Anne Dutton: Letter to Those that Love the Lord in Philadelphia (1743)
A Letter to all Those that love the Lord Jesus Christ, in Philadelphia, &c.
Honour’d Brethren,
Grace be unto you, and Peace, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his Throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful Witness, and the first begotten of the Dead, and the Prince of the Kings of the Earth: Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our Sins in his own Blood, And hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father; to Him be Glory and Dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Permit, my dear Brethren, the least of your Father’s House, (under Encouragement from [4] the Lord of the Family, from the Great I AM, who hath said, with the last, I am HE: Permit me, I say, under this Encouragement) to have a little Converse with you, about the Things which pertain to our Lord’s Honour, and to your present and eternal Advantage. – I congratulate your Happiness, my dear Brethren, in that the God of all Grace hath called you into the Fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: Into begun Communion with Him, here in Grace, which shall be perfected in eternal Glory. Oh Happy Souls! You who were once Darkness, are made Light in the Lord! Walk as Children of the Light. – I rejoice to hear, that as some little Time ago, it pleas’d the Lord in his kind Providence, to send among you his dear Servant, the Reverend Mr. Whitefield. He made Choice of Him, that from his Mouth, many of you should hear the Word of the Gospel, and believe: And that then it was a most lively, joyful Time with you. Oh ye dear Sons and Daughters of the ‘almighty, What, think you, were the Springs of that Grace which then enclos’d you? That gather’d you scatter’d Ones, when Strangers and Foreigners, to be Fellow-Citizens with the Saints, and of the Houshold of God? What was God’s Motive to call you, when Thousands were left behind? To distinguish you from many of your Relations, Friends and Acquaintance, to take you one of a City, and two of a Family, and bring you to Zion? Was [5] it, because you were betterthan others? That your Dispositions were more lovely, your Wills more pliant and tractable? No surely. I hope none of you that are sav’d by Grace, will so far rob it of its Glory, as to say, I made myself to differ from another. And if you dare not say so, my Brethren, before God, if you are convinced that you was as miserable, wretched, blind and naked, as unbelieving, impenitent, abominable and rebellious as others, that you was as stout-hearted, as far from Righteousness as any, when God brought near the righteousness of his Son, and gave you Faith in Jesus, to your everlasting Salvation by Him: What then were the Springs of calling Grace? Oh take for Answer the Lord’s own Account given you in his Word. – I have loved thee with an everlasting Love: Therefore with Loving-kindness have I drawn thee, Jer. Xxxi. 3. – I lay down my Life for the Sheep. And other Sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my Voice: and there shall be one Fold, and one Shepherd, John x. 15, 16. Thy People shall be willing in the Day of thy Power, Psa. cx. 3. Here, my dear Brethren, here are the Springs of that broad River of Grace and Peace, which the glorious Lordextended to you, in the Day when you were made new Creatures in Christ Jesus. It was the free Love of God the Father, in eternal Election; the Free Love of God the Son, [6] in special Redemption, and the Free Love of God the Holy Ghost, in effectual Vocation, that brought Salvation to you at the appointed Day. – And will you not then admire distinguishing, free, eternal electing Grace? Will you not wonder out your Lives, in the Praise o that special Grace, which redeem’d you from among Men? And will you not ever adore that Sovereign Love, that Almighty Power, which wrought efficaciously and irresistibly upon your Hearts, that most strongly and sweetly compell’d you to come in, to partake of all those rich Dainties, those glorious Blessings of Salvation, prepar’d for perishing Sinners in the Crucify’d Saviour? Shall not this Grace which hath sav’d you, my Brethren, make you zealous of good Works? And will you not as God’s Witnesses, bear your Testimony for his glorious Grace in the Earth? Oh my dear Brethren, if you should hold your Peace, while Grace rides triumphant in your Salvation, if you should quietly suffer the Doctrines thereof to be disdain’d and reproach’d by others, even those very Doctrines by which you are saved, surely the Stones would cry out.
Wonder not, my Brethren, that I thus speak. For I mourn to hear, that at present a general Deadness is spread over you, that Errors prevail among you, and that you let go the Doctrines of the Gospel, as if you had not known the Truth as it is in Jesus. – As to you Deadness, [7] be comforted concerning that. For to you that have believ’d in Jesus, Christ is your Life: And the Power of an endless Life in Him, will perpetuate and perfect life in you. Deadness shall not separate between Christ and you. Christ’s Love is a living Love; and having lov’d you into Life, He will love all the Increases thereof to you, in fresh Flows of Grace, thro’ Time, and the Perfection of it in Glory, to an endless Eternity. Tho’ it be Winter, a dead, dark, cold Season with you now; your Souls shall enjoy a reviving Spring erelong: For unto you that fear the Lord, shall the Sun of Righteousness again arise, with Healing in his Wings. Mean time, watch against carnal Security, and give all Diligence, in all appointed Means, to seek your Beloved, until you find Him. And so will He shortly come, leaping on the Mountains, and skipping on the Hills, to bless you afresh with the hearing of his All-gracious Voice, and with the Sight of his All-glorious Face. – And as to the Errors which prevail amongst you, I hope the Spirit of the Lordwill shortly lift up a Standard against the Enemy, now he comes in like a Flood. But oh my Brethren, What shall I say to you, that part with the Truth, as if it was nothing worth! I beseech you to consider, that you are caught in the Snare of Satan; and cry mightily to him that has bruis’d the Serpent’s Head, to discover and confound his Devices, and to crush him under your Feet. How is it my [8] Brethren, that any of you say, “We will have nothing to do with Doctrines, or Principles in Religion?” Don’t ye see the Hand of Satan in this? How he has drawn you off from the Side of Christ and Truth, and leads you Captive into Errors at his Pleasure? And, tho’ he may have made Use of some good Men to serve his Design, he is not the less your Enemy, when he appears in your Friends. This is a Piece of his Subtilty. One of his Devices; for when he appears under the Disguise of a Friend, he more easily entraps you in his Snare. Thus he got into Peter, when he dissuaded his Lord and Master from going thro’ with the great Work which he came into the World about. Doubtless this was indiscernible to Peter; he little thought that he was under Satan’s Influence, when he said, Matt. xvi. 22. Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. No doubt he thought, that what he said sprang from Love to Christ. But our Lord, who was of quick Understanding in the Fear of the Lord, instantly discern’d the Enemy’s Voice, thro’ his own Disciple’s, and his subtil Device, thro’ this specious Pretence of Friendship, to hinder him in the Work which his Father gave Him to do; and from an infinitely gracious Resolution to finish the Work of our Redemption, and a just Indignation against the Enemy for opposing him therein, he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan, thou art an Offence unto me: for [9] thou favourest not the Things that be of God, but those that be of Men, Ver. 23. And thus, my dear Brethren, it is a Piece of spiritual Wisdom in us, Christians, to watch the direct Tendency, of every Voice we hear, even from the Mount’s of good Men, whether it be to help, or hinder us in the great Work of our Generation.
That we ought to think ourselves little Children, that know nothing in the Things of God; is in some sense our Duty, and a great Truth, if it be apply’d comparatively, to that Knowledge which a Believer at present hath, with that which he shall have, when made perfect: But if it be apply’d absolutely, that a Believer knows nothing in the Things of God, in Truth and Reality, it is a great Error: And under a specious Pretence to promote our Humility, is a subtil Device of Satan to destroy our Faith and Love, and cause us to let the Doctrines of the Gospel, the Truths of Christ, slip thro’ our Fingers, which we ought to hold fast, knowing of whom we have received them. – That we ought constantly to wait for the Teachings of the divine Spirit, to lead us into the Things of Christ; is a certain Truth, and our great Duty; but if this is exalted to a Neglect of the Word; it is but setting up one Part of Duty to destroy another: And under a specious Pretence of promoting our Obedience, in adhering to the Teachings of the Holy Spirit, is a subtil Device of Satan, to excite our Disobedience to the Truth [10] reveal’d in the sacred Word. – That Religion doth not consist in Head-Knowledge, and Disputes about Doctrines, but in Heart-Experience; is a great Truth: But if this is exalted to shut out Head-Knowledge and all Disputes from Religion, it is a great Error: And under a specious Pretence of promoting inward Experience, and Love among Brethren, is a subtil Device of Satan, to destroy the Faith of the Saints, and wrest the Doctrines thereof out of their Hands, which were once deliver’d to them, and for which they ought earnestly to contend. –
And since so many amongst you my Brethren, are drawn off from the Truths of Christ hereby, their Faith therein overthrown, and their Testimony for the same hindred, and our Lord’s Honour thereby greatly eclipsed, it is high Time for you all to look about you, to ask Help of God, to gather up your scatter’d Forces under Prince Immanuel, to stand upon your Guard against these subtil Devices of Satan, under these specious Pretences of good Men, and Soldier-like, with Sword in Hand, to face and repulse the Enemy, which Way soever he makes his Approaches. And to encourage and exhort you hereto, allow me to offer to your consideration, the following Things. As,
I. That Head-Knowledge of the Truths of the Gospel, is a Privilege, that ought to be sought after, and not despised.
It is by the Ear, the Head, that Knowledge [11] entreth into the Heart. Hence we are to incline our Ears unto Wisdom, Prov. ii. 2. And says the Lord by Solomon, Bow down thine Ear and hear the Words of the Wise, and apply thine Heart (thy Understanding, and Memory, as well as thy Affections) unto my Knowledge. For it is a pleasant Thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy Lips, Chap. xxii. 17, 17. And thus we are told, Wise Men lay up Knowledge. And that it is not good the Soul should be without Knowledge, Chap. x. 14. and xix. “The laying up of Gospel-Truths in the Head, is as a dear Servant of Christ well hinted, like piling up Wood to make a Fire.” It is gathering together fit Materials, which when the Holy Ghost enkindles, will make a glorious Fire in the Heart. He that resteth in Head-Knowledge only, in a bare, cold, uninkindled Knowledge of Gospel-Truths, as if that was sufficient to make a Christian, is in a fair Way to lose his Soul. And he that despiseth Head-Knowledge, and without it seeks only Heart-Experience, greatly errs. In as much as he rejects the appointed Means of attaining the desired End. For we must first know, in order to believe. Faith cometh by Hearing. And so necessary is the Doctrinal Knowledge of Christ, that the Apostle saith, How shall they believe in HIM of whom they have not heard? Rom. x. 14. And as we ought not to despise outward Knowledge, but seek it as a Means of [12] inward Experience, and in the whole of our Head-Knowledge, labour most earnestly after Heart Influence, to bring our Heads and our Hearts together, that we may feel the Power of the Truths known; so, consider,
II. That whether our Knowledge of Gospel-Doctrines be lesser, or greater, we ought to hold fast what we know, and to bear a faithful, and open Testimony for the same, as the Truths of God.
Hence we are exhorted to buy the truth, and sell it not; also Wisdom, and Instruction, and Understanding, Prov. xxiii. 23. To prove all Things: and hold fast that which is good, I Thes. v. 21. To hold fast the Profession of our Faith without wavering, Heb. x. 23. And thus the Apostle Paul exhorts Timothy, and in Him all the Saints and servants of Christ, to hold fast the Form of Sound Words: Which (says he) thou hast heard of me, in Faith and Love which is, in Christ Jesus, 2 Tim. i. 13. And Chap. iii. 14. But continue thou in the Things which thou hast learned, and hast been assured of; knowing of whom thou hast learned them. And thus our Lord Himself commands his People to hold fast that which they have already, till He come, Rev. ii. 25. And the Apostle Paul declares concerning an Elder and Teacher of others, that He must be such an one, that holdeth fast the faithful Word, as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound Doctrine, [13] both to exhort and convince the gainsayers, Tit. i. 9. And thus he exhorts Titus, In Doctrine to shew Uncorruptness, Gravity, Sincerity, sound Speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary Part may be ashamed, Chap. ii. 7, 8. And the Saints are said to have obeyed from the Heart that Form of Doctrine which was delivered to them, Rom. vi. 17. And to the Honour of the primitive Christians it is said, they continu’d stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrines, Acts ii. 42.
How is it then, my dear Brethren, that many amongst you, so little regard the Doctrines of Faith, so easily part with the Truths you once receiv’d, and even go so far as to say, “You will have nothing to do with Doctrines or Principles in Religion?” Oh, are ye not seduced? Hath not the Serpent beguiled you thro’ his Subtilty? Are you not fallen from your own Stedfastness? – Oh! Return my Brethren. The Lord expects you should return. Thus saith the Lord, shall they fall and not arise? Shall he turn away, and not return? Jer. Viii. 4. Return thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord, and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you: for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep Anger for ever, Chap. iii. 12. Oh my Brethren, take with you Words, and turn to the Lord, say unto him, take away all Iniquity, and receive us graciously: So will we render the Calves of our Lips. And He will heal your Backslidings, and love [14] you freely. He will again cause you to revive as the Corn, and grow as the Vine, in a fresh Testimony for the glorious Doctrines of that Grace which as sav’d you from endless Death, to eternal Life. So shall your Beauty, in a fair Gospel-Profession of the Truths of Jesus, be as the Olive Tree, and your Smell as Lebanon; Hos. xiv. 2. &c. Oh my Brethren, let the Time past suffice, wherein you have said, “We will have nothing to do with Doctrines.” For the Doctrines of Christ were given by Him to be received in Faith and Love, and held so fast thereby, that none may wrest them out of our Hands. So far as you cast away the Doctrines of Christ, you cast off your Subjection to Him, as the great Prophet of the Church, Acts iii. 22. Yea, so far as you receive not the Words of Christ, you reject the Father which sent Him. For (saith our Lord) I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, He gave me a Commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak, John xii. 49. Yea, my Brethren, in casting away the Doctrines of Christ, you refuse to hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches, Rev. ii. 7. You sin against all the three Persons in God, as all are concern’d in the Whole of the divine Revelation made to us. Which must nearly touch a Soul that loves the Lord. And this should teach us to put a due Estimate upon Truth, because of its glorious Author, as well as its own Excellency, and excite us to a diligent Search after every [15] Part of it, the strictest Retention of the Whole, and a most free and open Testimony for the same in the Earth. If we will have nothing to do with Principles in Religion, we may as well say, we will have nothing to do with Religion itself. For Religion without the Principles of it, is but a mere empty Shew. If our Knowledge of Gospel-Doctrines be not sound, neither can our Faith, nor Practice be so. The Principles of Religion, are as it were the Foundation on which the whole Superstructure thereof is laid. And if the Foundations are destroy’d, what can the Righteous do? And if we know the Truth, we ought not to imprison the same in Unrighteousness; but to hold forth the word of Life, Doctrinally, as well as Practically, in all its Branches, And this will further appear, my Brethren, if you consider,
III. That it was the Work of Christ, and is that of his People’s, To bear Witness unto the Truth in the Earth.
That this was Christ’s Work, take his own Word for it, John xviii. 37. To this End was I born, and for this Cause came I into the World, that I should bear Witness unto the Truth. Every one that is of the Truth, heareth my Voice. That this was eminently the Work of his Apostles, and is still of his ministering Servants, see Acts i. 8. – And ye shall be Witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the Earth: And says the apostle Paul, concerning [16] Himself and all the Servants of Christ in the Ministry, Let a Man so account of us as of the Ministers of Christ, and Stewards of the Mysteries of God. Moreover, it is requir’d in stewards, that a man be found faithful, I Cor. iv. 1, 2. And that this is the Work of all the Disciples of Christ, appears, from what he says, Matt. x. 27, – 32, 33. What I tell you in Darkness, that speak ye in Light: And what ye hear in the Ear, that preach ye upon the House Tops. – Whosoever therefore shall confess Me Before Men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in Heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven. And that this Confession, this Witness-bearing for Christ, extends to his Words, his Doctrines, as well as his Person, see Mark ix. 26. For whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and of my Words, of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when He shall come in his own Glory, and in his Father’s, and of the Holy Angels. This is one of the Characters which the Lord gives his People, that they are his Witnesses. Ye are my Witnesses, saith the Lord, and my Servant whom I have Chosen, Isa. xliii. 10. Christ the Head of his People, as the Father’s Servant, and all his People with Him, as his Servants, are the LORD’s Witnesses. Christ the faithful Witness, the Captain of our Salvation, has gone before us in this Work of witnessing for the Truth even unto Death. And they [17] which are with him are called, (to this Work, of Witness-bearing for Truth) and Chosen and Faithful. And thus He encourageth every of his Servants to engage in, and go thro’ with this Work. Be thou Faithful unto Death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life, Rev. ii. 10. The Saints are called to be Warriors, to fight the Lord’s Battles against the Powers of Darkness, whenever they oppose the Lamb, in doctrinal, as well as practical Truths. As good Soldiers of Jesus Christ, they are to endure Hardness; to face the Enemy, to stand, having their Loyns girt about with Truth, and the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, always in their Hands, to cut and hew Errors to Pieces, as fast as they present themselves. Oh my Brethren, it is a glorious Thing to be valiant for the Truth upon the Earth; And the Shame of a Christian to be otherwise, Jer. ix. 3. To let the Doctrines of Grace, the Truths of the Gospel, the Things that we have heard and receiv’d in Faith and Love, slip thro’ our Fingers, be wrested out of our Hands, and Galio-like, to care for none of those Things, is a Spirit much too low for a Christian. Every Saint in his proper Sphere, is set for the Defence of the Gospel. And if we are to lay down our Lives in the Defence of Truth, rather than part with it, much more ought we to defend it with our Breath. It was needful for me (says the Apostle Jude) to write unto you, and exhort you, that [18] ye should earnestly contend for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints, Jude 3. Here, my Brethren, disputes in Religion, are authoriz’d from the Word of God. We are to contend, and that earnestly, for the Faith (in all its Doctrines) which was once deliver’d unto the Saints.
Nor are the Servants of Christ to neglect this defensive War for the Truth, upon that specious Pretence, That it will break Love among Brethren. Since all our Contentions for the Faith, our Disputations for Truth, are to be manag’d in theSpirit of Christ. We are not to strive, even for Truth, in our own Spirits, in a wrathful, tumultuous, censorious Spirit. No, the Servant of the Lord must not so strive, but be gentle unto all Men, apt to teach, patient, in Meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if peradventure God will give them Repentance to the acknowledging of the Truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the Snare of the Devil, who are taken Captive by him at his Will, 2 Tim. ii. 24, 25, 26. And when thus with all Faithfulness we have borne our Witness to the Truth, if our Brethren can’t see as we do; we are then with all Lowliness, Meekness and Long-suffering to forbear them in Love; endeavouring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace, Eph. iv. 2, 3. And from Disputes thus manag’d, there is no Danger; [19] they tend to the Increase, both of Light and Love, among Brethren.
But if any should take Offence at the faithful Discharge of our Duty, when no just Occasion of Offence is given; we are humbly to submit to the suffering Hand of God therein, and wait his over-ruling the same for his own Glory. Offence is not the main Scope, or direct tendency of Gospel-Doctrine, in its Assertion, or Vindication; but thro’ Sin, it becomes accidentally so to Some. I came not (says our Lord) to send Peace on Earth; but a Sword, Matt. x. 34. And all the Disciples of our Lord, the brave Champions for Truth, while the high Praises of God are in their Mouths, must have a Two-edged Sword in their Hands, to pierce thro’ the Heart of Errors. And consider, my dear Brethren,
IV. That the more Zeal and Ardour any Servant of Christ shews in this Part of his Master’s Work, in asserting and vindicating Gospel-Doctrines, in the Spirit of the Gospel, for the Advancement thereof; the more doth our Lord account Himself glorify’d in that Servant of his.
This People have I formed for myself, (saith the Lord) they shall shew forth my Praise, Isa. xliii. 21. Christ’s People are form’d for Himself, to be Witnesses unto Him, and in their Witness-bearing for his Truth, they shew forth his Praise. I am glorify’d in them, says our Lord, [20] John xvii. 10. And one main Branch of the Glory which our Lord accounts Himself to have in his People, lies in their receiving his Words; in their receiving them in Faith and Love, and holding forth the same before all. As ver. 8 I have given unto them the Words which thou gavest me, and they have received them. And upon these Words of Christ, given to his Disciples in infinite Grace, and receiv’d by them in Faith, he sends them forth into the World, as the Father sent Him, to bear Witness unto the Truth, ver. 18. As thou hast sent me into the World, even so have I also sent them into the World. And thus it becomes the Duty of all Believers, both Ministers and Private Christians, to say with the Apostle, For me to live is CHRIST, Phil. i. 21. This is the main Work of a Christian, to receive, and hold forth Christ, to believe, and live the Gospel. The church of the living God, is styl’d, The Pillar and Ground of Truth, I Tim. iii. 15. Whereon it is inscrib’d and held up to be seen and read of all Men. And thus it is the Duty of every Servant of Christ, to hold forth the Word of Life. And tho’ in this his Witness-bearing for Truth, he may be call’d to suffer for it, yet is he not to be ashamed of the Testimony of Christ, but to be a Partaker of the Afflictions of the Gospel, according to the Power of God, 2 Tim. i. 8. And herein is our Lord magnify’d. I am set for the Defence of the Gospel, [21] saith the Apostle, Phil. i. 17. And tho’ suffering for the same, this was his Comfort, that Christ would be glorify’d thereby; according to my earnest Expectation, and my Hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all Boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnify’d in my Body, whether it be by Life or by Death, ver. 20. Here was a brave bold Soldier of Jesus Christ, that in nothing, of no Truth, was ashamed, but with all Boldness, witness’d for the same, and resolv’d so to do in divine Strength even unto Death; that Christ might thus be magnify’d in his Body. And to encourage the Saints in their Work of witnessing for Christ’s Truth, and in the Reproaches which for Christ’s Name’s Sake were brought on them thereby. He says, on your Part He is glorify’d, I Pet. iv. 14. And how doth our Lord comment the Valour of his Servants, in their witnessing for his Truth, in the Church of Pergamos, Rev. ii. 13. I know thy Works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s Seat is: And thou holdest fast my Name, and hast not denied my Faith, even in those Days wherein Antipas was my faithful Martyr, who was slain among you where Satan dwelleth. Oh! How doth our Lord here, as it were glory in, and account Himself glorify’d by the Valour of his Servants: Thou holdest fast my Name, and has not denied my Faith. And, oh! what particular Notice doth He take of the Times [22] wherein they did so, and of the Temptations which they had to the contrary: Even in those Days wherein Antipas was my faithful Martyr. Thus our Lord commended the Valour of his Servants, and accounted Himself glorify’d thereby; and so much the more, as they held fast his Name, and denied not his Faith, even when Persecution of the Truth was so hot, that Antipas was slain, whom he styles his faithful Martyr. But our Lord had a few Things against this Church, as he tells them in the next Verse, Because thou hast there them that hold the Doctrine of Balaam, ver. 14. From whence, my Brethren, consider in the last Place,
V. That as it is the Duty of the Servants of Christ, for his Honour, to hold fast the Doctrines of the Gospel, and to bear a faithful Testimony for the Truth, even unto Death if call’d to it; so this is and will be greatly to their Advantage, both Personal and Relative.
1. Personal. So far as the Servants of Christ hold fast the Doctrines o Faith, and bear a faithful Testimony for the Truth; they are so far sav’d from those Errors and Heresies which, for the Trial of their Faith, and Probation of their Love, continually spring up in every Age of the Church. Thus the Apostle, I Cor. xv. 2. By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in Memory what I preached unto you. Hereby also the Servants of Christ will be saved from his awful Rebukes in this World, and from that Blame [23] and Shame which otherwise will attend them at his Coming. As our Lord requires his People to hold fast the Doctrines of the Gospel, and strictly regards their Adherence to the same, so if they let go the Truth, and suffer Errors to come in unresisted, he will severely rebuke them. I have a few Things against thee, saith our Lord, to the Church at Pergamos, because thou hast there them that hold the Doctrine of Balaam: – So hast thou also them that hold the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and fight against them with the Sword of my Mouth, Rev. ii. 14, 15, 16. And thus to the Church at Sardis, Remember therefore how thou hast received, and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a Thief, and thou shalt not know what Hour I will come upon thee, Chap. iii. 3. And on the other Hand, to the Church at Philadelphia, our Lord says, Because thou hast kept the Word of my Patience, I also will keep thee from the Hour of Temptation, which shall come upon all the World, to try them that dwell upon the Earth, ver. 10. Thus the Servants of Christ, in a due Adherence to this Truths, shall be saved from this present Rebukes: And herein likewise, from Blame and Shame at his coming. Thus the Apostle John, And now, little Children abide in Him, that we may have Confidence, and not be ashamed before him [24] at his Coming, I John ii. 28. And when the Apostle Paul had exhorted Timothy to Fight the good Fight of Faith, I give thee Charge (saith he) in the Sight of God, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good Confession; That thou keep this Commandment without Spot, Unrebukable, until the Appearing of Jesus Christ, I Tim. vi. 13, 14. And thus he warns all the Servants of Christ, I Cor. iii. 11, &c. For other Foundation can no Man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any Man build upon this Foundation, Gold Silver, precious Stones, Wood, Hay, Stubble: (Doctrines agreeable, or disagreeable to the Foundation) Every Man’s Work shall be made manifest. For the Day shall declare it, because it shall be reveal’d by Fire, and the Fire shall try every Man’s Work, of what sort it is. If any Man’s Work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a Reward. If any Man’s Work shall be burnt, he shall suffer Loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so, as by Fire. Evident it is from hence, that it is greatly for the advantage of the servants of Christ, to adhere to, and advance the pure Doctrines of the Gospel: Since if they do not, they will be asham’d before Him at his Coming, suffer Loss, the Loss of their Works, and of that Praise, which those shall receive, that keep the Faith. Again, Hereby the Servants of Christ have the Honour of appearing on Christ’s Side, as Witnesses [25] for his Truth in the Earth, of standing with the Lamb on Mount Sion, having his Father’s Name (in an active Testimony for the Doctrines of Grace) written in their Foreheads, Rev. xiv. i. And if in Witness-bearing for Truth, they are call’d to suffer for it, their Honour therein is so much the more abundant. Hereby they are Partakers of the Sufferings of Christ, and the Spirit of Glory, and of God, resteth upon them, I Pet. iv. 13, 14. Hereby their Joy is full: As the Sufferings of Christ abound in them, their Consolation also aboundeth by Christ, 2 Cor. i. 5. And according to their Witness-bearing for Christ, both actively and passively, proportionable to the Measure of the Trial of their Faith, and Labour of their Love herein, will be their Crown of Righteousness at Christ’s Appearing. Their tried Faith will then be found unto Praise, and Honour, and Glory, I Pet. i. 7. And, blessed (saith the Apostle James) is the Man that endureth Temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the Crown of Life which the Lord hath promis’d to them that love Him, Jam. i. 12. Behold, I come quickly: saith our Lord, Hold that fast which thou hast, that no Man take thy Crown, Rev. iii. 11. The Saints are to be crown’d as Overcomers: As ver. 12, – 21. And therefore the apostle Paul exhorts Timothy, to fight the good Fight of Faith, and so to lay hold on eternal Life, whereunto (says he) thou art also called, and [26] hast professed a good Profession before many Witnesses, I Tim. vi. 12. And concerning Himself he says, I have fought the good Fight, I have finish’d my Course, I have kept the Faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness,which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that Day; and not to me only but unto all them also that love his Appearing, 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8.
2. The Relative Advantage which the Saints reap, by holding fast the Doctrines of the Gospel, and bearing a faithful Testimony for the same, is great, in that hereby, the Truths of Christ are propagated, and convey’d down from Age to Age. Thus the old Testament Saints are styl’d Witnesses, and their Faith propos’d as an Example for New Testament Saints to follow, to excite our Diligence in running the Race which is set before us, Heb. xii. 1. Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a Cloud of Witnesses, let us lay aside every Weight, and the Sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with Patience the Race that is set before us. And thus the Saints are exhorted to be Followers of them, who thro’ Faith and Patience inherit the Promises, Heb. vi. 12. And to follow the Faith of those, who had spoken to them the Word of God, Chap. xiii. 7. And so zealous was the Apostle Paul, and his Brethren, to witness for the Truth of the Gospel, that it might be propagated and convey’d down to the [27] Saints, that they gave no Place by Subjection to false Brethren, in their false Doctrines. As Gal. ii. 5. To whom we gave no Place by Subjection, no not for an Hour; that the Truth of the Gospel might continue with you. The Doctrines of the Gospel, professed and handed down by the faithful testimony of Saints, from Generation to Generation, is a great Blessing to the Church. Thus Saints in their Life-time, are Helpers of each others Faith and Joy; and have been so from the Beginning. And when dead, by their Faith, they yet speakto living Saints, even down to latest Ages. I will open my Mouth in a Parable, saith the Psalmist, I will utter dark Sayings of old: Which we have heard and known, and our Fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their Children,shewing to the Generation to come, the Praises of the LORD; and his Strength, and his wonderful Works which He hath done: For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a Law in Israel, which He commanded our Fathers that they should make them known to their Children. That the Generation to come might know them, even the Children which should be born, who should rise and declare them to their Children: That they might set their Hope in God, and not forget the Works of God; but keep his Commandments, Psal. lxxviii. 2, &c. And thus the Apostle Peter shew’d his Concern for the Saints, that the Truths of Christ might remain with them, I [28] will not be negligent (says he) to put you always in Remembrance of these Things, tho’ ye know them, and be established in the present Truth. Yea, I think it meet as long as I am in this Tabernacle, to stir you up, by putting you in Remembrance: knowing that shortly I must put off this my Tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. Moreover, I will endeavour that you may be able after my Decease, to have these Things always in Remembrance, 2 Pet. i. 12, &c. Thus the Good of the whole Church, is greatly concern’d in the Testimony of particular Believers to the doctrines of Faith, the Truths of the Gospel, the Principles of Religion. And thus great is their advantage thereby, that herein they serve the Faith of the Saints, both in the present and future Ages. And what a Joy must this be, to a soul that loves Christ and his People? The Apostle Paul, not only rejoiced to serve the Faith of the Saints, by an active Testimony for the Truth in his Life, but he also rejoiced to do this Service, by a passive Testimony thereto in his Death. Yea, says he, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and Service of your Faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all, Phil. ii. 17.
Upon the whole, my dear Brethren, if Head-Knowledge of Gospel-Truths is a Privilege, that ought to be sought for, and not despised; If whether our Knowledge of Gospel-Doctrines [29] be lesser, or greater, we ought to hold fast what we know, and to bear a faithful Testimony for the same, as the Truths of God; If this was the Work of Christ, and is that of his People’s, to bear Witness unto the Truth in the Earth, if the more Zeal and Ardour any Servant of Christ doth shew in this Part of his Master’s Service, the more our Lord doth account Himself glorify’d thereby; And if the Servants of Christ, by holding fast the Doctrines of the Gospel, and bearing a faithful Testimony for the Truth, do reap such great Advantage, both Personal, and Relative: From hence, let me intreat and exhort you, to cast off all Sloth and Negligence about the Doctrines of Faith, and to rise up in good Earnest, as Witnesses for the Truth in the Earth: Oh my Brethren, Truth, and every Tittle of it, is precious; and ought to be dearer to us than our Lives. We must in no wise part with it. It is the Joy of our Lord, as it was that of his Servant John’s, to see his Children walk in Truth. If then, my dear Brethren, you would glad the Heart of Christ, if you would honour God your Saviour, and if you would seek your own, and your Brethren’s Advantage, both present and eternal; from henceforth, let the Truths of Christ be precious to your Souls. And, remembring your Character, as Soldiers of Jesus Christ, fight valiantly for the Truth, under your glorious Captain, The faithful and true Witness, [30] Our Lord will recount his Worthies, and tell of all their Valour, their famous Acts and Exploits, while fighting his Battles in the Cause of God and Truth, to their Honour, Praise and Glory at his Appearing. Oh my Brethren, who should speak for Christ, if his People don’t? Who should hold fast his Name, but those that know it? Who should keep his Faith, but those that love it? – Let the weak therefore say, I am strong. For the weakest Testimony for Truth, even the Day of small Things, our Lord will not despise, but own and honour at his coming. Not a Word, my dear Brethren, that ever you spoke of Christ, will He lose. He keeps a Book of Remembrance, in which He notes down all the Speeches of his People, for Him and his Truth in the Earth, and even yours, who are the weakest of his, are written before him, for a free and full Reward: And they shall be mine, saith the LORD, in that Day when I make up my Jewels, and I will spare them as a Man spareth his own son that serveth Him, Mal. iii. 17. – And you his brave Witnesses, who are bold in the Cause of your royal Master, you who now fight for him, shall erelong be crown’d with Him. You shall have your Lord’s well done, as his good and faithful Servants, and as such that have been faithful over a few Things, (over the Truths committed to your Trust) He will make you Rulers over many Things, and bid [31] you enter into the Joy of your Lord, Matt. xxv. 21, – 23. To you our Lord’s Warriors, his Combatants for Truth, to you as Overcomers, will He grant to sit with HIM in His Throne, even as HE also overcame, and is set down with his Father in his Throne, Rev. iii. 21. With Gladness then, my dear Brethren, in witnessing for Truth, Be you faithful unto Death; and CHRIST will give you a Crown of Life, Rev. ii. 10.
And now, my dear Brethren, That our God would count you worthy of this high Calling of being Witnesses for Christ and his Truth in the Earth, and fulfil all the good Pleasure of his Goodness, and the Work of Faith with Power: That the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorify’d in you, and ye in Him, according to the Grace of our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ: So prays,
Honour’d Brethren,
Your most affectionate Friend and Servant,
In the once Bleeding, now Reigning Lamb,
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Text: [Dutton, Anne.] A Letter to all Those that love the Lord Jesus Christ, in Philadelphia: to Excite them to adhere to, and appear for, the Truths of the Gospel. By a Friend in England. London: Printed by J. Hart, in Poppings-Court, Fleetstreet; And sold by J. Lewis, in Bartholomew-Close, near West-Smithfield; and E. Gardner, at Milton’s-Head, within Aldgate, 1743. Price Three-Pence. On the title page is the following verse:
It was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you, that ye should earnestly contend for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints, Jude iii. Behold I come quickly; Hold that fast which thou hast, that no Man take thy Crown, Rev. iii. 11.