The Rustic Maid, 1771
Happy the Nymph who steals unseen,
Along the Vale of rural Life
Where lonely Quiet glads each scene,
Remote from Hurry, Noise, and Strife.
Beneath thy notice, Lordly Man,
To Her a happier Lot is lent;
She views from far Thy guileful plan
With Solitude and Peace Content.
No fulsome flattery wounds her Ear,
No broken Vow disturbs her rest,
No lordly Husband’s frown she fears,
No discord rude invades his Breast;
What tho’ no fops in empty strains
Pronounce her every look divine,
What tho’ no Beaus compose her train
Whose tinsel Outsides only shine,
What tho’ her homely features boast
No sweet attractive winning Grace,
What tho’ her homespun Garb be coarse
Tho’ rude her Mein, tho’ brown her face,
Yet if Good humour sparkles there
And sweet Content herbosom warm,
She’s happier than the haughty fair
Whose face Illnature’s frowns deform.
The humble Violet tho’ below
The careful Gardener’s fost’ring care,
Not like the Tulip made for show
With sweetness fills the ambient Air;
Thus if some useful Virtues bloom
Within the rural Maiden’s breast,
They spread around a sweet perfume
And make the humble Owner blest,
Shelter’d beneath her native thorn,
From all the Rage of angry Skies.
Let gaudy Tulips look with scorn,
She blest tho’ all the Proud despise.
Unseen, Unknown she struts thro’ time,
But Friendship’s tears her Grave adorn;
While wafted to a happier Clime,
She blooms beyond the reach of Scorn.
Text: MS, Steele Collection, Angus Library, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, STE 5/5/iii; also Whelan, Nonconformist Women Writers, vol. 3, pp. 71-72.