request to Write upon the Death of a Late Eminent Person
Ode [Thou Queen of fancy]
On being Desir’d to Write on the Death of Dr. Watts
Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Hannah Wynn
Epitaph [A melancholy life]
Silviana at Home: Exchanges with the Muse and Poems from her Personal Circle
Reviewing my Verses for Publication
[In a Dirty Cold Village]
To ___ [I’ll tell you if I can in rhyme]
[Thus in a Careless Hour I Trifling Wrote]
To Melinda [From driving rattling up and down]
[So Charming her Features]
On the Death of an Old Apple Tree
An Old Story Turned and Brushed
Written on a Chamber Door
[In Lone Apartment When I Sit]
On Being Desired to Send some Verses to the Gentleman’s Magazine
[The Wisest Men may Sometimes Err]
[’Twas Yesterday in Idle Scuffle]
To Melinda [I boast no charms]
[Sir, Once More to your Indulgent Ear]
[If You for Verse have Such a Passion]
To Miss Lacey on Receiving a Ruff from Her
On Amira’s Reading Grandison in the Absence of Portius
To Mira [From wintry blasts a friendly screen]
[Portius has Faults I Can’t Deny]
Epitaph on a Favourite Dog
[Portius Presents a Shade I Grateful Take]
To Delia
On Pope’s Essay on Criticism – to Lysander
[While then you are Blest by the Birmingham Fair]
Invitation to Amira
A Simile for the D___n
Epitaph on a Cock
[When Darkest Clouds O’erspread the Skies]
[By Portius’ Hand the Works I’ve done]
The Sentence of the High Court of Critics at Andover
[Are Love & Friendship Both an Empty Name?]
[Fond Love Approach’d in Friendship’s Gentle Guise] [Mira]
[When Love Instead of Gold shall Purchase Land]
[May you be Happy in Eliza’s Love]
[Shew me the Mind where No Alloy is Seen]
[Ah Where are the Once Pleasing Scenes]
[Happy the Maid who Scorns the Ensnaring Wiles]
[The Faults & Follies of the Friend we Love]
[Above the Puny Softness of her Sex]
[I sometimes have a Rhyming fit]
[Your Matchless Rhymes]
[“Worth all the World”]
[You I Love, and You Alone]
[Dear Sir, as Your Son]
To Amira [“Amira’s happiness …”]
To Amira (“Now friendship wakes”)
To Mirtilla
[In vain the Muses hov’ring near]
[Philo the good, the generous and the just]
[Dear Will I protest]
[Of frustrate hopes and unavailing cares]
To a Friend on his Marriage Oct 6 1743
To Mira [The Gifts indulgent Heaven bestows]
[When Blooming Youth and sprightly Genius die]
To Aurelia
[Amid Life’s Real, or its Fancied Cares]
Ah Where are Now those Happy Times]
A Pastoral Elegy
Epitaph on a Goldfinch Killed by a Cat
Epitaph on the Same
Poems Written in Collaboration and Exchange
The Solitary
Reply [In Virtue’s garb ’tis possible that pride]
[The Melancholy Passing Bell]
A Dialogue [Silviana and Lucius, it is but in vain]
A Dialogue [Ye happy kind mortals]
Amira to Silviana; Silviana to Amira
On Amira’s calling the Muses Old Maids
By Mr. Lavington on visiting Broughton with Dr Furneaux
Motto for a Watchpaper
The Muse to Silviana
The Many Long Days I wou’d Count but I Can’t]
A Dialogue [Were I to chuse a mate, Myrtilla cries]
[To convince you, dear Nan]
Incomplete Poems and Fragments
Devotion to Christ in his Ordinance of Baptism
[She Found, Unterrify’d by Death’s Alarms]
The Miser Convinc’d of his Mistake
[What you Doubt Before you Do]
Happiness [O Happiness thou pleasing dream]
[The Virtuous Country Maiden]
[The Head to the Heart once Proposed an Alliance]
Walk in a Churchyard
[Don’t Tell me of Patience, there is Rosebud & Stratton]
Enigma [Dear Nancy will own]
[My Dear Pray Take it in Good Heart]
Unpublished Prose
Self Reflection
Bewailing my Wanderings and Desiring to Return to God
Desiring a Sence of Redeeming love
Mourning the Hardness of my Heart
Desiring to be Thankful for the Hope of Divine Influencd
Two Prose Fragments (from letters)
Anne Steele, Trowbridge, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 26 September 1729
Anne Steele, Haycombe, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 27 September 1734
Anne Steele, Trowbridge, to William Steele IV, Broughton, 27 June 1736
William Steele IV, Broughton, to Anne Steele, Trowbridge, 28 June 1736
William Steele IV, Haycombe, to Anne Steele, Broughton, 5 October 1736
Anne Steele, Broughton, to William Steele IV, Haycombe, 29 November 1736
Anne Steele, Ringwood, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 21 May 1739
Anne Steele, Ringwood, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 1 June 1739
Anne Steele, Ringwood, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 19 June 1739
Anne Steele, Devizes, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 4 September 1740
Anne Steele, Devizes, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 22 September 1740
Anne Steele, Bath, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 2 June 1741
Anne Steele, Ringwood, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 21 September 1741
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to an unknown cousin, 24 November 1741
William Steele IV, Morley, to Anne Steele, Broughton, 7 August 1742
Benjamin Beddome, Bourton-on-the-Water, to Anne Steele, Broughton, 23 December 1742
Anne Steele, Ringwood, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 30 December 1745
Anne Steele, Broughton, to [John James Manfield], 12 August 1746
Mary Steele Wakeford, Andover, to Anne Steele, Broughton, 23 September 1749
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mary Bullock Steele, Yeovil, 7 May 1750
Anne Steele, Bath, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton,11 May 1751
Anne Steele, Bath, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 18 May 1751
Anne Steele, Bath, to Anne Cator Steele, Broughton, 25 May, 1751
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mary Bullock Steele, Yeovil, 24 October 1750
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mary Bullock Steele, Yeovil [spring 1752]
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mary Steele Wakeford, Andover, 31 October 1752
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mary Bullock Steele, Yeovil, 26 July 1754
Anne Steele, Broughton, to William Steele IV, Yeovil,16 May 1755
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover] [undated]
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover] [undated]
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover] [undated]
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover] [undated]
Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover], to Anne Steele, [Broughton], 4 July [and 13 July] 1757
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover] [1757]
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover]
Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover], to Anne Steele, [Broughton], 23 July 1757
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Mary Wakeford, [Andover], undated c. 1757
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mrs. Martin, Ringwood, September 1757
Mary Wakeford, [Andover], to Anne Steele [Broughton], 10 November 1757
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover] [undated]
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Mary Steele Wakeford, [Andover] [undated]
Anne Steele, Broughton, to William Steele III, Broughton [undated, c. 1759]
Anne Steele [Broughton] to [Philip Furneaux], 1759
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to [Philip Furneaux] [undated]
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to [Philip Furneaux] [undated]
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to [Philip Furneaux] [undated]
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mary Steele Wakeford, Andover, 6 February 1760
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mrs. Grace Cottle, Bristol, 18 May 1761
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Billy and Sammy Wakeford [?Andover], [c. 1761]
Anne Steele, Broughton, to unidentified correspondent, 8 August 1761
Anne Steele, Broughton, to William Steele IV, Yeovil, 22 January 1762
Anne Steele, Broughton, to William Steele IV, Yeovil, 31 January 1762
Anne Steele, Broughton, to William Steele IV, Yeovil, 2 February 1762
Anne Steele, Broughton, to William Steele IV, Yeovil, 4 March 1762
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mary Bullock Steele, [Yeovil], 16 March 1762
Anne Steele, Broughton, to William Steele IV and Mary Steele, Yeovil, 5 January 1763
Caleb Ashworth, Daventry, to Anne Steele, Broughton, 31 August 1763
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Caleb Ashworth, Daventry, 9 September 1763 [with rough draft]
Anne Steele, Broughton, to Mrs. Caroline Whitaker, [?Bodenham],13 April 1767
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to [Marianna Attwater] [undated; c. January 1767]
Anne Steele, [Broughton], to Marianna Attwater, Bodenham [undated]
Anne Steele to unidentified correspondent [fragment; undated]
B.H. Draper, Broughton, to Anne Steele Tomkins, Broughton,18 April 1821