7 November 1752

15. Job Orton, Salop [Shrewsbury], to Mrs. Philip Doddridge, Northampton, 7 November 1752 [postmarked from Shrewsbury].1

Salop Novr 7 1752


Dear Mam

I am favoured with yours of ye 21st & am very glad you consulted Mr Wort about ye Inscription – I like wt he has sent you very well, & know not how to make any particular Remarks on wt is drawn up by so good a Judge of proprietty & elegance – I think it is full long, & it appears to me to have been grounded on a Supposition, yt it was intended to be put up at ye desire & expence of ye Congregation, because of ye general Expressions in Line 14 & 15 – he has retained many of my thoughts – but rejected wt was added in my last Line, as I suppose he might think it too much of ye presbyterian Dialect. – The Form in which he has thrown it is so different from mine, that I know not how to introduce ye lines you mention, without spoiling ye symmetry of Composition – The most proper place for them is after Line 14th of his, thus


I also lament him

This Stone also silently, but strongly, admonishes

His once beloved Flock;

And records a friendly, but faithful Testimony

To the many amiable, & Xtian Virtues,

Which adorned his more private Character.


By this addition ye Inscription will be broke into 2 Sentences & there will be a proper pause in reading after lament him.  Whereas as it now stands, the whole except ye 2 last Lines, is one Single Sentence, without a period, which is my only objection agt it – but perhaps, as it is so neat & so expressive, it had much better stand as it does without any alteration. – But this I leave to you –

I am surprized & pleased at your Son’s Determination & I hope it was a kind providence, wch threw so many Bars in ye Way of his former Inclinations – I heartily wish him ye greatest pleasure & success in his intended pursuit, & shall now with peculiar Satisfaction write to him when my Time will permit – but I have been much taken up with finishing ye first part of ye last Vol of ye Expr which went to London last Tuesday have also wrote at large to Mr Godwyn & wait his answer, before I can compleat ye Revelation –

I am much concerned to hear of Mr Jekyls Death, but am in some hope it may be a Mistake, as we had no hint of it in ye public papers – I am           

Dear Mam

Your affectionate & obliged Friend

& humble Servt

J Orton


I do not like ye 10th Line of Mr Wort’s as ye Idea of much longer is included in perpetuated   Yet I know not how to alter it.


P.S.  Since I wrote ye above the papers have confirmed your Acct of Mr Jekyl’s Death – I am truly sorry for ye Loss of so worthy & helpful a Man – I have also had your Sons Letter, for which I thank him – I will send ye Watch & Sermon to Coventry this week, if I can hear of a safe Conveyance, & will write to him perhaps by next post


To the Memory of

Philip Doddridge D D,

21 Years Pastor of this Church,

Director of a flourishing Academy,

and Author of many excellent Writings,

By which

his pious, benevolent, & indefatigable Zeal

To make men wise, & good, & happy,

Will far better be made known,

And perpetuated much longer,

Than by this perishable Marble:

The humble Monument, not of his Praise

But of their Esteem Affection & Regret

Who know him, loved him, & lament him;

And who are desirous of recording in this Inscription

Their friendly but faithful Testimony

To the many amiable and Christian Virtues

Which adorned his more private Character


He was born Jan 26 1702

Died in the 50.th year of his age, Oct 26 1751

1 Thomas Raffles Collection, John Rylands University Library of Manchester, ENG. MS. 371, f. 95. Due to its date, the letter does not appear in Nuttall's Calendar (1979) or his Philip Doddridge: Additional Letters (2001).