July 1750 [2]
13. Mercy “Cleora” Doddridge, [St. Albans], to Mary “Roselinda” Doddridge, [Northampton], Thursday morning past 11 oClock [July 1750]. [f. 69]
Thursday morning past
11 oClock
My Dearest Rosalinda
to my enexpressable Delight I have just receivd my Dear Roselinda’s most obliging & kind Epistle I could say much more on this subject but to my great mortification Mr Rose says he must be at London by twelve oclock & hardly alows me time to beg that my Dear Rosalinda will except my best thanks for her Charming Letter indeed my Dr you cant imagin what a mortification this is to your Cleora & I cant tell how I should support it but that I hope for the pleasure of sending ^you^ my Dr a long letter by Mr C [Samuel Clark, Jr.], who will be at Nor[thampton] next ^week^ but I must now bid you an unweling [unwilling] ^adieu^ & beg you my Dr to give my Duty to my Dear Poppa & Mamma & love to Dear Celia bleve me to be my Dear Rosalinda with an unaltreable Afetcean ever yours
Address: To | Miss Doddridge
Postmark: none
Note on address page: Num 6