For the Presenting of Children
Father of Mercies, to thy feet
We come, in Jesu’s name,
Pleading the promise of thy grace,
And merits of the Lamb.
To us and ours the word descends,
That brings salvation down;
All that the Lord our god shall call,
He will with glory crown.
Led by this hope, we venture near,
And bring our babes to thee:
O that they may, if so thy will,
Among that number be.
We would devote them to thy fear;
But, Lord, the work is thine:
O may thy Spirit fill their hearts,
With every grace divine.
Born from above, O may they prove
That thou art strong to save;
Then may they chearful follow thee,
Down to the wat’ry grave.
Before the substance is possest,
The sign were but in vain;
We will baptize them with delight,
When they are born again.
To thee, O God, our hearts we lift,
O let thine ear attend:
Be thou their God, their righteousness,
Their Father, and their Friend.
We leave them in thy gracious hand,
May thy rich mercy crown
Their growing years with grace divine,
And bring salvation down.
Text: Maria de Fleury, Hymns for Believers' Baptism (London: printed by W. Justins, Albion’s Buildings, Bartholomew-Close; and sold at the Rev. Mr. Kirkham’s Meeting-house, Red-Cross-Street, near Cripplegate, London, 1786), p. 20-22.