Hymn VIII.
Baptismal waters represent
The suff’rings of my god.
Plung’d in a sea of mighty woe,
Baptiz’d with precious blood!
He bore the curse, the wrath divine,
My sins deserv’d so well;
He dy’d in sorrow infinite,
To rescue me from hell!
Deep in my dear Redeemer’s heart,
Death sheath’d his dreadful sting;
Then fell beneath the conqu’ring arm
Of my almighty King.
See from the grave the victor rise,
In majesty divine!
Hail! mighty lover of my soul,
Be endless glory thine.
Come, saints, and in the wat’ry grave
Confess your risen Lord;
His great example points the way;
Come, and obey his word.
Faith, like a steady eye, looks through
The mirrors of his grace,
’Till we behold his glories nigh,
And see him face to face.
Text: Maria de Fleury, Hymns for Believers' Baptism (London: printed by W. Justins, Albion’s Buildings, Bartholomew-Close; and sold at the Rev. Mr. Kirkham’s Meeting-house, Red-Cross-Street, near Cripplegate, London, 1786), pp. 13-14.