c. 1739-40
6. Philip Doddridge, Northampton,to an unknown correspondent [Thomas Scott, Sr, of Norwich], undated, and missing the first page, but clearly c. 1739-40.1
. . . End of their Course but there are 2 persons who have occurd to my Thoughts on this occasion. The one Mr Copplestone [paper torn] Ramsay where there is hardly Bread for a Minister to ye Shame of the People He is an ingenious serious good natured Man [paper torn] pretty far advanced in years. His principles are sound his Compositions judicious & elegant & on ye whole I can [paper torn] considering ye State of our Intrest that so worthy ^& considerable^ a Man at this Time of Life should be so poorly provided for. [paper torn] in a much better place in Hampshire whence he was cruelly driven away by the violence of a mad [paper torn] Faction. The other person I have thought of is Mr Robinson once my pupil eminently pious thoroughly [paper torn] 2 Characters are I think seldom separated (at least w[here] ye form is to be found) & tho he has a little a very little of [paper torn] in ye main an acceptable preacher. He refused a Living of 200£ a year in Scotland chusing a little wh [paper torn] has than all that abundance in ye Fire of Contention for ye Business of Patronage had been eagerly disputed [paper torn] offerd to him. He is now Assistant to Mr Dowley at Lutterworth & I believe is moveable. A better tem[? paper torn] ever knew. If ye good people at Harlston [paper torn] either of them will be long disengaged.
I heartily thank you, my dear & much honoured Friend for [the encouragement] given to my Family Expositor by your Means on wh account also I owe my thanks to my dear [paper torn] son at Ipswich (when I tenderly love & in whose known Reputation & usefulness I greatly rejoice. The [paper torn] is now come out. I shall direct Mr Hett to send 21 to your order hoping that considerations [paper torn] is now open to a Guinea on acct of ye Book being half as big again as was promised you will find [paper torn] in disposing of ye 18th at 16s on wh you become regularly intituled to a gd seventh Book. I [paper torn] any of your Friends before ye Second volume if you please to favour me wh them
I bless God I can conclude wh news you will hear wh pleasure Increase of real Religion amongst ye Dissenters flourishes greatly in these Parts. The Congregation of my ever [paper torn] the dear Excellent Mr Some at whose Name my Heart melts wh a mixture of horrors & of pleasures [paper torn] supplied by 2 excellent Youths bred under my Care Mr Wilkinson & Mr Aikin as Kettering is by another of [paper torn] also [?] to ye latter. Mr Pierce who after a years Trial was unanimously invited to settle [paper torn] few Days ago. Both these Congregations are numerous as ever & experienced Christians in both assure [paper torn] me they find food for their Souls under the preaching ^of these pious & ingenious Youths^. Welford is yet vacant, & Newport not yet [paper torn] tho there is wh them a most learned & ingenious youth educated in Scotland. To my great delight I see by far ye greater part of ye Pupils I have sent out judicious evangelicals & very [active] preachers many of them settled wh universal Satisfaction in large Congregations of wh Birmingham Banbury & Taunton are further Instances & I have no less 14 or 16 now under my Care (& among the rest 2 grandsons of Mr Henry) who if I forsee aright are like to be burning & shining for God is teaching me by my disappointments in some few that Success wh the rest is to be assented to himself. Let me Dear Sir intreat your prayers for me that I may be kept ever humble & dependent & may in all approve my Self to him to whom I desire above all to refer ye w[paper torn] ness of my Labours.
I hope Sir your goodness will excuse the broken Manner in which I write amidst very many Interruptions. My Wife joins wh me in humble Service to your self & Lady Miss & both the young Gentlemen your Sons. It is my hearty Prayer that your valuable Health may be confirmed & prolonged for eminent usefulness. & ^that God^ may give you growing Satisfaction in every Circumstance & Relation in publick & private Life
I am
with the utmost Respect
Revd & Hond Sir
Your most affectionate tho unworthy Brother
& most obedient
& obliged hum[ble] Servant
P Doddridge
I shall be very glad to hear from you again & to know how the State of our Interest stands your way
1 The letter mentions the Family Expositor (Volume 1 appeared in 1739 and Volume 2 in 1740, both by Richard Hett) and Coplestone once again (see previous letter), who was still with Doddridge at Northampton in 1739-40. References within the fragment point to Thomas Scott, especially the "7th set" of the Expositor that would soon be sent by Hett, for Scott had indeed subscribed to 7 sets in 1739. MS. from the Simon Gratz Collection 250B, Box 86, Folder 12, Historical Society of Pennsylvania. MS not previously known; letter not cited in Geoffrey F. Nuttall, Calendar of the Correspondence of Philip Doddridge (1979) nor in his Philip Doddridge: Additional Letters (2001).