6 May 1736 

3. Philip Doddridge, [Northampton], to the Revd William Chapman, Bethnal Green, London, 6 March [May] 1736.1

Revd Sr

        Mr Wilkinson was my Pupil four years & afterwards my Assistant he is so pious learnd & friendly a man, so remarkably modest & steddy in all his Conduct & so excellent a Preacher that I know few young persons that deserve equal Regard. I have a very peculiar Friendship for him & I beg leave to assure you & all my Brethren at your Board that what ever you do for him will oblige me as much as if it were done for

                        Revd & dear Sir

                                    Your & their most affect Brother

                                                 & much obliged humble Servt

                                                             P Doddridge

Daventry March 6. 1736


 Address: For | Revernd Mr Chapman | at Bethnall [sic] Green | near London

Postmark: not readable

Note on address page: "Recommendation of Mr Wilkinson at Creaton May 6. 1736." [unknown hand]

1 Collection MSG 1215, ALS Collection, Special Collections, McGill University Library, Montreal, Canada. Letter does not appear in Geoffrey F. Nuttall, Calendar of the Correspondence of Philip Doddridge (1979), but does appear in his Philip Doddridge: Additional Letters (2001).  This letter would belong between letters 444 and 445 in Nuttall's Calendar. The date appears to be incorrrect and later corrected.