Mid-September 1750
17. Mary “Polly” Doddridge, [at the Claytons in Enfield], to her mother, Mercy Doddridge, Northampton, [10 October 1750?]. [f. 24]1
My Dear Mamma
Tho it is now late yet I could not content my self with only sending my Duty to my Dear Pappa & Mamma by Mrs Clayton who is [just] goeing to send a Box to Northtn & indeed think my self very happy in this opportunity of paying that Duty by my Pen & of expressing my joy to hear that my Dear & Valuable Pappa & Mamma are both well & should have thought this a more then suffisent reason for writeing had I not intended to have beg’d the favour of you Dear Madm to buy my Gownd for me (if not alrady bought) as I am sure I shall be much better pleasd with your Choise then to be left to buy it my self as prehaps I might not be able to get jest such a thing as you would chuse I must beg my Dear Mama that you will be so good as to send it as soon as you conveniently can as it [is] very near the time my Pappa proposed I should goe to Mr Rooms & should be glad to have it to take with me if my Sister could spare my white quielt I should be very glad to have it as likewise some of the same of my shaide to mend it with I should be very much oblig’d to my Dear Pappa if he would favour me with a few lines when it shuts [suits] his convenenicy I dont presume to ask this favour of you my Dear Mamma as I know how inconvenient writing is to you or else I should take a line from you as a particular Favour & tho I dont flatter my self with hopes of this yet I doe hope I shall still be alowd the Favour of repeting my Epistlery scrible which I esteem as no inconsiderable happiness, haveing alredy presented my Duty to my Dear Pappa I only beg the Favour of you my Dear Mamma to give my love to my Dear Sisters I hope to hear from both very soon but my time will only allow me to beg to be permited the happiness of subscribing my self
My Dear Mammas
very much obligd & very
Dutiful Daughter
Polly Doddridge
PS pray my Dear Mamma be so good as to excuse hast & a very pad Pen I did not know of this oportunity of writing till almost nine oclock adue my Dear Mamma
Address: To Miss Doddridge
Postmark: none
Notes on address page: Dear Polly | 1750 [in Mercy Doddridge’s hand]
“These” “pathetically “
1 It would appear that Mary's letter to her mother was composed along with a letter to one of her sisters on the same evening. Philip Doddridge wrote to Mary at the Claytons, Bush Hill, Enfield, from Northampton on 16 September 1750. See Nuttall, Calendar, letter 1658.