Martha Lewis Trapp Priestley
Imprint History (116 total) for Martha Lewis Trapp Priestley (1745-1828), from 1 Paternoster Row, 1791-1797
Martha Lewis Trapp Priestley (1745-1828) was the youngest daughter of John and Mary Lewis, printers and booksellers in Bartholomew Close (1731-49) and at 1 Paternoster Row (1749-76). Martha was raised in the Moravian congregation in Fetter Lane, London, where her parents attended and where she would become a member in 1772. In 1766 she married Henry Trapp (1740-91), one of her mother’s apprentices, having worked alongside him and her mother during her youth in the print shop in Paternoster Row. Upon her husband’s death in 1791, Martha Trapp, just as her mother had done after the death of John Lewis in 1755, continued the family business at 1 Paternoster Row, although it seems likely, given her husband's alcoholism and bouts with insanity, she was most likely the primary operator of the business from the mid-1780s through 1791. In 1796, she turned the business over to her son-in-law, Vaughan Griffiths. In 1794 she had remarried, this time to the Independent minister Timothy Priestley (1734-1814).
Martha Trapp appeared on some 7o imprints almost exclusively as “M. Trapp.” Of these works, eleven were by John Cennick, a continuation of her family’s dominance as sole printer and seller of his writings. As with John and Mary Lewis and Henry Trapp, Martha Trapp’s imprints were almost exclusively religious and evangelical. Among the dissenting ministers and lay-persons she printed or sold were George Best, George Burder, William Button, John Cottingham, Maria de Fleury, John Gill, Joseph Hart (continuing her family’s involvement with the sale of his Hymns), Robert Robinson, and Timothy Priestley, her future husband. Evangelicals from the Established Church included William Romaine (under whose ministry she sat for a time at St. Dunstan in the West), John Berridge, and James Stillingfleet, as well as the Moravian leader C. E. De Coetlogon. She worked with some fifty other sellers during these years, primarily dissenters, including three Baptist ministers who moonlighted as booksellers (William Button, Thomas Thomas, and James Upton) and the son of another Baptist minister (John Martin, Jr.). She also worked with three women (two of whom sold from their homes): the daughter of Joseph Hart, from her house at 58 Golden Lane, opposite Bond's Brewhouse; Elizabeth Newbery, from her shop at the corner of St. Paul's Church Yard and Ludgate Street; and Maria de Fleury, from her house at 31 Jewin Street. After her marriage, she continued to sell for about three more years, appearing on another 43 imprints, this time as “M. Priestley.” She was interred in Bunhill Fields on April 16, 1828, most likely next to her first husband, Henry Trapp. For more on Martha Lewis Trapp Priestley, see Timothy Whelan, "Mary Lewis and her Family of Printers and Booksellers, 1 Paternoster Row 1749-1812" in Publishing History 85 (2021): 31-67. Research on Martha Trapp/Priestley is also being undertaken by Alison McNaught.
My thanks to John Lancaster, an independent bibliographer, for his assistance in locating and dating several of the imprints listed below that were printed or sold by Martha Trapp.
Martha Trapp Imprints, 1789-95 (71 imprints)
1. Serle, Ambrose, 1742-1812. The Christian parent: or, short and plain discourses concerning God, and the works and word of God, in creation, redemption, and sanctification: intended originally for some young persons in a family. London: printed for M. Trapp; also sold by J. Mathews, 1789.[This entry in the ESTC appears to be in error; the title actually reads "H. Trapp," not "M. Trapp." Given the disturbed state of Henry Trapp at that time, it seems likely that Martha Trapp may have done the work for the title and not her husband.]
2. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. Book for boys and girls Divine emblems: or temporal things spiritualized. Calculated. For the use of young people. Adorned with fifty copper plate cuts by Mr. John Bunyan. ... London: Engraved, printed and sold by T. Bennett, No. 7, Plough Court, Fetter Lane Holborn, likewise sold by T. Massey, No. 18, Snow Hill, M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster-Row M. Gurney, No. 128, and Wilkins, No. 60, Holborn Hill, [1790?1792?]. [More probable date is 1792, which suggests that Martha Trapp did not appear alone on a title until the year of her husband's death.]
3. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The beatitudes. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Dublin, in the year 1753. By John Cennick. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, 1791.
4. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The danger of infidelity; or, the necessity of a living faith in Christ. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Bristol. In the year 1742. By John Cennick. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, No. 1, Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1791.
5. Death's harvest home, for this year 1791. With other visible signs that the end of the world and day of judgment draweth nigh. ... Containing, I. Some remarks on the ripe harvest, ... III. A discourse, ... By Mr. S. Smith, ... author of The great assize, ... To which are further added, 1. A letter from an atheist to his companion. 2. Of two professed atheists. By Mr. Middleton. 3. The conversion of Colonel Gardiner, ... London: printed and sold by M. Trapp; Mr. Mathews; J. Jordan; at no. 73, Chiswell-Street, and by other booksellers, [1791].
6. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The bloody issue healed. Being the substance of a sermon preached at the Tabernacle, London, in the year 1743. By John Cennick. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, No. 1, Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1791.
7. De Fleury, Maria, active 1773-1791. Divine poems and essays on various subjects. Viz. Immanuel; or, the Godhead of Christ displayed. A Meditation written in a Bower at Lady Grove, Sutton. Elegies. Epithalamiums. Epistles to Miranda, &c. Hymns. A Poem on Redemption. A Walk at Enfield. Meditations on the Canticles. - for the Lord's Supper. Christ All in All. Meditations on Rev. xii. 6. A Summer Day's Excursion. Odes. Letters. A Soliloquy. By Maria De Fleury. With recommendatory prefaces, by the Rev. Mr Wills, Rev. Mr Towers, and Rev. Mr Ryland. London: printed for the author, and sold by T. Wilkins, Aldermanbury; by Bellamy and Roberts, No. 202, Strand; M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster Row; Mr. Nott, Lombard street; M. Gurney, No. 128, Holborn, and by the author, No. 31, Jewin-Street, [1791].
8. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The divinity of Christ. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Dublin, in the year 1746. By John Cennick. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, No. 1, Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, 1791.
9. De Fleury, Maria, active 1773-1791. Falsehood examined at the bar of truth; or, a farewell to Mr. Wm. Huntington, and Mr. Thomas Jones, Of Reading: containing strictures on the broken cistern; written by the former, Addressed to the Rev. Mr. Ryland, Senior. And upon Mystery Babylon, encompassed for utter destruction, written by the latter. By Maria De Fleury. London: printed and sold for the author by T. Wilkins, Aldermanbury. Sold also by Mrs. Trapp, No. 1, Paternoster Row; M. Gurney, No. 228, Holborn; and by the author, No. 31, Jewin-Street, 1791.
10. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The first principles of Christianity. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in the north of Ireland, in the year 1752. By John Cennick. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, 1791.
11. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The gift and office of the Holy Ghost. Being the substance of a discourse delivered in Little Sommerford, in Wiltshire, in the year 1740. By John Cennick. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster-Row, [1791?].
12. Hart, J. Joseph, 1712-1768. Hymns, &c. composed on various subjects. By J. Hart. [The twelfth edition: with the author's experience, the supplement, and appendix.] London: printed and sold by J. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street; for the author's daughter; and sold by her, at No.65, Old-Street, facing St. Luke's Gate. Sold also by Mrs. Newbery, the corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard, Ludgate-Street; M. Trapp, and G. Terry, Pater-noster-Row; J. S. Jordan, No.166, Fleet-Street; at the meetings in Jewin-Street and Barbican; and at Providence Chapel, Titchfield-Street, MDCCXCI [1791]. [Another example of several women selling works by important dissenting ministers. In this instance, Hart's popular Hymns was sold by his daughter from her home (much like Maria de Fleury did ), Elizabeth Newbery (probably not a dissenter but someone who seemed to have very close ties with dissenting sellers and writers), and Martha Trapp.]
13. Serle, Ambrose, 1742-1812. A new dialogue of the dead: or, a supposed debate between the crucified thief and the Apostle Paul, upon this question, Who was the greater sinner before conversion? London: printed for M. Trapp, No. 1, Paternoster-Row, MDCCXCI [1791].
14. [Cennick, John]. The patterns of mercy. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Ballinderry in the county of Antrim, in Ireland. In the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, 1791.
15. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The privilege of believers. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at Grogun, in the county of Antrim, in Ireland. In the year 1754. By John Cennick. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, 1791.
16. Cottingham, John. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. Psa. cxii. 6. A sermon, occasioned by the death of the Right Honble. the late Countess Dowager of Huntingdon ... by the Revd. John Cottingham. London: sold by M. Trapp, J. Mathews, J. Cass, J. Murgatroyd, Button, Hind, 1791.
17. Cottingham, John. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. Psa. cxii. 6. A sermon occasioned by the death of the Right Honble. the late Countess dowager of Huntingdon, preached at Mile-End chapel, on Sunday evening the 10th of July, 1791. By the Revd. John Cottingham, ... To which is added. A letter, with a few thoughts upon the answer of prayer, written by her ladyship. London: sold by M. Trapp; J. Mathews; J. Cass; J. Murgatroyd; Button, and Hind, 1791.
18. Meyer, John Henry. The saint's triumph in the approach of death. The substance of a sermon occasioned by the death of the Right Hon. Selina, Countess dowager of Huntingdon. Preached in Artillery Chapel, Parliament-court, ... On Sunday evening the 10th of July, 1791. By the Rev. John Henry Meyer, ... London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, for the author; and may be had in the vestry of Artillery Chapel; No.1, Artillery-Street; Wagstaff and Le Tailleur; Philips, and Bruce; Battersby; Ash; Jordan; Mathews; and Hindes, [1791?].
19. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. Book for boys and girls Divine emblems: or temporal things spiritualized. Calculated for the use of young people. Adorned with fifty copper plate cuts by Mr. John Bunyan. Author of the Pilgrim's Progress, and Holy War, &c. London: engraved, printed and sold by T. Bennett, No. 7, Plough Court, Fetter Lane Holborn, likewise sold by T. Massey, No. 18, Snow Hill, M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster-Row M. Gurney, No. 128, and Wilkins, No. 60, Holborn Hill, [1792?].
20. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. Book for boys and girls Divine emblems: or temporal things spiritualized. Calculated for the use of young people. Adorned with fifty copper plate cuts by Mr. John Bunyan. ... London: engraved, printed and sold by T. Bennett, likewise sold by T. Massey, M. Trapp, M. Gurney, &c; W. Wilkins, [1792?].
21. Priestley, Timothy. The Christian’s Looking-Glass, or the Timorous Soul’s Guide; Being a Description of the Work of the Holy Spirit upon the Heart, intended for the Relief of the Disconsolate. Vol. 2. London: Printed for the author, by W. Smith; Sold by M. Gurney; J. S. Jordon; M. Trap; Paternoster-Row, and J. Mathews, 1792.
22. Priestley, T. Timothy, 1734-1814. Family exercises, or, the Godly parents' assistant: being an attempt to render family religion entertaining, as well as profitable and instructive. By a series of subjects, peculiarly adapted to the use of families. By the Rev. T. Priestley. London: printed for the author, by W. Smith; sold by J. Mathews; H. Symonds and M. Trapp, 1792.
23. Janeway, James, 1636?-1674. A token for children: being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives, and joyful deaths, of several young children. In two parts. By James Janeway, Minister of the Gospel. To which is added, Some Account of the Life, and God's gracious Dealings with, Hephzibah Mathews, who departed this Life, June 5th, 1790, aged 10 Years. London: printed for M. Trapp, No 1, Pater-Noster-Row; J. Mathews, No 81, Strand, and J. Murgatroyd, No 73, Chiswell-Street, [1792].
24. Janeway, James, 1636?-1674. A token for children: being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives, and joyful deaths, of several young children. In two parts. By James Janeway, minister of the gospel. To which is added, some account of the life, and God's gracius dealings with, Hephzibah Mathews, who departed this life, June 5th, 1790, aged 10 years. London: printed for J. Mathews, No 81, Strand; M. Trapp, No 1, Pater-Noster-Row, and J. Murgatroyd, No 73, Chiswell-Street, 1792.
25. Best, George, of Spa-Fields, Clerkenwell. A letter of thanks, on the behalf of those who prosess the gospel, of all denominations, to the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, and other Right Honourable members of the House of Commons. Containing an apology for the ministers of the gospel; and shewing that all men are by nature Arians and Socinians; and the means how they may be made real Christians: to which is added, the articles on the Holy Trinity, the divinity of Christ and the Holy Ghost, and the ressurrection of Christ; with notes. By George Best. London: Printed and sold by J. Chalmers, 81, Old-Street. Sold also by J. Matthews, Strand; M. Trapp, Pater-noster-Row; and Hughes and Walsh, Inner Temple-Lane, MDCCXCII [1792].
26. Miller, William, 1759-1830. Our appointed time considered. A sermon, occasioned by the death of Mrs. Catherine Watkins, ... Preached at High-Wycombe, Bucks, November, 18, by William Miller. [High Wycombe]: Printed by S. Cave. To be had of the author and Printer, High Wycombe; of Mr. Lloyd, Ross, Herefordshire; and M. Trapp, London: sold also, at Bristol and Gloucester, [1792].
27. Romaine, William, 1714-1795. A treatise upon the walk of faith. By W. Romaine, ... [Second edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, 1792.
28. Baillie, John, 1741-1806. Two sermons: the first on the divinity of Jesus Christ; the second on time, manner, and means of the conversion and universal restoration of the Jews. By the Rev. John Baillie, [Third edition.] London: printed for the author, and sold at the Minerva, Leadenhall-Street, by J. Mathews, No. 18, Strand, and M. Trapp. No. 1, Paternoster-Row, MDCCXCII [1792].
29. Fleming, Robert, 1660?-1716. Apocalyptical key. Published in 1702, in a discourse on the death of King William. By Robert Fleming, V.D.M. Being a vindication and enlargement of that discourse, on the rise and fall of Papacy, published in 1701. The various Periods are inserted, The pouring out of the Vials, The final Destruction of Papacy, and The Commencement of the Millenium State. London: printed from the original copy, by J. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street, for G. Offor, No. 2, Postern-Row, Tower-Hill. Sold also by M. Trapp, Pater-Noster-Row; J. Matthews, Strand; L. J. Higham, No. 159, St. John's Street; Clerk-Enwell; W. Baynes, No. 16, Chiswell Street; and by the printer, MDCCXCIII [1793].
30. Serle, Ambrose, 1742-1812. The Christian parent: or, short and plain discourses concerning God, and the works and word of God, in creation, redemption, and sanctification: intended originally for some young persons in a family. [The second edition.] London: printed for M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXCIII [1793].
31. Serle, Ambrose, 1742-1812. The Christian remembrancer: or, short reflections upon the faith, life, and conduct, of a real Christian. [The fourth edition, with additions.] London: printed for and sold by M. Trapp; also sold by Mathews, 1793.
32. Holland, William, active 1790-1810. The Christian's warfare and crown. A sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. John Berridge, who departed this life, Jan. 3, 1793: preached at Bartholomew chapel. On Sunday evening, February 3, 1793. By the Rev. W. Holland, ... Taken in short hand, by Job Sibley. London: printed and sold by T. Wilkins: - sold also by L.J. Higham; J. Sibley; E. Sibley; and M. Trapp, 1793.
33. Serle, Ambrose, 1742-1812. The church of God: or, essays upon some descriptive names and titles, given in the scriptures, by God the Holy Ghost, to the general assembly of all true believers in God the Son, or God-Man Jesus Christ, and Denoting the Nature and Means of their Salvation, Through the Everlasting Covenant, Made by God the Father with those Divine Persons in the One Jehovah. London: printed for M. Trapp, No 1, Paternoster Row; sold also by Matthews, Strand, [1793].
34. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Deliverance from death. Being the substance of a discourse preached at Kingswood, Sunday, March 25, 1753. By John Cennick. ... [The fourth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, 1793.
35. Gill, John, 1697-1771. Faith in God and his word, the establishment and prosperity of his people. A sermon preached to the society which supported the Wednesday evening lecture in Great East-Cheap, December 27, 1753. And published at their Request. By John Gill, D.D. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold for the editor, by J. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street. And sold by R. Peacock, No. 47, Parson's Street. Ratcliff Highway; where Booksellers may be supplied.. Sold also by W. Button, No. 24, G. Terry, No. 54, and M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster-Row; M. Gurney, No. 128, Holborn-Hill; J. Mathews, Strand; and W. Ash, No. 3, Middle-Moorfields, MDCCXCIII [1793].
36. Burder, George, 1752-1832. Early piety: or, memoirs of children eminently serious. Interspersed with familiar dialogues, emblematical pictures, prayers, graces, and hymns. Recommended by the Rev. Mr. Peckwell ... [The fourth edition, enlarged and improved.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, 1793.
37. Parker, David, active 1793. A friendly hint at parting to an unbridled fanatic, or the Author of a cake of barley meal, &c. By the Author of the Charitable Morsel, &c. London: printed for J. Mathews, No. 18, Strand. Sold also, by R. Edwards, No. 142, New-Bond-Street; and by M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster-Row, [1793?].
38. Gill, John, 1697-1771. The glory of the church in the latter day. A sermon preached to the Society which supported the Wednesday's evening lecture in Great East-Cheap, December 27, 1752. And published at their Request. By John Gill, D.D. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold for the editor, by J. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street. And sold by R. Peacock, No. 47, Parson's Street, Ratcliff Highway; where Booksellers may be supplied. Sold also by W. Button, Newington Cause-Way, G. Terry, No. 54, and M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster-Row; M. Gurney, No. 128, Holborn-Hill; J. Mathews, Strand; and W. Ash, No. 3, Middle-Moorfields, MDCCXCIII [1793].
39. Williams, William Bell. The good Samaritan; or, charity to strangers recommended. A sermon, preached in the Parish Church of High-Wycombe, Bucks, for the French Refugee Clergy. On Sunday, the 2d, of June, 1793. By the Rev. William Williams, A. B. Of Worcester College, Oxford. Published by Request, and for the Benefit of the said Clergy. High Wycombe: printed by S. Cave. To be had of the author, printer, and R. Eedes, High-Wycombe. Sold also, by F. and C. Rivington, St Paul's Church Yard; Deighton, Holborn; Ash Moorfields; M. Trapp, Paternoster-Row; Pridden, Fleet-Street; Matthews, Strand; Debret, Piccadilly ; and J. Cooke, Oxford, [1793].
40. Williams, William Bell. The good Samaritan or charity to strangers recommended. A sermon, preached in the parish church of High-Wycombe, Bucks, for the French refugee clergy. On Sunday, the 2d, of June, 1793. By the Rev. William Williams,... High Wycombe: printed by S. Cave and to be had of the author, printer, and R. Eedes, High-Wycombe. Sold also, by F. and C. Rivington; Deighton; Ash; M. Trapp; Pridden; Matthews; Debret [London]; and J. Cooke, Oxford, [1793].
41. Boston, Thomas, 1677-1732. Human nature in its four-fold state, of primitive integrity, entire depravity, begun recovery, and consummate happiness or misery; subsisting in the parents of mankind in paradise, the unregenerate, the regenerate, and all mankind in the future state. In several practical discourses. By the reverend and learned Mr. Thomas Boston, Late Minister of the Gospel at Ettrick. London: printed and published by J. Chalmers, Old-Street. Sold also by J. Mathews, Strand; M. Trapp, No. 1, J. Parsons, No. 21, W. Simmons, No. 64, and W. Button, No. 24, Pater-Noster-Row; G. Offor, Postern-Row, Tower-Hill; T. Thomas, No. 29, Houndsditch; and J. Fenley, Bristol, MDCCXCIII [1793].
42. Hart, J. Joseph, 1712-1768. Hymns, &c. composed on various subjects. By J. Hart. [The thirteenth edition: with the author's experience, the supplement, and appendix.] London: printed and sold by J. Chalmers, for the author's daughter; and sold by her. Sold also by Mrs. Newberry; J. Mathews; M. Trapp, and G. Terry; J. S. Jordan; at the meetings in Jewin Street and Barbican; and at Providence Chapel, Titchfield-Street, 1793.
43. Berridge, John, 1716-1793. The last farewell sermon, preached at the Tabernacle, near Moorfields, April 1, 1792. By the Rev. John Berridge, M. A. late Vicar of Everton, Bedfordshire. Taken in Short Hand, at the Time it was delivered, and faithfully transcribed. To which is added, A Short Account of Mr. Berridge's Death, in a Letter from a Friend, who was with him the Day he died. Also a Narrative of the Respect shewed to him by his Friends in London. [The second edition.] London: printed and sold by J. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street. Sold also by J. Mathews, Strand; M. Trapp, G. Terry, and J. Parsons, Paternoster-Row; J. S. Jordan, Fleet-Street; W. Ash, Middle-Moorfields; T. Stratton, Tottenham-Court-Road; G. Offor, Postern-Row, Tower-Hill; D. Taylor, Union-Street, Bishopsgate-Street; J. Low, Crown-Street, near Finsbury-Square, Moorfields; R. Peacock, Parson's-Street, Ratcliff-Highway; Mr. Fenley, Bristol; and J. Bellman, Potton, Bedfordshire, MDCCXCIII [1793].
44. Berridge, John, 1716-1793. The last farewell sermon, preached at the Tabernacle, near Moorfields, April 1, 1792. By the Rev. John Berridge, M. A. Late Vicar of Everton, Bedfordshire. Taken in Short Hand, at the Time it was delivered, and faithfully transcribed. To which is added, A Short Account of Mr. Berridge's Death, in a Letter from a Friend, who was with him the Day he died. Also a Narrative of the Respect shewed to him by his Friends in London. London: printed and sold by J. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street. Sold also by J. Mathews, Strand; M. Trapp, G. Terry, and J. Parsons, Paternoster-Row; J.S. Jordan, Fleet-Street; W. Ash, Middle-Moorfields; T. Stratton, Tottenham-Court-Road; G. Offor, Postern-Row, Tower-Hill; D. Taylor, Union-Street, Bishopsgate-Street; J. Low, Crown-Street, near Finsbury-Square, Moorfields; R. Peacock, Parson's-Street, Ratcliff-Highway; and by Mr, Farley, Bristol, MDCCXCIII [1793].
45. Munn, Richard, active 1793. The loyal subject, or republican principles brought to the test: ... Written, and most humbly dedicated to all that love their King and Country; by the Rev. Richard Munn, ... London: printed and sold by R. Young; G. Terry; W. Ash; R. Gyfford; Mathews; S. Nash; T. Knott; M. Trapp; D. Taylor; A. Clark; C. Adams; St Austin's-Place, Bristol; the Union Chapel, Handsworth, [1793].
46. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. Naaman cleansed. Being the substance of a sermon preached at Smith's-Hall, Bristol. By John Cennick. ... [The seventh edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, 1793.
47. Cennick, John, 1718-1755. The syrophoenician: or, a pattern of invincible faith. Being the substance of a discourse preached in London in the year 1750. By John Cennick. [The fifth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster-Row, 1793.
48. Romaine, William, 1714-1795. A treatise upon the life of faith, by W. Romaine, M. A. Rector of St. Andrew, Wardrobe, and St. Ann's Black-Friars, And Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West, London. [The fourth edition, revised and corrected by the author.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, No. 1, Paternoster-Row, near Cheapside, MDCCXCIII [1793]
49. Romaine, William, 1714-1795. Twelve discourses upon the law and the Gospel. Preached at St. Dunstan's church, in the West, London, by W. Romaine, M. A. Lecturer of the said Church. [The fourth edition.] London: printed and sold by M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster-Row, near Cheapside, MDCCXCIII [1793]
50. Remarks on the tithe of hops, occasioned by the Farnham Hop Bill before the House of Commons, in the last sessions of Parliament. London: printed for M Trapp , NO. 1, Paternoster-Row ; and Mess. Acutts, NO. 25, Shoreditch, [1793].
51. Miller, William, 1759-1830. Catholic baptism examined: or, thoughts on the ground, and extent, of baptismal administration; wherein Mr. Booth's publications on baptism are noticed, so far as deemed material to the Object of Inquiry in this Work. By William Miller. High-Wycombe: printed for the author. Sold by S. Cave, printer; and by M. Trap, Paternoster-Row, London, 1793.
52. De Coetlogon, C. E. Charles Edward, 1746-1820. A concise sketch of the life and character of Moses; accommodated to a charitable purpose, in a sermon, preached on Sunday, the 14th of April, 1793, in the Church of St. Lawrence Jewry. By the Rev. C. E. De Coetlogon, ... London: sold by Rivington; Edwards; Matthews; Terry; Bell; and Trap, 1793.
53. Leggett, Richard. The period of God's patience to the prayers of French martyrs: Or, An essay to illustrate the analogy between the present state of France, and the language of scripture prophecy. By the Rev. Richard Leggett. [A new edition; with additions.] London: Printed for Chapman and Co. No. 161, Fleet-street; M. Trapp, Paternoster-Row; and J. Matthews, Strand, 1794.
54. Shrubsole, William, 1729-1797. The plain Christian shepherd's defence of his flock: being five letters in support of infant baptism. By W. Shrubsole. London: printed for Chapman and Co. No. 161, Fleet-Street; J. Matthews, Strand; M. Trapp, Paternoster Row; and J. Edmonds, Sheerness, MDCCXCIV [1794].
55. Coles, Elisha, 1608?-1688. A practical discourse of God's sovereignty: with other Material Points derived Thence. viz. Of the Righteousness of God. Of Election. Of Redemption. Of Effectual Calling. Of Perseverance. By Elisha Coles. With a Recommendatory Preface, By the Rev. W. Romaine, A. M. Rector of St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, and St. Ann. Black-Friars; and Lecturer of St. Dunstan in the West, London. Also by Dr. Owen, and T. Goodwin. In this Edition, for the first Time, the Scriptures referred to, where necessary, are inserted at Length in the Body of the Work. London: printed for J. Murgatroyd, Chiswell-Street; by James Chalmers, Old-Street. Sold also by M. Trapp, No. 1, G. Terry, No. 54, Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Mathews, No. 18, Strand, MDCCXCIV [1794].
56. [Neale, Henrietta]. Lady. Amusement hall; or, an easy introduction to the attainment of useful knowledge. By a lady. London: printed for and sold by T. Gardiner, No. 19, Princes-Street, Cavendish-Square: sold also by T. Chapman, No. 151, Fleet-Street J. Mathews, Strand; W. Button, and M. Trapp, Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Martin, Jun. No. 432, Oxford-Street, 1794. [A good example of a Baptist woman writer, Henrietta Neale, who worked exclusively with dissenting printers and sellers, in this instance Thomas Gardiner, a member of John Martin's congregation in Keppel Street; Thomas Chapman, most likely a Baptist as well; James Mathews, the Calvinistic Methodist bookseller and preacher; William Button, Baptist minister at Dean Street, Southwark, and prominent dissenting printer and bookseller; Martha Trapp; and John Martin, Jr., the son of the minister at Keppel Street, where Gardiner and Martin, Jr., attended.]
57. Berridge, John, 1716-1793. Chearful piety; or, religion without gloom. Exemplified in select letters, written on the most interesting truths of Christianity. By the late Rev. John Berridge, A.M. With original anecdotes of his life and death. [A new edition, enlarged, .. by G. Wright, ..] London: printed for T. Chapman, No. 151, Fleet-Street; M. Trapp, Paternoster-Row; and J. Mathews, Strand, [1794].
58. Berridge, John, 1716-1793. A short account of the life and conversion of the Rev. John Berridge, M.A. late Vicar of Everton, Bedfordshire. In a letter from himself to a clergyman. First published in the year 1760. In which is given, a relation of the great work of God among Mr. Berridge's people. To which is added, an elegy written and published at his death: ... London: printed and published by J. Chalmers. Sold also by J. Mathews; M. Trapp, J. Parsons, and W. Button; T. Chapman; W. Ash, and J. Murgatroyd; D. Taylor; T. Stratton; J. Bellman, Potton; and J. Fenley, Bristol, 1794.
59. Late minister. An elegy on the death of an only son, aged ten years and six months. By a late minister. London: printed by M. Trapp, No 1, Paternoster Row, [1794?].
60. Heywood, Oliver, 1629-1702. Closet-Prayer a Christian duty: or, a treatise upon Matth. vi. 6. Tending to prove, that the Worship of God in Secret is the indispensable Duty of all Christians; both by sundry Examples and Arguments. Together With a severe Rebuke of Christians for their neglect of, or Neglience in, the Duty of Closet-Prayer: and many Directions for the managing thereof, Exhortations to it, Objections answered, and Cases of Conscience cleared. By O. Heywood, One of the Ejected Ministers of the Gospel. London: printed and sold by J. Chalmers, No 81, Old-Street. Sold also by M. Trapp, No 1, and J. Parsons, No 21, Pater-Noster-Row, 1794.
61. Wilson, John, dissenting minister. Christ's commission to Peter, and the rest of the apostles, in giving them the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, no commission for the Pope of Rome. A sermon, preached at Trinity Chapel, Windmill-Street, Finsbury-Square, On the Lord's Day Evening, October 12, 1794. By J. Wilson, Minister of the Gospel. Published at the Request of the Subscribers. London: printed and sold by J. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street. Sold also by M. Priestley, late Trapp No. 1, Paternoster-Row; J. Murgatroyd, No. 73. Chiswell-Street; J. Phillips, No. 27, City-Road; J. Spring, Glamford-Briggs, Lincolnshire; and at the vestry of the chapel, MDCCXCIV [1794].
62. De Coetlogon, C. E. Charles Edward, 1746-1820. The grace of Christ in redemption; enforced as a model of sublime charity. In a sermon preached at St. Giles's Cripplegate; on Sunday, December the 8th, 1793. and published, by Particular Desire, for the benefit of the Spitalfield weavers. By the Rev. C.E. De Coetlogon, A.M. London: sold by J.S. Jordan, No. 166, Fleet Street; J. Mathews, No. 18, Strand; R. Edwards, No. 142, New-Bond Street; M. Trapp, No. 1, Pater-Noster Row; and T. Boosey, No. 4, Old Broad Street, Royal Exchange, 1794.
63. Alcott, Joseph. Jesus King of Saints; or Christ's sovereignty, in delivering His elect from the power of sin, Satan, death, and the grave. By Joseph Alcott. London: printed and sold by J. Chalmers. Sold also by M. Trapp, and J. Parsons, 1794.
64. Parsons, Edward, 1762-1833. The loss of the righteous lamented and improved. A sermon preached August the tenth, 1794, to a congregation of Protestant Dissenters, at Ebenezer Chapel, Leeds, on the death of the Reverend William Price, Their late Minister. By Edward Parsons. Sheffield: printed for John Smith; and sold by J. Binns, Leeds; J. Matthews, Strand, T. Chapman, Fleet-Street, and M. Trapp, Paternoster-Row, London, 1794.
65. Button, William, 1754-1821. National calamities tokens of the divine displeasure: a sermon preached at the meeting house Dean Street, Tooley Street, Southwark, on February 28. being the day appointed for a general fast. By William Button. London: printed for the author, by W. Taylor, Shoe-Maker Row, Black Friars; sold by M. Trapp, No 1, Pater-Noster Row; D. Taylor, Union Street, Bishopsgate Street; and T. Thomas, Houndsditch, MDCCXCIV [1794]. [Another interesting imprint: Button, the Baptist minister, chooses his printers and sellers in a careful manner and other dissenting writers did, having his pamphlet sold by Trapp, the Moravian now become an Independent; Dan Taylor, the General Baptist minister at Mile End (he was not a Unitarian); and Thomas Thomas, a Particular Baptist minister like Button. Only the W. Taylor cannot be identified as present with any certainty, but it is certain that he was a dissenter, simply because Button would not have gone outside the "household of faith" for this publication.]
66. Berridge, John, 1716-1793. A short account of the life and conversion of the Rev. John Berridge, M.A. late Vicar of Everton, Bedfordshire. In a letter from himself to a clergyman. In which is given, a relation of that great work of God among Mr. Berridge's people. First published in the year 1760. To which is added, an elegy written and published at his death: and an Epitaph inscribed on his Tomb-Stone, written by himself. London: printed and published by J. Chalmers, 81, Old-Street. Sold also by J. Mathews, Strand ; M. Trapp, No. 1, J. Parsons, No. 21, and W. Button, No, 24, Pater-Noster-Row ; T. Chapman, No. 151, Fleet-Street ; W. Ash, No. 16, and J. Murgatroyd, No. 73, Chiswell-Street ; D. Taylor, Union-Street, Bishopsgate-Street ; T. Stratton, No. 12, Tottenham-Court-Road ; J. Bellman, Patton; and J. Fenley, Bristol, MDCCXCIV [1794].
67. Gill, John, 1697-1771. The sure performance of prophecy; and The glorious state of the saints in heaven. Two sermons preached to the Society which supported the Wednesday's Evening Lecture in Great East-Cheap, January 1, and December 31, 1755. And published at their Request. By John Gill, D.D. London: printed and published by J. Chalmers, 81, Old-Street. Sold also by J. Mathews, Strand; M. Trapp, No. 1, J. Parsons, No. 21, and W. Button, No. 24, Pater-Noster-Row; T. Chapman, No. 151, Fleet-Street; W. Ash, No. 116, and J. Murgatroyd, No. 73, Chiswell-Street; D. Taylor, Union-Street, Bishopsgate-Street; and J. Fenley, Bristol, MDCCXCIV [1794].
68. Earnestus. The triune affinity of Jehovah vindicated, And the Distinct Persons in the Godhead, evinced In answer to three discourses, preached by Manoah Sibly, on Who is the Lord? Together with an Invincible Demonstration of What is the Right Object of Worship? Supported by scripture. Addressed to the people of Wolverhampton. London: published by M. Trapp, Paternoster Row, [1794?].
69. Robinson, Robert, 1735-1790. Christian submission to civil government. A discourse preached on January 30, 1780, At the Meeting-House in St. Andrew's Cambridge. By Robert Robinson. [Second edition.] London: printed by A. Paris. Sold by J. Mathews, No. 18, Strand; J. S. Jordan, No. 166, Fleet-Street; W. Stewart, opposite York-House, Piccadilly; W. Ash, Middle Moorfields; and M. Trapp, Paternoster-Row, [1794?].
70. Johnson, Richard, 1756 or 1757-1827. An address to the inhabitants of the colonies, established in New South Wales and Norfolk Island. By the Rev. Richard Johnson, A. B. Chaplain To The Colonies. Written in the year 1792. London: printed for the author: and sold by Mathews, Strand; Deighton, Holborn; Trap, Paternoster-Row; and Goff and Amey, No. 8, Ivy-Lane, MDCCXCIV [1794].
71. Stillingfleet, James, 1741 or 1742-1826. A short and familiar explanation of the church-catechism, confirmed by scripture proofs, by way of question and answer, for the use of children, by James Stillingfleet, ... [The sixth edition.] York: printed by G. Peacock, and sold by C. Dilly, J. Matthews, M. Trapp, London - J. Binns, Leeds - and all the booksellers in York and Hull, 1795.
Martha Priestley Imprints, 1795-97 (46 total), of which two include Timothy Priestley (Trapp and Priestly, 1795; T. Priestley, 1796).
72. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. The pilgrim's progress, from this world to that which is to come. ... Complete in two parts. By Mr. John Bunyan, ... An entire new and complete edition, ... To which are now added notes, ... by Mr. William Mason, recommended by the late Rev. Mr. Ryland of Northampton. London: printed for J. Murgatroyd; Priestley; Mr. Binns, Leeds; and Mr. Laing, Edinburgh, [1794?].
73. Hill, John, 1711-1746. The work of a Minister of the Gospel set forth. A sermon, preached at the ordination of Mr. afterwards Dr. John Conder, upon his settlement at Cambridge, September 27, 1739. who was afterwards removed to London by the late Reverend Mr. John Hill, Minister of the Gospel in London. Now first printed from an authentic manuscript. London: printed and published by J. Chalmers, No 81, Old-Street. Sold also by J. Mathews, Strand; M. Priestley, late Trapp J. Parsons, W. Button, and W. Simmons, Pater-noster-Row; T. Chapman, Fleet-Street; and E. Simmons, Barbican, and Chelmsfora [sic], MDCCXCIV [1794].
74. Wilson, John, dissenting minister. Christ's commission to Peter, and the rest of the apostles, in giving them the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, no commission for the Pope of Rome. A sermon, preached at Trinity Chapel, Windmill-Street, Finsbury-Square, On the Lord's Day Evening, October 12, 1794. By J. Wilson, Minister of the Gospel. Published at the Request of the Subscribers. London: printed and sold by J. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street. Sold also by M. Priestley, late Trapp No. 1, Paternoster-Row; J. Murgatroyd, No. 73. Chiswell-Street; J. Phillips, No. 27, City-Road; J. Spring, Glamford-Briggs, Lincolnshire; and at the vestry of the chapel, MDCCXCIV [1794].
75. Knight, Joel Abraham. The apostle's prayer for the church at Corinth considered, in a discourse on 2 Cor. xiii. 14. The substance of which was preached at Tottenham-Court-Chapel, on Trinity Sunday, June 15, 1794. By J. A. Knight. Published by request. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. St. John. London: printed by W. Smith, King-Street, Seven-Dials; sold by T. Stratton, No. 12, Tottenham-Court-Road; J. Mathews, No. 18, Strand; W. Row, Great Marlborough-Street, Carnaby-Market; M. Priestley, No. 1, Paternoster-Row; at the Adelphi Chapel; at the Tabernacle; and at Tottenham Court Chapel, [1794].
76. A Conference upon Baptism, or The manner of baptising with water debated. [Second edition.] London: Printed for W. Row, Great Marlborough-Street, M. Priestley, Pater-noster-Row, and Cobbin, Hertford-Street, [1794].
77. Hacker, Thomas. Believers entanglement by the moral law, proved inconsistent with the abolition of the law. In three letters, addressed to the Rev. Mr. Huntington; with his reply to the first letter. By Thomas Hacker, Member of Providence Chapel. London: printed and published for the author, by J. Chalmers, 81, Old-Street. Sold also by Mathews, Strand; Priestley, late Trapp Pater-Noster-Row; Hardie, No. 4. Bolsover-Street, Oxford-Road; Bruce, City-Road; Murray, Princess-Street; Bone, No 8, Weston-Street, Snow's Fields, [1794].
78. Miller, William, 1759-1830. The paedobaptist mode of administering the baptismal ordinance defended: wherein the author professes to consider, whether dipping and sprinkling, are not the two constituent acts of baptizing ... By William Miller. High-Wycombe: printed for the author, by S. Cave. Sold by Priestley, late Trapp; S. Matthews; and by T. Chapman, London, 1794.
79. Hill, John, 1711-1746. The work of a Minister of the Gospel set forth. A sermon, preached at the ordination of Mr. afterwards Dr. John Conder, upon his settlement at Cambridge, September 27, 1739. who was afterwards removed to London by the late Reverend Mr. John Hill, Minister of the Gospel in London. Now first printed from an authentic manuscript. London: printed and published by J. Chalmers, No 81, Old-Street. Sold also by J. Mathews, Strand; M. Priestley, late Trapp J. Parsons, W. Button, and W. Simmons, Pater-noster-Row; T. Chapman, Fleet-Street; and E. Simmons, Barbican, and Chelmsfora [Chelmsford], MDCCXCIV [1794].
80. Youth. A short plain answer to Mr. S. Kingsford's publication, Entitled, "The Supremacy of God the Father, and the Inferiority and Subordination of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.'' In a letter to the author: in which, the divinity of Christ is scripturally set forth, and his equality with the Father asserted and proved. By a youth. London : printed and sold for the author, by J. Chalmers, No 81, Old-Street. Sold also by J. Mathews, Strand; M. Priestly, [late] Trapp Pater-Noster-Row; T. Hardie, No. 4, Bolsover-Street, Oxford-Road; T. Burton, No. 262, Chatham; and G. Galley, No. 21, Rochester; and by all other. Booksellers in Town and Country, [1794].
81. Bible. Psalms. English. Tingstadius. The psalms of David. A new and improved version. London: printed for M. Priestly, late Trapp Paternoster-Row; and J. Matthews. In The Strand, Near Charing-Cross, MDCCXCIV [1794].
82. Williams, Thomas, 1755-1839. An historic defence of experimental religion: in which the doctrine of divine influences, is supported by the authority of scripture, and the experience of the wisest and best men in all ages and countries. In two volumes. ... London: printed for the author, by W. Taylor, Blackfriars; published by T. Heptinstall, Fleet-Street; and W. Button, Paternoster-Row; sold also by M. Priestley late Trapp, Paternoster-Row; Matthews, Strand; Johnson, St Paul's Church-Yard; and Knott, Lombard-Street, 1795.
83. Romaine, William, 1714-1795. Letters from the late Rev. William Romaine, M. A. Rector of St.Andrew Wardrobe, and St. Ann, Black Friars; And Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West, to a friend, on the most important subjects, during a correspondence of twenty years. Published from the original manuscripts, by Thomas Wills, A. B. Minister of Silver Street Chapel, and formerly of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. London: printed for the editor by W. Taylor, Black Friars: sold by Murgatroyd, Chiswell-Street ; M. Priestley late Trapp, and W. Button, Paternoster-Row ; Chapman, Fleet-Street ; Hughes and Walsh, Inner Temple-Lane ; and Mathews, Strand; Also at the Vestries of Silver-Street and Islington Chapels, M.DCC.XCV [1795].
84. Upton, James, 1759-1834. The saints' entrance into Zion. A sermon, occasion'd by the death of the Reverend Mr. Michael Bligh, late pastor of the Baptist Church, at Seven-Oaks, in Kent. By James Upton. With an account of the Lord's dealings with his soul, written by himself. London: printed and sold by W. Button, No. 24, Paternoster-Row. Sold also by T. Wills, Stationers-Court ; M. Priestley, late Trapp Paternoster-Row, T. Thomas, Houndsditch ; and by the author, No. 11, Union-Place, near Blackfriars-Road, [1795].
85. Carter, Robert, of Ireland Row, Mile-End Road, London. William Huntington's doctrine of the abolition of the moral law refuted, and himself silenced and slain with his own sword. By Robert Carter. The second edition of Robert Carter's remarks on William Huntington's letter to the Rev. Torial Joss. London: printed for William Parker, and sold by J. Matthews, No. 18, Strand; M. Priestley, late Trapp, No. 1, Paternoster-Row; Mr. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street; Mr. Murray, Princes-Street, Soho; and W Parker, No. 16, Cumberland-Street, Totenham-Street, [1795?].
86. Macgowan, John, 1726-1780. The Arians and Socinians monitor. Being a vision that a young Socinian teacher lately had, in which he saw, in the most exquisite Torment, his tutor, who died some years ago; and had from his own Mouth the fearful Relation of what befel him at and after his Death. Together with many instructions relating to the Socinian errors; by all which he is turned to the Faith of the Gospel. Written by John Macgowan. Author of the Shaver, Death, a Vision, &c. &c. [The third edition.] London: printed for W. Row, Great Marlborough Street; G. Porter, Tottenham Court Road; M. Priestley, Pater-Noster Row; and J. Barker, Russell Court, Drury Lane, 1795.
87. South, Robert, 1634-1716. The beauties of South, consisting of various and important Extracts from the works of the learned and celebrated Dr. Rob. South, Prebendary of Westminster, Canon of Christ Church, Oxon and Chaplain to the Earl of Clarendon. London: printed for the Editor, and sold by Parsons, Pater-Noster Row; Priestley, ditto; Chapman, Fleet Street; Hinds, Wardour Street, Soho; Stratton, Risborough, Smith, Sheffield; Edwards, Halifax, Sealy, Buckingham; and Marlin, Aylesbury, 1795.
88. Wills, Thomas, 1740-1802. The dying believer. The substance of a sermon, occasioned by the much lamented death of the Rev. William Romaine, ... who departed this life, July 26, 1795. ... By Thomas Wills, ... Taken in short hand, by Job Sibley. London: printed for J. Murgatroyd. Sold also by J. Mathews; B. Law; Button and Priestley, 1795.
89. England's alarm, and a warning to London, being a wonderful sermon, preached in the year 1673, ... Now reprinted by the importunity of many who are tenderly concerned for this nation, ... Intended to shew that this present war is of God. [London]: Sold by Murgatroyd; Terry, Burton and Priestley; Harvey and Darton; Cole; Jordan; Carpenter, 1795.
90. Cadogan, William Bromley, 1751-1797. A funeral sermon, occasioned by the death of the Rev. W. Romaine, M. A. Rector of St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, and St. Anne's, Black-Friars; Likewise, Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West. Preached at St. Anne's, Black-Friars, On Sunday Morning, August 9, 1795. Taken in short-hand by Ramsey and Marson. By the Hon. and Rev. W. B. Cadogan, M. A. Rector of St. Luke, Chelsea, Vicar of St. Giles, Reading, and Chaplain to Lord Cadogan. London: published by G. Thompso No. 50, Old Bailey. And sold by Parsons, and Priestley, Paternoster-Row; Pridden, and Heptinstall, Fleet-Street; J. Evans, Long-Lane, West Smithfield; T. Vallance, Cheapside; J. Matthews, Strand: S. Scruton, Tottenham-Court-Road; J. Simmons, St. Martin's le Grand; and J. Delahoye, Deptford-Bridge, M.DCC.XCV [1795].
91. Townsend, John, 1757-1826. The glorious and peaceable tendency of the Christian religion. A sermon, preached on the fast-day, 1795, at the meeting in Jamaica-Row, Bermondsey. By John Townsend. ... London: printed for T. Chapman; J. Matthews, Mrs. Priestley; W. Ash, and T. Knott, 1795.
92. Williams, Thomas, 1755-1839. An historic defence of experimental religion: in which the doctrine of divine influences, is supported by the authority of scripture, and the experience of the wisest and best men in all ages and countries. In two volumes. ... London: printed for the author, by W. Taylor, Blackfriars; published by T. Heptinstall, Fleet-Street; and W. Button, Paternoster-Row; sold also by M. Priestley late Trapp, Paternoster-Row; Matthews, Strand; Johnson, St Paul's Church-Yard; and Knott, Lombard-Street, 1795.
93. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. The holy war: made by Shaddai upon Diabolus, for the regaining of the metropolis of the world; or, the losing and taking again of the town of Mansoul. By Mr. John Bunyan, ... [An entire new and complete edition, ...] London: printed for J. Murgatroud; Priestley; Mr. Binns, Leeds; and Mr. Laing, Edinburgh, 1795.
94. Romaine, William, 1714-1795. Letters from the late Rev. William Romaine, M. A. Rector of St.Andrew Wardrobe, and St. Ann, Black Friars; And Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West, to a friend, on the most important subjects, during a correspondence of twenty years. Published from the original manuscripts, by Thomas Wills, A. B. Minister of Silver Street Chapel, and formerly of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. London: printed for the editor by W. Taylor, Black Friars: sold by Murgatroyd, Chiswell-Street; M. Priestley late Trapp, and W. Button, Paternoster-Row; Chapman, Fleet-Street; Hughes and Walsh, Inner Temple-Lane; and Mathews, Strand; Also at the Vestries of Silver-Street and Islington Chapels, M.DCC.XCV [1795].
95. Burder, Samuel, 1773-1837. The moral law considered as a rule of life to believers. Designed as an antidote to Antinomianism. By Samuel Burder. London: printed and sold by W. Button, No. 24, Pater-Noster Row. Sold also by Mathews, Strand; Chapman, Fleet-Street; Priestley, Pater-Noster Row; and Murgatroyd, Chiswell-Street; Luckman and Merridew, Coventry; and James, Bristol, 1795.
96. Romaine, William, 1714-1795. The triumph of faith. By W. Romaine, M. A. Rector of St. Andrew Wardrobe, and St. Ann, Black Friars; and Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West, London. London: printed for the author by T. Bensley; and sold by Priestley, No. 1, Paternoster-Row; Chapman, and Pridden, Fleet-Street; and Mathews, Strand, 1795.
97. Romaine, William, 1714-1795. The triumph of faith. By W. Romaine, M. A. Rector of St. Andrew Wardrobe, and St. Ann, Black Friars; and Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West, London. [Second edition, with additions.] London: printed for the author by T. Bensley; and sold by Priestley, No. 1, Paternoster Row; Chapman and Pridden, Fleet-Street; and Mathews, Strand, 1795.
98. Best, Thomas, Minister of Cradley Chapel. A true state of the case; or, a vindication of the orthodox dissenters, from the misrepresentations of the Rev. Robert Foley, M. A. of Oriel College Oxford, and Rector of Oldswinford, Worcestershire: Contained in a late publication of his, entitled A defence of the Church of England; in five letters, Addressed to him, Wherein the Important Subjects of Schism, the Divinity of Christ, and Obedience to Civil Government; are Considered. By Thomas Best, Minister of the Chapel at Cradley, Near Stourbridge. Stourbridge: printed and sold by J. Rollason, sold also by T. Pearson, Birmingham; T.N. Longman, and T. Priestley, Pater-Noster-Row, London; N. Rollason, and Mrs. Luckman, Coventry; and by all Other Booksellers, [1795].
99. Carter, Robert, of Ireland Row, Mile-End Road, London. William Huntington's doctrine of the abolition of the moral law refuted, and himself silenced and slain with his own sword. By Robert Carter. The second edition of Robert Carter's remarks on William Huntington's letter to the Rev. Torial Joss. London: printed for William Parker, and sold by J. Matthews, No. 18, Strand; M. Priestley, late Trapp, No. 1, Paternoster-Row; Mr. Chalmers, No. 81, Old-Street; Mr. Murray, Princes-Street, Soho; and W Parker, No. 16, Cumberland-Street, Totenham-Street, [1795?].
100. Moser, Joseph, 1748-1819. Reflections on profane and judicial swearing. By Joseph Moser. London: printed and published, by V. Griffiths, No. 169, Strand. Sold also by M. Priestly, Paternoster Row, and J. Owen, Piccadilly, 1795.
101. Memoir of a few particulars, respecting Mrs. Jane Row, who departed this life June 27, 1795. London : printed for M. Priestly, Pater-noster-Row; Mr. Pyner, John Street, Mr. Cobbin, Hertford Street, Fitzroy-Square, and Mr. Porter, Tottenham-Court Road, [1795].
102. Woodd, Basil, 1760-1831. The duty of frugality, and the sin of waste considered, with a view to recommend Christian benevolence and good works. By Basil Woodd, M. A. Minister of Bentinck Chapel, St. Mary-Lebone, Lecturer of St. Peter's, Cornhill, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Leicester. London: printed and sold by C. Watt No 9, Queen-Street, Grosvenor-Square; and sold also by Rivingtons, Martin, Matthews, Priestly, Meredith, and Squie, Edgware-Road, 1795.
103. Woodd, Basil, 1760-1831. An address to young persons, on the nature and benefit of confirmation. By Basil Woodd ... London : printed and sold by C. Watts, sold also by Rivingtons, Martin, Matthews, Priestly, and Meredith, 1795.
104. Austin, David, 1759-1831. The downfal [sic] of mystical Babylon; or, a key to the providence of God. In the political operations of 1793-4. ... By David Austin, ... Edinburgh : printed for John Ogle; and sold by T. Chapman, Vernor & Hood, C. Dilly, T. Thomas, G. Terry, and Trapp and Priestly, London, 1795.
105. The Christians repository for the year 1797. Dedicated by permission to ... Lady Anne Erskine patroness of the connection instituted by the late ... Selina Countess Dowager of Huntingdon. London: printed &c; publish'd Octr. 1st. 1796. by G. Thompson, and sold by Priestley and Baines, and Champante &c; Whitrow, [1796].
106. Hart, J. Joseph, 1712-1768. Hymns, &c. composed on various subjects. By J. Hart. [The thirteenth edition, with the author's experience, the supplement, and appendix. Corrected from an edition printed under the author's inspection.] London: printed by T. Bensley; and sold by the author's daughter, No. 58, Golden Lane, opposite Bond's Brewhouse; Mrs. Newbury, the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate Street; M. Priestley, Paternoster Row; and at the meetings in Jewin Street and Barbican, 1796.
107. Moore, William, 1748 or 1749-1798. The millennium; or Latter day glory: a sermon. By Wm. Moore, Minister of Meeting House Yard, Red Cross Street. London: printed for the author: and sold by Chapman, Fleet Street; Mathews, in the Strand; Eutton [i.e. Button], and Priestley late Trap [sic] Pater-Noster-Row; Knot [sic], Lombard-Street; and the author, Meeting-House-Yard, 1796.
108. Brodbelt, George Campbell. Original essays on miscellaneous subjects in religion. By the Rev. George Campbell Brodbelt, Rector of Aston Sandford, and Perpetual Curate of Loudwater, Bucks. London: printed for the author; and sold by J. Mathews, No. 18, Strand; M. Priestley, Paternoster-Row; Calcott, Oxford; Marlin, Aylesbury; Stratton, Risborough; and Eades, High Wycombe, 1796.
109. Cooper, William, 1776-1848. Promised seed The promised Messiah. A sermon preached at Sion-Chapel, Whitechapel, to God's ancient people, the Jews, on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 28, 1796: With the Prayers and Hymns before and after Sermon. By William Cooper. London: sold by J. S. Jordan, 166, Fleet-Street; J. Mathews, Strand; T. Priestley, Paternoster-Row; T. Knott, Lombard-Street; A. Milne, Clare-Court, Clare-Market; W. Rowe, Marlborough-Street; Murgatroyd, Chiswell-Street; and by all the other Booksellers in Town and Country, [1796?].
110. Neale, Hannah [Henrietta]. Lady. Sacred history in familiar dialogues, for the instruction of children and youth. With an appendix, containing the history of the Jews, from the Time of Nehemiah to the Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans under Titus Vespasian. In sixteen letters. By a lady. With a recommendatory preface, by the Rev. John Ryland. ... London: printed for and sold by T. Gardiner, No. 19, Prince's street, Cavendish-Square; sold also by T. Chapman, No. 151, Fleet-Street; J. Mathews, Strand; W. Button, and T. Priestley, Paternoster-Row; J. Martin jun. No. 432, Oxford-Street; T. Conder, No. 32, Bucklersbury, and T. Knott, No. 47, Lombard-Street, 1796. [Compare this imprint with the previous one by Neale above: All are the same except Martha Priestley has been replaced by her new husband, Timothy Priestley; and two new additions, Thomas Conder, an Independent (he was the son of a prominent Independent minister and the father of Josiah Conder, later a leading evangelical dissenting journalist); and John Knott, a bookseller from a prominent Baptist family in London and Kent in both Particular and General Baptist churches.]
111. Cooper, William, 1776-1848. Promised seed. A sermon, preached to the ancient people of God, the Jews, at Sion Chapel, Union Street, Whitechapel, by Mr. Cooper, aged 20 Years, on the Lord's day afternoon, August the 28th, 1796. Taken in short hand by Ramsey and Marsom. London: printed for G. Thompson, No. 50, Old Bailey. And sold by Baines, Priestley, and Parsons, Paternoster-Row; Ramsey, Bell-Yard, Temple-Bar; Porter, Tottenham-Court-Road; and Heptinstall, and Pridden, Fleet Street, M.DCC.XCVI [1796].
112. Saurin, Jacques, 1677-1730. English Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, Pastor of the French Church at the Hague. ... . on the Attributes of God. By Robert Robinson. [Third edition.] London: printed for J. Murgatroyd, No. 73, Chiswell Street, Moorfields. Sold also by Mr. Dilly, in the Poultry; Vernor and Hood, Birchin Lane; Button and Priestley, Paternoster-Row; Mathews, Strand; D. Walker, Holborn; Binns, Leeds; Wilson and Spence, York; Laing, Ogle, Fairbairne, Hunter, and Constable, Edinburgh, 1796.
113. Scott, John, -1832. War inconsistent with the doctrine and example of Jesus Christ. In a letter to a friend. Recommended to the perusal of the professors of Christianity. By I. [John] Scott. London: printed and sold by Darton and Harvey No. 55, Gracechurch-Street, and sold by Matthews, 18, Strand; Chapman and Co. 161, Fleet-Street; Priestley, 1, Paternoster-Row; Eglin and Pepys, 38, Chiswell-Street, Finsbury-Square; and Phillips, in the City-Road, near Tabernacle-Row, [1796].
114. Scott, John, -1832. War inconsistent with the doctrine and example of Jesus Christ. In a Letter to a friend. Recommended to the perusal of the professors of Christianity. By I. [John] Scott. London: Printed and sold by Darton and Harvey, No. 55, Gracechurch-Street, and by Matthews, 18, Strand; Chapman and Co. 161, Fleet-Street: Priestley, 1, Pater-Noster-Row; and Eglin and Pepys, 38, Chiswell-Street, Finsbury-Square, 1796.
115. Ken, Thomas, 1637-1711. Manual of prayers. Selections A short collection of prayers, formerly annexed to the liturgy of the Church of England to which are added prayers suited to the holy communion selected from the Manual of Bishop Kenn. Re-Published by Basil Woodd, A. M. Minister of Bentinck Chapel, St. Mary-li-Bone, Lecturer of St. Peter's, Cornhill; and Chaplain to the Right Hon. The Earl of Leicester. London: printed and sold by C. Watts, No. 9, Queen-Street, Grosvenor-Square; sold also by Rivington, Priestly, Martin, Meredith; and Squibb, Edgeware-Road, 1796.
116. An introductory discourse, by Joseph Cockin; a charge, by Edward Parsons; and a sermon, by Samuel Bottomley: with the confession of faith, delivered on Tuesday, April 18, 1797, at the public separation of Samuel Wydown, to the pastoral office, in the independent church, Jubber-Gate, York. Leeds: printed by Binns and Brown; and sold by Chapman and Priestley, London; Binns and Langdon, Leeds; Wilson, Spence, and Mawman, York; Scolefield, Scarbro'; Edwards, Halifax; Smith, Sheffield; Thompson, Manchester; Brook, Huddersfield; and Rawson, Hull, [1797].
117. Palmer, Samuel, 1741-1813. Protestant-dissenter's catechism. Abridgments The protestant dissenter's catechism, designed to instruct and establish young persons among the dissenters, in the principles of nonconformity. Leeds: printed by Binns and Brown; sold by Chapman, and Priestley, London; also by Binns and Langdon, Leeds, 1797.